today's dinner involved, among other things, Swedish crispbread¹ made from rye flour from Piedmont, Genoese Prescinsêua² and smoked herring from Norway.
¹ The recipe I used for the crispbread came from… , but the recipe on the website isn't the same as the one that they had in March 2021: it had water instead of milk and no oil
² a dairy product similar to ricotta, a bit more sour
edit: typo
Comandante Virgola :snwfn: reshared this.
Nella cena di stasera, tra le altre cose, c'è stato del knäckebröd¹ fatto con farina di segale del Piemonte, Prescinsêua² genovese e aringa affumicata norvegese.
¹ la ricetta che uso per il knäckebröd arriva da… , ma rispetto a Marzo 2021 l'hanno cambiata, una volta c'era acqua al posto del latte e niente olio
² un latticino simile alla ricotta, un pelo più acido
Oblomov reshared this.
Il pannello che utilizzo… è quello già impiegato per far funzionare il mio severino solare con Raspberry pi zero2W che tra l'altro mi fa anche da server musicale MPD .
@Sini Tuulia Speaking of linking a video before having watched it completely:
Bernadette Banner ha scritto:
“Lighting things on fire is so rarely the solution to a problem, except when it is…
(yes, it's the opening line)
(I don't think anything else needs to be said :D )
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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E bisogna ammettere che come rapporto volume del sabotatore / effetto del sabotaggio non c'è male…
(consiglio l'apertura del link con preservativo)
Sensitive content
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
MOAR Slippers
Posted on March 7, 2025
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:sewing, FreeSoftWear
A couple of years ago, I made myself a pair of slippers in linen with a braided twine soleand then another pair of hiking slippers: I am happy to report that they have been mostly a success.
Now, as I feared, the white linen fabric wasn’t a great choice: not only it became dirt-grey linen fabric in a very short time, the area under the ball of the foot was quickly consumed by friction, just as it usually happens with bought slippers.
I have no pictures for a number of reasons, but trust me when I say that they look pretty bad.
However, the sole is still going strong, and the general concept has proved valid, so when I needed a second pair of slippers I used the same pattern, with a sole made from the same twinebut this time with denim taken from the legs of an old pair of jeans.
To make them a bit nicer, and to test the technique, I also added a design with a stencil and iridescent black acrylic paint (with fabric medium): I like the tone-on-tone effect, as it’s both (relatively) subtle and shiny.
Then, my partner also needed new slippers, and I wanted to make his too.
His preference, however, is for open heeled slippers, so I adjusted the pattern into a new one, making it from an old pair of blue jeans, rather than black as mine.
He also finds completely flat soles a bit uncomfortable, so I made an heel with the same braided twine technique: this also seems to be working fine, and I’ve also added these instructions to the braided soles ones
Both of these have now been work for a few months: the jeans is working much better than the linen (which isn’t a complete surprise) and we’re both finding them comfortable, so if we’ll ever need new slippers I think I’ll keep using this pattern.
Now the plan is to wash the linen slippers, and then look into repairing them, either with just a new fabric inner sole + padding, or if washing isn’t as successful as I’d like by making a new fabric part in a different material and reusing just the twine sole. Either way they are going back into use.
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And today I have been reminded of the existence of a daily suburban #train that runs from just into the Po Valley (Malpensa Airport) to the last sizable village before the Gotthard pass / old rail tunnel (Airolo)
For some value of suburban, I guess :D
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Oggi l'universo mi ha fatto ricordare l'esistenza di un #treno suburbano quotidiano che viaggia da subito dentro la pianura Padana (Malpensa) all'ultimo paese significativo prima del passo / vecchio tunnel ferroviario del Gottardo (Airolo)
Per qualche valore di suburbano :D
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Per chi volesse replicare il progetto, la lista dei componenti è la seguente:
1-Adattatore da stampare in 3D…
2-Un mammuth a 2 posizioni per collegare i cavi della ventola
3-Carbone attivo in grani
4-Un foglio di Tulle
5-Una ventola per pc da 120mm completa di grata in metallo o plastica
6-viti con dado per il fissaggio della ventola all'adattatore
7-Un alimentatore da 12-9V (la ventola fatta funzionare a 9V è silenziosissima)
8-Pistola e colla a caldo per fissare il foglio di tulle
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Dear craftingverse,
does anybody have an *EU* source for #wearableElectronic materials such as conductive thread? up to now I've bought it from the Italian branch of an US distributor, which took care of not having to pay VAT to the postman, but still counts as buying from the US for, let's call them other reasons.
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