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sewing, ec

The two main thinks I've been sewing lately are ready to be worn!

The skirt is a foundation skirt from a 1892 patternmaking manual in light blue linen/cotton with box pleated ruffles at the hem, made in a walking length (you can see the ankles! and the very modern hiking boots I'm wearing every day with late 1800 inspired clothing :D )

The shirt is a gentleman's shirt from a 1880 book, made in blue cotton with two pleats per side in the front plus the button placket and a handful of errors: I've put one of the three buttons in the wrong position (it should have been midway between the collar and the second button) and the cuffs are too small (and I've put the slit in the wrong position, wooops), so I haven't added buttons yet (and maybe I won't?)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

The back of the skirt is very full and heavily pleated in the waistband, so it could be worn as is, but also with a bit of padding in the bustle area.

The back of the skirt is gathered in the yoke (but in the picture it can't really be seen, since I'm also wearing my hairs *down*)

Shoes (of which the sole can be seen in the picture) are still very much not historically accurate :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

The skirt is going to be my to-go skirt for this season, worn like this (which is why I've made it as a short (for its time) walking length skirt).

I'm also going to make some draperies to wear on top of it for a more historical look, but those are needed with less urgency.

I'm also half-way through editing and adding pictures to the instructions, so I will be publishing the source code for it *soon*. #FreeSoftWear

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

And as I wrote in another comment, my short term plans for the shirt are to remake it in linen, probably trying to improve the armscye lines a bit, as well as fixing the cuff size.

The detachable collar from my other linen shirt of course fits, and maybe I'll make a few others in different styles, but I'm not sure they will be ready this summer.

The instructions have already been written, but I still have to edit and add the step-by-step pictures, and they are *a lot*, so publishing those will take a bit more time (but it will happen!)

And then there is a cut of lightweight red wool waiting for me in the stash, but that's in long-term plans territory :)

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

It looks fairly warm with the layers of fabric. How high can the temperature get for this style to be comfortable?
in reply to David Bremner

well, the skirt is cotton/linen, so it breathes quite well (and being a relatively wide skirt there is quite some potential for air movement). The other layer below it is a cotton petticoat with lots of ruffles, which I may or may not wear depending on the season and on how historically accurate I want to be.

Plus cotton leggings and wool socks, but those may go away as the season becomes warmer, especially the wool socks :D

I'm quite confident that it's going to be only mildly uncomfortable with any temperature that I can expect in this part of the world (in the 30°C, ish), and less uncomfortable than going around in shorts that don't protect the legs from the sun.

in reply to David Bremner

The shirt is a different matter: it's a relatively thick cotton and I'm wearing it as a moderately warm outer layer on top of a long sleeved t-shirt now that temperatures are around 16–18°C, it's definitely not summer wear.

But it's also a wearable mock-up for a linen shirt, and that one is going to be part of my standard summer wear, together with two other linen shirts from different decades. Again, I'm not going to be comfortable during the summer :) but it's nice to have some well breathing fabric between my body and the sun. As for layers, I'm probably going to be wearing it over either a cotton/linen jersey camisole or a linen chemise (if I manage to make it before the summer :D ), and either a bra or a summer corset in aida cloth.

in reply to David Bremner

There is also a video on youtube, I believe by Abby Cox, of people spending half an hour or so in the USA desert in summer while wearing fully layered historical clothing in wool, linen and silk and then measuring their skin temperature with a thermal camera, compared to the same thing while wearing single layer, short modern clothing.

spoiler: multiple layers in linen and wool won :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Black wool desert Bedoin tents keep warmth of the soil at night. By day they shade better than lighter colors, and wick to evaporate dew, soil and human humidity for cooling by day. I learned that then experimented witn a dark wool caftan in the summer. It worked! I especially appreciated the looseness and air flow. @valhalla @bremner
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

of course, it's the back of the *shirt* that is gathered in the yoke.

And I was surprised I had managed to write this long thread without ever mixing up skirt and shirt.

Those two words are *evil*! evil I say!

