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in reply to Lemmy

@Lemmy Why a link inside a button... It's... quite unusual..

And the padding on the button (which it doesn't respond to user action) makes clicking on the link a little bit more difficult than it should be.

I know.. I should have opened an issue, or better send a patch.. but I'm lazy, sorry :D

I've just received what are nominally 170 hooks and eyes (different sizes and colours)

The fact that I'm postponing counting them individually until the late afternoon (because I have other things to do with a higher priority) is a clear sign that I'm evidently not a #vampire, right?

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

180 hooks and 181 eyes.

(everybody was waiting for the result, right? :D )

also, now I should fix the closure on my linen jacket, but it's linen, I'm not going to need it for a while yet, right? :D )


Sooooooo, I may have


a new game of Ur set

and uooops, while taking the photo one of the green pieces was misplaced, but I've played the game afterwards and it was there :D

I'm experimenting a bit with alternate shapes for the dice, the coin-like ones work decently, but they get mistaken for the main game pieces when getting the game out of the box, and they also roll around quite a bit.

#royalGameOfUr #polymerClay #boardGame

Ferdinando Simonetti reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I really like how the dice look like stones on this picture, is that the same feel when you manipulate them for real?
in reply to Wohosheni

@Wohosheni it is plastic, and relatively smooth, so no, it doesn't feel exactly like stone, but it isn't a bad feel.

lamentele su poste italiane (ranting about the italian “post” service, in italian)

e oggi la giornata è iniziata in #posta, dove devo essere felice che mi abbiano detto subito che non potevano fare la pratica perché mancava l'impiegato che se ne occupa, anziché tenermi allo sportello per mezz'ora per poi dirmi di tornare alla mattina quando c'è l'impiegato che se ne occupa, come era successo settimana scorsa.

vogliamo scommettere che settimana prossima, quando mi han garantito che rientra, in realtà non sarà rientrato perché durante le ferie si è ammalato?

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

lamentele su poste italiane (ranting about the italian “post” service, in italian)
ovviamente non ero lì per richiedere nuovi servizi bancari, né per fare una nuova sim telefonica, ma per servizi postali.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

lamentele su poste italiane (ranting about the italian “post” service, in italian)
ah, il core business! :D
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

lamentele su poste italiane (ranting about the italian “post” service, in italian)
te la doveva fare il dirigente, la praticah!
in reply to diorama ١٣١٢ (demm/ihn)

lamentele su poste italiane (ranting about the italian “post” service, in italian)
@diorama ١٣١٢ (demm/ihn) no, no, il dirigente è impegnato a rifilare investimenti capestro ai clienti, per queste cose... postali... se ne occupa un impiegato. uno solo, eh, mica che si sprechino risorse per cose di scarsa importanza!

Ferdinando Simonetti reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Poste italiane si disinteressa del servizio postale da oltre un decennio. Vedi per esempio la chiusura delle caselle su ventilata nel 2011 ed attuata nel 2019…
Avvilente. Meritano l'estinzione.😢
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

lamentele su poste italiane (ranting about the italian “post” service, in italian)

@Paolo Redaelli eh, il problema è che se si estinguono poi il servizio postale non lo fa più nessuno, neanche male.

e i corrieri non sono la stessa cosa.

sooooo, some time ago my mother bought a cut of silk satin fabric for a shawl/scarf/foulard and afterwards discovered it had some elastane in it, which makes it pretty hell to work with.

Of course I had to cut it to size, because she sews but is afraid to cut things, and that's fine, I knew it was going to happen.

But why is that cut of fabric currently in my lap, being hemmed by hand?

