Salta al contenuto principale

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Fabio io comunque sono a quel punto della mattina in cui ci si chiede “ma c'è l'IKEA in Azerbaijan?”

(la risposta è no, però se ordini uno o più container di roba forse te la spediscono da… )

minor body complaints

After four days on and off of building ikea furniture (on the floor, of course), as I was walking up the stairs my legs had an union meeting and started to make demands.

I told them that I can't give them a pay rise, but I suggested a significant reduction in working hours (for the same pay, of course), and they haven't started a strike yet.

We are still negotiating about a warm shower.

Related, those cheap knee pads we bought almost on a whim a few months ago are starting to go quite high in the list of best way to spend 5-ish €

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Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
minor body complaints

@Comandante Virgola

e quando son cose che uno fa di tanto in tanto non ci si pensa e non sente il bisogno di prenderle, ma cambiano il livello di comfort per queste cose in modo drastico!

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Fabio e cosa ci facevi ancora sveglio a quell'ora tarda (le dieciemmezza, giusto)? noi avevamo già spento la luce :D


@Mike [SEC=OFFICIAL] , I assume, wrote this

and. it's. genius.

I salute you.

Only one thing: out of *pure curiosity* I have been wondering what safeguards are in place to prevent you from flagging random accounts for verification at any time when you are out of gin.

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WiP #Confy new UI and navigation with updated Adwaita widget

So you wanna #sew ?

Diego Roversi reshared this.

I think I had seen it here on the fediverse when it was announced, but I've missed the date when it was made actually available (last summer, uooops):…

a new English translation of the Enuma Elish in open access

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jerry-rigged electronics

TFW you have to reflash a device on site, and forgot home the mini-breadboard and jumper cables that you use to ground pin 9 on the board, but an electrician has just finished working on the 230V lines and they have left droppings (i.e. small bits of electric cable of unknown size)

it worked, the device is now reflashed and safely in position :D

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I've just declared sock mending bankruptcy.

(I'm talking about thin cotton ones, not thicker wool ones I've knit)

* darning them is basically useless: as soon as they have been darned they break somewhere else
* patching them with bits of other socks works, but takes some effort and I have a years-long backlog. really. it's a huge bag and I'm not going to go through it ever, and there are others in various piles around the house
* I need materials to fill a few draught excluders, and I don't have enough textile waste of other types (that I don't want to reuse in some other way)

#sewing #sewingPersonProblems

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Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@MaialeCosmico no, no, le lavastoviglie sono fatte apposta per pulire piatti e pentole *sporchi*, lavarli prima è uno spreco (e leggevo in giro che rischia pure di essere controproducente).

ovviamente se ci sono sopra pezzi grossi vengono tirati via con una forchetta o simili a secco.

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@MaialeCosmico forchetta o qualunque altro strumento opportuno sia stato usato per cucinare o mangiare in quelle pentole / piatti

e i programmi più lunghi tendono ad essere più risparmiosi, per cui preferisco usare quelli.

old rpg materials, lewd topics / 8th grade humor, ye olde web

TFW you're packing up your RPG books and in the second row in the back you find a printout of The Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

and you have to see if it still exists online

and yes, it does!

and has even been updated to d20!

You have a #Gtk4 application, written in python with #PyGObject, which use a template to build a window.
If you define a callback in code but you do not use it in template, an exception is raised.
If you use a callback in template which is not defined in code, no errors are reported.
CSS classes are not applied to widgets. 🤷

With the callback:

Without the callback:

I lost some good hours trying to find why my button was not styled.

#Gtk 4.16.5

Gente che non brinda con chi beve analcolico: etilisti elitisti.

My M4 buying guide: meh, just get a package in each of the lengths that the shop has, you're going to use them all anyway

because M4 is a size of screws and nuts, right?

(this subtoot brought to you by being tired and misinterpreting other toots for a few *long* seconds :D )

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Elena ``of Valhalla'', I think they are talking about m4, the unix utility... There is also a free version! No need to buy a commercial version.

alias userctl='systemctl --user'

I mean... 43.75% less characters

TFW you're walking back from the hospital (vaccines) and you have a #faceMask hung on your ear to dry out in the sun, and you see people cutting into the street raising a huge cloud of dust in front of you

0% effort, 100% results!

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

TFW stai tornando a casa a piedi dal centro vaccinale con una #mascherina ancora appesa all'orecchio per asciugare al sole, e davanti a te ci sono degli operai che stanno tagliando la strada e sollevando una nube enorme di polvere

sbattito 0%, risultato 100%!

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Today I've put this mirror on one wall

and I just had to ask it.

However, in Italian the mirror mirror phrase end with “who's the fairest *in the kingdom*”, and of course the mirror remained blank, since we live in a republic.

