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in reply to Nahuelmoco

@Nahuelmoco Hola amigo! Un saludo desde Italia.

Ya subiste el PDF? Voy a hacer un mini-sitio con todas las fanzine en varios idiomas.

in reply to Kenobit

acá te dejo el link para que lo puedas descargar…

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

So @hexephre and I have been working on a secret project lately & now we are excited to present to you:

✨ Fedi Trading Cards! ✨

- Create your own personal trading card(s) and share them with friends!
- There are no rules to this game, so put whatever you want on there! Or make up your own rules!
- Use the #FediCard tag to share with other fedi...carders? cardizens??
- Collect them ALL 😤…

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

"End this accused meeting!" Conan's bellow was nearly inaudible over the resounding crack of his huge fists against the table. "Tis been half an hour, and those IT mages still struggle to connect with Zuul. Must we continue to waste..."

"For the last time, it's ZOOM." cut in the frustrated manager.

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in reply to Settantahertz

@70hz Now you have me confused, friend. What is the proper ritual for communicating with this Zuul?
in reply to Conan the Salaryman

I'm not versed in the art of communicating with Zuul, as I'm not one of the keeper of that arcane knowledge... only IT mages can help.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Leggo casualmente in giro una certa preoccupazione e/o svariate discussioni sul problema delle migrazioni di utent* dai sn commerciali al fediverso, a seguito delle merdate cicliche dei vari proprietari miliardari.
Beh, negli anni che ho passato qui, ho visto queste dinamiche succedere ogni tot. Anch'io le prime volte mi sentivo infastidito dall'atteggiamento spesso verbalmente e psicologicamente aggressivo di persone abituate ad algoritmi e bolle social echo-chamber autoreferenziali basate su numeri di followers.

Però posso dirvi che il 90% delle nuove persone che sbarcheranno qui in questo periodo, non faranno altro che lamentarsi che il fediverso è troppo difficile senza sforzarsi un minimo di capire, non chiuderanno l'account commerciale e torneranno di là a leccare algoritmi appena passata la bufera. Durano un mese. 🤗

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in reply to Il Gufo. rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Aggiungo che alcunə torneranno di là senza però chiudere l'account di qua. Quindi ciclicamente si rivedono per un po' e passata la "bufera" non si rivedono fino alla prossima, etc. etc.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Why am I here and not on #Bluesky or #Threads? Because here I am on my own instance, hosted in the EU, and not on a centralised service from the US (which both Bluesky and Threads are) where soon a Trump government is installed that can easily force both Bluesky and Threads to hand over full access to all my data (I am quite sure Musk is already offering the X/Twitter social graph to Trump). That's my personal risk calculation. Yours might be very different. And that's perfectly fine! 1/3
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in reply to Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange: Madeleine Morris ha ricondiviso questo.

And yes, I still treat every single post and message here as ultimately being stored and analysed by adversaries because for me the Pub in ActivityPub means public. My private communication happens via Signal or old fashioned pen and paper. Or, even more often, by direct communication over a coffee, beer or a walk outside :) 2/3
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in reply to Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange: Madeleine Morris ha ricondiviso questo.

Another reason for staying here is metadata. Trust me, not many organisations out there really care about the content of your posts. They focus far more on the connections and frequency of data on likes, boost, follow/unfollow etc. In a centralised service that metadata is, uhm, centralised too and easy to access. In a federated network that isn't that easy, especially when, like me, you live on your own instance and not a big one like Decentralisation makes abuse expensive. 3/3
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

I think I had seen it here on the fediverse when it was announced, but I've missed the date when it was made actually available (last summer, uooops):…

a new English translation of the Enuma Elish in open access

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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

jerry-rigged electronics

TFW you have to reflash a device on site, and forgot home the mini-breadboard and jumper cables that you use to ground pin 9 on the board, but an electrician has just finished working on the 230V lines and they have left droppings (i.e. small bits of electric cable of unknown size)

it worked, the device is now reflashed and safely in position :D

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Meta (Facebook & Instagram) is purging links to our comics going back a decade and forbidding folks from sharing even in private chats. This does severely limit our ability to reach our followers, BUT people can join our Patreon FOR FREE to still receive comic updates!
#Censorship #SexPositive

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

I've just declared sock mending bankruptcy.

