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Stanotte mi son sognata che, per celebrare un anniversario o qualcosa del genere, #trenord chiedeva ai suoi clienti di inviare foto scattate in stazione o sui treni, purchΓ© non si vedessero persone, da mettere in un apposita galleria, e stavo suggerendo a @LaVi πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ“šπŸˆ di inviare la sua collezione di foto del cartellone dei ritardi di Saronno

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Tonight I dreamed that the local train company (trenord) was running a campaign to celebrate something and asking its customer to post pictures taken in its stations or on its trains, as long as no people were visible, and they would have been shown on a dedicated gallery. Of course I encouraged a person on the Italian Fediverse who posts almost daily pictures of the delay display of one such station to submit them.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

tempo fa avevo detto a che con quelle foto poteva pubblicare l'almanacco dei ritardi #trenordπŸ˜†

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