And while I like it, it's not really my style, so I'm probably not even going to steal it after it's finished.


cibo, carne (posting about food in Italian)

dico solo: mezzo panino di grano duro appena uscito dal forno, cren, svizzera di vitello, pasta spalmabile belga di mele/pere/lamponi, l'altra metà del panino.

niente foto, perché si sarebbe raffreddato :D

(la verdura era sedanorapa tritato, quindi a parte perché nel panino sarebbe andato per ogni dove)

Unknown parent

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua
cibo, carne (posting about food in Italian)
Quella non è roba da Burger King, è roba da Burger Papa 😋

Today I was browsing through #fashionPlates from the #1890s as one does, and I stumbled on this…

(the linked plate has a depiction of a 1890s style dress in pale red fabric with blue/green/yellow lines forming *big* squares (~20 cm?); the skirt is typical for the era, the jacket has the expected big sleeves, plus a very triangular capelet and a skirt that reaches just past the hips and ends in two sharp points in the front. There is also a blue belt, and blue cuffs and collars. The model is also carrying a parasol that looks more like a pointy stick)

And now I can't stop thinking of that dress in grey/silvery lurex fabric, on a #1960s sci-fi spaceship.

If i didn't have more projects than time (many of which are also going to be used way more) I would consider doing this :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Oh gosh, I'm thinking of a whole cast for a a show or a film - doing 1890s fashion, but it's all in metallic or neon fabrics, maybe even UV colour-shift fabrics too (I'm sure a major production could get hold of that stuff again).

If people from that time got access to those fabrics you just know they'd have done it. Maybe with a lot more questionable colour combinations than now, but they'd absolutely have gone for metallic everything, glitter Lurex everything...

(On the one hand, it's always disappointed me a little that the RDR2 devs seem to have avoided or understated the main elements of 1890s women's fashion, but on the other I can see how it could've been a struggle to keep the giant sleeves from looking too comical in-game.)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Non so cucire e davvero non mi piace, ma vedo questi abiti e ho voglia di farmi uno...

It begins.

I'm actually not sure whether I'll go fully #1890s with this jacket (with moderation :D) or I'll keep the sleeves fitting: I'll decide after I've sewed a mock-up.

#sewing #HistoricalSewing @sewing group

reshared this

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

And now I'm wondering: are 80 cm of 150+cm wide fabric enough for a pair of cycling knickers? Do I want to stand up, look for the actual pattern I was working on and check? (not now) Is there something else I can do with that fabric that I would wear more? (maybe? I could do a vest, and I do wear those, but I'm also planning a few vests in other materials I already have, so maybe those will be enough?)

sewing group reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I'm estimating but it's probably not enough fabric unless you piece it heavily. Are you sewing from modern pattern with fabric requirements already calculated on the envelope/in the instructions?
in reply to MagdoLena9

@MagdoLena9 lol, no, that would be too easy :D

I'm drafting them from period instructions, or rather I drafted them from period instructions in summer 2021, made one mockup and then put them on hold because I wasn't sure about the fabric to use and I had more urgent projects.

sewing group reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

oh, yeah, I know a lot about putting projects off. Well, I'd love to see how this project goes — I hope to make them for myself one day.
in reply to MagdoLena9

@MagdoLena9 don't hold your breath, it may go back to the wait list.

but one day a pair of cycling knickers will happen, and I will post about it :)

sewing group reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Depends on the style you're aiming for and the size you need, but...Probably not unless you are very small and aiming for a fitted style.
in reply to Rivikah

@Rivikah the first mockup I did, after following the drafting instructions was pretty fitting.

For the second attempt I enlarged them (and then I didn't do the second mockup).

Now, they are below-the-knee length, so each leg is just above 80 cm long and it would probably fit on the fabric (there is some leeway because it's the leftovers from the jacket, it's not a straight cut).

The two leg sides for the wider version are not going to fit on the fabric side by side, but the original one may, maybe, possibly with a tiny bit of piecing, or by using the wiggle room.

I would have to be creative with the waistband, but I think I can get the various facings etc. from the jacket scraps, probably, maybe.

First I'll finish the jacket, so if disasters happen I have a safety net to recut pieces, and if I find I need something more for the accessories I can get it.

But afterwards, if I still have this much fabric, I can probably try it.

Unless I get other ideas.

#sewing #HistoricalSewing

sewing group reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Rivikah Sounds like an intriguing challenge! Maybe the waistband could be a different material? Even making a feature out of a problem by going wildly different/contrasting? But the layout will surely show if feasible. Good luck with whatever project you decide to do!
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Almost all of the fabric (main, lining, interfacings) has been cut.

