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It's time for a new #pizza post!

Right out of the oven!

in reply to Fabio

Note to myself: next time remember to put salt in the dough

Oblomov reshared this.

in reply to Fabio

@Fabio nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

it's the Toscani's fault!

in reply to Fabio

@Fabio Salt could be helpful. Looks really tasty nonetheless!
Unknown parent

in reply to Fabio

@Fabio @albertuxone e io ho invitato questo pisano qui per una pizza a casa mia questa primavera. ma non se lo merita!

(explanation for people who don't speak italian: I invited albertuxone for homemade pizza this spring, but I'm having second thoughts on whether he deserves it)

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