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Work in progress on "Collector"

Collector is a #GNOME collection manager based on lesana, still #wip. Lately I found the time (and the will) to get back to hack on it.

Collection entries now can be added and edited, using specific widget per field type, with input validation.
Field types are been updated to be in sync to latest lesana release.

( This collection can be browse online at )

A GtkSourceView allow edit yaml fields (with validation)

Still many thing doesn't works as it should: textviews expand instead of wrap text, settings dialog don't fit on phone, fields can't be removed nor ordered, git integration is to do and entry list view needs speed up...

#wip icon for a (not really) new #wip project: Collector, an app to organize collections of various kinds, built on top of lesana

(symbolic icon is still to do...)

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