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TID (Tonight I Dreamed): Sir Beton, the knight with an armour made of concrete.

I have no idea either.


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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Stanotte ho sognato: Sir Beton, il cavaliere con l'armatura di cemento.

No, non ne ho idea.


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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Dragon: "Ouch! My teeth!"

Sir Beton of Portland: "Hah! Foolish beast ye are, my fiend, for ye should know and remember that my armour is worth ten times it's weight in gold, as its resistance to compression is extreme!"

Dragon: "Alas, my teeth shall remember what unchewable morsel you are. But so are beans, until they've been prop'ly seared!"
Sir Beton, muffled by the helmet: "Haha, a foe as daring as foolish ye are. Know that my armour was forged in the fires of mount Vaes, and cured by the moist swamps of Swarbly. Its thermal conductivity is quite low and unless you can keep simmering me all day, no heat will hurt me"

Dragon: "Curse you tiny yet inventive monkey! You can't even comprehend how much foul fumes the makin' of your shell creates! Strong indeed, but as much as noxious, if not more, your carapace is"

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

(you write too much about textiles, your autocorrect went for knit instead of knight)
in reply to Oblomov

@Oblomov uooops, lol, my mental autocorrect, I'm typing from a computer

I'm editing the post :)

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