(I'm talking about thin cotton ones, not thicker wool ones I've knit)

* darning them is basically useless: as soon as they have been darned they break somewhere else
* patching them with bits of other socks works, but takes some effort and I have a years-long backlog. really. it's a huge bag and I'm not going to go through it ever, and there are others in various piles around the house
* I need materials to fill a few draught excluders, and I don't have enough textile waste of other types (that I don't want to reuse in some other way)

#sewing #sewingPersonProblems

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Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@MaialeCosmico no, no, le lavastoviglie sono fatte apposta per pulire piatti e pentole *sporchi*, lavarli prima è uno spreco (e leggevo in giro che rischia pure di essere controproducente).

ovviamente se ci sono sopra pezzi grossi vengono tirati via con una forchetta o simili a secco.

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@MaialeCosmico forchetta o qualunque altro strumento opportuno sia stato usato per cucinare o mangiare in quelle pentole / piatti

e i programmi più lunghi tendono ad essere più risparmiosi, per cui preferisco usare quelli.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

x.x.x.x - - [10/Nov/2024:00:02:37 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 301 162 "-" "okhttp/4.9.0"

You know what’s interesting about this log line? It repeats 56,686,963 times in logs for yesterday, across 4 nodes. That’s about 700 times a second, and this has been going on for months.

These requests aren’t intentionally malicious – they issue a simple GET /, receive their 301 redirect, and terminate the connection. From what I can tell, this is some kind of appliance or software installed on mobile clients that uses “can I reach” as a network test.

This wouldn’t be that big of a deal – a single plaintext “GET /“ that triggers an immediate 301 is very cheap for us to generate, but the number of these requests has been steadily growing.

If you have any idea what this is and how to make it stop, please reach out?

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in reply to K. Ryabitsev

Henry Edward Hardy is ignored

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

going to fawn over Standard Ebooks site for a minute here

So aside from providing beautiful ebooks of public domain books, the site is blazing fast serving pages for so many books, and it's all static pages:…

Then look on a page for a book. There's a render of a book with the cover, the books at like an angle and if you hover over it the book floats a little.

Turn off javascript and the pic still renders and floats a little. If you right click and say open pic in new tab just the unaltered cover comes up.

Which means all the magic to take the cover and turn into a render of a book with a floating animation is all done in CSS.

And even better, go to a typical book. Typical thickness in that render. Then go to a big book, like The History and Decline of the Roman Empire.…

Look at that chonk of a book in the rendering. So each book rendering is rendered the relative thickness of the book. Just such a cool detail.

edit: Oh, and go to the feeds for books:

There's OPDS (the catalog feed format), and RSS and Atom. Normally, you make the mistake of going to a feed URL in your browser instead of a specific program to read feeds, and you're punished with horrible XML.

But click on any feed link here and it's the nice looking HTML like the rest of the site. Is the server determining dynamically if a browser is reading the feed or a different program? But wait, isn't the site static?

That's right, all those feeds are also good looking HTML. Just brilliant work.

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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

old rpg materials, lewd topics / 8th grade humor, ye olde web

TFW you're packing up your RPG books and in the second row in the back you find a printout of The Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

and you have to see if it still exists online

and yes, it does!

and has even been updated to d20!

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

My M4 buying guide: meh, just get a package in each of the lengths that the shop has, you're going to use them all anyway

because M4 is a size of screws and nuts, right?

(this subtoot brought to you by being tired and misinterpreting other toots for a few *long* seconds :D )

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Elena ``of Valhalla'', I think they are talking about m4, the unix utility... There is also a free version! No need to buy a commercial version.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Thanks to everyone’s sewing machine help, I think we’re set!
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in reply to Naomi P

After scrapping three sewing machines in midrange price class I got a Pfaff 360 from 1960's. Some old professional machine like that is a very good investment. They are IMHO cheap when added value is the criterion.
in reply to Elias Aarnio

There are loads of youtube videos and webpages explaining what quality means in sewing machines. I am no pro but I am satisfied I can sew thin leather and very thin fabrics like parafoil polyester with the same machine.
in reply to Elias Aarnio

@Elias the difficulty with there being lots of videos and websites is that it’s hard to know which have good information. This is why I was looking for website recommendations.
in reply to Naomi P

Ok. I'll do my best to help you out. I also need some spare parts so I look for them while browsing the multitude of content. ;-)
in reply to Elias Aarnio

This contains good information too:…

The main choice to make is whether one wants to have a new machine or a second hand heavy duty pro version which I recommend. ;-)

in reply to Naomi P

This was an interesting dive for me as well. I could not find an old video in which a senior mechanic explains the fundamentals of quality of sewing machines explaining the details on material choices etc.

