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@Yaku 🐗 non so perché, ma leggendo questo articolo mi è venuto in mente un tuo post di qualche giorno fa :D…

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Elena ``of Valhalla'' @Yaku 🐗 il sandalo SENZA calzino è tortura, a meno che non lo si usi per stare seduti. Chiunque voglia camminarci dentro sa che dolore e che vesciche provochi.
Calza Forever!

(Vivo in Germania, si capisce? 😂)

Filed under: #IMGoingToRegretThis

Up to know, everything I've ever painted¹ was on a format between A6 and B8. The acrylic paint I have is in 20 ml tubes, other than 120 ml of titanium white that is lasting me forever.

Then during the weekend I had an overambitious idea that I don't even mention, because it will end in nothing, and I decided I wanted to do at least a couple things on a slightly bigger format, before committing to anything else.

Of course, I also never bought any mounted canvas: I paint mostly on watercolour (postcard) paper, as that sturdy enough for such small formats, and I have a couple pieces of canvas mounted on cardboard, also in A6, that I haven't used yet.

And it was the weekend, and a weekend when I was too busy to visit a shop, but I had a couple one-hour slots and I was feeling the Urge.

So I took the biggest pad of watercolour paper I have (A3-ish, spiral bound at the top, not even glued on the sides) and started to paint with acrylic on it.


¹ badly

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Oh, and in this house there is a round paintbrush in size 16 or something, and everything else seems to be size 3 and smaller.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Ah, e in questa casa c'è un pennello tondo del 16 o giù di lì, e tutti gli altri sono del 3 o più piccoli.

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TID (Tonight I Dreamed): Sir Beton, the knight with an armour made of concrete.

I have no idea either.


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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

(you write too much about textiles, your autocorrect went for knit instead of knight)
in reply to Oblomov

@Oblomov uooops, lol, my mental autocorrect, I'm typing from a computer

I'm editing the post :)

Ora, io ci ho provato a raccogliere documentazione fotografica, ma il pinofono mi ha tradita

ma vi assicuro che lì sopra c'erano *tutti* i treni in orario (erano all'incirca le 14:15 o giù di lì, orario studenti, ma treni non particolarmente pieni)

comunque darò la colpa per la foto ad un gomblotto di #trenò

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am I the only person that every time somebody mentions Microsoft Recall things “wait, they had to recall Windows like a car with a deadly malfunction or something”?

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Ma sono l'unica che tutte le volte che legge Microsoft Recall pensa “un momento, ma han dovuto fare un richiamo di Windows come se fosse un'auto con un guasto letale o qualcosa del genere”?

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Not the only person - I eventually had to look it up because I wanted more detail, and went "Oh; so Microsoft Recall isn't a recall, but is the sort of thing that could lead to a recall.".

Non ho idea di chi siano i gruppi organizzatori (non ho visto loghi della compagnia delle opere sul sito, ma mi son fermata a quel genere di controllo), ma l'evento potrebbe essere interessante per chi è di #saronno…

This morning I woke up and the corner of my pillowcase was doing this, should I worry?

(yes, I have a pencil and a sketchbook (that I almost never use) close to the bed, but not a phone with a camera. ok, actually I did have a phone with a camera, but its battery had been flat for a few days, as usual)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Stamattina mi sono svegliata e l'angolo della federa del cuscino era così: devo preoccuparmi?

(sì, di fianco al letto ho una matita e un quaderno da schizzi (che non uso quasi mai), ma non un telefono con macchina fotografica. ok, tecnicamente un telefono con macchina fotografica c'era, ma scarico da qualche giorno, come al solito)

TFW you partially pull your drying rack out of the wall (it's attached with six screws that go into wall plugs, one of the plugs came out of the wall) in the morning, and then in the evening you see that it has been removed from the wall, *and* the wall has already been repaired so that it can be reattached soon.

Thanks @Diego Roversi !

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

TFW alla mattina strappi parzialmente dal muro lo stendibiancheria (è attaccato con sei viti/tasselli e uno dei tasselli è uscito dal muro), e alla sera scopri che è stato staccato completamente e il muro è già stato riparato per poterlo riappendere a breve.

Grazie @Diego Roversi !

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Nella categoria “e se non lo sapete voi”

“Il treno 24567 (VARESE 18:13 - TREVIGLIO 20:20) non è ancora partito. Seguiranno aggiornamenti sulle cause, ancora in fase di accertamento, non appena saranno disponibili.”