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Elena ``of Valhalla'' c'entra poco con la tua gonna, ma visto che ti diletti sia col sw libero che con il modellismo, approfitto per farti una domanda.
Sai se tra i metodi di modellismo (che sono sempre stati sottoposti a una ferrea protezione della proprietà intellettuale) iniziano a essercene alcuni rilasciati in creative commons?
in reply to Informa Pirata

modellismo nel senso di modelli di cucito, giusto (perché altrimenti no, non è qualcosa che pratico)?


Che io sappia è ancora una nicchia piccolina, ma ci si sta provando. Credo che ci sia anche qualcosa nella comunità di utenti di Valentina (il programma che uso per disegnare i modelli), ma non so più che fine abbia fatto (temo su facebook?) e l'autore del programma è più propenso verso la vendita degli stessi, per cui non credo che li incoraggi particolarmente.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Elena ``of Valhalla'' @varve purtroppo i software sono così costosi da avere provocato la creazione di un mercato del sw pirata molto sviluppato (cfr… ). Il fatto è che al di là del software sono proprio i "metodi" di modellismo (come disegnare un cartamodello in base alle misure) a essere sottoposti a un copyright che rappresenta spesso l'unico vero asset delle scuole di modellismo

@Bevilacqua Gustavino @Rapita dagli alieni @Sasha @Ben Zanin @Christine Lemmer-Webber @Craig Maloney ☕ @[:babaKatt:] Gerblin Taffer :heartQVP:⁣:sparkles2: @David Bremner @Astra: Zero Luma

in reply to Informa Pirata

Buona domanda, a quello che leggevo in giro ad essere protetto da copyrigth è la descrizione del metodo, ma non il metodo stesso (che potrebbe essere coperto da brevetti però?), per cui seguire le istruzioni per disegnare un block con un software e pubblicare il relativo file dovrebbe essere lecito.

Parlo però di istruzioni pubblicate su libri, non di blocchi predisposti per specifici programmi.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Come software conosco valentina, che è in debian, e quello in javascript usato su freesewing: entrambi sono basati su design parametrico basato sulle misure del destinatario finale e non sulla creazione di una taglia standard e poi ottenere le altre taglie tramite grading.

Credo che la cosa li renda adatti al lavoro delle sarte (oltre che ovviamente al cucito domestico / individuale), ma non all'uso per la produzione di massa.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Ah, e ovviamente ci sono i manuali d'epoca, con cui si va sul sicuro dal punto di vista della proprietà intellettuale, ma che potrebbero avere qualche lieve controindicazioni stilistica :D

(non capisco quale possa essere il problema, basta vestirsi come se si fosse nell'ottocento :D )

Questi sono i tre che ho usato, nei README ci sono i link al manuale su, dove però ce ne sono anche molti altri:…

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Anzi, li ho messi anche su… , già che c'ero (e aggiungerò il resto che uso man mano).

Informa Pirata reshared this.

in reply to Informa Pirata

Ieri mi ero dimenticata, esistono anche i modelli di , rilasciati sotto licenza cc-by

Informa Pirata reshared this.

cars, fast?, aggressive driving, +

On the corner of a street nearby where they often leave used cars for sale they have a panda 4×4. in RED! so it will go even FASTER¹!

we don't need a second car.

but I NEED IT!!! NEED!!! WANT!!!! :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

auto, veloci?, guida aggressiva, +, it

Ormai le pande 4×4 sono più ricercate delle Maserati…

Forse perché vanno meglio?…

Aaand I haz a short skirt for the spring and summer!

it shows the *ankles*!

and I went for a short walk, and it was the right length not to have to worry about it touching the dirty ground.

There may be pictures in the weekend, and there will be source code as soon as I finish editing the step-by-step pictures I took during the process.

#sewing #FreeSoftWear


A piece of apple spontaneously formed in my mouth, and I was “it's ok, it was spontaneously generated by the body, so I can eat it and it won't change the results of my blood tests”.

And of course the fact that food could spontaneously form in my mouth was perfectly normal :D

Musica per oggi:

pronophonique - 8-bit lagerfeuer

#8bit + #chitarra

E sono anche sul fediverso @pornophonique

E perchè andare a dormire quando invece si puo' scrivere uno script poliglotto bash/python?

echo "Ciao da bash"
python "$0"
" """
import this

More from the Department of Unnecessary Projects #DepUnPr


git-list is an experimental git sub-command to interact with mailing-list based patch workflows.