Now I should be basting all pieces together with their interfacing and linings, but that requires being at the table, and this evening I'm attending… and need something to do in front of the computer, so I've started working on one of the plastrons, the one with soutache decorations.

And now I'm asking myself: why can't I accept a soutache decoration where the braid is placed on top of previous parts of the braid? why do I have to insist on it being a proper knot? :D

(there are pictures in the good camera. one day they will be copied to the computer and posted in this thread. this is not that day :) )

sewing group reshared this.

ferrovie svizzere

no, vabbé, ma è trollare.

mi dai un link all'orario in pdf, e poi sulla pagina metti un tab COSTI con cui prima farsi venire un colpo e poi aprire per scoprire che no, lo si scarica gratis.…

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Dai, sono svizzeri. Gli sghei prima de tücc 😅 G'han semper in ment i dànee
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
ferrovie svizzere
@Sibylle la tradizione, le cose antiche, il profumo dei pdf :D

rant on the producers of a gift I've received, long, (souvenir dip pens)

For Christmas (actually it arrived in my hands on the evening of the 30th) I've received a very beautiful handcrafted #dipPen and yesterday I tried it.

The first surprise is that the nib (which they declare is a vintage one from the early 1900s) seems to be glued inside the pen. waitwhat? Don't they know that nibs get ruined with use and have to be changed?

Oh, well, I've tried it with my fancy nib test setup¹ and it's a beautiful fine/extrafine flexible nib that writes smoothly. Sadly I can't know which nib it is, but I guess that when it will get worn down I can try to pry it out and find out.

And then in the package there was a small bottle of black ink. That I tried with my fancy ink test setup² and was really horrible and hard to use even with a rigid nib, never mind the flexible one on the pen.

And ok, I get it that most people who buy a souvenir pen at a tourist attraction (like this one was) do so to keep it unused, but really, it's a pen, it's a tool! why can't they make a tiny bit of effort of making it usable for the few people who would want to actually try to use them³? It wouldn't take much, just a cheap off-brand german fountain pen ink (maybe they require too high a quantity to allow for rebranding? but there must be a solution that is still cheap)

This way they are going to spread the myth that writing was really hard in the past and we have to be thankful for having ballpoint pens (UGH), and discouraging young people who may have shown interest in writing with the tools that are actually nice to use!

And now, off to check whether that ink is usable on fancy paper, because this specific kit. WILL. BE. USED!⁴ :D

¹ a random scrap of paper and cheap but trustworthy Pelikan 4001 black ink.
² a consistent piece of the same printer paper (not fancy, but known to work decently with average liquid inks) and a variety of nibs (rigid extrafine, lettering, flexible)
³ I mean, other than the enthusiasts who are already well equipped with their own favourite inks, fancy paper and everything :D
⁴ At least the pen. the ink is probably not worth too much effort, except as much as I'm having fun being stubborn over it :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

It's sounding like it might not even be proper fountain/dip pen ink at all.

Out of curiosity, what's the consistency like? What's it doing when you try to use it?

in reply to Mre. Dartigen [maker mode]

@Mre. Dartigen [maker mode] yeah, that's also what I'm suspecting, that they've taken a random cheap liquid ink and bottled that.

and it's very liquid, spreading out (and down to the other side) as soon as it gets close to the paper.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I told a fountain pen user friend of mine about this and he told me of an even worse story: his first *fountain pen* came with a bottle of ink. luckily the shop he bought it from knew what he was selling, and also gave him a bottle of cheap pelikan 4001 and the recommendation to never use the ink from the box, because it wasn't fountain pen ink. it was for dip pens only. The kind that will clog and ruin a fountain pen.

At least, if you put something inadequate in a kit with a dip pen you have to make a really huge effort to ruin it.

Today I unexpectedly received a box of #ArtSupplies. I had sent the order on boxing day, expecting it to arrive next year, and I hadn't received any notification of it being sent.

