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Mathematician & inventor Charles Babbage died #OTD in 1871.
Babbage is considered by some to be "father of the computer". He is credited with inventing the first mechanical computer, the Difference Engine, that eventually led to more complex electronic designs, though all the essential ideas of modern computers are to be found in Babbage's Analytical Engine, programmed using a principle openly borrowed from the Jacquard loom.
Books by Babbage at PG:…
Books by Babbage, Charles (sorted by popularity)
Project Gutenberg offers 71,820 free eBooks for Kindle, iPad, Nook, Android, and iPhone.Project Gutenberg
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During a nine-month period in 1842–43, Ada Lovelace translated the Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea's article on Babbage's newest proposed machine, the Analytical Engine. With the article, she appended a set of notes.
She was the first to recognise that the machine had applications beyond pure calculation. via @wikipedia
Il termine corretto è "crocini di registro" per quelli che servono per centrare i colori (nell'immagine di esempio NON sono centrati!) e "crocini di taglio" per quelli per tagliare.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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1. internet search has been made nearly completely useless by SEO spam and autogenerated websites.
2. never trust proprietary software. use open source software or software that generates human readable files.
3. maybe print out your important documents
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In honour of a friend's device that has just crapped it's self.
Back up your stuff. Do it now. It doesn't have to be fancy, a zip file copied to a free Google drive with your most important documents and pictures will do, or multiple Google drives if you've got too much stuff.
Plug your phone into your computer and copy everything over. At least it's in more than one place.
Something, some way of recovering the stuff just in case. Something, anything is better than nothing here.
You don't need to have full 3 tier grandfathered backups to bother starting. A usb stick in the bottom of a draw full of your pictures is better than it being blank.
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Waking up thought of this morning¹:
“Higher than the sun” describe the earth every year for a time centered on December-ish when the sun is in Sagittarius² and thus between us and the center of the galaxy, right?
¹ actually, it was still the middle of the night, I woke up briefly and went back to sleep
² wait, while writing this I've just been reminded of the precession of the equinoxes, so it's actually centered in january-ish
Pensiero al risveglio di stamattina¹:
“più in alto del sole” descrive la terra ogni anno per un periodo di tempo centrato più o meno su dicembre quando il sole è in sagittario² e quindi tra di noi e il centro della galassia, giusto?
¹ in realtà di quando mi sono svegliata brevemente che era ancora notte fonda, per poi tornare a dormire
² no, mentre scrivevo mi son ricordata della precessione degli equinozi, quindi centrato da qualche parte attorno a gennaio o giù di lì
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
poiché ultimamente ho visto varie discussioni su uso e non uso del CW, vorrei dire anche la mia: mettete un CW a tutte le foto di gatti!
non è che la mia allergia si scateni anche con le immagini (fortunatamente, se no internet sarebbe off limits 😅) è che ogni volta che mostrate un gatto che fa la sua bella vita io provo invidia, una fortissima invidia, uno struggimento doloroso... sto male! perché quella è la vita che dovremmo fare tuttə e non solo i privilegiati felini, mannaggia...
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/me, puts away a pair of linen detachable cuffs, sees her cozy, warm, flannel 1880s shirt.
is it winter yet? and yet? and yet? and…
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Oblomov reshared this.
* ripone nell'armadio un paio di polsini di lino separati, vede la camicia di flanella morbida e calda in stile 1880.
è arrivato l'inverno? eh? eh? e adesso, è arrivato?
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25.5°C in officina.
Col ventilatore puntato in faccia si sta abbastanza bene.
@Oblomov @Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua alla fine di agosto non c'è un'occasione “ufficiale” per andare in giro in costume (non che io abbia piani quest'anno di andare a Lucca, ma se volessi andarci, dovrei preoccuparmi di gestire le temperature col costume, e io non ci andrei col costume da uomo nudo :D )
quindi evidentemente agosto e ottobre non sono la stessa cosa!
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@Kermode that's probably¹ lower than I've ever experienced in my life :D
¹ I've had exactly one experience of -18°C, so maybe on that night I've also met a -19°C, hence the probably
si parlava di treni storici, c'è un viaggio questo weekend (però questo sarà elettrico, non a vapore)
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sbarrax aka Marco Frattola reshared this.
Carissim*, ovviamente i fatti di cronaca recente ci stanno pesantemente impattando, e tutt* abbiamo la propria opinione e vogliamo esprimerla.
È normale e non è ovviamente un problema.
Però per favore, ricordate che esiste la funzione CW (Content Warning), e che nel dubbio è sempre meglio usarla.
