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JKR, personal

Disclaimer: I've only read canon Harry Potter once many years ago, and what I remember may be seen from fanfiction-tinted glasses.

What really throws me off about the whole JKR thing is that I remember her famous book series as being about people fighting against a group that was defined by having discrimination against an unprivileged group as their main objective. In a mid-quality YA fiction way with lots of problems and plot holes, but still, the Big Bads of the story were the ones doing the discrimination and then even killing etc. of members of a minority.

And then later in her life she goes and basically joins the Death Eaters?

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

JKR, personale

Disclaimer: ho letto l'Harry Potter canonico solo una volta, un bel po' di anni fa, e le mie memorie potrebbero essere passate attraverso degli occhiali colorati dalle fanfiction.

La cosa che veramente mi perplime della JKR però è che quel che mi ricordo della serie è che di base parlava di gente che combatteva contro un gruppo definito dal loro obiettivo principale di discriminare un gruppo non privilegiato. In uno stile da romanzi per ragazzi di qualità mediocre con un sacco di problemi e buchi di trama e di logica, ma i Cattivi della storia erano di base quelli che discriminavano e poi uccidevano ecc. i membri di una minoranza.

E poi l'autrice invecchia e fondamentalmente diventa una Mangiamorte?

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

re: JKR, personale
ho visto solo ora che sta anche scivolando nel negazionismo, wtf, questa me l'ero persa.
Ma in fondo c'è sempre spazio per peggioramenti!
in reply to fucsia :QueerCat_Trans:

re: JKR, personale
@fucsia :blobcat: immagino che i Death Eaters non bastassero, e che volesse anche diventare seguace di Grindelwald? or something.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

JKR, personal

sounds like a very severe case of Never Meet Your Idols to me. Generally spoken, I mean, not you specific.

I mean actors and writers have this in common. Both can play|fantasise a character|world that is not reality.

Their characters do not have to align with the fiction at all and seldom do.

I don't see the real surprise here. Humans do what they do. The story sold so more was written.

This isn't an excuse for a shitty character, of course 🙃

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in reply to Beko Pharm (deprecated)

JKR, personal

@Beko Pharm yeah, I consider myself very lucky that I never really cared much for canon and only got into Harry Potter stuff with the fanfics.

But around fandom I've read many times of variously unprivileged people saying that they read the original books in their formative years and they loved them so much because it empowered them, and. this whole thing must hurt. a lot.

And I don't know, the whole “stuff sells, make more stuff” easily explains what happened later, but not really the early works, would it?

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

JKR, personal

personally I don't get how anyone can develop such a mindset over the years.

I guess "they" don't get "me" either tho.

There's this saying about everyone becoming more conservative with age.

I feel the opposite. Blame the Fe-diverse. I guess being confronted with multiple different points of view each day helps to keep an open mind 🤷

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Elena ``of Valhalla'' I was also too young at the time of reading to notice it, but the books outline pretty rigid gender roles. Hermione ends doing most of the legwork while Harry is the action savior and Ron is the comic relief. Also the childless women aren’t given the best roles either. So it’s there, albeit not the main point of the story.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

JKR, personal

@Hypolite Petovan otoh Hermione can also be seen as the one that basically really saves everyone (almost to Mary Sue levels, at times), so an empowering character rather than one that is stuck under oppressive gender roles.

(but here I may be misremembering thing and being influenced by the fact that I may have read a few Hermione based fanfictions. just a few :D )

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Elena ``of Valhalla'' You aren't remembering wrong, remember the Time-Turner intrigue? Turns out Hermione literally had to go back in time to be able to study for more classes.

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