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Happy 10th Birthday Friendica!

Ten years ago the 1st commit to the git repository of Mistpark was made by Mike Macgirvin, a project that since has become Friendica accumulating some 27.000 commits contributing the work of more then 250 people from all around the world.
Friendica themes from 2010 to 2020Mistpark and Friendica themes from 2010 to 2020
Together we have build a social media platform that had many faces over the years. It has grown from a decentralized communication platform into an integral part of the Fediverse and Federation. Allowing its users to interact with their friends and family across the borders of nodes, projects and physical distance outside the world of data-harvesting corporations.

Thank you Mike and everybody else who has contributed their time to the project over the years! And while we are preparing the 2020.06 release of Friendica, lets have a big party to celebrate ten years of this wonderful part of the free social web.

First bread made at home with sourdough (thanks @Elena ``of Valhalla'' )

durum wheat flour:

durum wheat flour / "00" flour mix:

Questa sera durante la settimanale riunione virtuale del GL-Como si terrà la serata “sales pitch” per linguaggi di programmazione: una serie di presentazioni
brevi nel quale cercare di convincere ad imparare un linguaggio di programmazione.

Il target sono persone con nozioni di programmazione: né completi
principianti né sviluppatori esperti.

Si parlerà di awk e di python.

Le presentazioni saranno in diretta all'indirizzo , con la possibilità di interagire via chat.

Appuntamento a partire dalle ore 21:00

A small update on #confy

A wip branch with updates to support future libhandy 1.0 (0.80.0 right now) has been created:

So far:
- It is possible to add a custom pentabarf url to the conferences list
- The map page now show the map, scrollable and zoomable. It's ugly but i works
- Map image and conference image are loaded asynchronously
- pages stack has been replaced with Handy.Deck, with support for swipe gesture to get back
in reply to Fabio

So, now I'm trying to add some settings to the app.
I've populated the .gschema.xml file, but I can't manage to have the app found it, running on the host (I get a Gio.Settings without keys) or running it as a flatpak ("Settings schema is not installed").
Why it must be so difficult?
I think I'll go with a couple of python lines to replace this..
in reply to Fabio

So after some hours spent on this, I noticed an error in compile logs:
the schema was invalid, but meson doesn't stop on test() errors... useful...

OpenCast Live
Inizia: Martedì Maggio 26, 2020 @ 9:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)
Finisce: Martedì Maggio 26, 2020 @ 10:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)


Torna OpenCast in versione Live!

Martedì 26 maggio a partire dalle 21:00 saremo live all'indirizzo , con la possibilità di interagire via chat!

Opencast è il podcast del GL-Como che tratta di open source, software libero e tecnologia in generale.


Homemade Krumiri biscuits

Panico in Italia: per motivi di distanziamento sociale, da domani 14 maggio sono vietati non solo gli abbracci, le strette di mano e *hiavare, ma anche la gestualità popolare come da tabelle allegate. Gennaro Italico: “È un attentato alla libertà d’espressione, anche facciale”

Durante la pestilenza, per sentirmi meno solo, ho inventato un amico immaginario al quale parlare. Si chiama Vanvera.

TIL* about Project Gemini
"Gemini is a new, collaboratively designed internet protocol, which explores the space inbetween gopher and the web, striving to address (perceived) limitations of one while avoiding the (undeniable) pitfalls of the other."

Found about it via Castor ( ), a graphical gemini (+ gopher and finger) browser, written in #rust / #gtk , which I found thanks to the "Featured projects" list of Sourcehut Hub ( read more here )

So, obviously, I neeeeded a #gemini browser on my #sailfishos phone.

It's not yet here, but while experimenting I ended up writing a desktop browser for #gemini with #Qt and #QML which I called Alrisha :

At this point I neeeeeeeeed a presence on the 'gemini space'. But I'm not inclined to maintain it by hand. It will become stale quickly, I'm sure.

So I'm on the road to write an "ActivityPub C2S client via gemini". A web.. no, a gemini app that will render gemini pages from ActivityStream objects.

Just to publish this #microblog on gemini automatically. Because why not.

It's been written in #python using Jetforce

Here a screenshot of what I have now: on the left firefox shows my profile page via http/html, on the right the terminal running the gemini appserver, in the middle Alrisha rendering the result of the work...

*Thursday I Learned

quando il chat bot markoviano comincia a capire come funzionano le cose...

in reply to albertuxone

@albertuxone ci stiamo preparando per festeggiare con te dopo la riapertura…

(oppure stiamo affondando i dispiaceri nei lievitati)
Questa voce è stata modificata (4 anni fa)

Unknown parent

Mostly I open a backing track on youtube and jam over it..

sometime I connect to some ninjam rooom at to jam online. I'm using JamTaba (a software that does not convince me completely..)

I'm not recording anything :)

Videolezioni, Videotutorial e Videoesperimenti curati da Alan "Curiuss" Zamboni.
Accesso gratuito al tempo della pandemia.

I've got a lighting-fast #GNOME dashboard disabling most of the search providers. I'm not using them anyway.. I keep only File and Calculator 👍

#ratemyrig #diy #diywhy

with a spare piece of wood, some wire, two clothespins...



Leo: "and now some tips to live this day with lightheartedness!"
"you can read a good book"
"or study a foreign language"
"or exercise"
"or tidying wardrobes"

Tv: "tearing down this wall will cost you $ 3000, but you'll have the well-lit kitchen you wanted!"

Unknown parent

"rate my setup"

Look ma! New site!

yes, ma. I copied it from Foliate.. sorry..

Thib reshared this.

What's new in #confy today:

- nice button in headbar to update main menu list or event cached data
- nice overlay toaster to show notifications

- main menu data is updated automatically at start if older than one day
- event cache is updated automatically at open (if network is available).
- event data is downloaded asynchronously. This leave the UI responsive while downloading.
- talk detail page show "conflicting" starred talks

- Remind upcoming starred events with a system notification

What's wrong in #confy today:

- flatpak doesn't work anymore (see #1. I think it's related to sandbox permissions, but I can't understand how fix it. So, flatpak building in is disabled.
- The "+" button ("Add event from URL") is just a placeholder. More work must be done to support it correctly
- apart from event data, other downloads are still sync and block the ui
- I still have issues with Leaflet and folding.... I'm missing something here...

please, send help...

What's missing, in "likely it will land" order:

- Download all data asynchronously.
- An app menu is needed, with things like "options" and "back to event list" ...
- An options window, with things like "update event cache every" and "clear all cached data"
- The "Map" page is still a placeholder
- Support for FOSDEM's room status API

Thib reshared this.

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