This morning #tea failure was forgetting to set the timer while it was brewing.

luckily I wondered about it after a reasonable amount of time and it is still drinkable (and the bread didn't burn).


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Il fail nel preparare il # di stamattina è stato dimenticarmi di impostare il timer mentre era in infusione.

Per fortuna me ne sono accorta dopo un tempo ragionevole ed è ancora più o meno bevibile (e il pane non è bruciato).


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

capitano molto spesso anche a me quelle mattine in cui ho bisogno della colazione per svegliarmi e di svegliarmi per preparare la colazione

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Elena ``of Valhalla'' @LaVi 🕊️📚🐈
No, fortunatamente avevo deciso alla cieca di venire in ufficio a piedi.
La foto è stata fatta passando alla stazione di arrivo.

bad kerning, described, no pictures

I've just bought a product from a company with headquarters in Viale Bom, Varese.

I'm quite sure those headquarters are in Viale Borri

Oh, and the address is written between two horizontal lines, and it goes beyond the line.

I guess that the “Design and Quality by <brand name>” doesn't extend to the packaging :D

Ok, tomorrow I'll take and post pictures.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

bad kerning, descritto, senza foto

Ho appena comprato un prodotto di un'azienda con sede in Viale Bom a Varese.

Sono abbastanza sicura che quella sede sia in Viale Borri.

Oh, e l'indirizzo è scritto tra due righe orizzontali, e sfora oltre la fine delle righe.

Ne deduco che “Design and Quality by <nome dell'azienda>” non si estenda alla stampa sulla confezione :D

Ok, domani faccio e posto una foto, che merita

Today I've had a chance to notice that we (western societies) are sending off our textile waste to another continent, where at least some of it gets probably¹ shipped to China to be processed into felt to protect the floor when painting the walls, and then shipped back to us.

Why aren't we doing this anymore in Prato²? It could even be done by Chinese nationals, there, but at least it wouldn't travel halfway around the world and back!

¹ I have no idea whether that's the origin of that textile waste, maybe that felt was using textile waste from China itself, but still.
² an Italian town with a long tradition of textile industry, historically including textile recycling. These days it also has the second biggest community of Chinese nationals in Italy, most of them working in textile workshops, not always up to even Italian standards of workplace conditions.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Oggi ho avuto occasione di notare che noi (società occidentali) stiamo mandando i nostri scarti tessili in un altro continente, e almeno una parte di questi probabilmente¹ finisce in Cina dove ne fanno feltro per proteggere i pavimenti quando si imbiancano le pareti, e ce lo rispediscono indietro.

Perché non lo stiamo facendo più a Prato? Potrebbero pure farlo dei Cinesi a Prato, ma almeno non si fa mezzo giro del mondo e ritorno!

¹ non ho idea di quale sia l'origine di quegli specifici scarti, magari arrivavano dal mercato interno cinese, ma non cambia molto.

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in reply to (zerouno)

@(zerouno) sì, se ne riparla periodicamente, e tra chi si fa i vestiti si tende a parlarne ancora di più.

Ma è difficile fare qualcosa che abbia veramente un effetto, come individui.

(Rammendarsi i vestiti ha tanti buoni effetti ed è un'ottima pratica da consigliarsi a prescindere, anche se difficilmente ha un vero impatto sul problema)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Io tendo a consumarli fino alla fine e spesso li faccio rammendare (cosa che da solo non sarei mai in grado di fare 😅); ma sono d'accordo con te che le scelte di pochi non abbiano impatto su fenomeni di questa portata.
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode definitely

I'd expect not enough people are painting their walls to use all of the textile waste that gets produced.

Even if those felts were made of a polyester and cotton mix that probably comes from some of the worst garments for recycling (at least if one considers both the ease of recycling and the mass)


valhalla> @Diego Roversi, do you want black tea or green tea?
diego> yes
valhalla> do you want black tea and green tea?
diego> yes
valhalla> ok

so right now I have a pot of “segreto tibetano” brewing, which is a mix of black tea, green tea, bergamot, jasmine and vanilla, and Diego's trolling was unsuccessful :D

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in reply to Harald Eilertsen

@Harald Eilertsen nope, it's one I've bought from a shop, and while it's not my favourite tea I can't survive without it's surprisingly nice

It is *evident* that the fact that the living room table is covered in bits of cardboard and bookbinding paper means that I'm cleaning up my desktop, right?

As in “making a small chest of drawers to store some of the samplers and small containers of ink that I currently have in a mess on the desktop” :D

The current status is that 3 out of 4 drawers are done, one is nearly done, and the structure to put them in needs to be redone from scratch, because my measurements have been way too optimistic and the drawers don't fit :(

But I've started to put some of the ink samplers in one of the drawers, and those are fitting just fine. Also, *all¹* the colours!