Anyway, one of the things in the box is a big (A2) picture frame. I distinctly remember putting it in the chart months ago after carefully measuring *something* (possibly it was two or more matching somethings), so I kept it in the chart when ordering thinking “oh, well, while I wait for it to arrive I will see the thing(s) around the house and remember why I bought it”.

so... any suggestion on what was supposed to go into it? it's probably not something I painted, since I mostly do A6 or smaller, and it's definitely something that I already have.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

YES! I've found what it was!

It wasn't two big things, it was 12 small things! the pages of a desktop calendar with cat drawings!

now I can sleep and not lie in bed thinking about it :D (ok, I don't think I would have done it. maybe. not the whole night, at least)

Now, the real question is: does the Descriptivism flag that I keep waving have a specific shape, or everybody uses a different one as long as it has a few features among:

* rectangular in shape;
* made of shapes in bold distinctive colours;
* with a more complex design in the middle;
* insert other typical flag features here :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Ma la vera domanda è: la bandiera Descrittivista che continuo a sventolare ha un disegno specifico, oppure ciascuno ne usa una diversa purché riporti alcune caratteristiche a scelta tra:

* ha forma rettangolare;
* è fatta di forme in colori distintivi;
* con uno stemma più complesso al centro;
* aggiungere qui altre caratteristiche tipiche delle bandiere :D

not really eye contact, but an intense gaze (to the side), painting

Now, the question is: is this Mazzini or Vetinari?

Picture taken at the Museo del Risorgimento, Milan

#1800 #risorgimento #Discworld

#SillyCuratorPrompts #WoobleWednesday

I didn't read the description, of course

OTOH, a voice in my mind has been saying “you can't comb a hairy ball” for the whole time it took me to paint this :D

(… )

It's aliiiiveeee! (almost) #WiP #confy #gtk4 #libadwaita

Screenshots on last post where blueprint ui files made in Workbench, this is from the wip branch. 🚧👍

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#mastoTip On the fediverse, nothing punishes you for adding links to your toots.

And you don't even need to shorten them: mastodon counts all links as if they had the same (small) number of characters, no matter how long it is.

So, if you're talking about something, *do* post a link to it, don't force people to google for it and hope they're getting the right result!

Some caveats.

* Check the rules of your instance: some of them don't allow links to proprietary social networks, or to commercial services, or they may have other custom restrictions.
* Speaking of commercial services, even if it doesn't violate the rules of your instance, if everything you do on the fediverse is posting spammy links to your own commercial service people will block you, but the usual practice in most parts of the fediverse is that sporadic links to your own commercial things among other things are fine, or even welcome if you are a small artisan selling the things they make or something similar.
* Some platforms may show a preview of the link, so please add CWs as appropriate.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

#mastoTip (pss, don't tell people about this, but you can also post a link to the permalink of a toot, hint, hint :D )

(there isn't anything technically wrong with that, but remember that the mods are human, and in most cases they will know if you're doing it with the intent to harm, and act accordingly)

TIL: to find out what is attached to a device in /dev/ you can use:

udevadm info -q all -n /dev/<device_name>

especially useful for things like /dev/ttyACMx if you connect more than one of them :D


Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Delib yeah, there are problems with the way friendica sets the language of a post (it uses the language used in the interface and there is no way to change it per-post (plus we're using a custom interface translation file to add a few stylistic touches :D ))

It;s 16:23 in the afternoon, and the shirt I want to wear tomorrow is already ironed and lightly starched (spray starch, not the real thing).

What is going to go horribly wrong?

(for context: usually I would be ironing it in a hurry 30 minutes before I have to wear it, while also doing something else like baking bread)

filed under #costuming , because, really, nobody else is going to wear a starched shirt at the family gathering tomorrow.

in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua I *am* going to bring a lot of starchy food, does that count :D (bread, my contribution to the meal, and ideally to a couple of days of meals for the hosting family, is bread :) )

(and most of my relatives are nice, I'm not dreading the day spent with them)

Da un quotidiano locale:

“[Regione Lombardia] esteso l’offerta gratuita [del vaccino antinfluenzale] a tutti i cittadini *fino* ai 6 mesi di età. [enfasi mia]”

ah, beh, allora siamo a posto :D

(lo so, è un refuso, può capitare)

Informa Pirata reshared this.