However, we do have a Marquess, who walks around the block looking for spots in the sun, demanding tribute and giving purrs in exchange, so I tried asking for the fairest *in the march*. I was deeply disappointed to see that the mirror remained blank and did not show any of the local cats.

Oblomov reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Oggi ho appeso questo specchio al muro

e ho dovuto fargli la domanda.

Giustamente è rimasto vuoto, dato che viviamo in una repubblica e non in un reame.

Però abbiamo un Marchese che gira per l'isolato alla ricerca di posti scaldati dal sole, richiede tributi e in cambio fa le fusa, e quindi ho provato a chiedere chi fosse la più bella *del marchesato*. Sono rimasta profondamente delusa dal fatto che lo specchio sia rimasto vuoto e non si sia messo a mostrare immagini dei gatti locali.

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food, extremely minor injury, +

as it is traditional for the 1st of November, my thumbs and indexes are raw and slightly burnt after peeling roasted chestnuts as fast as I could eat them to prevent eating less than the other people on the table, who have been doing the same :D

me. happy.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

cibo, bua minima, +

come è tradizione per il primo novembre, i miei pollici e indici sono escoriati e leggermente scottati per aver sbucciato caldarroste bollenti alla stessa velocità a cui riuscivo a mangiarle, per evitare di mangiare di meno delle altre persone a tavola, che stavano facendo la stessa cosa.

me. felice.

Oblomov reshared this.

Vendo ad offerta libera / regalo ultimo dvd della serie Full Metal Panic, anno 2004, con cofanetto.

Zona Varese / Como

Ho dei ricordi vaghi sul motivo per cui avevo preso solo l'ultimo dvd, ma se a qualcuno servisse per completare la serie posso cederlo volentieri

#MastoMercatino #MastoRegalo @Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️

Something new from the Department of Unnecessary Projects #DepUnPr


an unholy combination of bash, qemu, ssh and X11 to run flatpak apps inside a linux qemu vm, With a cli interface same as flatpak, but with added subcommand 'machine', to manage the qemu vm, inspired by 'podman machine'.
No, it doesn't work reliably.
But I can show this:

cars, medium size, +

Things that fit on a Yaris and don't require a truck, number 23124: 6 square meters of 1 cm thick wood planks of the type used to cover walls or ceilings

(luckily we needed them 235 cm long and had the shop cut them, because we only had a few cm of length left in the car :D )

(although we could have probably loaded them in a different way and get another bit of length)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

automobili, di taglia media, +

cose che ci stanno su una Yaris e per cui non c'è bisogno di un pickup numero 23124: 6 metri quadri di perline da 1 cm.

(per fortuna ci servivano lunghe 235 cm e ce le siamo fatte tagliare dal negozio, perché avevamo solo pochi cm di margine)

(anche se forse caricandole in un altro modo si sarebbe guadagnato qualcosa in più)

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

automobili, di taglia media, +

Sensitive content

uspol, elections

meanwhile, a message about the coming elections from a historian who afaik is quite right-wing in his economic policy opinions…

(spoiler: he's not endorsing Trump)

aaaaand I've caused an email to be sent to a number of work address just before 7 in the morning of a Sunday.

(I was reading… for personal reasons, as one does on 7 in the morning of a Sunday, and found a workaround for a problem I had at $DAYJOB, so I added a note to the relevant ticket)

(and honestly if the people involved get a notification from their work email at that hour, that's their problem: it's all people above me in the power hierarchy and it's not like we have a culture of having to be ready to reply to things at all hours, to the contrary)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

e stamattina, domenica, ho fatto sì che un'email arrivasse all'indirizzo del lavoro di un po' di gente subito prima delle 7.

(stavo leggendo… per questioni personali, come è normale fare alle 7 di mattina della domenica, e ho trovato un workaround per un problema che avevo al lavoro, quindi ho aggiunto una nota al ticket opportuno)

(e onestamente, se qualcuno ha ricevuto una notifica dalla sua email di lavoro a quell'ora, è un problema suo: è tutta gente con più potere di me e non abbiamo una cultura aziendale che impone di essere pronti a rispondere a tutte le ore, anzi)

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Asemic Writing, a Zine

Posted on October 24, 2024
Tags: madeof:atoms, madeof:bits, craft:zine
An open booklet with lines that look like some kind of cursive non-alphabetic script, framed by a border in the same script and four symbols in the corners.

I have no idea either.

The front of that booklet, with three lines of fake text in different sizes and a circle of the same.

Happy Maladay1 to those who celebrate it, I guess.

A template on white paper with pencil lines where text is supposed to go.

Multiple A4 sheet of tracing paper with fake text, plus an A6 sheet and a white A6 sheet with a stamp impression.

