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A quanto pare qualche solerte burocrate a deciso di bloccare in Italia il progetto Gutenberg.

RT @gutenberg_org
To all Italian followers/users.

Please see below our CEO's statement about some issues with some people in Italy reaching PG (

OpenCast Live
Inizia: Martedì Maggio 26, 2020 @ 9:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)
Finisce: Martedì Maggio 26, 2020 @ 10:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)
Immagine/foto</p><p><b>Torna OpenCast in versione Live!</b></p><p>Martedì 26 maggio a partire dalle 21:00 saremo live all'indirizzo… , con la possibilità di interagire via chat!</p><p>Opencast è il podcast del GL-Como che tratta di open source, software libero e tecnologia in generale.

OpenCast Live
Inizia: Martedì Maggio 26, 2020 @ 9:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)
Finisce: Martedì Maggio 26, 2020 @ 10:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)
Immagine/foto</p><p><b>Torna OpenCast in versione Live!</b></p><p>Martedì 26 maggio a partire dalle 21:00 saremo live all'indirizzo… , con la possibilità di interagire via chat!</p><p>Opencast è il podcast del GL-Como che tratta di open source, software libero e tecnologia in generale.

Maggio 26
OpenCast Live
Mar 21:00 - 22:00
Gruppo Linux Como


Torna OpenCast in versione Live!

Martedì 26 maggio a partire dalle 21:00 saremo live all'indirizzo… , con la possibilità di interagire via chat!

Opencast è il podcast del GL-Como che tratta di open source, software libero e tecnologia in generale.

Fabrix.xm reshared this.

I've just realized that warm colours are those with less energetic wavelengths, and cool colours those with more energy.

My life will never be the same.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I mean, I've “always” know that red = warm, blue = cool from school art lessons, and that red = low energy, blue = high energy from school science lessons. It just took decades before I thought about the two things together.

Also, a friend with a background in astrophysics commented “yeaaaah, like stars. hot stars are blue, like the universal label for cool water taps!”

Unknown parent

David de Groot 𓆉
Which is always confusing when doing colour correction in post production, since you apply the opposite to correct for colour cast, so for cool white light that you want to make warmer, you apply higher kelvin correction (6000K or so).

Installare Jitsi

Nell'ultimo articolo abbiamo visto come installare un server per fare dirette video per fare dirette uno a molti con feedback tramite chat testuale.

In gruppi più piccoli però è più comodo e immediato fare videochiamate in cui tutti possano intervenire con audiovideo: per fare questo usando software libero possiamo usare jitsi meet, una piattaforma che fa uso dello standard WebRTC.

In questo modo, chi vuole partecipare alla videochiamata non deve fare altro che collegarsi al server con un qualsiasi browser moderno e creare una stanza o unirsi ad una stanza esistente, senza bisogno di nessun tipo di registrazione.

Se questo modello di videochiamata interessa, ma si è pigri, si può andare su e sfruttare le istanze jitsi messe a disposizione da volontari per il periodo di emergenza. Dato però che non siamo pigri, possiamo continuare a leggere questo articolo per vedere come installare una propria istanza.



L'installazione di jitsi dovrà avvenire su un server con buona disponibilità di banda; per videochiamate tra piccoli gruppi (~10 persone) può bastare un qualsiasi VPS economico, mentre se si pensa di offrire un servizio pubblico conviene rispettare i requisiti indicati… .

Server web, certificati, ecc.

Innanzitutto, è necessario installare un server web a scelta tra apache e nginx: noi abbiamo scelto nginx (per poterlo usare anche come server di streaming, seguendo l'articolo di Fabrixxm).

Usare il proprio metodo preferito per ottenere dei certificati ssl; jitsi si aspetta di trovarli nei file /etc/ssl/ per la chiave e /etc/ssl/ per il certificato pubblico (completo di certificato intermedio).

Controllare poi che /etc/hosts abbia il FQDN configurato su localhost e aggiungerci una voce Dev-VideoConf-Jitsi per prevenire dei problemi di connessione SCTP: jitsi localhost Dev-VideoConf-Jitsi
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback


Purtroppo jitsi non è disponibile in Debian, ma gli sviluppatori forniscono un repository con dei pacchetti .deb aggiornati: aggiungere tale repository in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jitsi.list:
deb stable/

e abilitare la relativa chiave di firma:
# wget -qO -… | apt-key add

Aggiornare apt ed installare jitsi:
# apt update
# apt install jitsi-meet

Verranno poste le seguenti domande:
The hostname of the current installation:rispondere con l'FQDN della macchina <server>.<dominio>SSL certificate for the Jitsi Meet instancerispondere “I want to use my own certificate”Full local server path to the SSL key file:rispondere /etc/ssl/ local server path to the SSL certificate file:rispondere /etc/ssl/
(attenzione, per questi ultimi due abbiamo avuto problemi nell'usare valori diversi dal default e abbiamo preferito copiare i file nella posizione attesa piuttosto che cercare di risolverli.)

