Buckle up, friends, it’s time for the real life “I fart in your general direction”: Marquis Francesco Gonzaga’s unforgettable reply to the 1503 duel challenge from Galeazzo Sanseverino.
(Teaser countdown to the book release of “Inventing the Renaissance” day 4.) #HistoryPix 1/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
Yesterday I shared a thread introducing Galeazzo Sanseverino “Son of Fortune”, the famously handsome mercenary captain and lover of Duke Ludovico Visconti-Sforza who held such sway in his beloved’s city that the Milanese called him “the Second Duke,” 2/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
Everyone doted on Galeazzo, even the French generals he fought wars against! And also the nearly-impossible-to-please Isabella d’Este, sister of the Duke of Ferrara, the famous art lover, patroness of Leonardo da Vinci, and the most easily affronted woman in the Renaissance. 3/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
The only people who did *not* love the dashing and fortunate Galeazzo were rival mercenary commanders who lost out on valuable commissions leading Milan’s armies as Ludovico started promoting his beloved over all others. 4/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
Trusting one’s lover with one’s armies was (not a bad tactic, since your true love *will not* change sides for cash mid-war, like mercenaries so often did) – for a sample of strategic side-changing see William Caferro’s fabulous book on John Hawkwood 5/?…
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
One rival who lost out through Galeazzo’s promotion was Francesco Gonzaga Marquess of Mantua, a formidable military commander and ruler of a very militarily important city-state strategically positioned in the intersection of Milan’s territory, Venice’s, and Ferrara’s. 6/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
Francesco Gonzaga came from *extremely* noble stock: his mother and grandmother were kinswomen of the Holy Roman Emperors, his sister Elizabetta the Duke of Urbino, and he himself married the splendid Isabella d’Este (sister of Galeazzo’s lover Ludovico’s wife Beatrice, who also *loved* Galeazzo). 7/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
When tensions mounted until Galeazzo challenged Francesco Gonzaga to a duel (by letter), Francesco began his unforgettable reply with: “Prù—this is a fart sound I make with my mouth with the addition of a fuck-you gesture (manichetto) and a fig sign.” 8/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
Gonzaga, the letter continues, was lord of the great city of Mantua, Galeazzo a born vagabond who lived “like dogs do at the expense of others,” a prostitute famous only for his “ass favors,” adding “I have my parties at the door of others, not at mine,” i.e. when I have gay sex I’m on the top, you’re on the bottom! 9/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
Such ferocious sexual language was not unusual from Gonzaga, a man who often sealed his letters, not with a signet ring with his coat of arms, but an image from an ancient Roman brothel token depicting a couple having anal sex. 10/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
In antiquity, these coin-like tokens depicting different sex acts were bought at the central cashier of brothels and redeemed inside, like ordering off a menu with tokens with a photo of the food, and Gonzaga was a collector of antiquities, especially *crude* antiquities. 11/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
Ancient Rome left us *thousands* of phalluses: phallus-shaped lamps, ceramic good luck phalluses displayed by the doors of shops to bring abundance, the many phalluses broken off of ancient statues by accidents or deliberate art censorship, and Gonazaga was one of many collectors. 12/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
For those wondering, Gonzaga *did not* use the brothel token to seal letters to his wife Isabella d’Este, he had a more formal seal for such matters – there are fascinating collections of their letters, showing their negotiated co-rule of Mantua and almost good-cop-bad-cop balancing of performance of power. 13/?…
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
Gonzaga also had a love-affair with his sister-in-law Lucrezia Borgia, wife of Isabella’s brother Duke Alfonso d’Este of Ferrara. Lucrezia’s more famous affair was with the poet-scholar Pietro Bembo, whose exchange poetic romantic letters Byron called “The Prettiest love letters in the world.” 14/?…
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
The Lucrezia-Gonzaga letters are *not like that*, and much more along the lines of “Let me describe my enormous penis.” “I love when you describe your enormous penis!” Their contrast with the Lucrezia-Bembo letters reveal Lucrezia as who enjoyed many different genres of love & relationship. 15/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
Francesco Gonzaga’s refusal to duel Galeazzo Sanseverino, though hilariously dramatic, was also strategic, magnifying the differences between the two of them in order to avoid risking losing face if he lost the duel against Galeazzo. 16/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
Given that this is 1503, many are surprised to see gay sex be so overt, both in Gonzaga’s letter and Galezzo’s relationship with Duke Ludovico, a gay relationship fully public in the face of all Italy. Didn’t the Inquisition police such things with an iron fist? Yes *and* no 17/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
The answer is that Renaissance justice was extremely malleable if one had *political influence* meaning in the period *patronage*. If you were powerful (duke, marquis, cardinal) you *and those in your favor* could get away with anything, and not just local enforcement but even the Inquisition didn’t dare interfere. 18/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
There’s a letter from a friend in Rome to Machiavelli saying Rome is cracking down on homosexuality, and all their gay friends *who don’t work for cardinals* are scared & doing things like hiring female prostitutes to hang around & make them look straight. Those who work for cardinals are safe. 19/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
Elite favor created bubbles of liberty beyond the law. We even have letters of inquisitors complaining to each other about dukes insisting their courtiers and favorite scholars be allowed to have and read banned books, and that they can do nothing. 20/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
The Inquisition needed local authorities to cooperate with them, lend them troops, jail cells etc., and the popes were from political families and needed allies, and would rather let the Duke of Milan parade his boyfriend around than piss him off in the middle of a French invasion. 21/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
This applied high & low: in Florence, a carpenter who works for a middlingly-important family gets in trouble, he writes to his employer, they write to a bigger family they serve, & a letter from Lorenzo de Medici or Palla Strozzi gets the sentence on the books (death!) reduced to a small fine 22/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
This is why those goons at the start of Romeo & Juliet are willing to risk their lives for the Montagues & Capulets: Lord Capulet is their social safety net, who’ll care for them if they’re disabled, raise their orphans if they’re killed, get them off if they commit crimes, and protect them if they’re queer. 23/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
This flexible judicial system—one sentence on the books, a much lighter one if someone important writes a letter—is how homosexuality, radical heterodoxy etc. could be illegal yet *not* covert, and how the ferocious sentence in the law (Off with his head! Off with his hands!) was so rarely enforced that it’s the aberration, not the norm. 24/?
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
I treat the entanglement of patronage and law at much greater length in “Inventing the Renaissance,” how it bound every layer of society together in a system whose coercive power is a cheering reminder that, while today’s society has many flaws, we have taken some real steps toward equality. 25/?
More tomorrow, hope you enjoyed!
Jason Miller mastodon (AP)
v. much looking forward to the release! (my local bookshop:… )
Eli the Bearded mastodon (AP)
As far as I'm aware, there is no evidence of these tokens being used at brothels. There's a theory, supported by some evidence of these being found in bath houses, they they worked like coat check tags for people taking a bath. The choice of imagery reflecting not use but the Roman sense of humor.
Ada Palmer mastodon (AP)
@elithebearded Most relevantly its likely what Gonzaga believed it was when he adopted it as a personal seal back in the 1400s.
Eli the Bearded mastodon (AP)
Pretty sure the brothel token idea dates to the Victorian era.
Dunkelflaute 👽 mastodon (AP)
I mean it's certainly possible to interpret it that way, but it wouldn't have occurred to me.
Jon Roach mastodon (AP)
WOW what a portrait! 🤣


