Per chi volesse replicare il progetto, la lista dei componenti è la seguente:
1-Adattatore da stampare in 3D…
2-Un mammuth a 2 posizioni per collegare i cavi della ventola
3-Carbone attivo in grani
4-Un foglio di Tulle
5-Una ventola per pc da 120mm completa di grata in metallo o plastica
6-viti con dado per il fissaggio della ventola all'adattatore
7-Un alimentatore da 12-9V (la ventola fatta funzionare a 9V è silenziosissima)
8-Pistola e colla a caldo per fissare il foglio di tulle
Do you remember this project?…
Well, I'm thinking to Transform the old project into a modern multimedial boombox.ì by adding two lateral speaker.
I'm thinking of making a battery charger for my e-bike that can use my car's battery. The end-charge voltage of the e-bike battery is 42v, so you need a step-up that brings the 12 volts of the car battery to 42v with a current of 2-3 like that of the battery charger of the original e-bike.
I often run out of battery midday and not having the ability to recharge the battery with a 220V outlet is frustrating.
HAHA...SUB at Work..!
But is SUB or a FOOTREST?
Maybe a STOOL or a futuristic CHAIR?
You decide.... for me it is a fine piece of furniture. 😉
Yes, I have one item of IKEA Part number 301.093.10 .
Intersting shape!…
Uhm...I'ts old, and I found it in garage. What I cando for recycle?
And the software?
The choice is :
1) Raspberrypi OS
2) Libreelec
Choose according to your intended use, all are valid!
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