After trying some materials I had at home and not finding anything satisfying, I did a panic buy of #macrame cord to be used in the drawstring backpacks I'm making as gift wrappers, from an online shop.

Since I was already late and didn't have time to get another delivery if the one I bought didn't work, I selected a few different types, just to be sure.

Of course, the type I had most hope for worked just fine, so now I have ~100 m balls of 3 different types of macramé cords I don't have a project for.

Right now I should be finishing my breakfast, taking care of the laundry and finishing the last drawstring backpack.

Can you guess what I'm doing instead?

Why, of course I'm attempting a macramé chatelaine bag.

No, I'm not using a pattern.

No, I haven't done macramé before (but I've done lots of friendship bracelets in the past).


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

tea has been had.

a handle has been made.

the laundry has been taken care of.

and I've even taken a shower!

and I've tried to take a picture, but the phone isn't being helpful :(

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

The phone released the two pictures I've taken yesterday

I believe I've done something wrong, since I've used way more rope than the internet tells me is typical for an average project, so I'll either have a lot of leftovers, or a result that is denser than usual.

As a learning thing, I'm fine with either.

Trying some restyling of #confy in #gtk4 #adwaita .

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in reply to Nico Rikken

@Nico Rikken Thank you. I don't think I'll manage to release the Gtk4 version for #FOSDEM, but the Gtk3 is already usable :D
in reply to Fabio

Yeah, it proved to be essential in the last conference I attended. On Android I use #Giggity but #LinuxPhones are the future. So thanks for working on this!

now #sewing: drawstring backpacks¹ in simple cotton as #reusableGiftWrappings, and it's really nice being able to pin the heck out of it, instead of having to be extremely careful when doing them in waterproof fabric :)



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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

these are super cool!!
I try reuse bags too whenever I need to give gifts.
in reply to zephyr

@zephyr my default giftwrapping solution are furoshiki: cut a square of fabric, hem the borders, wrap and knot it around the gift, and then it can be reused in a lot of ways.

Unless I'm feeling lazy, and I buy dishcloths that are already hemmed, and will be reused as dishcloths or small tablecloths :D

But sometimes I prefer to do something different.

I've just added the character 🗞 to my .Xmodmap.

After copypasting it from the output of ``unicode newspaper`` something like once a day on average for, I think, years.

I think that there is some kind of antipattern at work here.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

TIL there is a command "unicode" for looking up Unicode characters by name.
in reply to Lars Wirzenius

@Lars Wirzenius it also gives you the name of any unicode character you give to it (to be used only in context where copypasting things on the shell is safe, but it's useful when reading a chat with friends from a text based client where the emoji are tiny blobs of white pixels :D )

Lars Wirzenius reshared this.

/me, a few minutes ago

“this bread is addictive, especially when fresh or stale”


Un articolo (in inglese) scritto davvero bene su perché ha chiuso le iscrizioni durante i boom di nuovi iscritti e in generale su come e perché per il fediverso è molto meglio avere tante piccole istanze (anche sugli stessi temi) piuttosto che delle megaistanze.(nel caso in cui su altre piattaforme non arrivi, questo è il link diretto all'articolo, quello sopra è il post sul fediverso che lo annuncia)…

I was going to make this as a thread but then the words became Many and I figured I'd do it as a Patreon post instead XD

On instance scale and federation scale:…

I posted yesterday that .art closes registrations to protect the growth and health of our community and some people asked why we'd want to limit how many people are here. This explains why. :)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

"Per una arbitraria definizione di piccole".... Scusa non ho resistito 😀
Fuor di celia credete ci sia spazio per mini/micro istanze tipo quelle realizzabili con #epicyon ? Vedi…
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

@Paolo Redaelli @Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator :masto: effettivamente sì, mastodon ha alzato di molto l'asta su cosa venga considerato piccolo rispetto alle altre piattaforme storiche del fediverso.

Però Welsh Pixie e gli altri mod di .art hanno un bel po' di esperienza nel gestire con successo una comunità vivibile con moderazione forte, per cui mi fido quando forniscono numeri che lo permettono.

