due to an unexpected cooling issue at our Nuremberg Data Center [...] Some servers may not be reachable
My mind:
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
What's up at the Department of Unnecessary Projects #DepUnPr lately?
Here is Oliver ( #vala / #gtk4 / #libadwaita ) running on #osx (12.4, x86_64)
theme is WhiteSur; decoration layout forced in app (both just to make it blend a little more in osx); bundler script adapted from System76 Keyboard Configurator; #gtk4, #libadwaita via homebrew.
(I know: adwaita is a GNOME thing, custom themes are bad, it should be pure gtk etc etc ... , but I had it around and it was small enough for a test)
On a more useful note, while playing with this I've update Oliver interface and added some features and fixed some bugs. I could publish a new version soon.
I would like to release it as a #flatpak, but I'm not sure how to handle running php as as subprocess...
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As editor I've used VSCode which has plugins for vala, blueprint and meson language support, very nice.
As I said, I've adapted the script to bundle everything in a osx app from @System76 :popos: :ubuntu: repo (thank you :D). It supports also signing, but I don't have this need.
It was really a smooth experience. 👍
Prima legge dei sistemi operativi
- se è windows e funziona, è merito di windows
- se è windows e non funziona, è colpa del produttore hardware che non sa fare i driver
- se è linux e non funziona, è colpa di linux
- se è linux e funziona, no guarda, è un caso, una anomalia statistica, probabilmente sei un nerd che non ha una vita
Seconda legge dei sistemi operativi
- se è windows e si rompe, lo risolvi tranquillamente con un formattone riparatore
- se è linux e si rompe, è complicato, non è stabile e sinceramente non posso vivere così.
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No, fortunatamente avevo deciso alla cieca di venire in ufficio a piedi.
La foto è stata fatta passando alla stazione di arrivo.
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Calibro 35 - Traitors
09 Calibro 35 - Traitors [Record Kicks]
Download: http://ks.kud.li/rkx046Subscribe: http://sb.kud.li/recordkickscatalogueOfficial stream from Record Kicks. Distributed by Kudos Records.On Amazon: ...YouTube
@Fabio @albertuxone e io ho invitato questo pisano qui per una pizza a casa mia questa primavera. ma non se lo merita!
(explanation for people who don't speak italian: I invited albertuxone for homemade pizza this spring, but I'm having second thoughts on whether he deserves it)
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I was playing with my "FediBadge" generator I created some time ago
I noticed that it doesn't show Person avatar of People from Friendica.
The thing uses webfinger to find the ActivitiyStream json representation of the acct from the user, and it get it's data from there.
Now I noticed that "icon" and 'image' properties are missing when I request a user profile with 'Accept:application/activity+json" from Friendica.
I looked at code and I found there:
that 'icon' and 'image' and other profile proprties are behind $full
flag, that for what I understand, is true if request is http-signed and from a 'live' contact of the profile.
(so, false for any anonymous get)
If the profile is public, that data is present on the html version of the profile.
This break my code, which is unfortunate, but also looks like it has the consequence that on mastodon (and others I think), when searching for a profile that is not already cached locally, ther
@Michael Vogel
no, the point was to work for every AS implementation, using standard AS.
But ok, it's only a toy, it's not important.
Still all data is available, in machine-parsable format, in html rendering, as hCard microformat. If anyone want to scrape my public avatar from my public profile, they can do it anyway.
You think "I know, I can fix them using threads".
Now yuo hvea npareermcof smloprbe in uoyr app.
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Trying to do some coding in Vala live
The goal is to write a Glib implementation of lesana as a library in Vala....
@Fabio just as we were leaving the computer for dinner :D
so, we're probably not going to watch this time (unless you're still there later)
This message does not exist
I received an intriguing notification in the Microsoft Outlook 365 web interface: "This message can't be saved because it no longer exists. It can only be discarded. Make sure you copy the contents of the message before you discard if you want to use them later. " I have some ontological questions.www.kmjn.org
Here I am one again #fighting against #appstreamcli validate
given this (image urls are not important here)
<image type="source" xml:lang="en">https://[...].png</image>
<screenshot type="default">
<image type="source" xml:lang="en">https://[...].png</image>
appstreamcli validate
complainsE: [...]: screenshot-image-source-missing
A screenshot must have at least one image of type `source`.