¹ actually just above half of the colours available in that line of ink

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Io sono pieno di pezzi di compensato, barre di ferro e simili ma la situa è analoga.

Dear lazyverse, I've just read… and… and I don't understand one thing: can this be used to generate an invite for an user that already exists and has been using the account for a while, but needs to reconfigure an xmpp client on a new phone?

of course they don't know their password, but I would have to reset it from prosodyctl anyway.



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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Adding a new device via invitation is not currently a thing. Password resets links (which work almost the same as invitations) are.

Generate a password reset link with this command:

'prosodyctl mod_invites --reset username'

I haven't extensively tested it with clients or invite UIs beyond Snikket, though. Feedback welcome 🙂

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I add to the excellent @mattj explanation that both invitation things are very familiar to @snikket_im admins ...
in reply to Roberto Resoli


@shuro Snikket is XMPP for people who don't know what #XMPP is 🙂

If you're happy with Conversations, continue using it! Snikket is more limited because it focuses on a specific use case.

If you want an easy-to-use messaging solution for a group of people (e.g. family, friends, clubs), plus companion apps and easy onboarding without forcing people to learn what a "XEP" is, then Snikket is here for you:

We just want XMPP to reach beyond the tech crowd.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

No, but there is also a module where the admin can generate a password reset link for that user. Don't have the name in my mind ATM and can't comfortably research as I'm AFK.

Calibro 35 - Traitors

#mastoradio #fediradio

kickstarter for a (famous) webcomic

Girl Genius has a new kickstarter out, to print the next volume…

for those few who don't know, it's a great steampunkish #comic that has been running for years and is published online at and then on paper, funded via kickstarter one volume at a time.

And usually there would be no need to promote them or anything, they have enough devoted followers that they fund on first day, but this time they have a pretty high stretch goal to be able to print *two* volumes at the same time, and it would be really, really nice if they did manage it!

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

kickstarter per un webcomic (famoso) in inglese

È aperto il nuovo kickstarter di Girl Genius, per stampare il prossimo volume…

per quei pochi che non lo conoscono, è un #fumetto steampunk che va avanti da anni, pubblicato online su e poi su carta, un volume per volta finanziato su kickstarter.

Di solito non ci sarebbe il minimo bisogno di fargli pubblicità: hanno abbastanza lettori fedeli da riuscire a finanziare la stampa il primo giorno, ma stavolta hanno aggiunto uno stretch goal per riuscire a stampare *due* volumi allo stesso giro, e non sarebbe per niente male se ce la facessero!

The case for #Pyra. is. done.

It could have been neater, and maybe tomorrow or next week I'll unpick the binding on the raw edges and sew it again, because it's ugly, but the size is just right and it works.

Only took 3 attempts to get to the right amount of ease :)

There will be pictures (and a blog post). Not today :D

#sewing #MYOG

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

OTOH, there are pictures of one of the things that I used to postpone the third attempt at the case.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

In compenso, ci sono foto di una delle cose che ho fatto nella settimana anziché cucire il terzo tentativo della custodia.…

io ho deciso per #sculo

tired: it's pronounced S Q L

wired: it's pronounced sequel

inspired: it's pronounced squirrel

It's time for a new #pizza post!

Right out of the oven!

in reply to Fabio

@Fabio @albertuxone e io ho invitato questo pisano qui per una pizza a casa mia questa primavera. ma non se lo merita!

(explanation for people who don't speak italian: I invited albertuxone for homemade pizza this spring, but I'm having second thoughts on whether he deserves it)

I've found out what the issue with the #tea shop was: they had to restore the website from backups and some user got stuck in the process.

I've now procured more tea (by preparing a list on the website, printing it out and going to the shop. yes, it's close enough that I could just go there without visiting the website. I could.)

@Naomi P do you want some tea? I'm making an herbal one, since here it's evening, but it can turn into whatever you want during the internet trip :)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Ho scoperto qual'era il problema col sito del negozio di té: hanno dovuto recuperare il sito da backup e qualche utente è rimasto incastrato nel processo.

Ho procurato del té (preparando un elenco sul sito, stampandolo e andando al negozio. sì, è abbastanza vicino da poterci andare anche senza visitare il sito. volendo.)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Oh, thank you! But I have an oversufficiency at the moment, so will have to pass.