Se il server che si sta usando usa nat (come fanno alcuni fornitori di VPS per fornire indirizzi pubblici riassegnabili a macchine diverse), aggiungere le seguenti righe a/etc/jitsi/videobridge/<iplocale><ip pubblico>

(ad esempio <ip locale> sarà qualcosa come

E riavviare il servizio videobridge2:
# service videobridge2 restart


Il nostro server è pronto, a questo punto basta… con un qualunque browser con supporto webrtc, creare una stanza, passare l'indirizzo ai propri amici e parlare a piacere.

Non è però tutto qui: in articoli successivi vedremo come usare jitsi come fonte per streaming o registrazioni, per avere uno strumento semplice per organizzare conferenze da remoto o realizzare progetti creativi.…

Panico in Italia: per motivi di distanziamento sociale, da domani 14 maggio sono vietati non solo gli abbracci, le strette di mano e *hiavare, ma anche la gestualità popolare come da tabelle allegate. Gennaro Italico: “È un attentato alla libertà d’espressione, anche facciale”

Durante la pestilenza, per sentirmi meno solo, ho inventato un amico immaginario al quale parlare. Si chiama Vanvera.

Sigh, today we found the second commercial flyer in our post box since the start of the lockdown (and the first was a request for donations from a charity that is in the next block from us).

This is a bit of normality that I wasn't looking forwards to have back.

(OTOH, yay, free paper to protect the working surfaces while crafting, I guess...)

on AO3 and not being a social network designed to sell your eyeballs to advertisers

pins, following the instructions on…

made with 0.6mm copper wire, because that's the one I already had plenty of. I also have some huge 1.2mm brass wire that I want to try (but probably will only be suitable for things like coarse wool?) and silver plated copper wire that I'm not sure would survive the hammering part.

I also need a better surface to do the hammering on; the scrap of wood I used is probably too soft and didn't enjoy the process :D

Definitely something I need to get better at (and will probably try to).

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Second batch (the ones on the right). The silver plated copper is too thin to be really useful, and the brass is nice, but too thick. I do plan to buy thinner brass, the next time I have a chance to.

I also found a better surface to do the hammering on: one of my multifunction heavy washers / fabric weights (placed on top of the wood scrap).

Introducing Inkscape 1.0! After a little over three years in development, we're excited to launch this long-awaited version for Windows and Linux (and the macOS preview) Watch the release video ( and download it here:…

Note: If the download link doesn't work, check back a little later. The files are being propagated across our CDN.

Apparenty I've discovered that: a) sewing reusable masks stresses me out b) sewing reusable masks by hand relaxes me.

I'm not sure whether it's the pattern I'm using being full of nice features, but also a bit fiddly, making the same thing multiple times or the guilt over having had two months of quarantine and not having managed to make masks even for my close neighbors.

Sewin by hand while on confcall and the like is not really different from sewing by hand random things, apparently (at least for the first mask I'm making, maybe I'll need a break from this too).

Anyway, doing them by hand is slower, but probably faster than leaving a big pile of cut mask pieces near the sewing machine and avoiding watching in that direction :D

TIL* about Project Gemini
"Gemini is a new, collaboratively designed internet protocol, which explores the space inbetween gopher and the web, striving to address (perceived) limitations of one while avoiding the (undeniable) pitfalls of the other."

Found about it via Castor ( ), a graphical gemini (+ gopher and finger) browser, written in #rust / #gtk , which I found thanks to the "Featured projects" list of Sourcehut Hub ( read more here… )

So, obviously, I neeeeded a #gemini browser on my #sailfishos phone.

It's not yet here, but while experimenting I ended up writing a desktop browser for #gemini with #Qt and #QML which I called Alrisha :

At this point I neeeeeeeeed a presence on the 'gemini space'. But I'm not inclined to maintain it by hand. It will become stale quickly, I'm sure.

So I'm on the road to write an "ActivityPub C2S client via gemini". A web.. no, a gemini app that will render gemini pages from ActivityStream objects.

Just to publish this #microblog on gemini automatically. Because why not.

It's been written in #python using Jetforce…

Here a screenshot of what I have now: on the left firefox shows my profile page via http/html, on the right the terminal running the gemini appserver, in the middle Alrisha rendering the result of the work...

*Thursday I Learned

quando il chat bot markoviano comincia a capire come funzionano le cose...

Please, don't worry about that, I'm sure that there are plenty of ways to implement self-checkout in a way that it is a hassle for customers!

Well. I've already been Mr. Cranky Pants enough for today, so I won't provide any more detail.

Just in case you needed this in your life: instructions for a pieced and quilted plague doctor mask by mctreeleth (they also include instructions for a single fabric piece version, too):…

it! could! work!