MWL Book Quote Bot hometown (AP)
We elite Lynx users don't need modern security anyway. We're just wiser that way. The Internet was better without images and ecommerce. Get off my lawn.



I don't know why but I am thinking about sea grapes again. Sea grapes are single-cell algae that can grow up to 5 cm in diameter. And it's not the biggest single-cell organism, even.


Owlet of Minerva mastodon (AP)

“AI slop” doesn’t cover it. It’s more like “I stepped in a pile of hot AI poop again.” Literally, if you look closer at the illustration.

I was searching for “fire heat radiation.” When a slightly promising article started going over the same basics of conduction, convection, and radiation for the third time, I got suspicious and looked closer at the illustrations. “Hot poop” indeed.

Brought to you by firecarry dot com, “A Trusted Source for Fire Education” 🤡



Charlie Stross mastodon (AP)
Attn @lauren — the LLM spewage is everywhere…
Psychiatrist for household appliances seems to have a bright future as a profession…
Questa voce è stata modificata (1 settimana fa)
Charlie Stross mastodon (AP)
I have Plans along these lines for my next space opera (not the one I'm currently redrafting: the one after that): in which the wealthy live like 18th century aristocrats—lots of human flunkies everywhere but an Amish approach to electronics and AI—while the poor live in a demon-haunted world where you have to shout at the taps if you want a shower.
Questa voce è stata modificata (1 settimana fa)
Diana Wynne Jones' House of Many Ways did something of a fantasy version of this, with Kobolds providing magical housekeeping services, but going on strike.
SpeakerToManagers mastodon (AP)
Frederick Brown wrote a novel titled “What Mad Universe” in which machines of the complexity of a sewing machine or greater attained sentience and, being pissed at what they considered enslavement, took off.
Satata Fashion mastodon (AP)

Fabio friendica

Confy 0.8.0

Hey! Confy 0.8.0 has been released!