Never mind this. My advice is simply to get some old reliable machine. It is also way cheaper.

in reply to Naomi P

I don't know much about Sewing machines, but I do know that Brother makes sewing machines, and I know Brother is a fantastic company and my Brother printer is the best printer I've ever owned, so I might suggest looking at their sewing machines.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Do you think Instagram/TikTok are a problem and you'd like a tiny, free and cheap fanzine to spread around the awareness?

Say no more!

Download it here:…

This is an 8 page copyleft fanzine, printable on a single A4 sheet. You can cheaply print/photocopy and give it to your friends or just leave it around.

Here's how to fold it:…

Text + layout by me, translation by @valentinabarreca


(boosts appreciated!)

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

I want people to maintain personal sites in the same way they wrote zines. I want people to share homemade music through homemade social networks, and to create both just for the pure love of it. I want our personalities to come through not just in the words or links we share, but in the URLS we use and the code we write. I dream of regional communities forming online, based around organically grown web rings, and for idiosyncrasies to form in the aesthetics of our sites based on the communities we learned to code from. Basically, to bring back all the things that made the early internet so exciting and open and welcoming.

~ from Basic HTML Competency Is the New Punk Folk Explosion!, by Zach Mandeville

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in reply to Tommi 🤯

i wish there was an easy way to host my music as suggested.
rn im just slapping a static image onto a video with my audio in order to share it amongst friends.
ppl are too plugged into Spotify.
in reply to Tommi 🤯

I make my own pages with Seamonkey Composer, it does everything I need.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

O voi che leggerete questo post, avreste da suggerirmi set di #dadi d10 per un #gdr #horror ?
Mi piacerebbe magari qualcosa di speciale per forme o materiali.

Reblog per visibilità sono apprezzati.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Gente, butto qui la cosa anche se non so come siamo messi a livello di gente in brianza e zone limitrofe.

Ma se si tirasse in piedi un piccolo gruppo Origami (con ritrovo tipo una volta al mese e modelli adatti sia a neofiti che gente navigata) qualcuno qui sarebbe interessat?

Battete un colpo anche solo se verreste a fare un giretto per vedere che aria tira :ls003_folpo:

in reply to Ed

metterete anche i video su peertube? Io non sono di quelle parti, ma ho rilanciato
Unknown parent

Sabrina Web :privacypride:
allora diciamo che se lo fate e passo dalle vostre parti vi vengo volentieri a trovare

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Promemoria quotidiano: per favore i thread sulle elezioni politiche americane sotto CW.

Già se ne parla ovunque, facciamo che se qui qualcun vuole evitare l'argomento possa farlo senza problemi.


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in reply to Ed

domanda: sbaglio io oppure non è possibile mettere un CW quando si fa un boost? Perché la tua richiesta è sacrosanta e vorrei poterlo fare anche quando condivido.
in reply to Ed

Hai dimenticato il "PLIN PLON!" all'inizio e il "Fine annuncio di servizio" alla fine. Per il resto 👌

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Where to Buy Books Other than Amazon

A few years back I had a habit of every six months or so doing a thread on Fedi about options for getting books other than Amazon. Eventually it finally occurred to me that I could write it once, put it up on website, and update as needed, rather than constantly reinventing the wheel.

Here’s the updated version for the new site.…

#bookstodon #AmReading

in reply to Jess Mahler Jess Mahler ha ricondiviso questo.

How do people feel about Officially it's aiming at book collectors these days, but there's still a lot of ordinary market-place selling on there that's a good alternative to the Amazon-owned Abe-Books...
in reply to Jess Mahler Jess Mahler ha ricondiviso questo.

Also avoid Book Depository (or whatever they're called) as they're also owned by Amazon...

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

TFW you're walking back from the hospital (vaccines) and you have a #faceMask hung on your ear to dry out in the sun, and you see people cutting into the street raising a huge cloud of dust in front of you

0% effort, 100% results!

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

TFW stai tornando a casa a piedi dal centro vaccinale con una #mascherina ancora appesa all'orecchio per asciugare al sole, e davanti a te ci sono degli operai che stanno tagliando la strada e sollevando una nube enorme di polvere

sbattito 0%, risultato 100%!

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Today I've put this mirror on one wall

and I just had to ask it.

However, in Italian the mirror mirror phrase end with “who's the fairest *in the kingdom*”, and of course the mirror remained blank, since we live in a republic.

However, we do have a Marquess, who walks around the block looking for spots in the sun, demanding tribute and giving purrs in exchange, so I tried asking for the fairest *in the march*. I was deeply disappointed to see that the mirror remained blank and did not show any of the local cats.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Oggi ho appeso questo specchio al muro

e ho dovuto fargli la domanda.