(a picture of a somewhat crumbly dough in a glass container)

I've successfully reproduced baker's #yeast following the instructions (in Italian) on… (…) and the linked videos… ( plus… (

The basics are: mix 25 g fresh yeast (or 8g dry, which is what I used) and 25 g water, add 60 g flour, knead a bit and put in the fridge (low temperature is important) in an airtight container (low oxygen is the other important factor) for at least 24 hours. Use in the following week, and start again from the last 25 g.

It smells definitely like baker's yeast (as opposed to sourdough) and the bread I've made with it has risen as expected.

David de Groot 𓆉 reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

It depends on the recipe: the proportion between dry and fresh is about 1:3 (but my 7g dry packets are marked as equivalent to one 25g block of fresh yeast).

I'm also used to dry yeast, so I don't really have an idea of how much that would be in volume. In the picture the container is a bit less than 10 cm wide, if that can help.

Also, I tend to make a lot of bread with pre-ferments, so I may be using as low as 2-4 g of fresh yeast (around 1g dry) for 400-500 g flour. The highest I routinely go is one 7g dry packet (i.e. 25g fresh) per 1000g flour.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Thank you!
This bread making game is a real adventure. At least my recent efforts are good and edible. Last year's experiments were a disaster - even the crows couldn't eat the sourdough rye Rocks I produced.
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

Starting from a particular strain and trying to prevent anything else from growing.

I don't think I'm going to keep this alive long-term for a few reasons.

Between the low amounts of yeast per dough and the fact that I also have an active sourdough, this is making more yeast than I use (and it only keeps for a short time between feedings — although it can keep in the freezer for slightly longer and I could try to experiment with drying like I do with sourdough).

While sourdough grows with time and gains flavour, with baker's yeast the idea is to have something that is consistent, so one would want to remain pretty close to the original, and I suspect that after a few generations mutations may start to change the way it behaves. I believe that this reason alone makes it worth restarting the batch from commercial yeast periodically (maybe every few months?)

And then there is the bit where dry yeast is soooo convenient, while this is a bit of a hassle to get the same results, and I'm basically lazy…

OTOH, it's an excellent way to get more yeast from a package now that it has disappeared from the supermarkets (and this means that I'm currently in the 1% or less of italians that have more yeast than they can use, and I can't even share it with other people in a reasonable way :( (at least not outside the building where I live))

in reply to albertuxone

@albertuxone ci stiamo preparando per festeggiare con te dopo la riapertura…

(oppure stiamo affondando i dispiaceri nei lievitati)

Questa voce è stata modificata (4 anni fa)

@Ondiz I've received this (via xmpp) and for some *strange* reason I thought about your italian lessons :D

(image is a screenshot of a post by some Claudio Marinaccio with the following contents:

"C'è la faremo" = Il signor La Faremo è presente.
"Ce l'ha faremo" = Faremo è in possesso di qualcosa.
"Ce la fa remo" = Remo riuscirà a fare qualcosa.
"Cela faremo" = Qualcuno nasconde Faremo.
Ce la faremo?

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Va detto che se in italiano le maiuscole contassero, ci sarebbe qualche errore ^_^
in reply to MATTEO BECHINI


se però li si vede come modi possibili per separare un hashtag scritto in sole minuscole (come viene scritto di solito fuori da mastodon e dal fediverso), tutto torna :)

the palindromic prime 1000000000000066600000000000001 is known as Belphegor's Prime, named after #Belphegor, one of the seven princes of Hell. Belphegor's Prime consists of the number 666, on either side enclosed by thirteen zeroes and a one. Belphegor's Prime is an example of a beastly #palindromic #prime in which a prime p is palindromic with 666 in the center. #calculotrivia #maths #Math

Conventionally accepted spelling, grammar and typography are not absolutely necessary when writing. However, if deviations from convention distract the reader from the actual point of the text, that's a disservice both to the reader and the writer.

Unknown parent


Mostly I open a backing track on youtube and jam over it..

sometime I connect to some ninjam rooom at to jam online. I'm using JamTaba (a software that does not convince me completely..)

I'm not recording anything :)

A few days ago I found out that the shop I buy kitchen appliance from is making home deliveries (this is still allowed under our lockdown rules for any kind of product), so I decided to buy the pasta machine I've been wanting to buy for quite some time (everybody in our household is still working, from home, so I wanted to spend some money in the local economy).

Yesterday we called them to order… and about two hours later we had a shiny, new, pasta machine: take that amazon and next day deliveries!

(ok, it was just a lucky accident: they already had a delivery scheduled to our area — and they have known us long enough to trust us with delivery before the payment had cleared — it's not going to happen a second time)

(in this context, the real advantage over amazon is that this involved the shop owner preparing and delivering the package safely on her own, rather than underpaid workers risking contagion in an unsafe warehouse)

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
flat things, round things, or oddly shaped things? :D

Videolezioni, Videotutorial e Videoesperimenti curati da Alan "Curiuss" Zamboni.
Accesso gratuito al tempo della pandemia.

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