Pepper and Carrot board game
Today the post had a surprise for me!
The Pepper and Carrot #freeCulture #boardGame from… , including most expansions.
Looking forwards to playing it!
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It has finally happened!
I've been using valentina to draft #sewingPatterns for a while, using the upstream packages inside a virtual machine, and I can recommend it to other people who want to draft their own patterns from measurements (and not just because there are afaik no other free software alternatives).
I've been planning to try and package it for debian for a long time, but ended up spending my #sewing time on sewing-in-a-hurry instead of working on the tools, so I'm quite happy that somebody else had time to do it.
Nelson likes this.
Yesterday I finally “released” version 0.2 of my veeery slowly developed collection manager lesana. Made a new package (not in a state fit for release) and installed it on my pc.
And then today I had an idea on how to implement a feature that I was having issues implementing…
(When I say “released” and 0.2 I really mean it: I've been using it for two years, and it's still not fit for human consumption)
An advent calendar with #piecepack games, on an Italian board games website.
(The direct link to the calendar is… )
Black friday shopping (sort of)
Yesterday afternoon I went to the city center to buy a couple of things... and then started noticing big sales signs and only then realized that black friday is now a thing also in brick-and-mortar Italy…
Anyway, I kept going towards the one remaining drogheria¹ in my town, met the new owner (YAY! it hasn't closed when the old ones retired) and bought a bit of spices, candied fruit and few grams gum arabic (YAY! I've found a place that sells it), so that I can continue my attempts at making my own dip pen ink.
And then I proceeded to ignore the big sales signs on my way back home :)
¹ that's a traditional shop that sells spices (droghe in slightely old-fashioned italian), preserved foods, household chemicals and… stuff.
Support for SF conservancy... renewed
Like every year, I've just renewed my support for Software Freedom Conservancy.
The victims people at Conservancy are doing the hard and/or boring work of dealing with lawyers, accountants and other undeads so that we hackers don't have to, and this alone should be enough to earn our support.
btw, there are still a few days, until january 15th, to have your donations count twice thanks to a matching donation.
Backpack done! or is it?
My new backpack!
I started this project in august (pattern and material list) / september (actual sewing) and finally, this evening, it is usable!
It wasn't the only project running (not even the only *sewing* project), but still it took enough time that I'm glad I can finally use it, even if right now it doesn't really have any real advantage over what I could have bought from any store for less money than I spent on materials (but I have many leftovers — and plans to use at least part of them)
It also was pretty challenging, both for my skills and for my home sewing machine, and there are a few things that could have been done better (and maybe they will, in the next backpack I'll make?)
But is it really done? No, that webbing in the front (and sides) is there to attach extensions, and I have at least a couple planned (one easy, that I will do soon, and another complex one that will wait until I've recovered from the project fatigue with something completely different).
I'm also still waiting for the buckles that will close the compression straps in the front (not that they are really needed now that there are no extensions to keep compressed), but they are details I can take care of later.
P.S. I took pictures and notes, and the pattern is already on git, but a full tutorial will have to wait, probably even months, as now I have a bit of sewing backlog.
Harald Eilertsen likes this.
via @Fabio
Now, it's a shame that nowadays browsers have lost support for gopher, as that's required to follow some links on that page...
Tonight I dreamt of an old man, dressed in grey with a wide felt hat, who was tending a small vegetable garden like the ones typically kept by retired men.
He was using a tool that changed shape according to what he needed in that moment, but at every change it blinked a bit as if it wanted to return to its native shape of a spear.
Now I'm a bit worried for humanity's sake. :)
P.S. even more worryingly his usual associate wasn't around to be seen.
improved slatts belt
In one of the comments (near the bottom) on… there was a suggestion to alternate the direction of the loops to prevent the paracord from twisting badly.
This is the process and the result:
(making a full belt with 20m of paracord took about a day of picking it up, doing a couple of rows while in front of the computer and putting it down again)
Debian Day in Varese
I'm stuck home instead of being able to go to DebConf, but that doesn't mean that Debian Day will be left uncelebrated!
Since many of the locals are away for the holidays, we of @Gruppo Linux Como and @LIFO aren't going to organize a full day of celebrations, but at the very least we are meeting for a dinner in Varese, at some restaurant that will be open on that date.
Everybody is welcome: to join us please add your name (nickname or identifier of any kind, as long as it fits in the box) on… before thursday, August 10th, so that we can
get a reservation at the restaurant.
Allthetropes: a fork of tvtropes
NSFW, if by "not safe" you mean "you will waste your day on it and risk losing your job"
I didn't know that there was a fork of tvtropes, with a Free license (as opposed to the NC one that tvtropes has moved to):…
I'm not sure if I want to keep an eye on it or if I should *stay*away*from*THAT* just like the original one.
(e se siete da queste parti e volete celebrare, unitevi a noi questo pomeriggio a Tradate:… )
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Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •Harald Eilertsen
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