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aaaaargh, what do you mean ls: cannot access '/mnt/usbc1/DCIM': Input/output error

yes, I have been having issues reading from that SD for some time now, but surely it was the reader, not the SD itself, since trying it again worked the second or third time.


(recovery attempts will happen later on, and thankfully it's just a few pictures from the skirt I'm making (which means that there won't be step-by-step pictures in the instructions I'm writing, but I can always make a second skirt later on) and not pictures taken during an unique trip / meeting of friends)

Oblomov reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

aaaaargh, cosa intendi dire con ls: cannot access '/mnt/usbc1/DCIM': Input/output error

sì, ultimamente quell'SD stava dando un po' di problemi, ma sicuramente era il lettore, non l'SD, dato che a riprovare a leggere alla seconda o terza volta funzionava sempre.


(più tardi proverò a fare qualche tentativo di recovery, e per fortuna sono solo un po' di foto della gonna che sto facendo (quindi nelle istruzioni non ci saranno le foto passo-passo, ma posso sempre fare una seconda gonna simile più avanti), e non foto scattate durante qualcosa di unico come un viaggio o un incontro con amici)

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New #sewing project started!

I'm making a folky-style cartridge-pleated skirt, from two (unmatched) curtains that have been probably sewn by my grandmother or her sister from what look like fabric remnants or something (they were pieced from multiple panels)

no pictures yet because I'm lazy and it's dark

also, the cartridge pleating needs to be done by hand, so of course I'm also sewing by hand all of the straight seams that could have easily be done by machine :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Iniziato un nuovo progetto di #cucito!

Sto facendo una gonna arricciata¹ in stile vagamente folk, partendo da due tendine che probabilmente erano state cucite da mia nonna o da sua sorella usando degli avanzi di stoffa, dato che erano formate da pannelli cuciti assieme.

non ci sono foto perché sono pigra ed è già buio

ah, e la tecnica di arricciatura che uso si può fare solo a mano, quindi ovviamente sto cucendo a mano anche le cuciture dritte che si sarebbero potute tranquillamente fare a macchina.

¹ non ho idea di come si chiami in italiano la tecnica, “cartridge pleating” in inglese, che sto usando per arricciare, e internet non mi sta aiutando

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

The fabric has a bit of musty smell, but it's the smell of the house¹ it came from, so it feels almost nice. (and it's not *too much*, and I hope that by wearing and washing it multiple times it will go away)

also, as soon as I'll have finished sewing I'll have to patch a couple of tears in the fabric that I couldn't cut around, so basically pre-distressed clothing! how fashionable! :D (I'm waiting to do it afterwards to use whatever bits of fabric I'm left with. and also because I want to start sewing first :D )

¹ for values of “house” with a roof, walls and even floors. and rain water from a cistern with a hand pump that comes out of a convenient tap, and even a toilet! and not much else :D it has not been inhabited for quite a few decades :D

Oblomov reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

La stoffa ha un leggero odore di umido, ma è l'odore della casa¹ da cui arriva, per qui fa quasi piacere. (e non è *troppo* intenso, e spero che indossandola e lavandola più volte vada via)

e tra l'altro, appena finito di cucire dovrò mettere delle toppe su un paio di strappi nella stoffa che non sono riuscita ad evitare, quindi fondamentalmente è abbigliamento pre-rovinato! così alla moda! (ho deciso di mettere le toppe alla fine perché così posso usare gli avanzi di stoffa,ma anche perché adesso volevo mettermi subito a cucire :D )

¹ per valori di “casa” che hanno un tetto, dei muri e perfino dei pavimenti. e acqua piovana in una cisterna con una pompa a mano, che esce da un comodo rubinetto, e persino un WC! e non molto altro :D non è più abitata da svariati decenni :D

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Hey, I didn't know that the Italian word for fabric was nearly identical to the Dutch (stof)! Mildly surprised because Dutch is a Germanic language and Italian is a Romantic one, but then there's plenty of crossover between European languages regardless...
in reply to Wynke

@Wynke wiktionary says that it comes from Frankish (via Old French), which probably explains it :)

(we have the adjective “tessile”, “related to textiles” that I believe come from the Latin word for fabric)

(but basically, yeah, plenty of crossover :) )

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Also, why have I decided to neaten the edges of the side seams with a prick stitch instead of a much faster hemstitch? The look from the right side is different, but not *that* different.

(and yes, I'm not using matching thread, because I didn't have any and I want to do this *completely* from the stash, rather than my recent rule of “main fabric from the stash, everything else is fair game”)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

E tra l'altro, perché ho deciso di rifinire i margini di cucitura con un punto indietro spaziato anziché con il solito punto da orlo che è molto più veloce? Dal dritto l'aspetto è diverso, ma non *così* diverso.