Git comes with some tools to collaborate via email: git send-email and git am, one to send a patch directly to the mailing-list, the other to apply a patch which ... somehow... the user get from the mailing-list.

There are plenty of email clients written exactly to work with a mail-based patch workflow, or adapted to the job with configs and plugins. And I'm sure they work perfectly.

However, I'm only an amateur mail-patch user, and I'm not an hardcore consolophile: I prefer to keep using my graphical mail client, which unfortunately doesn't have any cool git integration.

But, one day I found out himalaya, a CLI mail client (not a TUI!). I would say himalaya is to thunderbird as curl is to firefox, in a way.

It allows to easily integrate mails into bash pipelines.

And so git-list is born. Put git-list script into your path, configure himalaya, add some local config to your repo and you will be able to easy list mail from the mailing-list related to the project, read mails, and apply patches to brand-new branches created ad-hoc from the comfort of your terminal:

$ git list
ID | Subject
 1 | [Patch] ....
$ git list show 1
$ git list test 1
$ git status
On branch patch/1

As always, everything is extremely experimental, and likely will stay this way.

Here is the code:

P.S. have a look at the git send-email tutorial

Dear people who sew: do you have cucirini tre stelle sewing thread where you get your sewing thread? Here (just north of Milan where it is from) it is *the* sewing thread, and it was for my mother and for my grandmother, but I'm wondering whether it's a very local thing or not.

Gente che cuce: da voi c'è il filo per cucire cucirini tre stelle? Qui (un po' più a nord di Milano, da dove arriva) è *il* filo per cucire, e lo era per mia madre e per mia nonna, ma mi sto chiedendo quanto sia una faccenda locale.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

From Detroit area: No, I'm regularly hopping between several nicer sewing stores, and I have not seen that brand at any of them.

There is one very high end store I go to very rarely (as in asking to handle their stock of bridal fabrics starts with them handing you gloves fancy) who stock lingerie fittings I need occasionally; I will take a look the next time I am there, but I don't recall seeing this brand.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Thanks everybody for the answers.

Yeah, gutermann is also the main brand available here in supermarkets etc., and their polyester thread is fine (but I try not to use it), but imho their cotton helps giving cotton thread a bad rep.

Grazie a tutti per le risposte.

E sì, gutermann è la marca che si trova anche qui nei supermercati, e il loro filo di poliestere è decente (ma cerco di non usarlo), ma secondo me il loro filo di cotone aiuta a dare cattiva fama al filo di cotone.

So, I've bought some linen thread to handsew a shirt or two, nothing unusual.

And then I've spotted what is the main reason why they sell it today (bobbin lace), and that reminded me that it's something I try to do some time ago, and really wanted to try again, sooner or later.

raise TooManyProjectsError

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''


I thought my grandmother's cotton or linen tatting looked like micro-crochet, and projects are small, fitting in a pocket so well. Strong too. Tatting could hand-reinforce button holes and add small loops to things. I might have a tatting shuttle somewhere. . .… . Grandmother's looked like the metal-hooked one in this pic:…

#crafts @valhalla

Aaaaand, the instructions for my next #freeSoftWear pattern have been written, and the shirt itself is almost done! (I'm attaching the sleeves, and then I need to finish the hem and making buttonholes).

And then I only need to edit a truckload of step-by-step pictures, and add them to the instructions.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love *having released* the source code for my clothing under a Free License? :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

And since my hands were hurting a bit from the handsewing, yesterday I started a new pattern for a machine sewn skirt, this time from a 1892 book and cut most of the fabric.

And then I discovered that I dont'have matching thread and I need to visit the haberdasher :(

e niente, non riesco a ricondividerlo nel modo “mastodon”, ma questa cosa si deve VEDERE!

mi assumo le mie colpe e ne vado fiera (ma non è solo colpa mia :D )

Very nice!


An update from the Department of Unnecessary Projects:

Climatik 0.4.1

A python library to create command line interface from function definitions.

In this version:

  • Command group. Ever wanted to create cli like docker image ls , docker image rm? Now you can.
  • Arguments help text from function docstring.
  • Support argcomplete if installed


It's on PyPi, if you need it.

