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@Ash O'Kesta

A couple of old pictures, because my spinning is currently temporarily on hold

I spin with a medieval-style spindle + friction fit whorl combination, mostly wool (I have a distaff dressed with hemp, but it's going *extremely slowly*), often wool that I've combed myself.

Sono arrivati

Grazie alla persona sul fediverso che ha consigliato pretty good stickers: non ricordo chi tu sia, ma è stato un buon consiglio. :D

They have arrived!

Thanks to the person on the fediverse who recommended pretty good stickers: I don't remember who you are, but it was a good recommendation :D


Posted on January 10, 2025
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:painting, medium:acrylic
An acrylic painting in blue and greenish grey vaguely resembling rocky slopes at the bottom right and a cloudy sky at the top left.

A few days ago1 I wanted to paint, but I didn’t know what to paint, so I did a few more colour tests to find out which green combinations I can get out of the available yellows and blues (and greens) acrylic I have (from a cheap student grade line).

A sheet of colour tests with mixes of various yellows and blues.

I liked the cool grey tones in the second to last line, from 200 “Naples yellow” (PY3 PY83 PW6) and 410 Ultramarine blue (PB29), so I went up a step on the scale of “things to do when having a desire to paint, but the utter inability to actually paint something ” and did a bit of a study with those two colours plus titanium white.

The study above over a sheet of scrap paper: at one of the edge the excess paint has connected the two together.

And btw, painting with acrylics on watercolour paper taped to a sheet of scrap paper works just fine for stuff like this that is not supposed to last, but the work will get glued to the paper below when (not if) the paint overflows :D

  1. i.e. almost three months, and then I wrote 95% of this post and forgot to finish and publish it.↩︎…

@InarticulateQuilter @Naomi P

I couldn't easily find a picture of the chatelaine, but I've found a picture of myself wearing the useless costumey version

The useful version can have a scissor case made from a scrap of leather, a leather thimble, a couple of brass minibottles/tubes as needle holders, a needle book with felt pages and a leather cover (that matches the scissor case).

And I've found another picture of the brooches (and matching pendants) I've made for them (they are cheap brooch / pendant bases where I've added a slice of cernit and heat-transfered a print on it while it was being baked)

The picture I've used, in case anybody wants to make something like this, is based on… and this is the version where I've removed the frame…

Intanto, quando c'è LEI i treni viaggiano in anticipo!

e no, non mi risulta che sia *partito*, è solo l'orario in cui il treno prima (RE 2516) da Milano a Porto Ceresio è arrivato a Gallarate. e lì si è fermato in attesa di ripartire, causa guasto ad uno scambio


(e adesso posso riaprire il tracking dei treni che volevo veramente tracciare, dopo averli chiusi tutti per fare lo screenshot buffo senza perdita di privacy :D )

TFW you have to reflash a device on site, and forgot home the mini-breadboard and jumper cables that you use to ground pin 9 on the board, but an electrician has just finished working on the 230V lines and they have left droppings (i.e. small bits of electric cable of unknown size)

it worked, the device is now reflashed and safely in position :D

@Erpel emergency #cat incoming

#notMyCat (the couch is currently outdoors, not inside the house)

Oggi ho appeso questo specchio al muro

e ho dovuto fargli la domanda.

Giustamente è rimasto vuoto, dato che viviamo in una repubblica e non in un reame.

Però abbiamo un Marchese che gira per l'isolato alla ricerca di posti scaldati dal sole, richiede tributi e in cambio fa le fusa, e quindi ho provato a chiedere chi fosse la più bella *del marchesato*. Sono rimasta profondamente delusa dal fatto che lo specchio sia rimasto vuoto e non si sia messo a mostrare immagini dei gatti locali.

Today I've put this mirror on one wall

and I just had to ask it.

However, in Italian the mirror mirror phrase end with “who's the fairest *in the kingdom*”, and of course the mirror remained blank, since we live in a republic.

However, we do have a Marquess, who walks around the block looking for spots in the sun, demanding tribute and giving purrs in exchange, so I tried asking for the fairest *in the march*. I was deeply disappointed to see that the mirror remained blank and did not show any of the local cats.

Vendo ad offerta libera / regalo ultimo dvd della serie Full Metal Panic, anno 2004, con cofanetto.

Zona Varese / Como

Ho dei ricordi vaghi sul motivo per cui avevo preso solo l'ultimo dvd, ma se a qualcuno servisse per completare la serie posso cederlo volentieri

#MastoMercatino #MastoRegalo @Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️

In vendita ad offerta libera, sempre dettagli nel primo post del thread

numero 7: 32 cm × 32 cm

#mastoMercatino #alt4me

Asemic Writing, a Zine

Posted on October 24, 2024
Tags: madeof:atoms, madeof:bits, craft:zine
An open booklet with lines that look like some kind of cursive non-alphabetic script, framed by a border in the same script and four symbols in the corners.

I have no idea either.

The front of that booklet, with three lines of fake text in different sizes and a circle of the same.

Happy Maladay1 to those who celebrate it, I guess.

A template on white paper with pencil lines where text is supposed to go.

Multiple A4 sheet of tracing paper with fake text, plus an A6 sheet and a white A6 sheet with a stamp impression.

If you care about the how, it started as china ink on tracing paper, with the help of a template (and a correction sheet for one page where I used the wrong line on the template).


A rubber stamp was carved with the author’s signature and stamped on white paper because the ink from the pad wasn’t working well on tracing paper.

Then everything was scanned (with the correction on top of the wrong page) asemic_zine_scans.tar.

Imported in Inkscape and traced asemic_zine_svg.tar.

Printed, cut in half, folded and stapled. The magenta lines weren’t by design, but are there because my printer is currently2cursed.

And finally, asemic_zine.pdf was created, joining the pages together with pdfjam, for convenience in case somebody wants to download the full thing.

All the .tar and .pdf downloads from this page are released under the WTFPL, or All Rites Reversed..

  1. it’s still technically Maladay when I write this, even if by the time you’ll get this it’s probably the 6th of The Aftermath.↩︎
  2. I mean, all printers are always cursed, but at different times they can be cursed in different and novel ways.↩︎…

@Yaku 🐗 @Rapita dagli alieni

ma la vera domanda è: questo ce l'avete?

un set stabilo con pennarelli, fineliner, matite ed evidenziatori tutto a base di colori pastello

(non so perché ma l'ho visto e mi son venuti in mente gli evidenziatori di non-ricordo-che stilista, e una serie di considerazioni sul late stage capitalism)


it looks like it walks like a mastodon and quacks[escbdwa]toots like a mastodon!!1!!ONE!1!!!

I don't believe your denials!!11!!ONE!!1!

ho fallito miseramente un tiro salvezza contro “oggettini negli scaffali subito prima delle casse, dove si rimane in coda”

per qualcosa che avevo già a casa (e sapevo di avere)

ma questo era rosa. fluo.

I've failed a saving throw against “small items just before checkout, in the area where people are queuing”

and it's for something I already had at home (and I knew I had it)

but it was pink. and fluo.

contrary to what the name says, I've tested it on my arm and it doesn't scratch.

Yesterday I didn't manage to post these, but that's when I took them, so they qualify for #caturday, right?


E poi noleggi un furgone, e il furgone ti dice di chiamarsi Greg

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