(e sì, non sto usando filo in tinta, perché non ne avevo, e per questo progetto voglio usare solo cose che ho già, anziché la regola che sto usando di recente in cui devo già avere la stoffa principale, ma tutto il resto può essere acquistato)

attenzione per chi abita a #Varese: sono state confermate le date delle piogge continue ed ininterrotte dal 29 marzo al 4 maggio

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TFW: unpicking a topstitch seam at just about 1 mm from a fold in the fabric, done by somebody¹ who had learned to set the length of the machine stitches from somebody who had probably learned in the Victorian era or something, because they are like 1.6 mm long.

OTOH, I'm happy that they folded the excess fabric in this curtain instead of cutting it away, because it means I have MOAR fabric to reuse.

¹ either a direct ancestor of mine, or the sister of one

Oblomov reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

TFW stai disfando un'impuntura a circa 1 mm dalla piegatura della stoffa, fatta da qualcuno¹ che aveva imparato ad impostare la lunghezza dei punti della macchina da qualcuno che aveva imparato a farlo nell'ottocento o giù di lì, perché sono lunghi 1.6 mm

d'altra parte, sono contenta che abbiano piegato la stoffa che avanzava in questa tendina anziché tagliarla, perché così ho PIÙ stoffa da riusare.

¹ o una mia diretta antenata, o una sorella di

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pet peeve: when you're writing an online shop software with support for multiple languages, consider that if somebody is on the page of a product, and they click on the “switch language” button, they probably want to see that same product in a different language, not being redirected to the homepage.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

bonus points if any outside link redirects to a forced language selection page which redirects to the homepage

food, bread, fish and diary

today's dinner involved, among other things, Swedish crispbread¹ made from rye flour from Piedmont, Genoese Prescinsêua² and smoked herring from Norway.

¹ The recipe I used for the crispbread came from… , but the recipe on the website isn't the same as the one that they had in March 2021: it had water instead of milk and no oil
² a dairy product similar to ricotta, a bit more sour

edit: typo

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

cibo: pane, pesce e latticini

Nella cena di stasera, tra le altre cose, c'è stato del knäckebröd¹ fatto con farina di segale del Piemonte, Prescinsêua² genovese e aringa affumicata norvegese.

¹ la ricetta che uso per il knäckebröd arriva da… , ma rispetto a Marzo 2021 l'hanno cambiata, una volta c'era acqua al posto del latte e niente olio
² un latticino simile alla ricotta, un pelo più acido

Oblomov reshared this.

Oggi è arrivato un pacco contenete questa piccola board… utile per caricare una o più batterie al litio tramite un pannello fotovoltaico di varia potenza e con una tensione di 6-24V.
Il pannello che utilizzo… è quello già impiegato per far funzionare il mio severino solare con Raspberry pi zero2W che tra l'altro mi fa anche da server musicale MPD .

Eruption of Mount Chocolate, 1905, colorized.

@Sini Tuulia Speaking of linking a video before having watched it completely:

Bernadette Banner ha scritto:

“Lighting things on fire is so rarely the solution to a problem, except when it is…

(yes, it's the opening line)

(I don't think anything else needs to be said :D )

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I quite enjoyed it! Though almost everything I've seen or heard today pales in comparison to the hat pin video... 😄
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

also, I'm not going to spoiler it, but the ending line (the one in the bloopers section) is also quite fun :D

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piccolo serpente seguendo un link (o qui, se vedete preview)

E bisogna ammettere che come rapporto volume del sabotatore / effetto del sabotaggio non c'è male…

(consiglio l'apertura del link con preservativo)


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

piccolo serpente seguendo un link (o qui, se vedete preview)

Sensitive content

MOAR Slippers

Posted on March 7, 2025
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:sewing, FreeSoftWear
A pair of espadrille-style slippers in black denim with a shiny black design on the uppers and twine soles.

A couple of years ago, I made myself a pair of slippers in linen with a braided twine soleand then another pair of hiking slippers: I am happy to report that they have been mostly a success.

Now, as I feared, the white linen fabric wasn’t a great choice: not only it became dirt-grey linen fabric in a very short time, the area under the ball of the foot was quickly consumed by friction, just as it usually happens with bought slippers.

I have no pictures for a number of reasons, but trust me when I say that they look pretty bad.

The same slippers, one of them is turned upside down to show the sole made from a twine braid, sewn in a spiral until it is the shape of a sole.

However, the sole is still going strong, and the general concept has proved valid, so when I needed a second pair of slippers I used the same pattern, with a sole made from the same twinebut this time with denim taken from the legs of an old pair of jeans.