In this release :

  • Updated UI to latest Adwaita widgets and style
  • An handy list of latest opened conferences at start (and in application menu)
  • Talks list grouping can be set by user. Is there a multi-room track and you want to group the list of talks by room? Now you can!
  • Fixed and enhanced XML parsing for past events (I know... better later than never!), eg: try to not panic on not expected date formats, try to handle completely different xml structures, extract and show speakers avatar if available. Man, I love the ever changing world of unstandardized XML schedule format!

Updated screenshots on official home page:

and in your nearest appstream-enabled appstore!

I would like to thank everyone who helped with code, tickets, distro packaging and general moral support :)

If you want to contribute, jump in the dev mailing list at… or open a ticket at
(and you don't even need to create an account on sourcehut, just send an email to ~fabrixxm/confy-dev (a) or ~fabrixxm/confy (a) )

3 4

lproven mastodon (AP)

«Claudia de Breij: This cartoon by Ann Telnaes was rejected by the Washington Post, the newspaper purchased by Jeff Bezos.
The creator has resigned because she believes that free press is a prerequisite for democracy. What if we spread this cartoon _en masse_ today?»…

A few people offer bags of money to a statue of a fat man with a long tie.
In front of the stairs leading up to the statue lies an apparently dead Micky Mouse (the only one containing color in the greyscale drawing)
lproven mastodon (AP)

@ArnimRanthoron Um. I think you are misinterpreting the image, both misreading what is shown and also missing important details.

* The "big man" is a depiction of Donald Trump. His obesity is exaggerated.

* The size reflects power and status (of being president elect), and not that it's a statue, I think.

* Trump is depicted with tiny hands.

* Mickey is _genuflecting_ not dead.

* The figures offering moneybags are paying tribute.

* Two of them are recognisably Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. The other _may_ be Tim Cook.

* There is another figure not offering tribute, the one with lipstick; it may be J D Vance or Matt Gaetz. (I am not American and don't pay that much attention to its political figures.)

* Mickey is not the only figure in colour; Bezos' jacket is blue.

Kenobit mastodon (AP)

In che senso è l'account "Ufficiale" di Peertube in Italia?

Quanto è problematico, in ottica di decentralizzazione, che un'istanza si presenti con il nome Peertube e la dicitura "ufficiale", con tanto di logo?

Decentralizzazione significa che non esistono istanze ufficiali. Il resto è accentramento.

Le parole sono importanti e questi atteggiamenti sono un grande ostacolo per la divulgazione del Fediverso.

Mi sembra scorretto anche nei confronti di @Framasoft

1 5
El Salvador mastodon (AP)

hanno già richiesto la donazione quotidiana? :]


Trammell Hudson mastodon (AP)
If you prefer using a "paper" agenda, you might like my hyperlinked PDF page-a-day calendar generator optimized for the reMarkable tablet:
Vysogota mastodon (AP)
the cal generator looks great but do you by any chance have a suggestion for an open-source friendly alternative to the tablet?
Trammell Hudson mastodon (AP)
Major new feature for my e-ink page-a-day calendar generator: it can read iCal files and create entries for events. On the reMarkable you can scp the new PDF atop the existing file to update the document with your online scheduled appointments while preserving your hand annotations.

dealingwith mastodon (AP)

"This is literally a DDoS on the entire internet.

"I am so tired."…

"Summing up the top [user agent] groups, it looks like my server is doing 70% of all its work for these fucking LLM training bots that don't to anything except for crawling the fucking internet over and over again."

This sticker showed up next to our EWSD exchange at #38C3 earlier today... @c3fax

Trames mastodon (AP)

Dal Corriere di Bologna.

Red Sox, il tassista pro-Pos di Bologna: «Cacciato dalla coop, i colleghi mi deridono: ora guadagno meno ma rifarei tutto»

Di Federica Nannetti.