Giustamente è rimasto vuoto, dato che viviamo in una repubblica e non in un reame.

Però abbiamo un Marchese che gira per l'isolato alla ricerca di posti scaldati dal sole, richiede tributi e in cambio fa le fusa, e quindi ho provato a chiedere chi fosse la più bella *del marchesato*. Sono rimasta profondamente delusa dal fatto che lo specchio sia rimasto vuoto e non si sia messo a mostrare immagini dei gatti locali.

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

I know it's only November, but I'd like to make a request: if you are buying toys for kids in the next couple of months, and think you might have old ones that you want to clear out, please consider donating them before the holidays rather than after. Shelters and charities always get a glut of donations in January, but they'd be more useful to the families who need them now rather than then. Thank you.

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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

food, extremely minor injury, +

as it is traditional for the 1st of November, my thumbs and indexes are raw and slightly burnt after peeling roasted chestnuts as fast as I could eat them to prevent eating less than the other people on the table, who have been doing the same :D

me. happy.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

cibo, bua minima, +

come è tradizione per il primo novembre, i miei pollici e indici sono escoriati e leggermente scottati per aver sbucciato caldarroste bollenti alla stessa velocità a cui riuscivo a mangiarle, per evitare di mangiare di meno delle altre persone a tavola, che stavano facendo la stessa cosa.

me. felice.

Oblomov reshared this.

Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️ ha ricondiviso questo.

Vendo ad offerta libera / regalo ultimo dvd della serie Full Metal Panic, anno 2004, con cofanetto.

Zona Varese / Como

Ho dei ricordi vaghi sul motivo per cui avevo preso solo l'ultimo dvd, ma se a qualcuno servisse per completare la serie posso cederlo volentieri

#MastoMercatino #MastoRegalo @Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️

cars, medium size, +

Things that fit on a Yaris and don't require a truck, number 23124: 6 square meters of 1 cm thick wood planks of the type used to cover walls or ceilings

(luckily we needed them 235 cm long and had the shop cut them, because we only had a few cm of length left in the car :D )

(although we could have probably loaded them in a different way and get another bit of length)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

automobili, di taglia media, +

cose che ci stanno su una Yaris e per cui non c'è bisogno di un pickup numero 23124: 6 metri quadri di perline da 1 cm.

(per fortuna ci servivano lunghe 235 cm e ce le siamo fatte tagliare dal negozio, perché avevamo solo pochi cm di margine)

(anche se forse caricandole in un altro modo si sarebbe guadagnato qualcosa in più)

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

automobili, di taglia media, +

Sensitive content

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Floppsy rev B - now Apple-ier - a floppy disk-shaped board, fully open hardware / open source interface to archive diskettes! 💾 🍏 📀

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

in reply to adafruit

With the big new Adafruit factory, and Ladyada & pt's move to Brooklyn also complete, it's time to turn our attention to some older projects that have fallen by the wayside. Here's an update to our Floppsy board (…), it's floppy disk-shaped and is intended to be a fully open hardware / open source interface to archive diskettes.
in reply to adafruit

This version adds Apple Disk ][ ( support via a 2x10 IDC connector. Thankfully we were able to recycle many of the GPIO from the classic 'shugart' 2x17 IDC connector for the diskII, but we had to splurge for an extra -12V bias power supply - we went for the TPS65130 ( a low-cost split supply generator -
in reply to adafruit

a nifty chip that is! this version will also support floppy disk emulation mode by letting us control the direction of the two-level shifters. An additional GPIO expander provides the 4-way button interface, which we will use for offline disk imaging.


uspol, elections

meanwhile, a message about the coming elections from a historian who afaik is quite right-wing in his economic policy opinions…

(spoiler: he's not endorsing Trump)

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

are YOU making a website with INFORMATION?

it needs a date. if its not just a list of links... it needs A DATE.

yes your blog, youre recipe edit etc NEEDS A DATE..

please, can we get this right

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in reply to Koutsie :unverified:

been writing my own static blog thing and literally the first thing I did is add a date under the title, and make it so if you hover over it it'll give you an exact post timestamp in ISO 8601 format. it's also in the page metadata. when stuff doesn't have proper date stamps it drives me nuts. it's especially bad on academic papers.
in reply to Koutsie :unverified:

further: a full date string, not “5 minutes ago”, “1 week ago”, “25 years ago”

aaaaand I've caused an email to be sent to a number of work address just before 7 in the morning of a Sunday.

