On the corner of a street nearby where they often leave used cars for sale they have a panda 4×4. in RED! so it will go even FASTER¹!
we don't need a second car.
but I NEED IT!!! NEED!!! WANT!!!! :D
Beko Pharm (deprecated) likes this.
On the corner of a street nearby where they often leave used cars for sale they have a panda 4×4. in RED! so it will go even FASTER¹!
we don't need a second car.
but I NEED IT!!! NEED!!! WANT!!!! :D
Beko Pharm (deprecated) likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •All'angolo qui vicino, dove di solito ci sono le auto usate in vendita, c'è una panda 4×4. ROSSA! che quindi va ancora più VELOCE!
non ci serve una seconda macchina.
ma mi SERVE!!! MI SERVE!!! LA VOGLIO!!! :D
bookandswordblog likes this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •Ormai le pande 4×4 sono più ricercate delle Maserati…
Forse perché vanno meglio?
Maserati Levante in the snow, Sprinter in the ditch.
InvidiousElena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua • •rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.