#sewing update

the corded petticoat is done! And today I expect to finish the hem on the chemise (I'm almost halfway through it), so there will be some cutting fabric time this afternoon, and that may be either the lining for the #AugustaStays or the cartridge pleated skirt.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

aaand the chemise is also finished!

and then I just didn't have the energy to do anything that required concentration like cutting fabric, so I just did a bit of lucet

(the 3 metre piece has been finished yesterday, now I've started a 1 metre piece for the front lacing)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

e ho finito anche la sottogonna!

e poi non avevo le forze per fare qualunque cosa che richiedesse attenzione come tagliare stoffa, quindi ho fatto solo un po' di cordino a lucet.

(il pezzo da tre metri è stato finito ieri, adesso ne ho iniziato uno da un metro per l'allacciatura davanti)

body functionality, politics (Italian), silly, gross
Thanks to a conversation at the dinner table, I now have a mental image of a character in the style of… with the face of Salvini (Italian racist politician) that looks for alien bacteria in the gut and, if he finds any, orders an immediate, human rights violating, expulsion that manifests as travelers' diarrhoea.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

funzioni corporee, politica, stupido e schifoso
Grazie ad una conversazione a tavola, adesso ho un'immagine mentale di un personaggio stile Siamo fatti così con la faccia di Salvini che controlla se ci sono batteri stranieri nell'apparato digerente e se ne trova ordina un espulsione immediata in violazione dei diritti umani, che si manifesta come cagotto del viaggiatore.

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Getting to the laundry place 5 minutes before it closed on Saturday morning to give them 4 heavy-ish carpets to wash (while they were still on the car rather than having to walk there while carrying them later). done.

(we called when we got on the car, to ask whether it was ok, and the owner of the place knows us well enough that there wasn't any time consuming procedure, we just dumped everything in there and then she will deal with them when she opens next week. but still, it felt wrong.)

in reply to Yaku 🐗

@Yaku @rapitadaglialieni

Come alla posta il primo del mese (qui a giugno arrivano un po' prima delle 6 che è già chiaro).

#sewing update

The cording on the petticoat has been completed, I'm now doing the vertical seams (hopefully today), and then I have to gather or pleat or something the top and it's done.

I'm cutting a second attempt at the pyra case: I've cut almost everything, but I've just misplaced one of the fabrics I want to use. The inventory says it's in the box I've been looking for it.

I've printed almost all of the hexbin Standard Compliant pattern weights, I've cut enough felt for all of them (I think, I didn't exactly *count*), and I've been using the first one and it works nicely. It's a good excuse to buy new washers the next time I'm at the shop, right?

Related: if you have recommendations for places in Europe that print small amounts of hexagonal #stickers and don't require me to provide a multi layer PDF file (or a tutorial on how to make those with inkscape or other Free Software) I'd be happy to hear about them :)

And thanks to a couple of movie nights¹ at my mother's I'm close to the 3 meters of lucet cord I plan to use for the back of my Augusta Stays. That I still need to cut lining for, why do you ask?

¹ 17:30 - 19:30 or so counts as night, if you're watching a movie, right? :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

it had fallen to the bottom of the box

(I keep fabric vertically in the box so that I can see all of it at a glance, but this one was especially slippery)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

era caduta sul fondo della scatola

(ripongo la stoffa verticalmente nella scatola in modo da riuscire a vedere tutti i contenuti a colpo d'occhio, ma questa era particolarmente scivolosa)

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode nope, too little time for work that requires active concentration

sewing, and especially handsewing are more compatible with those times when the brain wants to switch off :)

when you've been using a #vim -like editor all day and you open #nano

#cli #cliproblems #musclememory

Stanotte mi son sognata che, per celebrare un anniversario o qualcosa del genere, #trenord chiedeva ai suoi clienti di inviare foto scattate in stazione o sui treni, purché non si vedessero persone, da mettere in un apposita galleria, e stavo suggerendo a @LaVi 🕊️📚🐈 di inviare la sua collezione di foto del cartellone dei ritardi di Saronno

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

tempo fa avevo detto a che con quelle foto poteva pubblicare l'almanacco dei ritardi #trenord😆
Unknown parent

I'm taking a break from historical #sewing to make myself a case for the Pyra¹ that I've just received (YAY!).

Which means working with technical materials.

Which means that two needles have already been broken, and I've just decided to sew the raw edge binding by hand, even if I know it will be painful, because I don't want to deal with another fiddly seam by machine.