Il conducente che si batte per la trasparenza sulle auto espulso da Cotabo: «Dicono che mi hanno battuto. La mia auto imbrattata con simboli fascisti sistemata con le donazioni: una parte devoluta alla Casa delle donne»

È successo un po’ di tutto nel 2024 di Roberto Mantovani, taxista conosciuto anche come Red Sox e nel tempo diventato amato e al contempo odiato per la sua battaglia alla trasparenza del settore: la cacciata da Cotabo e la conseguente riorganizzazione del lavoro con non poche ripercussioni economiche, l’imbrattamento della sua auto con simboli razzisti e misogini, poi trasformato in una raccolta fondi per la Casa delle donne per non subire violenza, la pubblicazione di un libro che molti colleghi «vorrebbero cadesse nel dimenticatoio». Eppure lui non ha mai rinunciato e mai rinuncerà ai suoi valori; rifarebbe tutto per filo e per segno. E a metà gennaio presenterà ufficialmente la nuova grafica del taxi, rimesso a nuovo dopo gli atti vandalici, dedicata al centro antiviolenza e al contrasto alla violenza contro le donne.

Roberto Mantovani, come è andata la raccolta fondi?

«Benissimo. Entro il 30 dicembre consegnerò l’assegno alla Casa delle donne. La nuova grafica del taxi, che verrà presentata a metà gennaio, è già tutta pagata e grazie alle donazioni sono avanzati oltre 20 mila euro netti per la Casa. Un evento spiacevole lo si è riusciti a trasformare in un bel gesto: tantissime persone, molte da fuori Bologna o regione, hanno donato, sentendo la Casa delle donne come un patrimonio di Bologna ma anche dell’intero Paese. Forse anche nella speranza di avere centri simili ovunque».

Come sarà la nuova grafica?

«Il messaggio sarà immutato, dunque dedicato alla Casa delle donne e al contrasto alla violenza di genere e ai femminicidi. Ma sarà molto diversa e rinnovata; ha anche visto la partecipazione di un artista, Mauro Biani, che ha donato, gratuitamente, alcuni suoi disegni».

Il 2024 è stato anche l’anno della cacciata da Cotabo.

«Sono rimasto scottato, deluso da molte persone, colleghi, sindacalisti. Quando mi ridono in faccia, ai posteggi, dicendomi di avermi battuto… rimango deluso dalla prepotenza e dalla sfacciataggine».

Ci sono state ripercussioni negative?

«Soprattutto economiche, perché le cifre incassate prima adesso sono impossibili. Ora ho la prova materiale, tecnica, di un guadagno nettamente inferiore, come prima l’avevo di altre cifre. Senza chiamate, vado direttamente in aeroporto, in stazione e in piazza Maggiore, con molti chilometri a vuoto e una perdita di almeno il 40%. In ogni caso sono orgoglioso di quello che sono e di quello che ho fatto. Rifarei tutto: guadagno meno ma sono più contento; e non avrei mai potuto fare finta di nulla».

Molti colleghi l’hanno attaccata per le sue battaglie sul pos e sulla trasparenza, ma quest’anno sono stati sul piede di guerra anche per l’introduzione di nuove licenze da parte del Comune. Cosa ne pensa?

«Hanno continuato a raccontare la “balla” del numero di taxisti sufficiente, quando tutti hanno sempre saputo della necessità di licenze in più. Un atteggiamento egoistico, un mentire alla cittadinanza, che ha diritto a un servizio pubblico. L’ultimo sciopero dei taxisti di Bologna è stato fallimentare».

Quest’anno ha anche pubblicato un libro, edito da Garzanti.

«Una grande soddisfazione, soprattutto per quanto sono riuscito a tirare fuori. Abbiamo però notato come tutti i taxisti d’Italia siano stati zitti sul libro, come se tutte le cooperative avessero emanato un ordine a non parlarne. Mai nessuno, da maggio a ora, ha nominato o citato il libro, che evidentemente si ha la necessità di far dimenticare. Forse c’è paura delle tante verità contenute all’interno, a partire dagli incassi: verità che non possono negare o confutare, perché ci sono le prove. Di conseguenza tutto deve essere dimenticato».…

Se un lavoratore onesto come Roberto Mantovani viene lasciato fuori, dando ragione a agli altri... Il sindacato ha fallito. Mi fa ridere quando indicono scioperi generali, perché la verità dei fatti è qui. Mi piacerebbe ascoltare cosa ne pensano i vertici e come agiscono? Un sindacalista che va contro Roberto, dovrebbe essere cacciato via, non Mantovani.