... ok?
this works:
<image type="source">https://[...].png</image>
but them flathub validation will complains that a lang attribute is required.
So here I am once again commenting out ninja test
End note:
$ appstreamcli --version
AppStream version: 1.0.1
Oh, also:
E: [...]: custom-key-duplicated Purism::form_factor
A key can only be used once.
Confy 0.7.1
Tobias Bernard likes this.
New little toy project in #vala #gtk4 / #libadwaita : Oliver, a simple GUI for PHPStan.
Select a folder, it runs phpstan found in vendor/bin
subfolder, shows (searchable) results, monitors reported file for modification to automatically analyze project while coding.
It's called Oliver because, you know... Stan... Oliver...
Code here:
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It's been a while from my last post on behalf of the Department of Unnecessary Projects #DepUnPr
So here is the "UEFI bootable slide show"
An UEFI executable that load tga uncompressed images from disk and display them as a slideshow in loop.
for when you feel the urge to show some photos and you can't wait for a full os to boot up.
(thanks to @Elena ``of Valhalla'' for inspiring this thing.)
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update : #bugReport
upss, this was BS!
I missed the fact that simply ticking the boost button the boost get's "untoggled" and their for deleted,
Anyway, do you plan to create a
bugreport profile or something like that on: toot.fedilab.app
Also, have you thought about pinning a bug report and/or feature request template on your profile like for example:
Pantographia; containing accurate copies of all the known alphabets in the world; together with an English explanation of the peculiar force or power of each letter: to which are added, specimens of all well-authenticated oral languages. Forming a compreh
Place of publication within ornamental deviceInternet Archive
⛧Satanist⛧ likes this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
@Fabio non che io l'abbia letta per intero (ancora :D ), ho fatto passare un po' di pagine.
forse qualche affermazione corretta la fa. forse :D
@Fabio e non glie ne si può fare una colpa, eh.
è più una considerazione su come faccia impressione quanto certe cose di linguistica che oggi sembrano universalmente note e scontate siano scoperte relativamente recenti
Today's fun rabbit hole: there's a mechanical watch feature called a "hack". Why is it called that?
as a single page post: apthread.kirgroup.net/t/9b/5c/…
Hey @Cube Drone ! I liked "Detective Capilano and the Case of the Car Crash that Was Also Maybe A Murder? This Title is Too Long." 👍😀
Bada a quello stopper
Provided to YouTube by Believe SASBada a quello stopper · Latte e i suoi derivatiSei sicuro che era solamente tabacco?℗ Don't Worry SrlReleased on: 1997-01-0...YouTube
Confy 0.7.0
Confy 0.7.0 has been released
This is the first release with a brand new UI written in Gtk4/libadwaita, using Blueprint for UI definition!
User interaction has been revisited, while being mostly similar to the previous version: gone is the tab switcher in headbar, now starred talks can be found in navbar. Gone is also the map view (for now, at least).
Adding new conferences from URL is now done via a nice dialog, and editing of user-added conferences is done directly in the conference list view. Which is now a window by it's own, used as an "open" dialog.
There are some new shortcuts, like the "<primay>-c" shortcuts to copy the current talk details as plain text in clipboard.
The talk search can now be filtered to match only starred talks and there are two search "mode": the global search, activated by the button over in the navigation header and by the '<primary>-f' shortcut, and the "current list" search, which search in current talk list for
I'm sure I'm missing something and I'm sure I've missed more than something testing this, so please open tickets on the tracker (tickets can be opened also via email just sending a text/plain
mail to ~fabrixxm/confy@todo.sr.ht or
There is also a fix from ~edwardbetts for events that are after UTC midnight. Thanks!
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British Holidays Ruined by Greek Fires!
As wildfires rage, the question is: who are the real victims? Jonathan Goodenough reports...Satirical political comedy sketch from the comedian Matt Green.Se...YouTube
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Fabio • • •@Fabio I have no idea why you're writing this, but it sounds like a perfectly reasonable plan.
should I look South East for smoke signals and interpret them as XMPP over IP over Smoke Signals?
should I have sent this message via HTTPs over IP over Carrier Pidgeon?
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •xmpp over irc over talk over ip over smoke signals
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' and Hypolite Petovan like this.