A Brief History of Musical Notation from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance… #Music

Federated social networking existed before anyone used "mastodon" and will exist after most folks move on.

Early versions of mastodon worked directly with the older network. Most of the older network has migrated to be compatible with mastodon.

It's chill. Don't get hung up on lionizing one dude.


Cory Doctorow mastodon (AP)

Even by Amazon standards, this is extraordinarily sleazy: from Mar 28, each Amazon Echo device will cease processing audio on-device and instead upload all the audio it captures to Amazon's cloud for processing, even if you have previously opted out of cloud-based processing:…


If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…


Led By Fools mastodon (AP)

One should always follow XKCDs advice about listening devices, just in case.

XKCD Alt-text "Sure you could just ask, but this also takes care of the host-gift thing"

Yay, I'm relieved that you seem to have just blessed the extension I'd identified and proposed to your concepts of enshittification, twiddling, and darth vader's deal-changing, that you'd originally applied to (dis-)service platforms, to (other kinds of) software and devices as well.

Robert Kingett mastodon (AP)
How to handle a Microsoft scammer!

Sensitive content


Update: it wasn't the ECB blocking gnome-calculator, it was an HTTP library regression breaking the connection to the ECB. Text in [] is incorrect, retained due to RTs etc.

[The ECB have remotely bricked gnome-calculator]

In the latest episode of "Why the 21st Century is impossibly stupid", GNOME calculator contacts the ECB on startup to get currency rates. It just hangs on startup if this fails, the whole calculator not just the currency stuff. [The ECB has blocked GNOME calculator].

To fix this, you can do "dconf write /org/gnome/calculator/refresh-interval 0", whatever tf dconf is, because when I tried it told me dbus-launch is missing, wtf that is, because it doesn't have a package. Turns out it's in "dbus-x11". I dunno why X11, because I use wayland, but I'm past caring at this point. I installed it and it worked.

Now I can calculate how much postage I need to pay for this parcel.

[A bloody OS-shipped desktop calculator, DDoSing a central bank, and blocking on connection failure].

Questa voce è stata modificata (1 settimana fa)
Cyrik mastodon (AP)

Wow, okay, thanks for posting this. This was affecting me but I hadn't dug into what the issue was, that's kind of wild.

There are some other workarounds posted in Debian bug #1052551, some of which don't require installing software.


The first thing I noticed was that the pain was gone. The tall, thin, hooded figure let me bask in that for a moment.


"Oh," I said, looking down at the frail vessel I had inhabited all my life. "Right."


"Do you remember," I asked as we walked, "everyone you come for?"




"No, but you spend some time with them after, like now."


1 11

Xeno Kovah mastodon (AP)
I’ve posted a detailed explanation of why the claimed ESP32 Bluetooth chip “backdoor” is not a backdoor. It’s just a poor security practice, which is found in other Bluetooth chips by vendors like Broadcom, Cypress, and Texas Instruments too.…

I once again did my release work late at night and announced immediately, just so nobody would notice. So:

a convenient lump of my free reads. Image suggested by @jggimi…


lproven mastodon (AP)

Discworld Rules, & LOTR is brain-rot for technologists…

This post is an extended argument that as a lens for thinking about the world, The Lord of the Rings, is a work that you should “not set aside lightly, but throw across the room with great force,” and that in place of Middle Earth, you should install Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.

MidgePhoto mastodon (AP)
Mary Gentle's Grunts is also another view of LOTR stuff. And fun in a roughish way.
lproven mastodon (AP)

@midgephoto A book I absolutely loved.

"Sarge? Pass me another elf? This one's split."

lproven mastodon (AP)

Essential FOSS tools to make macOS suck less…

Moved from Windows or Linux? Smooth some of the rough edges

<- by me on @theregister


Just learned of this website for European alternatives to well-known services such as Gmail. Really awesome to see that!

Questa voce è stata modificata (4 mesi fa)

Eric Carroll mastodon (AP)

Undocumented backdoor found in Bluetooth chip used by a billion devices

> The undocumented commands allow spoofing of trusted devices, unauthorized data access, pivoting to other devices on the network, and potentially establishing long-term persistence.…

#infosec #supplychainsecurity #supplychainattacks

Questa voce è stata modificata (2 settimane fa)

Zig Claybourne mastodon (AP)

The lanky mouse asks the smaller one what they're going to do today.

"Nothing. To want a diseased world is a sickness. Today, we heal ourselves. Do you understand, Pinky?"


The Brain nods. "You do."

The soft, introspective hush falls over Pinky. Pinky *and* the Brain.


A #debian cry for help: I need to update the packaging for #vcsh to modern standards before the freeze hits. It's trivially easy in theory, but I just lack the spoons.

I keep being laughably busy with really meaningful work, but I can't make the time to sit down a few hours and read.
Three major projects will conclude soon, but then it's likely too late.

Any help or co-maintainers appreciated.

Retoots OK; being vulnerable in public is Good Actually(TM).