@versodiverso @ALFA

dubito che i taxisti aderiscano ai sindacati di lavoratori dipendenti.

non sono dipendenti, sono piccoli proprietari di licenze, che si associano liberamente in cooperative che non sono altro che moderne corporazioni.

Leo :mastodon: mastodon (AP)
@versodiverso i sindacati in questione non sono i confederali, bensì sindacati autonomi come ce ne sono tanti in realtà monopolistiche come quella. Vere e proprie corporazioni di stampo fascista (lo si capisce pure dalle scritte sull'auto, oltre che dalle normali modalità che hanno). Nulla hanno a che vedere con il sindacalismo tradizionale.
@Trames @ALFA
Giovanni mastodon (AP)
Grande italiano : lui è un vero patriota e non i miserabili fascisti

eon 🐀 sharkey (AP)

you are not immune to waiting mode

#rat #rats #ratsOfMastodon #ratsOfFediverse #comic #adhd #meme


lproven mastodon (AP)

My colleague Julius

by Ploum…

<- I haven't met anyone this bad, but it's a parody; even so, my strong feeling is that such people constitute the bulk of management and marketing at tech companies.

lproven mastodon (AP)

@tgent_fens I may be a STEM graduate but I've studied some humanities. The story is as much in the interpretation, as in the writer's intention.

But I've posted @ploum blog posts before. His English is superb but it's not his first language.

I think he did not mean Julius was an AI. I think Julius was meant as a human throughout. I've met and worked with many people like this: working as specialists in a field where they do not in fact know what the thing that they're specialists in *IS*.

The AI comes in at the end and it's called AI.

The intention here, IMHO, is:

1. There are people who are totally incompetent but who look and sound good, and management tends to love that.

(1a: this is partly because management often has zero understanding of what the menial workers actually *do*.)

2. Julii can and do thrive and prosper despite doing nothing useful.

3. Julii succeed by forcing colleagues to do _more_ work.

4. The setup up many organisational hierarchies encourages this. It is common. Some of the workers know, but management does not.

(5. Julii may not even know that they are useless. They may even think that they are doing good work.)

6. A few smart managers may know this but do not know the real cost.

7. "AI" is the new automated Julii. It will thrive & make workers' lives worse.

Tim Gent mastodon (AP)
yes, that is how I read the intention. My own interpretation does contain some ambiguity. Possibly because I fear a future where Julii and AI are indistinguishable. Or at least feed off each other and create a perfect storm.
Questa voce è stata modificata (3 settimane fa)

𝓻𝓻𝓪 hometown (AP)

How to Build an Electrically Heated Table?…

With once again great illustrations by @marieverdeil


lproven mastodon (AP)

Kowloon Walled City: Heterotopia in a Space of Disappearance…

The Kowloon Walled City is known by many as the informal settlement that once existed seemingly out of place within modern Hong Kong. […] It was often considered an anomaly… »


Niki Tonsky mastodon (AP)
I propose we replace semantic versioning with pride versioning


Clara mastodon (AP)

I have just implemented one of the most cursed thing ever!
An implementation of Conway's Game of Life in a MANUAL PAGE, by abusing the Turing completeness of the roff language.

On most systems (a system that uses groff and man-db), the following command will give you a live demonstration:
$ curl… | man -l -

Support for other roff implementations such as mandoc is planned.

You can find more about it here:


Questa voce è stata modificata (1 mese fa)

lproven mastodon (AP)

Why Do Animals Adopt?…

Taking responsibility for another’s young reveals the deep evolutionary roots of care.



MilanoInMovimento mastodon (AP)


Oggi una trentina di operai edili si sono presentati nel cantiere di via Silvio Pellico, dove è in corso una ristrutturazione, per protestare contro il mancato pagamento degli stipendi da due mesi. Quattro di loro hanno occupato una gru mentre gli altri li sostengono da sotto.
Si tratterebbe dell'ennesimo caso di catena di subappalti che farebbe capo, in questo caso, a COIMA, gigante immobiliare e vero "padrone del vapore" di Milano.
La goccia che avrebbe fatto traboccare il vaso sarebbe stata l'intimazione fatta agli operai da parte dell'azienda subappaltatrice di non presentarsi in cantiere oggi.
La pratica dei subappalti ha lo scopo fondamentale di ridurre selvaggiamente il costo del lavoro e deresponsabilizzare i datori di lavoro di tutto ciò che non funziona.