Detto questo, io sono su un'istanza da quattro gatti con moderazione debole (perché le iscrizioni sono chiuse, e quindi bisogna moderare solo quel che arriva da fuori, e di solito non c'è neanche davvero bisogno di farlo a livello di server) e mi ci trovo molto meglio (ho risposto alla tua domanda? :) )

/me, pouring water in the transparent teapot: this green #tea is really pale, it will probably be very delicate

/me, 3 minutes later: wait, that water is *really* pale

looks at the still sealed bag of tea

(and it's not even a *morning* tea, here it's afternoon)


The hot air soldering station set at 260°C worked quite nicely to warm up a pair of needles to bend them for coptic #bookbinding.

Better than using a candle flame, I'd say, as there was no soot to clean up afterwards.

reshared this

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Sibylle I wouldn't mind. the phone minds a bit more, at this hour in the night¹ :D

The white part is a reflection of the light, they are just regular big sewing needles (size 2 sharps - I believe that bookbinding needles should have a rounded tip, but right now this is what I have)

Now that I've tested them, I believe that they will have to be bent a bit more, especially the top one.

I don't think tomorrow I'll have time to shoot proper pictures, but I hope in the weekend I will.

¹ it's not really night, it's just dark :)

uops, apparently it's not safe for me to go to the haberdashery to buy just a spool of buttonhole thread.

No, I don't know what to do with it, yet. maybe on a skirt? maybe on a capelet? maybe on a decorative apron of some kind? right now it will go in the stash until I find the right fabric and the right project.

@sewing group #sewing

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How to program an attiny85 from arduino ide, in linux.

Having looked at many instruction on the internet, those are the more complete (and working) I have found:…


1) open Arduino Ide from your preferred linux distro (mine is debian/testing)
2) File -> Preferences -> Additional Board Manager Url
3) add this link…
4) ok
5) Tools -> Board Manager, add Digistump AVR Boards
6) Tools -> Board -> Digistump AVR Boards -> Digistump

Now it's all classic "Verify" "Upload" steps to program the attiny85

Yesterday we went for a walk and @Diego Roversi took a few pictures of the flannel shirt I've just finished (and I forgot to button it up completely before the pictures were taken, uoooops)

The pattern is always… , but I've cut away the excess material in the front rather than pleating it.

#sewing #HistoricalSewing #1880s @sewing group #FreeSoftWear

reshared this

Project red shirt has started!

red as in Garibaldi, not as in Star Trek, and right now I've only done one cut, and then moved on to other things (it was time for tea :D ), but I plan to finish cutting most pieces tomorrow and then start (slowly) #sewing

#HistoricalSewing #1860s @sewing group

reshared this

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I've stopped procrastinating sewing in the sleeves!

ok, technically I'm procrastinating right now, by writing this comment, but I'm going back to it *right now* :D

(oh, and the collar is finished, and the two side seams have both been felled)

sewing group reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

straight part of both sleeves done!

now I have just a bit more time before dinner, but do you think i'm going to press the seam and move on to the gathered part?

nope. brain off. front hem.

sewing group reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

gathered part of one sleeve done, the next will be sewn hopefully tomorrow. Very little hemming done.

I'm starting to suspect that on New Year's Eve I will be making buttonholes while waiting for the new year, rather than wearing the shirt :D

sewing group reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

This morning I took a break to visit the Risorgimento museum in Milan (and spent something like 15 minutes in the small room dedicated to Garibaldi :D ), but still both sleeve seams have been felled!

Tomorrow hem and reinforcement patches (have I ever told I much I hate them?), saturday buttonholes?

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in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua I've already been there, can confirm :D

We still have to go back and visit the last couple of rooms that we didn't have time to visit because the museum was closing down, but we keep postponing it because it's just two rooms, and what if we get lost rewatching everything else, and still miss those?

(no, we've never been thrown out of a museum because it was closing. we always left them with good grace after the second or third announcement that it was closing, *before* they actually have to come and grab us with force :D )

(and it's not because we get there late :D )

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

today I sort of got distracted by polymer clay, but I did finish the hems!

also, I found that the reinforcement patches I've cut are too small, so tomorrow I'll cut new ones. and then buttons and buttonholes.