¹ handheld gaming console with a full keyboard designed by retrogaming enthusiasts.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

and the size was just a tiny bit too small. tomorrow(?) I'll try again with a pattern that is just a tiny bit bigger.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

ed è venuta di misura un pelo troppo piccola. domani(?) ci provo ancora ingrandendo il modello di un filo.

Am I the only one who finds using spray starch almost as fun as using spray paint?

(yes, one day I will try real starch)

(yes, one day I will be ironing and starching my shirts more than an hour before I need to wear them)

(today is not that day)

in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua non so, il problema è che abito in collina, non nelle zone da risaia, credo che darò la priorit๠al piantare il mio lino, filarlo e tesserlo, prima di pensare a produrmi il mio amido.

Però potrei fare quello di patate, anche se credo che ingiallisca un po'.

¹ quello richiede “avere un posto dove piantare il lino”, e ancora sono ben lontana dall'averlo. Diciamo che non è in cima alla lista :D

Asking people who use #screenReaders: what is the best way to add #AltText to a QR-Code? Are the screen readers clever enough to recognise it as such and offer to read the contents or follow the link? Does putting the content of the QR-Code in the alt text help? or would it make it worse, especially if it is an URL?

boosts are welcome

(the whole point of the post that prompted this question was posting a QR-Code, so no, I couldn't have just posted the URL)

#sewing update? sewing update!

I suspect that the body of the shift is a bit too wide at the top, but I haven't tried it on yet to find out. It's only missing a hem at the bottom, and then it's done, however (and I'm sure I can adjust the width so that it is wearable anyway).

I haven't done anything on it (nor on the #AugustaStays), however, because I've spent most of my sewing time on the corded petticoat, because *I want to know* whether it will work and how it will look.

And I'm happy to report that I've just finished the next to last section of cording, only 3 more 3-metre-long seams and then I can finally start on the assembly.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

aggiornamento sul #cucito? aggiornamento sul cucito!

Sospetto che la sottoveste sia un po' troppo larga sul busto, ma non l'ho ancora provata per esserne sicura. Manca solo l'orlo in basso, e poi sarebbe finita (e ho fiducia del fatto di poter sistemare in qualche modo la circonferenza in modo da poterla indossare comunque).

Però è un po' che la ignoro (così come sto ignorando le Augusta Staus), perché la maggior parte del mio tempo-cucito in questi giorni è stato passato sulla sottogonna cordonata, perché *voglio sapere* se funziona e che aspetto ha.

E sono felice di annunciare che ho appena finito la penultima sezione di cordonature, mi mancano solo 3 cuciture da 3 metri l'una, e poi posso finalmente iniziare la costruzione.

TFW you wake up in the morning, try to login on your computer and the h key on your keuboard doesn't work.

so you connect a spare keyboard (cheap gaming keyboard with blue keys, way too noisy for regular use) to a free USB port, login, open a few things and then try to write again with your keyboard, and it works.

disconnect the spare, start having breakfast, post a few things on the fediverse, now the s and the f keys no longer work.

Connect the spare, use it for a while, try the original, it works. And then it stops.

I'm wondering whether I should move elsewhere my keyboard and just resign myself to use the spare today.

(I know what caused the issues, there may have been an accident in the weekend, and a replacement has already been ordered and may even be delivered today or tomorrow, and then there will be time to try and fix the original one.)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

TFW ti svegli alla mattina, cerchi di fare login sul computer e il tasto h non funziona.

quindi attacchi la tastiera di scorta (una da gaming economica, con tasti blu che sono troppo rumorosi per l'uso regolare) ad una porta USB libera, fai login, apri un po' di cose, provi a scrivere di nuovo con la tua tastiera e funziona.

stacchi quella di scorta, inizi a fare colazione, postare sul fediverso, e smettono di funzionare i tasti s e f.

Riattacchi quella di scorta, la usi per un po', riprovi l'originale, funzona. E poi smette di funzionare.

Mi chiedo se sia il caso di staccare l'originale e per oggi rassegnarmi ad usare quella di scorta.

(So cosa causa il problea, nel weekend potrebbe esserci stato un piccolo incidente, ed è già stata ordinata una nuova tastiera che potrebbe essere consegnata oggi o domani, e poi ci sarà tempo per provare a far rifunzionare l'originale.)

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode it was hot water that had been used to clean a jar of jam¹, but basically the same thing, except with more sugar.

Not that I would ever do anything like that to my keyboard!

¹ as in: when there is just a bit of jam left I don't bother with removing it with a spoon, I just pour boiling water in it, let it dissolve and then drink the result as if it was an herbal tea.

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