A few updates on #screenPrint progress.
I've tried making a screen with the photoemulsion: even printing the design on tracing paper instead of transparent and using the sun for exposure (instead of a lamp) it worked nicely and printed sharp and precise.
except, I missed the fact that inkscape had not actually inverted all of the design, and thus the QRcode I tried to print was unreadable :(
(picture of a screen for screen printing with green, cured, photoemulsion)
(picture of something that resemble, but isn't, a pair of QRcodes)
At least, I know what went wrong and I can fix it on the next attempt.
I've also found that the kit I've bought doesn't have enough screen cleaning fluid for the number of screens I can do with the available photoemulsion, so I'm waiting a bit until I can get some screens I don't have to reuse (for a few designs that I plan to print multiple times) and more screen cleaning fluid.
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •I've also received some wood frames and tried to make another screen with curtain fabric and white glue: this was a success.
(picture of a wooden frame with fabric nailed on it and a right to repair logo painted in glue)
(picture of some black jeans fabric with the right to repair logo printed in white in a fuzzy and irregular way)
I've washed the screen from the back and I can confirm that the glue part survived: I think I will check it for holes and retouch it a bit the next time I'll use it, but it shouldn't need a lot.
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Ondiz, Nelson, rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua e losbases like this.
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua e losbases reshared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •And then there was this, which isn't experimental or anything.
(picture of a pair of pockets in blue with yellow binding and a #screenPrint of white cat silhouettes: on the left two cats are carefully ignoring each other, while on the right a cat is ready to pounce on another one which is stretching, and a third one looks at them from a safe place.)
Done with plastic stencils (made with product packaging) based on clipart found on freesvg.org.
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