To make them a bit nicer, and to test the technique, I also added a design with a stencil and iridescent black acrylic paint (with fabric medium): I like the tone-on-tone effect, as it’s both (relatively) subtle and shiny.

A pair of open-heeled slippers in faded blue jeans.

Then, my partner also needed new slippers, and I wanted to make his too.

His preference, however, is for open heeled slippers, so I adjusted the pattern into a new one, making it from an old pair of blue jeans, rather than black as mine.

A braided twine sole, showing how an heel has been made in the same technique and sewn under the sole with blanket stitches.

He also finds completely flat soles a bit uncomfortable, so I made an heel with the same braided twine technique: this also seems to be working fine, and I’ve also added these instructions to the braided soles ones

Both of these have now been work for a few months: the jeans is working much better than the linen (which isn’t a complete surprise) and we’re both finding them comfortable, so if we’ll ever need new slippers I think I’ll keep using this pattern.

Now the plan is to wash the linen slippers, and then look into repairing them, either with just a new fabric inner sole + padding, or if washing isn’t as successful as I’d like by making a new fabric part in a different material and reusing just the twine sole. Either way they are going back into use.…

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And today I have been reminded of the existence of a daily suburban #train that runs from just into the Po Valley (Malpensa Airport) to the last sizable village before the Gotthard pass / old rail tunnel (Airolo)

For some value of suburban, I guess :D

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Oggi l'universo mi ha fatto ricordare l'esistenza di un #treno suburbano quotidiano che viaggia da subito dentro la pianura Padana (Malpensa) all'ultimo paese significativo prima del passo / vecchio tunnel ferroviario del Gottardo (Airolo)

Per qualche valore di suburbano :D

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Per chi volesse replicare il progetto, la lista dei componenti è la seguente:

1-Adattatore da stampare in 3D…
2-Un mammuth a 2 posizioni per collegare i cavi della ventola
3-Carbone attivo in grani
4-Un foglio di Tulle
5-Una ventola per pc da 120mm completa di grata in metallo o plastica
6-viti con dado per il fissaggio della ventola all'adattatore
7-Un alimentatore da 12-9V (la ventola fatta funzionare a 9V è silenziosissima)
8-Pistola e colla a caldo per fissare il foglio di tulle

Per purificare il flusso d'aria in modo efficace ci vengono in aiuto i "carboni attivi", Mettendo un fondo di tulle alla estremità che si incastra dentro il filtro si ottiene un substrato di circa 1cm che è più che sufficiente per esguire un onesto filtraggio. Ovviamente andrà sostituito in modo regolare, ma dopo mesi di lavoro.

Vista la differenza di diametro tra la bocca del filtro e la ventola, è necessario creare un "adattatore" , magari stampato in 3D in modo da garantire una accoppiamento perfetto senza spifferi. La stampa è stata gentilmente effettuata da @Elena ``of Valhalla'' su progetto trovato in rete

Poichè l'aria del mio laboratorio/camera potrebbe essere meno salubre del previsto visto che il mio saldatore resta acceso per 2/3 ore al giorno, odori di pasta sdissaldante, lubrificante e spray vari, ho deciso di rendere l'aria che respiro più salubre. Come? Ad esempio prendendi un filtro aria d'automobile ed accoppiarlo con una ventola da 120mm che garantisce un eccellente flusso d'aria, rubata ad un vecchio PC.[

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

they are great, I am not sure about thread, I confused the name -> this is the place I got thread from before but it looks like they only have a German page:

Intanto, ho appena ricevuto una telefonata che si spacciava per la segreteria del mio medico di base dandomi come fatto compiuto, e alla quale il medico tiene particolarmente l'adesione ad una cosa di regione lombardia alla quale invece avrei dovuto scegliere io se aderire o meno (e mi viene da pensare male che abbiano avuto meno adesioni di quante ne avrebbero volute)

e ci sono cascata miseramente

se vi capita, chiedete se potete richiamarli voi, magari

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Let it be on record.

I drove my mother to do things, but there was no parking available, so I dropped her where she had to be and was faced with a choice of what to do before picking her up again:

* drive back home (feasible, but probably would have meant having to come back as soon as I arrived)
* stop at a nearby small hardware shop and do some shopping for things I didn't need
* visit a cemetery

and exercised self-restraint and choose the latter.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Che rimanga agli atti.