Non è censura: è una forma di cortesia verso chi non vuole leggere anche qua cose relative a determinati argomenti.
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Fervono i preparativi...
[Domenica, 8 ottobre, in occasione della Domenica di Carta promossa dal Ministero della Cultura, l'Archivio di Stato di Como inaugurerà una mostra su Fernanda Wittgens, prima direttrice donna della Pinacoteca di Brera e attiva antifascista, che non esitò a mettere a repentaglio la propria vita per porre in salvo molte persone di religione ebraica, venendo per questo anche incarcerata a Como]
#ASpassoNellaStoria #storia #donnetoste #FernandaWittgens #asco
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Periodic reminder that "don't speak ill of the dead" is for, like, not mentioning at her funeral that Aunt Sally was a drunk and a lousy cook. It's not for suppressing public discussion of public figures and their complicated legacies.
Or, put another way, the obligation to "speak truth to power" is way more important than the obligation "not to speak ill of the dead". One is about justice and the other is about politeness. To be frank, FUCK politeness.
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/me, playing a game of 0ad and looking at the random factions: “oh, it's civil war between Syrians, and my Syrian allies have asked the help of the Roman empire against the yellow Syrians”
@Diego Roversi “fools”
/me, looking and how my ally still has more or less their initial corner of the map, while my territory has been enlarged significantly “you're not wrong”
Carə maestrə delle #scuole materne e asili, fatevelo dire da uno che conosce i prodotti scolastici.
Lasciate perdere i prodotto Giotto, costano un botto e qualitativamente non sono niente di che.
Molto meglio i prodotti Faber Castell o Staedtler, ma ci sono anche tante altre marche poco conosciute che costano meno e sono migliori.
Eventualmente ci sono i prodotti Fila (che è comunque Giotto) a più o meno pari qualità e costo più basso.
Ma soprattutto, e questo è molto importante: a meno di esigenze super specifiche, NON DOVRESTE indicare i marchi da acquistare ai genitori, ma solo la tipologia di prodotto, altrimenti li obbligate a sostenere spese che potrebbero essere proibitive per qualcunə.
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Ma a livello asilo/materna, cosa cazzo parliamo di qualità a fare?
A meno che non siano tutti figli di Picasso direi che l'unica cosa che conta è che siano colori atossici e lavabili (cosa obbligatoria per legge tra l'altro). Fine!
Tanto a livello di resistenza siamo più o meno allo stesso livello e comunque nessun pastello o pennarello resiste più di tanto in mano a un bimbo di 3/5 anni, mettetevi il cuore in pace.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
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barfly reshared this.
This week I haven't complained about #handsewing with plastic thread yet, right?
well, now I'm complaining about handsewing plastic fabric with plastic thread when there is even a layer of mylar safety blanket under the fabric.
but binding the edges with a machine seam and then handsewing it on the back is so much neater than trying to stitch in the ditch by machine!
@donkey herder a roll for cards (ID, driver license, etc.), the mylar blanket is there to make it harder to read them remotely (it's not perfect, but it should help reducing the distance the reader has to be to work).
I'm using some leftovers of cordura from my backpack lining, and sew-all thread.
donkey herder, fowl friend likes this.
One way Mastodon is like earlier internets that I most appreciate is there are so many cats and their humans are mostly just sharing the joy of cat rather than trying to make them into influencers/celebrities/brand deal magnets
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This HTML-as-coded-in-1995 page details (and I do mean details) telecommunications in the small and almost inconceivably remote island state of Saint Helena.
It's a hoot.
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Or else the story would’ve just been called The Samaritan?
@Dgar @PaulNickson 🍰 @MaJ1 ♻️ @Chris Real it's my understanding that Samaritans were¹ worshiping the right² entity in the wrong way, which in that context was way worse than worshiping the wrong entity at all.
¹ technically speaking still are, since they still just barely exist
² right and wrong from the point of view of the Jews, of course
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weirdfolks group reshared this.
Udite! Udite!
Sia noto in tutto il regno che sabato si terrà la conferenza gratuita "Un patrimonio per la città: gli stranieri a Como nel Quattrocento".
#ASpassoNellaStoria #Storia #GEP
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@LaVi 🕊️📚🐈 sisi, decisamente interessante, e ti siam stati grati per la segnalazione.
l'unico problema è che forse forse dobbiamo un pezzettino di gratitudine anche a trenò? che se non t'avessimo seguita per le lamentele sui treni, non so se l'avremmo mai scoperto :D
(se ti è utile saperlo: hai causato 4 delle presenze :) )
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
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Chickpea Crackers
Posted on September 20, 2023
And another half-written article I had in my repo. (Am I doing #FallFinishAlong with blog articles instead of / in addition to craft projects? it feels so).