Questa voce è stata modificata (2 settimane fa)
Wynke mastodon (AP)
Not in a position to help myself, but boosted.

oɔiƚɘᴎ mastodon (AP)
"Ogni nazionalismo è male, perché porta alla guerra. La guerra è male perché è violenza, e “la violenza è l’ultimo rifugio degli incapaci”. Coerenza vuole che l’ebreo Asimov si opponga allo Stato di Israele, perché la sua esistenza porta sempre i Palestinesi scacciati dalle loro case ad attaccarlo e questo sarà sempre foriero di guerra. Lo ha detto in pubblico davanti a dei sopravvissuti alla Shoah. Oggi Asimov sarebbe censurato come antisemita."…
#asimov #fantascienza

John Carlos Baez mastodon (AP)

This is the color of infinite hotness.

This is the color something gets in the limit where its temperature approaches infinity. Of course you’d instantly be fried by gamma rays of arbitrarily high frequency, but this would be its spectrum in the visible range.

This is also the color of a typical neutron star. They’re so hot they look the same!

It’s also the color of the very early Universe!

This was worked out by David Madore, and you can find the details at my blog article, including a discussion of whether this is exactly the right color:…

Luckily, the alternative someone suggested is so close I can't tell the difference.

For computer screens and cell phones this color is approximately #98b5ff.

Perhaps we should call it "baby blue" - for the early universe.

Questa voce è stata modificata (2 settimane fa)
Pete Gontier mastodon (AP)
I am reassured by the realization that I would not have time to see this color under those circumstances, which means I can stare at it now without repeatedly flinching.

I'm looking out the window and see the same colour, without being fried!

Rayleigh scattering gives a 1/lambda^4 spectrum with the same dependence on wavelength as the long-wavelength limit of a blackbody spectrum.

This shade of blue already has a name:
"sky blue" 😉

👍 @jef
👍 @kmmfoo

Simon Tatham mastodon (AP)

Two things I learned this week about #MSVC / #VisualStudio:

1. If vcvars64.bat is not behaving itself for some reason, you can set VSCMD_DEBUG=1 and it will print more diagnostics. 2 and 3 print more still: 3 is an "OMG redirect to a file and sort through it later" level of verbosity.

2. If you do this, the script stops for a noticeable time just after printing "Sending telemetry". One of the reasons it's so slow is that it's phoning home! You can set VSCMD_SKIP_SENDTELEMETRY=1 to turn that off, improving speed as well as privacy.

This is commented in one of the sub-scripts VsDevCmd.bat with the command
REM Send Telemetry if user's VS is opted-in
but, of course, I have no memory of seeing any opt-in box to tick.


akkoma (AP)

today, i have IP-blocked the entirety of alibaba cloud’s IPv4 range (,, And you could ask - domi, what the hell, that’s kinda sorta a lot of addresses?

fucking watch this: that’s sakamoto Mk5, my Ryzen 9 7950X3D server. Never before have I seen forgejo taking this much CPU.

They’ve generated 9GB of access logs (!) and 230GB of generated tarballs (!!!) before I got to my laptop, investigated and ip-banned them. I’m positive that most forgejo deployments in existence wouldn’t survive this.

If you needed another reason to fuck generative AI today - here’s one

Questa voce è stata modificata (3 settimane fa)
algernon ludd gotosocial (AP)

I've seen Alibaba too, had their IP range redirected to an infinite maze of garbage for a while.

They usually hit me with about 300 requests / sec from a few thousand IP addresses, with varying user agents, and happily ignore robots.txt, and don't care about 429 (with a Retry-After header) either. They just come and blast.

They seem to be very keen on ingesting garbage, though, and have made about 2 million requests against my system just yesterday.

Easily the most aggressive crawler I've seen, even worse than OpenAI, Claude, Google and Facebook combined.


The vatican needed a latin word for tweet, because the pope tweets. Or tweeted, I suppose, given the whole dead or dying situation. Anyway, they call them breviloquia (s breviloquium) which is honestly a great word even tho it’s not very brief itself. Given its nature and etymology I think we should be able to use it platform-independently and apply it to toots, skeets and even Truths as well. Anyway thank you for reading this breviloquium.
Nathan mastodon (AP)
i think miniphany should be a word.
Walter Tross mastodon (AP)
but that would be half Latin, half Greek. The Vatican needed a Latin word. I must say that breviloquium is perfect, except for its length.
@waltertross @herrold Nine out of every ten virologists recommend mixing roots in your neologisms.

Sean Kleefeld mastodon (AP)
My mother gave up years ago; I honestly can't recall the last time she tried to actually call me.