Ho portato mia madre in auto a fare commissioni, ma non c'era parcheggio, quindi l'ho scaricata dove doveva andare e dovevo scegliere cosa fare prima di tornare a prenderla:

* riportare l'auto a casa (fattibile, ma probabilmente avrei dovuto poi ripartire appena arrivata)
* fermarmi al brico vicino e comprare cose che non mi servono
* visitare un cimitero

e con sforzo di autocontrollo ho scelto l'ultima.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

wasn't the narrative I expected when I saw

I drove my mother to do things

Hexagonal Pattern Weights

Posted on February 24, 2025
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:3dprint, craft:sewing
Eight hexagonal pieces with free software / culture related graphics on top.

For quite a few years, I’ve been using pattern weights instead of pins when cutting fabric, starting with random objects and then mostly using some big washers from the local hardware store.

However, at about 22 g per washer, I needed quite a few of them, and dealing with them tended to get unwieldy; I don’t remember how it happened, but one day I decided to make myself some bigger weights with a few washers each.

I suspect I had seen somebody online with some nice hexagonal pattern weights, and hexagonal of course reminded me of the Stickers Standard, so of course I settled on an hexagon 5 cm tall and I decided I could 3D-print it in a way that could be filled with washers for weight.

Rather than bothering with adding a lid (and fitting it), I decided to close the bottom by gluing a piece of felt, with the added advantage that it would protect whatever the weight was being used on. And of course the top could be decorated with a nerdish sticker, because, well, I am a nerd.

I made a few of these pattern weights, used them for a while, was happy with them, and then a few days ago I received some new hexagonal stickers I had had printed, and realized that while I had taken a picture with all of the steps in assembling them, I had never published any kind of instructions on how to make them — and I had not even pushed the source file on the craft tools git repository.

And yesterday I fixed that: the instructions are now on my craft pattern website, with generated STL files, the git repository has been updated with the current sources, and now I’ve even written this blog post :)…

Oblomov reshared this.

Water Resistant Hood

Posted on February 23, 2025
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:sewing, FreeSoftWear
a person wearing a relatively boxy water resistant jacket with pockets and a zipper, and a detached hood with a big square cowl that reaches mid-torso.

Many years ago I made myself a vest with lots of pockets1 in a few layers of cheap cotton, and wore the hell out of it, for the added warmth, but most importantly for the convenience provided by the pockets.

the same person showing just the vest, with two applied pockets on the bust, closed with buttons, and two big flaps covering two welted pockets at waist level, plus a strip of fabric with loops where things may be attached.

Then a few years ago the cheap cotton had started to get worn, and I decided I needed to replace it. I found a second choice (and thus cheaper :) ) version of a water-repellent cottonand made another vest, lined with regular cotton, for a total of just two layers.

the same person, this time there are also two sleeves, attached to the vest with big snaps, the outline of which can be seen on the vest. they are significantly less faded than the vest.

This time I skipped a few pockets that I had found I didn’t use that much, and I didn’t add a hood, which didn’t play that well when worn over a hoodie, but I added some detached sleeves, for additional wind protection.

This left about 60 cm and some odd pieces of leftover fabric in my stash, for which I had no plan.

the hood pulled down on the back, showing the big square cowl.

And then February2 came, and I needed a quick simple mindless handsewing projects for the first weekend, I saw the vest (which I’m wearing as much as the old one), the sleeves (which have been used much less, but I’d like to change this) and thought about making a matching hood for it, using my square hood pattern.

Since the etaproof is a bit stiff and not that nice to the touch I decide to line3 it with the same cotton as the vest and sleeves, and in the style of the pattern I did so by finishing each panel with its own lining (with regular cotton thread) and then whipstitching the panels together with the corespun cotton/poly thread recommended by the seller of the fabric. I’m not sure this is the best way to construct something that is supposed to resist the rain, but if I notice issues I can always add some sealing tape afterwards.

I do have a waterproof cape to wear in case of real rain, so this is only supposed to work for light rain anyway, and it may prove not to be an issue.

As something designed to be worn in light rain, this is also something likely to be worn in low light conditions, where 100% black may not be the wisest look. On the vest I had added reflective piping to the armscyes, but I was out of the same piping.

from the front; a flash was used to take the picture, making the border of the cowl very visible.

I did however have a spool of reflector thread made of glass fibre by Rico Design, which I think was originally sold to be worked into knitting or crochet projects (it is now discontinued) and I had never used.

I decided to try and sew a decorative blanket stitch border, a decision I had reasons to regret, since the thread broke and tangled like crazy, but in the end it was done, I like how it looks, and it seems pretty functional. I hope it won’t break with time and use, and if it does I’ll either fix it or try to redo with something else.

Of course, the day I finished sewing the reflective border it stopped raining, so I haven’t worn it yet, but I hope I’ll be able to, and if it is an horrible failure I’ll make sure to update this post.