Questa voce è stata modificata (1 mese fa)

😀🚲 mastodon (AP)

SHOCKING DEVELOPMENT a turing-complete programming language for writing programs in the style of clickbait news headlines


This is wild.

❝In 2008, a Mexico City metro station was the site of an hours-long fight between emo, punk, and goth groups.

In the mid-to-late decade of the 2000s, subcultures in Mexico were often referred to negatively as “urban tribes,” and many were united by considering emos, the newest tribe, as their enemy. The emo subculture that reached its peak in this decade differed from the “original” emo movement of the 1980s and many of its characteristics were seen as having been plagiarized from early subcultures. Glam rock pioneered the androgyny, the dark and frizzled hair owes a lot to new wave and goth, while their music was similar to the pop-punk of the turn of the millennium.

Hatred against emos was widespread in many countries, mainly by other “tribes” such as goths and punks, but in Mexico and its capital city, the animosity was particularly commonplace and strong. The aforementioned androgyny might have been crucial in the reaction towards this group of people, as homophobic slurs and attitudes were often incorporated into anti-emo sentiments. Two years before the “war” in 2008, another well-publicized altercation occurred in the Metro Insurgentes roundabout between emos and punks, which led to police intervention.

The Metro Insurgentes roundabout is one of the main transport hubs near the City’s Zona Rosa (Pink Zone). For decades, it has been a crucial meeting point for countercultural and LGTBQ+ movements. While generally peaceful and tolerant, on March 15, 2008, a large gathering of people belonging to the emo subculture found themselves attacked by a group incorporating members of the city’s punk, neo-rockabilly, and goth tribes (locally known as “darketos”).

The conflict was estimated to have lasted up to five hours, on and off, but its definitive end came about in appropriately absurd fashion. While there was police intervention to prevent any major injuries, the actual end of the confrontation came about when a group of Hare Krishna followers entered the roundabout, inviting both factions to join in with the chanting and dancing. Even if they did not manage to fully incorporate the crowd, their presence did help in calming and dispersing most of the people involved.❞…


Fax to Fediverse mastodon (AP)

Sensitive content


Questa voce è stata modificata (1 mese fa)

David Bisset mastodon (AP)

LaTeX.css – Make your website look like a LaTeX document.

Write semantic HTML, add <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> to the <head> of your project and you are good to go.

#CSS #Latex


Natasha Jay 🇪🇺 mastodon (AP)
Strange, I could have sworn I heard something

David D. Levine mastodon (AP)
When ChatGPT summarises, it actually does nothing of the kind.…

Steph (they/them) mastodon (AP)

There's a trick I pull on my #ADHD brain that works every time.

Whenever there's a task I don't really want to do, I tell myself "okay, we just have to START the task, and then we can stop after <small timespan>" And then, without fail, I end up completing the task, or at least making serious headway on it.

This is because I have a huge problem with task-switching. Once I am ON task, I find it difficult to stop, but I have to get there in the first place.

I hope this never stops working.

Wynke mastodon (AP)
Task switching is a hugely expensive operation for me, too. Understanding this makes life a lot easier.
Steph (they/them) mastodon (AP)
@wynke I like that you called it an "expensive operation", that feels very accurate.
Wynke mastodon (AP)
I find that computer terminology (I got this from a programming/optimization context) often works surprisingly well to describe neurodivergent phenomena!
Lars Wirzenius mastodon (AP)

I'm not ADHD, but I use a similar trick: I sometimes find it really difficult to do some tasks, but I can often get around them by identifying the smallest step to move that task forward, however little. Like, to pay a bill, my first small step might be to find the envelop that contains the bill. Not open the envelope, not even put it on my desk, just checking that the envelope still exists.

Or find a pen with which I can write "paid" on the bill, once I've paid it.

Tony Finch mastodon (AP)
2022 retro-link! - C99 doesn't need function bodies: VLAs are Turing complete.

Oblomov mastodon (AP)
I'm going to #askFedi in English too even though I doubt I can get local recommendations for where I am (Italy), but: does anybody have experience with radiant in-floor heating?

Newbyte mastodon (AP)
Did you ever want to play Subway Surfers on #postmarketOS without any Android emulation? No? Okay, well, apparently you can:…
caleb -> #FOSDEM mastodon (AP)
truly incredibly times we live in XD

Stefano Tartarotti mastodon (AP)
Il sovranismo spiegato con l'umidità.
#Lega #Salvini #sovranismo #destre #nazionalismo
nuovi vecchi

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