Keys (no version yet)

The unnecessary CLI to manage SSH keys.

Updated to use climatik 0.4.1.

I'm following instructions on a book to sew a 1830s hat.

The first thing I did this morning was running 3 + 3 meters of gathering thread. by machine.

you may want to call the sewing police.

(I'm going to wear the hat with a dress that is based on a 1920s look, anyway)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Oh, and the main fabric is something that definitely didn't exist in the 1830s (but something very similar was just starting to be easily available in the 1920s)

a long, but recommended, read on why software licenses are a bad tool to enforce anything outside copyright-related issues, even if those issues are really important.

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in reply to Informa Pirata

Un modello eliocentrico con orbite circolari è comunque un'approssimazione abbastanza grezza del sistema solare, in cui invece le orbite sono ellittiche.

A quanto ne so, il sistema geocentrico con epicicli era già arrivato ad un livello di raffinatezza tale per cui *per i calcoli* poteva fornire risultati più precisi rispetto a quelli ottenuti con un modello eliocentrico a orbite circolari, il che è probabilmente uno dei motivi per cui il sistema geocentrico è sopravvissuto nel tempo.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Elena ``of Valhalla'' credo semplicemente che si tratti di un'impressione dovuta alla rarefazione delle fonti scientifiche. Purtroppo il successo del compendio di Tolomeo sul "sistema solare" (che non derivava dalla migliore scienza alessandrina, a differenza di quello sempre suo sulle dimensioni del globo) rimase probabilmente l'unico trattato comprensibile e per questo sopravvisse a tutti gli altri.
Comunque, se sei interessata all'argomento, ti consiglio alcune pubblicazioni di Lucio Russo, da quelle più divulgative (Stelle atomi e velieri) a quelle più strutturate (La rivoluzione dimenticata)

In other #screenPrint news, today I tried the drawing fluid + screen filler from the kit I've bought, and made this

(pictures of a printing screen, with the word “serigrafia” (italian for screen printing) first in green drawing fluid and then as a stencil surrounded by red screen filler, written using the Stay Puft font.)

yeah, it worked, I'm not sure I'll use this technique a lot, since I'm not painting things free hand, anyway, so I can just use the UV sensitive thing anyway.

However, to make things a bit more interesting, I tried to print using two colours in a gradient:

(pictures of 8 strips of paper with the word “serigrafia” first in two stripes, magenta and black, then in a magenta -> black very irregular gradient and in the last few strips it's mostly black with bits of magenta).

The strips of paper will be glued to a cardboard box where I'm keeping my screen printing supplies (that's why I did them in the first place, beside the experimenting bits)

it worked!

My third attempt to #screenPrint a qr-code was a success! (nothing like correctly inverting the image to allow a phone to recognise the code :D )

(picture of two scraps of fabric, one black, the other one blue, with QR-codes and “get the source” screenprinted in white)

I'm going to keep this screen, because I expect to use it multiple times in the future, to print it on garments and accessories, and/or to make small patches to sew on them, as applicable.

I've also found a good way to keep the screen stable when exposing it to the free UV lamp in the sky :D

(picture of a small cutting board (not really visible) covered in black felt, with a screen, a sheet of tracing paper with a printed design and a sheet of syntetic glass on top, everything kept together with binder clips).

in reply to Fabio

guarda che a Bruxelles vogliono vietarla! Troppo sale, e poi è cotta in un forno a legna! Aborro! Troppa CO2! 😜
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

Vedi come spuntano spacci clandestini di pizza, tempo zero....
Unknown parent

Yeah.. it was a clandestine pizza shop up in the north... can't tell you the exact location, sorry...

TIL: vlc <torrent url>

not that I'm surprised, since vlc <anything that points somehow to a bit of video> tends to work :D

English is a strange language


Norway might defy the power of, or moist substance; to petrify.
The vertical triangular portion of meal, or other vehicle. Colloq.
Bid hook, small hook used for soles of leather or cloth; to sun thyself in inofficious sleep.

(hand-selected from )

in reply to Fabio


The quality that gives or takes away thief.

in reply to Fabio


Strict adherence to the Scriptures into the Court of claims of self-importance; -- applied especially to animals in the interior;

Unknown parent

And they were delicious. Were.