The plans for the evening (meeting people online) have changed, so there is a decent chance that the dress code will be “evening dress, i.e. pajamas”, but wearing the new shirt on New Year's Day looks feasible.

Also, there is still a bit of thread on the spool, probably enough for the patches.

sewing group reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

aaaaand done! the patches have been added, the shirt can be worn!

I still have to cut and sew at least one detachable collar, but that will happen later, now I think I'll move on to the jacket project and ideally the Augusta Stays.

I hope to be able to take proper pictures of the shirt this weekend!

sewing group reshared this.

I've decided I need to do something vaguely useful with a few microcontroller boards I have, use some of the simple ESP8266 ones to collect temperature and humidity data from various rooms of the house to a MQTT server, collect that data in a RRD and show the current values on an epaper panel together with the current time and weather forecast.

Current status is:

* the MQTT server at home is no longer working (uops, that's why I wasn't receiving other unrelated notifications. I believe I know what the reason is, and how to solve it, but not today. I have mosquitto installed also on the laptop and that one is working)
* the python library I wanted to use to read data from MQTT is broken in debian testing (bug opened at the end of november)
* I can't find the ESP8266 boards. I know that they are around here somewhere, but WHERE???

#microcontrollers #arduino

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Then, with the board nicely sitting on a breadboard, a stable 3.3V and no ratnest of jumper cables I've seen that the code I wrote last week works: the board turns on, connects and sends the temperature and humidity data from the DHT22 on mqtt, sets a timer and goes into deep sleep.

As long as you don't use Serial.flush(); before going into deep sleep, otherwise it will hang on it until it *gets* a serial, or something, and it will not have a serial while running on battery (uooops).

(yes, the DHT22 seems to be working fine on 3.3V, probably as long as it's close enough to the board that the voltage isn't dropping. and I'm not going to have 5V while on battery, so 3.3V it is)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

The Bag of Random Sensors that had the DHT22 also gifted me with 3 (THREE!) BMP280 (temperature and atmospheric pressure, I2C or SPI).

While playing with them I've learned:

* The #esp32c3 can use #i2c on any pin; the default I believe is 8 and 9, but they are also used while programming, so meh
* You can change the i2c pins in #arduino by calling Wire.setPins(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL); before any Wire.begin();
* There is an example sketch called Wire -> WireScan which scans for i2c devices (you will have to change it to use the pins you want to use with a call to Wire.setPins) which is a godsend.

reshared this

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

aaaand, temperature and pressure have been read.

for some reason, however, right now arduino isn't compiling the sketch twice in a row (with the error “panic: runtime error: index out of range [9] with length 9”).

But I'll look into it probably during the Christmas holidays, for today I'm ok with this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

oh, right. I was supposed to look into the arduino failures.

instead, I've looked a bit at the python side of things, and surprisingly what I did worked fine, even if it wasn't much.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

The whole ESP32 family can do hardware I2C on most of their bidirectional GPIO pins. I2C is a relatively simple protocol that can be simulated in software on any GPIO pin on any MCU (FYI):…

menstruation, TMI, waaaay too many I, covid vax + (sort of, but definitely not -)

Parola filtrata: nsfw

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

menstruation, TMI, waaaay too many I, covid vax + (sort of, but definitely not -)
re-creating *that* movie scene XD

They've found an unpicked dress and reconstructed the way it has probably been remade four times from an 1740s original into possibly the 1940s.


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

This is amazing! I'm so glad you posted this link, absolutely fascinating!
I couldn't help but shudder at the fourth item, just a little jacket? Were they mad? That looks like a home sewer who had no idea what it was, somehow got this and had a go at remaking it. Oh dear god...
Unknown parent

wearing 17th/18th c clothes in the 19th/20th c.
@bookandswordblog From what I see in museums (like the V&A), it is mainly the smaller size clothes that survive to this day because the bigger sizes were reworked for smaller people and/or in newer designs. The Costume collection at Worthing Museum has a 1900 dress that I saw there in person (sort of study day) where the neckline/front was reworked at least twice to newer designs.

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