I was in need of snacks. I wanted something bready, but with a bit less carbs and more proteins. I had a bag of chickpea flour.
Ingredients were:
- 100 g wheat flour
- 100 g chickpea flour
- 100 g water
- 3 g salt
- 1 g dry yeast
Mix everything as usual for bread, leave to rise for 4-6 hours.
Divide in 4 parts, roll them out to a thickness of about 1 – 2 mm, prick them with a fork (or the fancy cracker pricking tool that you don’t really need but I may have bought).
Optionally spray with a bit of water and sprinkle with salt (coarse or flake is best).
Preheat the oven to 240°C and cook for 5 minutes, or preheat the oven to 210°C and cook for 10 minutes for a dryer version.
I’ve tried both cooking temperatures: the 210°C had the big advantage of being the same as the common bread I was already making, so no additional oven time was required (it was summer. this was a consideration.), but I’m not sure which version I like best, so I think in winter I will alternate between the two.
Put it in a cotton (linen?) bag and keep it in a dry place, where it will keep for weeks (assuming you’ve made a bigger batch :D ).
This is now part of my staples.
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Nathan Lövsund 🐒 🚀 reshared this.
@Nathan Lövsund 🐒 🚀 mine aren't extremely crispy (like commercial crackers) either, more like homemade crackers.
Nice idea using sourdough, I should also try it one day!
Nathan Lövsund 🐒 🚀 likes this.
somebody on tumblr wrote:
“stories can resonate with you even when the characters are nothing like you’ is something a 6 year old would understand but it needs to be explained to fandom adults on tumblr”
just rockin' and rollin'
‘stories can resonate with you even when the characters are nothing like you’ is something a 6 year old would understand but it needs to be explained to fandom adults on tumblrmad-dame-zou (Tumblr)
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I know, it's a media thing to attract views and stuff, but I can't resist.
Why? don't you all think of the roman empire when spinning wool while walking on the streets of a town that used to be part of the empire (and thus, you're doing something that, I've read somewhere, was considered a thing not done)?
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@Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua wikipedia mi dice di guardare Erodoto - Le storie (Ἱστορίαι), capitolo 71, libro II
Però hypo era ὑπό, mentre cavallo è ῐ̔́ππος, non son così simili, in fondo
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Installing minidlna
Posted on September 19, 2023
I’ve found the draft of this article I almost completely wrote (checks) more than 3 months ago, and I guess it’s time to finish and publish it.
The very first A10 based device that entered our home, before they started to use it for SBCs, was a Chinese media server with a slot for a 3.5" hard disk and a few analogue audio outputs.
Of course from the time it entered our home it has always been running Debian.
Now that we may have a few, more powerful, A20 SBCs available, it has been fully dedicated to music: it is connected to the stereo, the hard disk has a clone of the git-annex repository where I’ve ripped all of my CDs1 and is played by connecting via ssh and running alsaplayer.
It’s simple (for my tastes). it works. Unless you’re in a different room than the one with the stereo.
And then I read this post on the fediverse that suggested installing minidlna on an old Raspberry Pi, and on a whim I decided I needed it.
I installed the package from Debian, set a few easy settings in the configuration file (such as which directories to serve), restarted the service.
And that’s it, it just worked.
The only thing I had to take care about is that to use git-annex repositories as the source of media files either the root of the repository should be used as media-dir
, or the wide_links
options should be set to yes
, otherwise the symbolic links that point outside of the media-dir
won’t be served.
As a client I used VLC (note for myself in case I ever forget, it’s under View → Playlist and then Local Network → Universal Plug ‘n’ Play), mostly because I already had it around.
Now that I’ve used it for a few months I have to say that it isn’t a perfect solution: the main format I store my music in is in flac 2, which isn’t supported by dlna; for a significant part of it I’ve also already generated single-song ogg files for convenience 3, and at least it works for those.
I don’t store (yet?) my video collection on the A10 device, but I did a quick test, and no, of course a raw dump of a DVD as generated by dvdbackup isn’t supported, so I would have to convert those too. And there is some support for subtitles as a separate file (which is something else I tend to have around), but only one file, with strict requirements for the name, which is a bit restrictive.
On the other hand, the hassle to set this up was so low that the functionality / hassle ratio is most definitely worth, and I’m quite happy I did and plan to continue using it.