(I was reading… for personal reasons, as one does on 7 in the morning of a Sunday, and found a workaround for a problem I had at $DAYJOB, so I added a note to the relevant ticket)

(and honestly if the people involved get a notification from their work email at that hour, that's their problem: it's all people above me in the power hierarchy and it's not like we have a culture of having to be ready to reply to things at all hours, to the contrary)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

e stamattina, domenica, ho fatto sì che un'email arrivasse all'indirizzo del lavoro di un po' di gente subito prima delle 7.

(stavo leggendo… per questioni personali, come è normale fare alle 7 di mattina della domenica, e ho trovato un workaround per un problema che avevo al lavoro, quindi ho aggiunto una nota al ticket opportuno)

(e onestamente, se qualcuno ha ricevuto una notifica dalla sua email di lavoro a quell'ora, è un problema suo: è tutta gente con più potere di me e non abbiamo una cultura aziendale che impone di essere pronti a rispondere a tutte le ore, anzi)

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Viaggio dentro Montblanc, tra delocalizzazioni in loco e sfruttamento… #lavoratoritessile #Approfondimento #idustriatessile #campibisenzio #aziendelusso #madeineurope #stilografica #abitipuliti #montblanc #sindacati #montblac #lusso

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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Asemic Writing, a Zine

Posted on October 24, 2024
Tags: madeof:atoms, madeof:bits, craft:zine
An open booklet with lines that look like some kind of cursive non-alphabetic script, framed by a border in the same script and four symbols in the corners.

I have no idea either.

The front of that booklet, with three lines of fake text in different sizes and a circle of the same.

Happy Maladay1 to those who celebrate it, I guess.

A template on white paper with pencil lines where text is supposed to go.

Multiple A4 sheet of tracing paper with fake text, plus an A6 sheet and a white A6 sheet with a stamp impression.

If you care about the how, it started as china ink on tracing paper, with the help of a template (and a correction sheet for one page where I used the wrong line on the template).


A rubber stamp was carved with the author’s signature and stamped on white paper because the ink from the pad wasn’t working well on tracing paper.

Then everything was scanned (with the correction on top of the wrong page) asemic_zine_scans.tar.

Imported in Inkscape and traced asemic_zine_svg.tar.

Printed, cut in half, folded and stapled. The magenta lines weren’t by design, but are there because my printer is currently2cursed.

And finally, asemic_zine.pdf was created, joining the pages together with pdfjam, for convenience in case somebody wants to download the full thing.

All the .tar and .pdf downloads from this page are released under the WTFPL, or All Rites Reversed..

  1. it’s still technically Maladay when I write this, even if by the time you’ll get this it’s probably the 6th of The Aftermath.↩︎
  2. I mean, all printers are always cursed, but at different times they can be cursed in different and novel ways.↩︎…

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

prima di dire che qualcosa è rotto e buttarlo guardate qui e riparatelo. Imparerete qualcosa di nuovo, risparmierete parecchi soldi ed eviterete o per lo meno rallenterete questo ciclo perverso che dice compra, butta e ricompra. ps in fase di acquisto se possibile scegliete cose facilmente riparabili

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in reply to ugone

alcuni marchi ti aiutano (TERA per i barcode scanner)
in reply to ugone

è la Bibbia ormai ! Ho riparato un iPad Air e un ds grazie alle loro guide .

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

@𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 la robba è arrivata. ripeto, la robba è arrivata.

(quella da )

Dopo pranzo ho provato l'Irish Afternoon, che ha un gusto bello amaro e astringente, quasi allappante ma nel senso buono.

L'unico problema è che anziché svegliarmi mi ha fatto rilassare.

C'è dentro lo stesso principio attivo rilassanti della camomilla¹!11!11ONE!111 #noncielodiconoh

¹ la camomilla non contiene principi attivi rilassanti, se non l'acqua calda

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

bene! Allora mi sa che finito lo Yorkshire proverò anche io il McEntee's :)
Dalla tua descrizione sembra molto buono (a me piacciono i tè allappanti), tuttavia io non mi sono mai svegliato con il tè, solo il caffè ci può per me

Aspetto le tue impressioni delle altre miscele :)

in reply to 𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔

@𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 a merenda invece abbiamo assaggiato il Sencha (té verde), per fortuna preso solo come campione da 20 grammi, e quello invece è stato fortemente deludente: insulso e pochissimo saporito.