  1. and I’ve just realized that I haven’t migrated that pattern to my pattern website, and I should do that. just don’t hold your breath for it to happen O:-). And for the time being it will not have step-by-step pictures, as I currently don’t need another vest.↩︎
  2. and February of course means a weekend in front of a screen that is showing a live-streamed conference.↩︎
  3. and of course I updated the pattern with instructions on how to add a lining.↩︎…

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Primavera by approximation :pentagram_nonbinary: such a hood made with fabric from comfy old blankets would indeed be very comfy, I expect!

Articolo su alcune soluzioni adottate da aziende italiane per ridurre l'uso del gas…


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Round two, FIGHT!
ehm, no. print!
no. stick?

Anyway, guess what I've just received

We did a group order, so some aren't mine, but the second picture has the ones I'm guilty of, mostly selected because I need them on my laptop (except for the Arch one, that one is my fault, but will go on other people's laptops / phones, mine will have the *Debian* one :D )

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Round 2, FIGHT!

ehm, no, stampa!

no, neanche. attacca?

Indovinate un po' cosa mi hanno appena consegnato?

Abbiamo fatto un ordine di gruppo, quindi una parte non sono miei: nella seconda foto c'è ciò di cui sono colpevole, selezionati in base al principio “ne ho bisogno sul mio portatile” (tranne quello di arch, che è colpa mia, ma andrà su portatile / telefoni di altri, sul *mio* va quello di *debian* :D )

Oblomov reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

anyway, some stickers have gone on my laptop, and I may have spent the last few minutes moving the laptop to see the rainbow effect on the fediverse sticker

it's *shiny*!

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

comunque, qualche adesivo è finito sul mio portatile, e potrei aver passato gli ultimi minuti muovendo il portatile avanti e indietro per vedere l'effetto arcobaleno sull'adesivo del fediverso.


in reply to Sini Tuulia

@Sini Tuulia it is!

I love the fact that some nerd took the time to write the Stickers Standard, and that it has since been somewhat adopted by nerds everywhere :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

and I've just realized that I have some hexagonal pattern weights (these ones… ) and only 3 out of 8 had proper stickers on them!

(no pictures of the full up-to-date set of pattern weights because it's dark, sorry)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

e mi sono appena resa conto di avere dei pesi da cartamodello esagonali (questi:… ) e che su 8 solo 3 avevano già degli adesivi sopra!

(niente foto dei pesi aggiornati, perché è già buio, sorry)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

and now we have light (but not from the right direction to make the fediverse sticker shine :( )
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

abbiamo luce (ma non dalla direzione giusta per far luccicare l'adesivo del fediverso :( )
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua la struttura esagonale è di PLA stampato 3D, all'interno il peso sono delle rondelle di dimensioni significative, sotto c'è un pezzo di feltro che copre le rondelle e protegge ciò su cui li si usa

prima o poi (TM) ho intenzione di pubblicare il modello stampabile e tutto quanto

se serve, prima o poi potrebbe anticipare di qualche mese (il che non vuol dire che arrivi *presto* :D)

Thanks to “digging through a box of old microcontroller boards until I found an #arduino leonardo compatible one and digging through another box until I found an IR receiver and a random cheap remote labeled car mp3” I now have a remote I can use to control mpv to watch videos when I'm further away from the laptop/pc keyboard than the length of my arm (or when there is an ironing board between myself and the laptop).

18 out of 21 buttons have been assigned to a function

3 out of 21 buttons actually have the function that is labeled on the remote

3 additional buttons have a function that may be vaguely hinted at by the label on the remote (very vaguely)

everything else is completely unrelated.


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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Tramite la tecnica “scavare in una scatola di schede a microcontrollore fino a trovare un compatibile #arduino leonardo e scavare in un altra scatola fino a trovare un ricevitore a infrarossi e un telecomando cinese con scritto sopra car mp3” adesso ho un telecomando che posso usare per controllare mpv quando guardo video a distanza dal pc/portatile maggiore della lunghezza del mio braccio (o quando tra me e il portatile c'è un asse da stiro).

18 bottoni su 21 sono stati configurati per avere qualche funzione

3 bottoni su 21 hanno la funzione che c'è effettivamente scritta sul telecomando

altri 3 bottoni hanno una funzione che potrebbe vagamente essere richiamata da quel che c'è scritto sul telecomando (molto vagamente)

tutto il resto è completamente scorrelato


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mildly lewd, f/f, dream, silly

Tonight an early victorian gentle woman embraced me warmly, moved her mouth close to mine and sensually told me of the virtues of a sontag when walking in the cold season.

(yes, early victorian is probably too early for sontags, and yes, that's the only odd thing in the dream, right?)

