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quando il chat bot markoviano comincia a capire come funzionano le cose...

in reply to albertuxone

@albertuxone ci stiamo preparando per festeggiare con te dopo la riapertura…

(oppure stiamo affondando i dispiaceri nei lievitati)

Questa voce è stata modificata (4 anni fa)

Unknown parent


Mostly I open a backing track on youtube and jam over it..

sometime I connect to some ninjam rooom at to jam online. I'm using JamTaba (a software that does not convince me completely..)

I'm not recording anything :)

Videolezioni, Videotutorial e Videoesperimenti curati da Alan "Curiuss" Zamboni.
Accesso gratuito al tempo della pandemia.

I've got a lighting-fast #GNOME dashboard disabling most of the search providers. I'm not using them anyway.. I keep only File and Calculator 👍

#ratemyrig #diy #diywhy

with a spare piece of wood, some wire, two clothespins...



Leo: "and now some tips to live this day with lightheartedness!"
"you can read a good book"
"or study a foreign language"
"or exercise"
"or tidying wardrobes"

Tv: "tearing down this wall will cost you $ 3000, but you'll have the well-lit kitchen you wanted!"

Unknown parent

"rate my setup"

Look ma! New site!

yes, ma. I copied it from Foliate.. sorry..

Thib reshared this.

What's new in #confy today:

- nice button in headbar to update main menu list or event cached data
- nice overlay toaster to show notifications

- main menu data is updated automatically at start if older than one day
- event cache is updated automatically at open (if network is available).
- event data is downloaded asynchronously. This leave the UI responsive while downloading.
- talk detail page show "conflicting" starred talks

- Remind upcoming starred events with a system notification

What's wrong in #confy today:

- flatpak doesn't work anymore (see #1. I think it's related to sandbox permissions, but I can't understand how fix it. So, flatpak building in is disabled.
- The "+" button ("Add event from URL") is just a placeholder. More work must be done to support it correctly
- apart from event data, other downloads are still sync and block the ui
- I still have issues with Leaflet and folding.... I'm missing something here...

please, send help...

What's missing, in "likely it will land" order:

- Download all data asynchronously.
- An app menu is needed, with things like "options" and "back to event list" ...
- An options window, with things like "update event cache every" and "clear all cached data"
- The "Map" page is still a placeholder
- Support for FOSDEM's room status API

Thib reshared this.

#WIP #confy #flatpak built on sourcehut build service, with a nice artifact. :)…

still a test. Next step, trigger build of master branch when pushed.

Hardware Acceleration is approximately 9.8 m/s² and is achieved by tossing your computer out the fucking window

but it's easy to organize at #fostdem

1. Find the bar
2. Drink beers watching the live streams


(cc @fabrixxm @fosdem)

So, yesterday evening @Gruppo Linux Como hosted the first "virtual meetup" using #JitsiMeet .
We had a very nice experience (keeping the video stream at minimum), and friends abroad were able to join us!
I only missed the pizza together 😄
in reply to Fabio

But Jami was very unreliable for me

yes. also for me.

I was told Jitsi was bought by a company and other messengers should be preferred.

Never heard of.

Anyway, Jitsi Meet it's fully opensource and self-hostable. Don't see any problem..

in reply to Fabio


8×8 announced it has acquired the Jitsi team and our technology from Atlassian

"from Atlassian" looks like an improvement, to me.
Again, all the source code is available :)

in reply to Fabio

Sounds good. I guess there are not many other alternatives.

They simply declared what they wanted to happen, entering into a negotiation with the borrow checker, and then revised their design until both parties were left satisfied.


Sometimes I comment on a git* issue and forget about it, until I get a notification email and it's a 'what are you?' moment...

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