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/me, a few minutes ago

“this bread is addictive, especially when fresh or stale”


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

/me, pochi minuti fa

“questo pane ha dentro la droga, soprattutto quando è fresco o raffermo”


Unknown parent

Rapita dagli alieni
@pandora ho preso il n. 2, eh!
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@gregor herrmann @David Bremner

here in Italy (possibly Europe?) manitoba flour is a commercial term for very high gluten wheat flour, even if it doesn't come from the Manitoba province: I've just used W310 (medium high gluten?) instead of the mix of flours.

Also, I've used type 1 flour rather than type 00, which is a bit more coarsely ground (but not wholewheat or anything) and IMO improves the recipe.

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@gregor herrmann @David Bremner as for the language of the post, that's because friendica claims that the language of my posts is the language used for the interface (which I think can be a valid default, but is The Wrong Assumption To Make When You Can't Change The Thing Per-Post, ok?).

And yes, we may have a custom translation file on this instance to be able to have “Engage” rather than something like “Post” on the button O:-)

in reply to Rapita dagli alieni

@Rapita dagli alieni @Pandora avete il terminale del teletrasporto acceso? mi passate le coordinate?

ne ho fatto a sufficienza anche per domani, quindi tecnicamente ce n'è ancora una ciabatta, e via internet la si può duplicare quante volte si vuole, giusto? :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@David Bremner @gregor herrmann ok, apparently it's an Italian thing…

(and considering how much we use to complain about people elsewhere using our names for food, I'd really like to see Canada officially complaining about this)

Unknown parent

David Bremner
@gregoa_ Ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine Spock i Kirkii

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