Oblomov reshared this.

in reply to Dún Piteog

levemente laido, f/f, sogno, stupido

@Dún Piteog è un tipo di scialle che si avvolge attorno al torso e si lega sulla schiena, quindi rimane più aderente al corpo di uno scialle appoggiato e basta

qui ci sono un po' di esempi, con dagherrotipi¹ e disegni…

e qui invece c'è una foto…

¹ no, non sono sicura che ci siano dei dagherrotipi, almeno qualcuna delle foto è su carta, ma era per dare l'idea dell'epoca delle immagini :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

levemente laido, f/f, sogno, stupido

Sensitive content

in reply to Dún Piteog

levemente laido, f/f, sogno, stupido

Sensitive content

in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

levemente laido, f/f, sogno, stupido

Sensitive content

in reply to Dún Piteog

levemente laido, f/f, sogno, stupido

@Dún Piteog uops, no, era più una situazione tipo “non esiste maltempo, esiste abbigliamento non adeguato”

(in effetti noto che cercando sontag e basta non si trova molto di correlato, serve almeno “sontag garment” o simili)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

levemente laido, f/f, sogno, stupido

Sensitive content

Per fare un esempio di quote toot (o meglio “cita e ricondividi”), @peaceful aggro

Non sono d'accordo con l'introduzione della possibilità di citare i toot (il "quote post" di twitter). Non solo rischia di portare la sciagura della polemika tipica del birdsite, ma secondo me rende più facile un uso mentalmente pigro, anzi siccome la pigrizia è una bella cosa, forse direi superficiale del mezzo.

Poi oh magari mi sbaglio

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

allora vuol dire che voi di Friendica siete persone a modo e non usate lo strumento per fini tossici :)
in reply to peaceful aggro 🍉🌻

@peaceful aggro c'è da dire che questo era il modo di ricondividere con friendica da molto prima che esistesse mastodon, il boost è stato aggiunto negli ultimi anni per compatibilità con mastodon (e/o con activity pub), missà

secondo me è questione di comunità tossica che viene incentivarne a farne uso tossico (e probabilmente la cosa si reinforza)

mentre quando ai tempi su friendica eravamo quattro gatti che al massimo litigavano su quale fosse la distribuzione linux migliore non è che si fosse santi, ma i numeri erano bassi e probabilmente mancava l'effetto rinforzo.

/me, yesterday evening: listened to Barbero talking about villagers in a certain part of the Middle Ages weren't too unhappy about paying the right¹ amount of taxes to a local lord, because they *did* have a need for the service they provided of protection from raiders and outside threats.

/me, just afterwards: pays a kibble tribute to the local lord, who provides protection from mice and other critters, and sometimes even gracefully allows us to pet him.

¹ how much the *right* amount was was of course a completely different matter :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

/me ieri sera: ascolta Barbero spiegare che gli abitanti dei villaggi in un certo periodo del medioevo non erano così scontenti di pagare le giuste¹ tasse al signore locale, perché avevano effettivamente bisogno del servizio che questo forniva di protezione da scorribande ed altri pericoli esterni.

/me subito dopo: paga un tributo in croccantini al signore locale, che fornisce protezione da topi e altri animali molesti, e a volte concede generosamente di fargli persino due grattini.

¹ decidere quanto fosse *giusto* ovviamente era una questione totalmente diversa

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

i signori feudali non si lasciavano fare i grattini, questo è un grande passo

Filed under: questions I'm not sure it was wise to ask myself.

Is it possible to #weave a twill tape with tablets on a #backstrapLoom? (apparently yes)

Is it a good use of my time to do so, when I can buy twill tape from the haberdasher? (not in linen, and not in the colours I can buy linen thread in)

Does Nm 24 yarn / thread mean that it will take forever?

Note that I've started with a few rows of plain weave, just to stabilize everything, and I've only woven the bare minimum I felt confortable with before removing the warm from the clamps and moving it to the backstrap loom.

Also, this brown yarn is cotton, not linen, I'm keeping the nice linen for when I'm sure that this whole thing can actually work.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Quella tecnica ha funzionato 5000 anni, non vedo perché non debba funzionare ora.

Se poi ti serve per fare cose che non si trovano in commercio ancora meglio, altrimenti cosa avresti come alternativa, comprare uno stabilimento che produce 5000 km di fettuccia l'anno?

in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ecco, non lo so se ha funzionato 5000 anni fa, o se sono combinazioni di tecniche che hanno funzionato 5000 anni fa, ma non assieme: di solito con le tavolette si fanno cose con più di due fili, e per fare la fettuccia spigata credo che ci siano strumenti più semplici.

