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It's been a while from my last #pizza photo. So here it is.

Ci sono mattine, sul treno, in quell'attimo tra il "mi devo alzare per scendere" e il "mi sto alzando" in cui valuto la fattibilità di non alzarmi, di arrivare a Milano, prendere la metro, arrivare in Centrale, trovare il primo treno che parte e salirci.

Scossa notevole di #terremoto avvertita a Como circa alle 11:30.

Tobias Bernard ha ricondiviso questo.

New experiment!
First experience with #gtk4, #libadwaita and #vala :

Appaya, to monitor and control Syncthing daemon (very much inspired by Syncthing Indicator Gnome Extension), obviously #WiP

in reply to Fabio

Update! Now with 100% more info! and more buttons! (but not everything works so far).. And bigger headers!! (but I'm not sure about that)

Two columns on desktop, single column on mobile! wow!

And this is the "nice" icon: Appaya the Papaya

in reply to Fabio

oh, and this is also using #blueprint from @James Westman , even though I have problems with it, vala and meson. but it's meson fault........

Paolo Redaelli ha ricondiviso questo.

#php #php8 #Cheatsheet

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a camera/smartphone tripod!
No! It's poorman's desktop microphone stand!

in reply to Fabio

It did his work remarkably well, I have to say...

Confy 0.6.2

Nothing really new, some visual adjustment to look more "gnomey"

l'universo si espande.
lo sappiamo perchè orione ha fatto un'altro buco alla sua cintura!

universe is expanding.
we know it because orion has added a hole on his belt!

in reply to Fabio

The thing is going out of hand..

(data in screenhost is "fake": I just imported my outbox from @Fabrix.xm Needs mooooore work to handle AP in a way that's not too broken)

The latest bonus email is full of hot ‘Ween content. Collab with @arcanebullshit. Sign up at link bio.
Photo by Obvious Plant on October 28, 2021. May be an image of 1 person and text.…

Today I've worked on a little on my toy python-only Gtk UI Light Language (GULL), which is an experiment to write a lighter, more compact, UI definition file for #GTK instead of XML.

My experiment works only with python, as the code which parse and build widgets is all in python/py-gobject . It has also some nice functionality, like import other definition files as widgets and python module to connect functions to events. Oh and probably will ever support only Gtk3, because it's a toy, I'm lazy and I didn't started to look into Gtk4 yet...

I was thinking about writing a "converter" from my format into XML, to be able to use it via standard GtkBuilder.

My ugly code is here:

And now I stumbled on this… by @James Westman

I see we both come on that from the same thread on #GNOME discourse 😀…

in reply to Fabio

Puoi guardare su osm se sono segnati gli attacchi degli idranti per evitarli!


Friendica Developers ha ricondiviso questo.

!Friendica Developers

a little bash script to run php-cs-fixer only on changed and added php files between current branch and a base branch (defaults to develop)

meant to be launched from tree root as bin/dev/

Optional --fix flag to automatically fix code.…

I had it around and maybe it could be useful...

Unknown parent

Link expired. Here a permanent one:…

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

La regina d'Inghilterra rifiuta il premio "anziano dell'anno":
"Anziano ce sarai te!"

The stupid project of the week

This time, double the stupidity!

keys The unnecessary CLI to manage SSH keys

and a library from code used in keys:

climatik Create python command line interface from function definitions

(also on pypi)


Now #pinephone with #megapixels take better photos than my everyday android 👍


MarcusE1W reshared this.

in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

A proposito di necrologi: non so se l'ha fatto Festa Campanile o qualcun altro, ma ne sentii uno di un salumiere che veniva usato anche come pubblicità del negozio.
Magari qualcunә qui se lo ricorda.

Never let reinvention of the wheel get in the way of a good programming exercise.…

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Vedere Twitter che traduce "thread" as in "discussion thread" con "Rocchetto di filo" mi indispone assai. Se avessi un account l'avrei già chiuso.

Fortunatamente non ce l'ho.

in reply to Fabio

D'ora in poi però parlerò di rocchetti di discussione. sorry, non posso evitare.