- (yes, I’m still using CDs, I have objections to those newfangled streaming services)↩︎
- full CD rip in a single file, with an embedded cuesheet, to preserve as much as possible of the original disc.↩︎
- in theory the flac was supposed to be future-proof storage, with the ogg files for actual use, but then I always listen to full albums, so the flac just work, and I only tend to bother generating the ogg when I’m already generating mp3 for the car.↩︎
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Inspired by the excellent UI for emergency alerts on smartphones, @Fabio had the idea to write a new phone interface: Launcher Ultima
It's an isometric RPG, to make a call you have to find a phone box, to answer an incoming a call you need to be close to the *right* phone box (and of course there are multiple ones).
The address book is, as the name suggests, a book. Or rather multiple books, spread out around the whole world.
And if you receive an emergency alert a huge red face appears on top of the screen, and *loudly* reads the text of the alert.
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
In the spirit of #FallFinishAlong, 3 days ago (3 days??? just 3 days???) i posted about a #YarnChicken victory at the middle of the shawl I'm knitting.
Pictured here, because I'm slow at moving pictures over from the camera to the pc :D
Anyway, the whole shawl is made of 4 balls of yarn, I started it in mid June, finished #knitting the second ball 3 months later. and now I've almost finished working the third ball, and I'm ready to attach the last one.
The last quarter of the work is probably going to go significantly slower, because it's no longer garter stitch, but still. I wasn't sure this would have been ready for December, but now it's starting to look realistic.
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And I'm more than halfway through the fourth ball of yarn.
The next steps are:
* one row (k all sts)
* inserting a lifeline
* two rows (yo / k2t and k all sts)
* start binding off with a method I've never used
* lose the yarn chicken round
* rip to the lifeline
* bind off, this time for real
E ho più che passato la metà del quarto gomitolo.
I prossimi passi sono:
* un ferro al dritto
* inserire un filo di salvataggio
* due ferri (lanciato / due lavorati assieme, e l'altro tutto al dritto)
* iniziare a chiudere con un metodo che non ho ancora mai usato
* perdere la partita a yarn chicken
* disfare fino al filo
* chiudere, stavolta davvero
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Non-e (Note)Book
Posted on September 18, 2023
Some time ago our LUG bought some things from and while browsing around the website my SO and I decided to add a junk box to the order and see what we would get.
Other than a few useful things, there were two mostly unpopulated boards for the inkplate 10 which would have been pretty hard to reuse as electronics.
On the other hand, at 23 cm × 18 cm they are a size that is reasonable for a book, and the slit near a long edge made them look suitable for the cover plates of a coptic bound book.
Since the size isn’t a standard one, I used some paper I already had in big (A1) sheet: Clairefontaine Dessin Croquis Blanc at 120 g/m², and cut 32 sheet 466 mm × 182 mm big, to have room to trim the excess at the end and straighten the edges. This would make 8 signatures of 4 sheet each, for a total of 128 pages.
The paper will make it suitable both as a notebook (where I’ll write with liquid ink, of course, not ballpoints) or as a sketchbook for pencil (but not wet techniques).
I could have added a few more signatures, but this felt already good enough, and the risk to end up with an half-empty notebook was non-trivial (I will already have to force myself to actually use it, rather than keep it for a good topic that will never be).
First we finished depopulating the boards, using it as a desoldering exercise and trying (and not always succeeding) to save as many components as possible, even if most of them were too tiny for our current soldiering skills.
And then I only had to sew the book, which was done mostly while watching the DebConf streams.
And a couple of days later, trim and sand the pages, which as usual I could have done better, but, well, it works.
The next time I do something like this I think I will have to add a couple more mm also to the height, to be able to trim also those edges.
And now of course the Big Question is: what should I dedicate this notebook to? Will I actually use it? This year? This decade?
Kermode reshared this.
@Kermode yeah, it's a know problem.
I willingly got myself into trouble by using a static site generator written in haskell, and now I should learn enough haskell to fix the mangling of image urls for the rss feed (which gets read by friendica and posted here on the fediverse).
And learning haskell was the whole point of it, but it means I need some time to do it, and I keep getting distracted by other projects :D
Kermode likes this.
Happy #StHildegardsDay everybody!
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
@devrtz :debian: ,
btw, I think I need a t-shirt with these words. or a patch on my backpack. Yeah, I think a patch for my backpack will happen in the near future. And if anybody wants to print stickers or anything else, I will submit this to the usual places :D
(And until I've submitted it to the right places, the source can be found on… , under the same license as the debian logo)
@Fabio , @Diego Roversi and the other locals: if you also want something with these words, we can talk about it :)
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(assuming that the photosensitive thing for screen printing is still working, otherwise it will happen in the somewhat less near future when I buy a new bottle)
@fnord99 mine can't, and I wouldn't want to do that anyway.