Alessandro mastodon (AP)

E comunque gli skiantos sono degli zii fuori di testa ❤️❤️❤️

#Skiantos #arci #arcibellezza #live #livemusic

Alessandro mastodon (AP)
@darkmiryam mi ha fatto morire che un paio di volte Granito si è fermato perché non riusciva a trattenere le risate 😅

Paolo Amoroso mastodon (AP)

The Mastodon accounts of some projects that preserve, modernize, and reimagine classic operating systems and system software environments:

9Front (Plan 9) (unofficial) (unofficial)


Haiku (BeOS)

Medley Interlisp (Interlisp-D)

#retrocomputing #os


Nicole Sharp wordpress (AP)

Visualizing Unstable Flames

Animation showing an ammonia flame front coming down a tube, toward the camera.

Animation showing a propane flame front coming down a tube, toward the camera.

Snapshots of the undulating propane flame front.

Animation showing an ammonia flame front coming down a tube, toward the camera.Animation showing a propane flame front coming down a tube, toward the camera.Snapshots of the undulating propane flame front.

Inside a combustion chamber, temperature fluctuations can cause sound waves that also disrupt the flow, in turn. This is called a thermoacoustic instability. In this video, researchers explore this process by watching how flames move down a tube. The flame fronts begin in an even curve that flattens out and then develops waves like those on a vibrating pool. Those waves grow bigger and bigger until the flame goes completely turbulent. Visually, it’s mesmerizing. Mathematically, it’s a lovely example of parametric resonance, where the flame’s instability is fed by system’s natural harmonics. (Video and image credit: J. Delfin et al.; research credit: J. Delfin et al. 1, 2)

#2024gofm #combustion #combustionInstability #flame #flowVisualization #fluidDynamics #instability #parametricResonance #physics #resonance #science #thermoacousticInstability #turbulence

John Carlos Baez mastodon (AP)
- I don't see a video!

lproven mastodon (AP)

Type-safe C-killer Delphi hits 30, but a replacement has risen…

The FOSS world has replicated most of it in Lazarus

<- by me on @theregister

MangoHud tool, GOverlay is made with Lazarus.
lproven mastodon (AP)


... And this?…


I am sorry but I've never heard of them before. What is an overlay? It doesn't explain.

Yaku 🐗 mastodon (AP)
Idea per business.
Mi sembra evidente che è il momento giusto per fondare un movimento/partito di estrema destra (ovviamente fake) e ricevere un botto di soldi da russia e stati uniti.
Poi sparire col malloppo. 💰
Antanicus mastodon (AP)
preferisco scammare i loro adepti in Italia
Zambunny mastodon (AP)
@diegor @Otttoz Come no, Salvini è scappato con i 49 milioni di euro che non restituirà mai, solo che purtroppo è anche tornato indietro


Alessandro mastodon (AP)

Dev'essere in collaborazione con il ministero della coerenza.

EDIT/disclaimer: la foto non è mia, unica altra corrispondenza che ho trovato è un post su Per quanto ne so potrebbe benissimo essere un buontempone che ha pensato bene di stampare un foglio e appiccicarlo su un pallet a caso.

Che non arrivino le bufale anche qui 😅✌️

Questa voce è stata modificata (1 mese fa)
Alessandro mastodon (AP)
@aural Ah non ho idea, la foto non è mia 😅

Joanna Holman mastodon (AP)
An important comparison to assess
Lorenzo Isella mastodon (AP)
It is funny indeed. But in my experience, LLM saved me a ton of time with trivial programming tasks and polishing text. Of course, I double and triple checked the output of the model, but the time saving was significant. In the end of the day, like it or not, this AI is here to stay.

Today On Screen mastodon (AP)

Today, February 12, is loyal beagle Gromit's birthday. Happy birthday, Gromit! (The Wrong Trousers, 1993)

#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #Gromit #TheWrongTrousers #WallaceAndGromit #StopMotion #Claymation


Its been a while since my last physics class, but to me it seems counterintuitive that going towards a massive object would need more energy than going away from it.
Space Catitude 🚀 hometown (AP)

It's important to remember we're going about 30km/s along with the Earth in order to stay in orbit (or else we would already be falling into the Sun).

To hit the Sun, you have to go all the way to zero, or 30 km/s ΔV. To escape you need to increase to 30√2 km/s -- or about 13km/s extra. Less than half as much!

Jeff Moss mastodon (AP)
This is dumb. My W11 laptop has slowed down because every time I try and open a folder I have to wait for #Windows invasive account sign in / telemetry to time out:
#Privacy #Network

bhahne mastodon (AP)
I once had a taxi driver warn me: "You might have the right of way, but you might be DEAD right."
Dave Everitt mastodon (AP)
so remonds me of _why's "Poignant Guide to Ruby" cartoon foxes. Glad they live on in new fox-related humour!

Esther Schindler mastodon (AP)
I laughed

Jonathan Corbet akkoma (AP)
US politics

Sensitive content


Jonathan Corbet akkoma (AP)
US politics

Sensitive content


Queer Mushroom Forest mastodon (AP)
Open source wheelchairs gathers DIY projects to build and fix wheelchairs.…
CapeTaun mastodon (AP)
ma che cosa bellissima!!!
nuovi vecchi

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