(wtf, non è che sia un termine che salta fuori di rado nel contesto twitter...)

in reply to Fabio

darebbe fastidio anche a me. Estremamente. Abbastanza da disinstallare l’app, se fossi costretta a usarla in italiano

My quite big patch to #friendica has been merged into develop. Thanks to @Hypolite Petovan for his patience rewieving the thing.

Now let the new bugs it creates come to me...

in reply to Fabio

Your big patch is about a specific feature so we’ll see who’s foolish enough to try to use the admin log viewer since it was impractical before your patch and the new feature is still pretty confidential.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

So are you saying that they will not come now? pfiu!
/me goes to dinner
Unknown parent

Hypolite Petovan
If you aren't using the Admin Logs section then the update is harmless to you.

in reply to Fabio

Che sono quegli ovetti? pasqua è passata da mò, ma visto il loro colore potrebbe essere cioccolato andato a male...

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Mood of the week graph with extrapolated trend

Work in progress on "Collector"

Collector is a #GNOME collection manager based on lesana, still #wip. Lately I found the time (and the will) to get back to hack on it.

Collection entries now can be added and edited, using specific widget per field type, with input validation.
Field types are been updated to be in sync to latest lesana release.

( This collection can be browse online at )

A GtkSourceView allow edit yaml fields (with validation)

Still many thing doesn't works as it should: textviews expand instead of wrap text, settings dialog don't fit on phone, fields can't be removed nor ordered, git integration is to do and entry list view needs speed up...

mh.. son riuscito a fare un progetto #meson + #vala + #gtk3 (da template di Builder) che dipende da una libreria che si trova in un sottoprogetto #meson + #vala ... interessante...

I was puzzled on why #syncthing on my laptop was showing "2021-06-02" as last synchronization date with my #raspberrypi.
So I logged in my raspi via ssh, and magically the two devices started to sync.
A quick look at the raspberrpi's journal (# journalctl --since=today) showed:

ago 02 17:22:20 raspberrypi systemd[32888]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user pi(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
ago 02 17:22:21 raspberrypi syncthing[32908]: [start] INFO: syncthing v1.12.1-ds1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.15.9 linux-arm64) debian@debian 2021-04-08 21:52:00 UTC

I had setuped Syncthing to start with a user #systemd service unit, so the service was running only when user had log in and was stopped when the user logs out!

I want the synced files to be own by the user, so I have to run Synchthing from a system unit, but as my user. Now.. I could copy the user service file and set up a system service file from there but.... the kind developers of Syncthing have done that for us already!

It's been a matter of

$ systemctl --user disable syncthing.service --now
$ sudo systemctl enable synching@pi.service --now

where pi is the user Synching will run as... nice!

in reply to utzer [Friendica]

yup. is a systemd session started from scratch by pam when the user logs in for the first time.


Unknown parent

no, nonno.. "Iannacci".. ha detto "Iannacci".. ora siediti e rimetti la dentiera che la gente ti guarda male...

My #jolla1 died yesterday 😢️.
My involvement in #SailfishOS apps development is quite stopped now...
Unknown parent

I'm currently using the old Wiko Jerry that was using my wife. Going back to Android from #SailfishOS is soooo difficult...
I put my hopes in the pinephone, that one day not too far will be usable as a daily phone :)
in reply to Fabio

Oh no. You might be able to get a JollaC for ~40€ on the SailfishOS forum. I saw many threads...

Anyone on fediverse knows if #pentabarf xml can declare a timezone in which talks times are? I can't find anything about that on the net...

Penguins on a Plane

questa è vecchia, recuperata grazie alla wayback machine. L'originale è del 2007. Purtroppo mancano le immagini di contorno

Un'agente dell'FBI porta a bordo di un aereo dei pinguini, senza sapere che il personaggio seduto a fianco a lui è un dirigente microsoft.
Quando, per una turbolenza, i pinguini scappano dalla stiva facendo irruzione tra i passeggeri, il dirigente entra in panico e dirotta l'aereo, minacciando i piloti e le hostess con una copia di windows vista premium, urlando "developers! developers! developers!"
Sarà compito di un ornitologo in pensione (S.L. Jackson) riportare la situazione alla calma, ritornando a un mestiere che aveva lasciato per colpa di una tragica vicenda.

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