Now, I wouldn't mind using a few apps that are in f-droid, but not strongly enough that I have ever bothered looking into how to do it.
Anyway, I posted on my linux mobile experience some months ago, and it's still pretty accurate (but note that some of the big problems are hardware-related and apparently are not a problem with a more expensive phone)…
To be brutally honest:
Don't know, don't care.
I avoid that shit for a reason.
And I have always had enough willpower to resist that shit.
If you must, feel free to feel offended 🦄
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
@devrtz :debian: @fnord99 @Fabio @Diego Roversi the biggest temptation for me would be StreetComplete (from f-droid, not from the playstore), but then I have a pinephone, so the GPS is, well, not great, and I'm not sure it would work anyway.
For everything else I'd need I can think of an alternative that is native to linux and packaged in debian.
(a Librem 5 may solve that problem, but that's quite out of my budget)
@fnord99 @Fabio @Diego Roversi @devrtz :debian:
for tickets for public transport I go to a kiosk (or sometimes an actual ticket window with an actual person, because the kiosk is half-broken). If I was using it more often I would probably buy a monthly pass online from the website.
For cashless payments I use the payment card from my bank.
I've had pretty bad experiences with navigation with live traffic information when traveling with friends (being sent on unreasonable detours that probably *increased* travel time), so, meh, that's not really something I feel the need for.
For online banking I use the website, usually from my pc; there is some 2FA happening with a phone call (with a machine, not a person)
I haven't tried those websites from a mobile browser, they may or may not work (I'm sure that the train website is horrible, but that's also true on the pc version, the only way to navigate it is by blocking 3/4 of the javascript, which firefox on the pinephone could do.)
AFAIK some EV charging places in EU have a card that you can use if you don't want to install an app. I really hope that as EVs get more common they will start accepting cash or cards like every other place where you have to buy things, however. (I also don't travel enough to be in the market for an EV, or any kind of new car, at the moment)
Ed è iniziata la stagione delle freselle con sopra il minestrone.
E nel minestrone dei bei pezzi di zucca.
Non serve che dica altro, vero?
Gabratta 🐐 likes this.
@Kermode the south Italian variant of hardtack, except it's actually good in taste and texture :D
This picture is closer to what I'm having
I'm #knitting a shawl in two colours, and according to the precision scale I have exactly the amount of yarn I need to knit another two rows with the first colour before moving on to the next one.
I've added a lifeline, in case I lose this round of #yarnChicken.
And now, I should really stop knitting and have my breakfast, but that would delay *knowing*.
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The pattern is basically “repeat until the end of the colour, change colour, repeat until the end of that yarn”, so there would have been no dishonour in changing the colour two rows earlier.
But surely that's wasteful, right?
Vi 💙 likes this.
Deborah Pickett likes this.
and I WON! with a full *quarter of a gram* of yarn left!
edit: that's 80 cm!
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Willingham Sends Fables Into the Public Domain.
Absolute table-flip badassery: The comic book property called Fables, including all related Fables spin-offs and characters, is now in the public domain. What was once wholly owned by Bill Willingham is...
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When facing the "All we need is STEM!" approach to education, my usual response is:
Developing the vaccine was the STEM problem; distribution & getting shots in arms was the Social Science problem; getting people to trust it & combatting misinformation was the Humanities problem -- which did we fail?
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Filed under: conflicting messages
The mystery remains: how are they managing the grass in that area?
(it's the outdoor area of a museum, where the public is supposed to walk to reach the planes on display, so they have to keep the grass short enough that it's not a danger)
Nella categoria: messaggi contradditori.
E rimane il mistero: con quale dei due metodi gestiscono il prato?
(È l'area all'aperto di un museo, dove il pubblico deve camminare per raggiungere gli aeroplani esposti, per cui è necessario tenere l'erba abbastanza corta da non essere un pericolo)
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No English version of the post above, which is mostly for people who travel on the local commuter trains, but the picture is of a model of a rather impressive (in person) 5 arcs railway bridge above a valley with a river and, at the time of the model, a second railway (which only had a relatively short life because of international politics¹ and now at that place is just a path through the woods)
¹ as in: it was an international local line, and then fascism.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Jan Schaumann • •@Jan Schaumann reheated stale take, but like homemade bread which reheats great.
Except reheated homemade bread is a good thing, this is a very serious problem.