Però è sono tutti strumenti che ho sottomano, e quindi perché no?

(Come alternativa avrei cercare meglio siti che vendono materiale specializzato in giro per l'europa, ma dov'è il divertimento così? :D )

itpol, pandemia di aviaria, stupido

/me, ieri sera: guarda un video¹ che parla dello stato dell'aviaria negli stati uniti, e prevede (in modo non particolarmente affidabile) che ci saranno nuovi lockdown

contesto: siamo a metà di un trasloco che si sta trascinando nel tempo

/me stamattina: ok, va bene tutto, ma se Meloni o peggio Salvini fanno dichiarazioni sull'argomento e dicono che non ci saranno lockdown io prendo un giorno di ferie, salgo in macchina e vado *subito* a prendere i vestiti estivi da casa vecchia

¹ era da un canale di notizie scientifiche, che è interessante soprattutto quando parla di fisica e argomenti correlati, su altri argomenti quando da interpretazioni delle conseguenze delle notizie va preso pesantemente con le pinze

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@LaVi hai visto? cambia la persona da insultare quando i treni non vanno…

(consiglio l'apertura del link con opportuno preservativo)


Oblomov reshared this.

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@LaVi quindi aspettiamoci licenziamenti (o se va bene pensionamenti anticipati) del personale per migliorare l'efficienza aziendale?
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Alla presidenza confermata Federica Santini, che viene da Fs

Viaggia con 72 minuti di ritardo.

@Elena ``of Valhalla'' @LaVi

I've just watched Bernadette Banners' video “How to Identify Quality in Clothing (A Rant)” and I'm a bit surprised by the way serging is basically condemned as evil.

I do hate the serger (and the serger hates me), so on the clothing I make I tend to use french seams, bound edges and all those finishes, but other than the odd flat felled seam on sportswear I don't think I've ever seen a professionally made garment where the raw edges weren't finished with serging, even when it was an actual seamstress doing custom work.

Of course there is serging and serging, and the video does mention what to look for for better (or less worse, as they framed it) serging, but I just don't understand how one is supposed to find garments that aren't serged at all for sale.

#sewing #clothingIndustry

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Went to look into my warderobe, how my shopped clothing situation is. I have several nonserged of-the-rack things in my closet, all if them brought somewhere between 2005. and 2015. And lately I feel that clothing quality in shops has wastly deteriorated in general (that is why I force myself to sew more), soo... for me – roughly fits. I think I took her words more along the lines that other types of seam finishing will be superior, no that one can't buy serged garments at all.
in reply to Lauma Pret 🕸️

What really stung me was the reminder about seam-allowance size and ease of modifying seams. Do I think she was right in that department? YES! How often I've seen of-the-rack pants with easily modifyable mid-back seam? Once in several years!! (I look always, because most pants don't fit my curvy figure) ...

I'm just generally very sad how shit most of contemporary clothing has become, and I wanted to complain a bit more about it. 😅

I had just finished listening to an 1976 album (from a cd ripped to flac stored on a media center and played by a pinephone connected to the line in of the stereo) and there was a clank sound, possibly coming from the neighbors that sounded very much like the sound the turntables makes when stopping and returning the arm to the resting position.

I had earlier decided against listening to music on vinyl because I was also cutting fabric at the same time.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Avevo appena finito di ascoltare un disco del 1976 (da un cd rippato in flac, salvato sul media center e riprodotto dal pinofono collegato al line-in dello stereo) e c'è stato un *clank*, probabilmente proveniente dai vicini, che sembrava il rumore che fa il piatto quando si ferma e riporta il braccio alla posizione di riposo.

Prima avevo deciso che non avrei ascoltato musica su vinile perché nello stesso momento stavo anche tagliando della stoffa.

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Have I mentioned that #handsewing water resistant cotton by hand (four layers of it, because I'm whipstitching two finished edges together) is *interesting*?

(it may not be the best way to keep the seam watertight, but I may treat it with seam sealant later if I really need it. not that I intend to wear this hood under a downpour, I have a full plasticy cape for those, this is just intended for light rain)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

and since I want to make things even more *interesting* for myself, now I'm adding a border of blanket stitches all around the edge of the hood, in a thread made of *glass fibre*.

(I think it was meant for knitting, but I have had it in my stash for ages, and I decided that I wanted something visible on a black garment meant to be worn while walking in the rain and gloom)

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

e per rendermi la vita ancora più *interessante*, sto aggiungendo un bordo di punto coperta(?) tutto attorno all'orlo del cappuccio con del filo fatto di fibra di vetro.

