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Tobias ha ricondiviso questo.…

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New #inkplate 6 arrived and got running on it.

next: get the weather forecast data again (the service I was using vanished from the web some time ago)

Hei @PHP @PHP Foundation #php , what's up here?

How firefox is doing "unusual traffic from [my] computer network" (requiring a captcha to continue) , while GNOME Web isn't ?

A quanto pare i miei hanno una bottiglia di "Vin Beato".

Ci intingono gli angolini.

#trenord in ritardo mi fa fare tardi anche in bici...

A quick'n'dirty in-browser experiment to incorporate a profile header image in #friendica user profile and status pages

Regola del prendere il #treno una tantum: qualunque ora arrivi in stazione il tuo treno partiva 30 secondi prima. E devi ancora fare il biglietto.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' doesn't like this.

razzospaziale reshared this.

in reply to Fabio

@Fabio la navigazione laghi fa coincidenza coi treni, per caso? (nel senso che pianifica le corse in modo che partano nel momento in cui i treni sono appena arrivati)
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Elena ``of Valhalla'' di sicuro fa viceversa..

arrivo all'imbarcadero a Torno ore 14.11. la corsa passa alle 14.09. prossima corsa 14.44, che arriva alle 14.57. ora che sbarca e imbarca partiamo che son da poco passate le 15.00. arrivo a Como ore 15.30, pontile di fronte alla stazione Nord. Il treno è partito alle 15.16, prossima corsa 16.16... ortomio!
Se tornavo a piedi probabilmente arrivavo prima.

in reply to Fabio

@Fabio ma sta sicuro che l'ora di arrivo prevista per il battello sarebbero state le 15:15 precise, così fai in tempo a scendere dal battello, arrivare tutto trafelato in stazione e vedere i fari rossi del treno che si allontanano.

mica questa cosa che arrivi un quarto d'ora dopo, che quasi quasi uno se ne fa una ragione!

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@Tobias go with CC0 and make nice things with it 😃

devrtz :debian: ha ricondiviso questo.

#confy #gtk4 / #libadwaita branch wip/gtk4 has been merged into master. It's not 100% at par in features with last gtk3 version, but it's usable.…

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in reply to Fabio

this post is getting some attention lately.
Confy 0.7.0 has been finally released and it's available on flathub and in various repos

Confy 0.7.0

Confy 0.7.0

Confy 0.7.0 has been released

This is the first release with a brand new UI written in Gtk4/libadwaita, using Blueprint for UI definition!

User interaction has been revisited, while being mostly similar to the previous version: gone is the tab switcher in headbar, now starred talks can be found in navbar. Gone is also the map view (for now, at least).
Adding new conferences from URL is now done via a nice dialog, and editing of user-added conferences is done directly in the conference list view. Which is now a window by it's own, used as an "open" dialog.
There are some new shortcuts, like the "<primay>-c" shortcuts to copy the current talk details as plain text in clipboard.
The talk search can now be filtered to match only starred talks and there are two search "mode": the global search, activated by the button over in the navigation header and by the '<primary>-f' shortcut, and the "current list" search, which search in current talk list for

I'm sure I'm missing something and I'm sure I've missed more than something testing this, so please open tickets on the tracker (tickets can be opened also via email just sending a text/plain mail to ~fabrixxm/ or

There is also a fix from ~edwardbetts for events that are after UTC midnight. Thanks!

#confy #gtk4 #libadwaita #newrelease

Task: Turn off laptop integrated display with external monitor connected and laptop lid up.



in reply to Lemmy

@Lemmy Why a link inside a button... It's... quite unusual..

And the padding on the button (which it doesn't respond to user action) makes clicking on the link a little bit more difficult than it should be.

I know.. I should have opened an issue, or better send a patch.. but I'm lazy, sorry :D

Tobias Bernard ha ricondiviso questo.

It's aliiiiveeee! (almost) #WiP #confy #gtk4 #libadwaita

Screenshots on last post where blueprint ui files made in Workbench, this is from the wip branch. 🚧👍

devrtz :debian: ha ricondiviso questo.

Trying some restyling of #confy in #gtk4 #adwaita .

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in reply to Nico Rikken

@Nico Rikken Thank you. I don't think I'll manage to release the Gtk4 version for #FOSDEM, but the Gtk3 is already usable :D
in reply to Fabio

Yeah, it proved to be essential in the last conference I attended. On Android I use #Giggity but #LinuxPhones are the future. So thanks for working on this!

Dalínux #Tux #Lego
#tux #Lego

StrangeName reshared this.

Today I've been "nerd snipped" by a friend.

He had to write some excel formulas, and he was writing them in 'pseudocode' before putting the formula together, while commenting about "why I can't write formulas in a sane language".

So I've spent my evening (and part of my night) doing this:

Next step: a web page to run it in a browser :D

Things I've done lately:

  • Dist-upgraded my VPS from Debian 10 to Debian 11
  • Updated the ansible playbook which configure my VPS almost up to date with the real state of my VPS. Things have started to diverge many moons ago. Now is quite back on track to be able to run without any unwanted side effects
  • Installed Dentrite matrix homeserver with a couple of bridges, using the aforementioned ansible playbook

in reply to Fabio

Ancora con 'ste fotocopie identiche, mamma mia che roba vecchia. Noi aggiungiamo decorazioni, ghirigori, grechine, fiorellini ai vostri documenti :awesome:

Ascoltaci, o madre Sparta! Noi, i tuoi figli, andiamo a morire per la libertà.
"Si, ma non fate tardi".

Leo Ortolani, "299"

Cose da fare: provare una ricetta generata da una catena di Markov partendo da "La scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene" di Pellegrino Artusi

si batte la fiacca su questo pesce le scaglie e, lavato ed asciugato, infarinatelo tutto e mettetelo al fuoco mezz'ora prima di svenire

#retrocomputing #modding #rgb #bbcmicro

Today experiment

Pseudo-CSS to SVG "compiler"

Because perhaps it's easier to write than xml...

in reply to Fabio

thinking about it, changing default xml namespace it can output any xml...

in reply to Fabio

and profile image, in one template, if you have it, like if you are from mastodon...

Sikitikis - Metti un Tigre nel Doppio Brodo (2005)


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io no, giuro.
Unknown parent

@Art of Stimart doppio carpiato con avvitamento. mi piace.

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