I like it how in Italian there is no right and wrong side to fabric, but a front and a back. And sometimes the back is the right side for your project.


#ThisIsReallyJustAboutSewing #NotAMetaphore

A few updates on #screenPrint progress.

I've tried making a screen with the photoemulsion: even printing the design on tracing paper instead of transparent and using the sun for exposure (instead of a lamp) it worked nicely and printed sharp and precise.

except, I missed the fact that inkscape had not actually inverted all of the design, and thus the QRcode I tried to print was unreadable :(

(picture of a screen for screen printing with green, cured, photoemulsion)

(picture of something that resemble, but isn't, a pair of QRcodes)

At least, I know what went wrong and I can fix it on the next attempt.

I've also found that the kit I've bought doesn't have enough screen cleaning fluid for the number of screens I can do with the available photoemulsion, so I'm waiting a bit until I can get some screens I don't have to reuse (for a few designs that I plan to print multiple times) and more screen cleaning fluid.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I've also received some wood frames and tried to make another screen with curtain fabric and white glue: this was a success.

(picture of a wooden frame with fabric nailed on it and a right to repair logo painted in glue)

(picture of some black jeans fabric with the right to repair logo printed in white in a fuzzy and irregular way)

I've washed the screen from the back and I can confirm that the glue part survived: I think I will check it for holes and retouch it a bit the next time I'll use it, but it shouldn't need a lot.


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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

And then there was this, which isn't experimental or anything.

(picture of a pair of pockets in blue with yellow binding and a #screenPrint of white cat silhouettes: on the left two cats are carefully ignoring each other, while on the right a cat is ready to pounce on another one which is stretching, and a third one looks at them from a safe place.)

Done with plastic stencils (made with product packaging) based on clipart found on

The way hollywood depicts pre-modern battles follows a perfectly legitimate literary tradition, already seen in the Iliad, of showing two armies getting ready for battle, not having a frigging clue on how war worked centuries earlier and going on with depicting duels between named (and in the case of hollywood unhelmeted) heroes strictly based on the Rules of Cool.

On the other hand, as far as we know Homer didn't have wikipedia.

TIL: The Mondeluz #watercolours from Koh-I-Noor seem to be the same watercolours as the White Night from St. Petersburg ones.

At least, the one random pan I bought (raw umber) has the same number and pigments as the corresponding White Night, it is made “in cooperation with” the producer of the White Night and it has their logo at the bottom of the pan.

I've never tried the White Night ones for a comparison, however.

And it is a full pan, something I couldn't find on the web site before buying.

bad news from switter: they have to close down because of increasingly oppressive laws

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Don't you love the #js dev scene, where after years of darknes where sites were built to only support IE, now that there are standards across all major browsers, they are still building sites that works only in chrome..... and safari ?
What's that? Nostalgia for old times? Some sort of PTS? Pure masochism? Or an example of what in Rome define as #sticazzi ?

@GNOME , is there a way to prevent the "open with another application" dialog to change the default file association? It's quite annoying, to be honest.
in reply to Fabio

mmmh. it doesn't do that anymore.. an update somewere, I suppose. Nice! Thank you! :D

Uops, I forgot to post a picture of the @Gruppo Linux Como lake penguin


no, it's not perfect, and I should practice a bit more, but the LUG t-shirts are close to becoming a *thing*.

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Today I drove my mother and a neighbor to a fabric shop.

And I bought the bit of cotton canvas suitable to make a couple of bags / backpacks to be screenprinted, exactly as I had planned to do.

And I absolutely have not bought a full dress and a couple of waists. Not even if the goods were really good quality at an exceedingly affordable price.

I did resist buying broadcloth for the skirt that will go with those waists, because black broadcloth is something I'm always going to find, and first I need to make the whole set of underthings for it.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

And I've taken a picture; the brown one is for my mother.

(3 small bolts of fabric in light brown, red and almost electric blue, seen from the side)

And I forgot to mention that there may also have been a cut of black lace, probably enough for an overskirt and to decorate a shirtwaist, and I didn't take a picture either (uops).

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