(credo che fosse pensato per il lavoro ai ferri, ma ce l'ho in giro da secoli, e ho deciso che volevo qualcosa di visibile su un capo di abbigliamento nero da indossare quando si cammina sotto la pioggia)

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earworm, uspol, esplorazione spaziale, articolo de il Post

l'immagine in testa all'articolo è stata scelta totalmente a caso, vero?…

Oblomov reshared this.

food, silly

Filed under #sillyQuestionsAtDinnerTime

Does the fact that the name prescinsöa has a umlaut in it mean that it is metal? \m/

(it's a cheese-adiacent food from Liguria)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

cibo, stupido

Nella categoria #domandeStupideAllOraDiCena

Il fatto che nel nome prescinsöa ci sia un'umlaut vuol dire che è metal? \m/

(per chi non la conoscesse, è un quasi-formaggio ligure)

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Justin Time avevi in mente di fare qualcosa questa sera?…

(attenzione, link ad una wiki dove si perde un sacco di tempo)

And this is when I'm sorry that friendica doesn't support creating polls.

This night at about 6:20 somebody tried to check the time, let the phone¹ fall on the ground, hitting other things and causing a lot of noise. who could have been?

* The dog (we don't have a dog)
* A black cat (there are a few in the neighborhood, none of them enter our bedroom
* The naked monkey in a black pajama

¹ an old nokia. the floor is still intact, thankfully.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

in my home it's usually the black cat that goes for a snack and comes back to bed, always making a stop on the bedtable first

Conference Talk Timeout Ring, Part One

Posted on February 4, 2025
Tags: madeof:atoms, madeof:bits
low quality video of a ring of rgb LED in front of a computer: the LED light up one at a time in colours that go from yellow to red.

A few ago I may have accidentally bought a ring of 12 RGB LEDs; I soldered temporary leads on it, connected it to a CircuitPython supported board and played around for a while.

They we had a couple of friends come over to remote FOSDEM together, and I had talked with one of them about WS2812 / NeoPixels, so I brought them to the living room, in case there was a chance to show them in sort-of-use.

Then I was dealing with playing the various streams as we moved from one room to the next, which lead to me being called “video team”, which lead to me wearing a video team shirt (from an old DebConf, not FOSDEM, but still video team), which lead to somebody asking me whether I also had the sheet with the countdown to the end of the talk, and the answer was sort-of-yes (I should have the ones we used to use for our Linux Day), but not handy.

But I had a thing with twelve things in a clock-like circle.

A bit of fiddling on the CircuitPython REPL resulted, if I remember correctly, in something like:

import board
import neopixel
import time

num_pixels = 12

pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.GP0, num_pixels)
pixels.brightness = 0.1

def end(min):
    pixels.fill((0, 0, 0))
    for i in range(12):
        pixels[i] = (127 + 10 * i, 8 * (12 - i), 0)
        pixels[i-1] = (0, 0, 0)
        time.sleep(min * 5)  # min * 60 / 12

Now, I wasn’t very consistent in running end, especially since I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to run it at the beginning of the talk with the full duration or just in the last 5 - 10 minutes depending of the length of the slot, but I’ve had at least one person agree that the general idea has potential, so I’m taking these notes to be able to work on it in the future.

One thing that needs to be fixed is the fact that with the ring just attached with temporary wires and left on the table it isn’t clear which LED is number 0, so it will need a bit of a case or something, but that’s something that can be dealt with before the next fosdem.

And I should probably add some input interface, so that it is self-contained and not tethered to a computer and run from the REPL.

(And then I may also have a vague idea for putting that ring into some wearable thing: good thing that I actually bought two :D )…

Oblomov reshared this.


To recover from #fosdem, I managed to get @Diego Roversi to take me out for lunch today


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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''


per riprenderci da fosdem, oggi ho convinto @Diego Roversi a portarmi fuori a pranzo


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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

cibo, carne, alcool

e per cena spezzatino cucinato in modo da rispettare una serie di restrizioni alimentari con — oltre ad altre verdure — insalata belga stracotta e sciroppo di Liegi.

come contorno patate lesse, perché non posso mangiare patatine fritte.

e una bottiglia di Rochefort 10 (divisa con @Diego Roversi , perché siamo troppo vecchi per bere una bottiglia di birra a testa, figuriamoci una bottiglia di birra *belga*)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

food, meat, alcohol

and dinner was spezzatino cooked to accomodate a number of food restrictions, with — among other vegetables — overcooked belgian endive and syrop de Liège.

the side was boiled potatoes, because I can't have frites.

and a bottle of Rochefort 10 (shared with @Diego Roversi , because we are too old to drink a bottle of beer each, nevermind a *Belgian* one :D )

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