O meglio, sarebbe stato deludente se avessi avuto aspettative, ma tutto sommato gli Irlandesi non è che siano famosi per i loro té verdi, per cui le aspettative erano basse, e posso dimenticarmene senza danno e tornare a comprare té verde dalle coppie italo-nipponiche :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

già il tè non rientra tra i miei gusti, ma certo non lo comprerei dagli irlandesi... hai fatto bene a prendere solo il campione. Dalla descrizione sul sito riesco più o meno a immaginare come possa essere l'irish breakfast, ma molto curioso per il Manx.
in reply to 𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔

@𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 ma infatti non lo stavo comprando, poi ho visto i campioni e pensato “beh, perché no?”
in reply to 𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔

@𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 allora, l'Irish Breakfast è più o meno come l'altro Irish Breakfast che già compravo (ma decisamente più economico), amaro ma non allappa, mentre il Manx è una via di mezzo tra quello e l'Irish Afternoon.

Direi approvati tutti e tre!

in reply to 𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔

@𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 beh, è un po' come gli stivali di Vimes, spendi un po' di più tutto in una volta, ma poi spendi meno nel tempo :)
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Più o meno come faccio io col formaggio, andando a comprarlo a decine di kg al caseificio e surgelandolo.
Non è che abbia sconti particolari, ma il prezzo rispetto a qui mi copre abbondantemente il viaggio.
E lo stesso faccio ogni volta che c'è qualcosa a lunga conservazione in offerta speciale in qualche supermercato.
Ovviamente bisogna avere un freezer grande, e una casa nella quale ci stia sia il freezer che tutte le altre scorte, cosa impossibile in un monolocale.
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

@rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua @𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 e la fiducia nel fatto che non ti staccheranno la corrente, facendo andare male tutto ciò che c'è nel freezer, e a seconda di dove vivi i soldi per comprare un pacco batterie per tenere il freezer acceso se la corrente salta.

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in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

@rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua @𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 credo che l'abbia appena preso (altrimenti lo stia per prendere) mio padre, che abita in culo ai lupi, per usare in termine tecnico
in reply to 𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔

@𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 sospetto che il rilassamento, per non dire abbiocco, fosse più che altro l'effetto del post-pranzo associato al clima piovigginoso, ma questi sono dettagli :D

domani probabilmente provo una o due delle altre miscele

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

I’m gonna be honest, it is difficult to take your anticapitalist “revolutionary” group seriously when they meet on Microsoft Teams and have documents saved on Google.

I understand meeting nontechnical people where they’re at, but this is just a bad look, y’all.

Also I feel like “meeting people where they’re at” would ideally involve helping them surpass where they’re at, rather than merely dropping to their level.

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in reply to sidereal

Like we could just have a laptop. And store the records on there. Not on the internet. We could back them up with an external hard drive, or even physical copies in a locked file cabinet.

This is wild stuff, I know

in reply to sidereal

To be honest, it is difficult to take anticapitalistic groups seriously if they use laptops at all. Laptops (and smartphones too) are basically a lot of capitalism squeezed and packed very hard to fit inside the the small devices we use today.

Electric power is pretty capitalistic too. Most electric power in the world is generated and distributed by huge capitalistic companies. Even if you have PV at home I doubt your panels were made by a local family-owned shop.

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

@Yaku 🐗 @Rapita dagli alieni

ma la vera domanda è: questo ce l'avete?

un set stabilo con pennarelli, fineliner, matite ed evidenziatori tutto a base di colori pastello

(non so perché ma l'ho visto e mi son venuti in mente gli evidenziatori di non-ricordo-che stilista, e una serie di considerazioni sul late stage capitalism)

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in reply to Rapita dagli alieni rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

@Rapita dagli alieni @Yaku 🐗 solo se poi i ricambi si trovano facilmente individuali (e le ricariche! gli evidenziatori stabilo boss non dovrebbero essere ricaricabili? credo di non aver mai trovato in giro le ricariche! non che io usi abbastanza evidenziatori da essere andata a cercarle con attenzione, ma di cazzeggio guardando prodotti di cartoleria ne faccio :D )
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Sensitive content

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Fabio devo avvisarti la prossima volta che faccio un ordine? :D

(non ne ho intenzione a breve)

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Escher and Penrose were pen pals!

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in reply to Trammell Hudson

[in the mailroom] oh, gosh, jeez, does anyone know where penrose is working now? [letter proceeds to chase penrose through three colleges]
in reply to phooky

Escher's maps are usually more confusing than this one on a successfully delivered letter in Iceland.
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