Ogni giorno un italiano si sveglia e cerca qualcosa per il quale indignarsi. Non importa se è una notizia falsa. L’importante è indignarsi per primo.

Rare photo of a roundabout reproducing through mitosis


We think of right angles as a sign of human design, but Paramatachia spiders like to use them in their webs.

I wonder if these spiders have considered writing MIDI tunes?

1 8

Don’t walk under the piano unless you want to B-Flat.
argv minus one mastodon (AP)
Oh boy. I've seen enough #LooneyTunes to know where this is going.

lproven mastodon (AP)

Pretty pictures, bootable floppy disks, and the first Canon Cat demo?
(Old Vintage Computing Research, REWIND and PLAY, Saturday, July 13, 2024)

Now that our 1987 Canon Cat is refurbished and ready to go another nine innings or so, it's time to get into the operating system and pull some tricks.


Rachel Rawlings mastodon (AP)

One small step to prevent an enshittification of email, one giant leap for all mail admins.

#sysadminning #email #postfix #outlook @mwl


Len mastodon (AP)

I must not reply. Replying is the mind-killer. Replying is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face the bad take. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the take has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

1 6

Michael Catanzaro from #GNOME published yesterday this interesting blog post about binding C libraries and a nice feature of #Vala; at the end there is the convenient solution (you can skip to it if you want ;)
#ValaLang #GNOME #GTK #GTK4

L'aeroporto di Milano #Malpensa sarà intitolato a Silvio #Berlusconi. I viaggiatori potranno evitare i controlli di sicurezza urlando "toghe rosse!" quando arrivano allo scanner.
Fata turchina mastodon (AP)
Diventerà un posto speciale, dove l'amore vince sempre sull'invidia e sull'odio ✈️
giga 🔻 mastodon (AP)
@guardaminfaccia e da dove partono voli per ogni paradiso (fiscale).


hackaday mastodon (AP)
Useless Robot Gets Cute, Has Personality

lproven mastodon (AP)

I Tried to Finish a Dead Man’s Novel

It is both a gift and a curse to be handed a briefcase containing a life’s work



musl libc mastodon (AP)

OpenSSH sshd on musl-based systems is not vulnerable to RCE via CVE-2024-6387 (regreSSHion).

This is because we do not use localtime in log timestamps and do not use dynamic allocation (because it could fail under memory pressure) for printf formatting.

While the sshd bug is UB (AS-unsafe syslog call from signal context), very deliberate decisions we made for other good reasons reduced the potential impact to deadlock taking a lock.



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lproven mastodon (AP)

FreeDOS and FreeBSD prove old code never dies, just gets nifty updates

Anniversary time and both are going strong into their 30s

← by me on @theregister



from the archives: seen at ApacheCon Europe 2005 :D

Poul-Henning Kamp mastodon (AP)

Welrd Al giving Jon Stewart a run for the best take on the election in USA:


Imagine going to a party with these guys and waking up the next morning in a completely different band.

Jason M. Kelly mastodon (AP)
“Q: Is GPT-5 faster?
A: Its predecessors already produce hundreds or even thousands of words almost instantaneously. Now GPT-5 brings PhD writing skills to the table, meaning it can generate text at a rate of about ten words per day. (This does not include the romance novel it’s writing on the side, online searches for “ADHD self-diagnosis,” or social media posts about not wanting to write.)” #phd #gpt
#phd #gpt

mcc mastodon (AP)

I have just learned something very important!!!

Via @tedmielczarek @natevw I have learned that the Apple // character set is preserved in Unicode (Except not the Apple logo, which is trademarked— this is in the PUA as , but that is not Unicode. But everything else).

Which means!!! The cute little running guy in the hidden characters!! Is in!!!


So, if you are on Windows 10 or a modern Apple product, above you see two boxes

But, fricking inexplicably!!!
On Linux!!!
It actually displays!!!

mcc mastodon (AP)
This is what the above post looks like in Firefox on Ubuntu 24.04
Space Catitude 🚀 hometown (AP)
I never heard of this before today, but sure enough, there is a cute little running guy! 🮲🮳
Elena ``of Valhalla'' friendica (via ActivityPub)

@mcc @Ted Mielczarek @Nathan Vander wilt and thanks to this I've learned about the command

$ fc-list ":charset=1fbb3"
/usr/share/fonts/opentype/unifont/unifont_upper.otf: Unifont Upper:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/opentype/unifont/unifont_upper_sample.otf: Unifont Sample:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto/NotoSansSymbols2-Regular.ttf: Noto Sans Symbols2:style=Regular

which shows that on my system (debian testing) that character is available in unifont and noto sans

Luke Kanies mastodon (AP)

This is an unbelievable self-own.

“Of course it’s not a bug to delete your home directory when deleting tmp files. Idiot. Moron.”

“Look someone did weird stuff with our tool, and there’s absolutely nothing we are willing to do to make that not result in catastrophic data loss.

What’s that? Oh, yeah, no, it would be trivial to stop this horrific mistake.

We just won’t.”

A friend of mine joked when this came to light the other day that we should start the timer to see how long it would be before some SystemD person came out and said that was expected behavior and you're an idiot for using it wrong. And we laughed to ourselves, wouldn't that would be funny, that really is the reputation they have now isn't it.

Well, jokes on us, because that's the first fucking comment on the bug.

lproven mastodon (AP)

You may enjoy my summary:

The author of the "U R DOIN IT WRONG" response is the same shining wit who described systemd v256 as "now with 42% less Unix philosophy".

It was funny, but arrogant. These guys' arrogance deserves to be taken down multiple notches, IMHO. And the Wayland and Flatpak squads' too.

lproven mastodon (AP)
(Side note, for those unused to my sense of humour. "Shining wit" is a Spoonerism.)

the job hunt continues but it has brought me this actually quite good job requirement
knack mastodon (AP)
@vyr 5? I usually find the consequences hit pretty hard about 2.5 years in.
maco mastodon (AP)
@vyr I think it’s 5 total, and then if that’s split across several jobs, at least one lasted long enough to see consequences

CrazyMyra mastodon (AP)
After AI took his job as an online assistant, Mr Clippy was obliged to seek work in other sectors
Jens Finkhäuser 🌻 mastodon (AP)
Can't provide help when you need it even here. That roll is empty.

~n mastodon (AP)

This happened exactly 40 years ago.


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1 5
Did not know that the first API was in CLU. One of my favorite languages!

@jef Both came out of Barbara Liskov's research group. In 1994, although Scheifler had moved on, Barbara and her group were still there, around the corner and down the hall from me.

The 5th floor of 545 Tech Square was an astonishingly productive place: X, the End-to-End Principle, library operating systems, packet audio and video over wide-area networks, "soft state", RSVP, mesh networks, content-addressable file systems, TCP time-sequence plots, ...


lproven mastodon (AP)
The Chip Letter
SOAR-ing with Smalltalk: Berkeley RISC-III
'Smalltalk On A RISC' and three mysteries!
lproven mastodon (AP)

The Chip Letter -- SPUR - RISC IV: The LISP Multiprocessor Workstation The hugely ambitious 'Symbolic Processing Using RISC' project from UC Berkeley

lproven mastodon (AP)
<- Ever wondered why RISC-V is numbered 5? This was #4. My previous Chip Letter post was #3.
#3 #4

Charlie Stross mastodon (AP)
This is an EPIC rant and EVERY WORD OF IT IS TRUE. Seriously, set aside half an hour to read it! (Caution: contains expletives and LLMs.)
Fiona Gregory mastodon (AP)
I want to love this blog but to be honest I appreciate the passion and I don't care about profanity but the ultra-violent imagery turns me off. That said, it is very interesting to hear the little boy exposing the Emperor's New Clothes
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GavG mastodon (AP)
thanks for making this appear in my feed 👍 nice to see someone else ranting about the same things I rant about internally 😂 I did my undergrad thesis on using machine learning techniques in human activity recognition (over a decade ago). We had some clever things going on then, and put hard graft in, but none of it was truly ready for the masses and ML still isn't, but the genie is out of the bottle and some people are determined to make it work, like crypto currencies all over...

Cindy mastodon (AP)
On the set of Godzilla

mathew mastodon (AP)
Every web site I go to these days:
And "Review preferences" takes you to a section that lists "Essential nut kicking" with a toggle that's turned on but greyed out so you can't change it.


Matúš Chochlík mastodon (AP)
It is fantastic that AI companies can freely scrape copyrighted stuff from the Internet, but downloading of `youtube-dl` is illegal in the whole EU, because Hamburg regional court said so .. 🤦‍♂️

amreo :privacypride: mastodon (AP)

STASERA ci sarà questo evento per chi abita a Bergamo o intorni. È un corso introduttivo su git che è uno strumento per gestire le varie versione di un gruppo di file.

Mi farebbe piacere che ci andaste, anche perché è organizzato dal @bglug, l'associazione di cui faccio parte

(taggo @VivereBergamo per conoscenza)



Alexander Bochmann hometown (AP)

Apparently the SORBS DNS blocklist has closed down for good. There was an announcement to that end on the mailop mailinglist recently, and I've seen articles on various tech newstickers today:

(I wasn't aware that SORBS was sponsored directly by Proofpoint.)

If you still have references to anywhere in your mail server or antispam configuration, now is the time to remove them.

#SORBS #email #smtp

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BKM mastodon (AP)

lproven mastodon (AP)

"Artificial Intelligence -- Generative AI exists because of the transformer. This is how it works."

<- LLM bot so-called "AI" explained brilliantly, with pictures, by the @FT

Spoiler: it's not intelligent in any way, & it's not really artificial either

Part 1 of 2. Second in a minute.


lproven mastodon (AP)

"What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?"

By Stephen Wolfram of Mathematica fame.

A much more technical but still highly readable explanation. What the smoke is made of and how the mirrors are angled.

Post #2/2.

nuovi vecchi

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