If you care about the how, it started as china ink on tracing paper, with the help of a template (and a correction sheet for one page where I used the wrong line on the template).


A rubber stamp was carved with the author’s signature and stamped on white paper because the ink from the pad wasn’t working well on tracing paper.

Then everything was scanned (with the correction on top of the wrong page) asemic_zine_scans.tar.

Imported in Inkscape and traced asemic_zine_svg.tar.

Printed, cut in half, folded and stapled. The magenta lines weren’t by design, but are there because my printer is currently2cursed.

And finally, asemic_zine.pdf was created, joining the pages together with pdfjam, for convenience in case somebody wants to download the full thing.

All the .tar and .pdf downloads from this page are released under the WTFPL, or All Rites Reversed..

  1. it’s still technically Maladay when I write this, even if by the time you’ll get this it’s probably the 6th of The Aftermath.↩︎
  2. I mean, all printers are always cursed, but at different times they can be cursed in different and novel ways.↩︎…

@𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 la robba è arrivata. ripeto, la robba è arrivata.

(quella da )

Dopo pranzo ho provato l'Irish Afternoon, che ha un gusto bello amaro e astringente, quasi allappante ma nel senso buono.

L'unico problema è che anziché svegliarmi mi ha fatto rilassare.

C'è dentro lo stesso principio attivo rilassanti della camomilla¹!11!11ONE!111 #noncielodiconoh

¹ la camomilla non contiene principi attivi rilassanti, se non l'acqua calda

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

bene! Allora mi sa che finito lo Yorkshire proverò anche io il McEntee's :)
Dalla tua descrizione sembra molto buono (a me piacciono i tè allappanti), tuttavia io non mi sono mai svegliato con il tè, solo il caffè ci può per me

Aspetto le tue impressioni delle altre miscele :)

in reply to 𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔

@𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 a merenda invece abbiamo assaggiato il Sencha (té verde), per fortuna preso solo come campione da 20 grammi, e quello invece è stato fortemente deludente: insulso e pochissimo saporito.

O meglio, sarebbe stato deludente se avessi avuto aspettative, ma tutto sommato gli Irlandesi non è che siano famosi per i loro té verdi, per cui le aspettative erano basse, e posso dimenticarmene senza danno e tornare a comprare té verde dalle coppie italo-nipponiche :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

già il tè non rientra tra i miei gusti, ma certo non lo comprerei dagli irlandesi... hai fatto bene a prendere solo il campione. Dalla descrizione sul sito riesco più o meno a immaginare come possa essere l'irish breakfast, ma molto curioso per il Manx.
in reply to 𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔

@𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 ma infatti non lo stavo comprando, poi ho visto i campioni e pensato “beh, perché no?”
in reply to 𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔

@𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 allora, l'Irish Breakfast è più o meno come l'altro Irish Breakfast che già compravo (ma decisamente più economico), amaro ma non allappa, mentre il Manx è una via di mezzo tra quello e l'Irish Afternoon.

Direi approvati tutti e tre!

in reply to 𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔

@𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 beh, è un po' come gli stivali di Vimes, spendi un po' di più tutto in una volta, ma poi spendi meno nel tempo :)
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Più o meno come faccio io col formaggio, andando a comprarlo a decine di kg al caseificio e surgelandolo.
Non è che abbia sconti particolari, ma il prezzo rispetto a qui mi copre abbondantemente il viaggio.
E lo stesso faccio ogni volta che c'è qualcosa a lunga conservazione in offerta speciale in qualche supermercato.
Ovviamente bisogna avere un freezer grande, e una casa nella quale ci stia sia il freezer che tutte le altre scorte, cosa impossibile in un monolocale.
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua @𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 e la fiducia nel fatto che non ti staccheranno la corrente, facendo andare male tutto ciò che c'è nel freezer, e a seconda di dove vivi i soldi per comprare un pacco batterie per tenere il freezer acceso se la corrente salta.

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in reply to 𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔

@𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔 sospetto che il rilassamento, per non dire abbiocco, fosse più che altro l'effetto del post-pranzo associato al clima piovigginoso, ma questi sono dettagli :D

domani probabilmente provo una o due delle altre miscele

@Yaku 🐗 @Rapita dagli alieni

ma la vera domanda è: questo ce l'avete?

un set stabilo con pennarelli, fineliner, matite ed evidenziatori tutto a base di colori pastello

(non so perché ma l'ho visto e mi son venuti in mente gli evidenziatori di non-ricordo-che stilista, e una serie di considerazioni sul late stage capitalism)

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in reply to Rapita dagli alieni

@Rapita dagli alieni @Yaku 🐗 solo se poi i ricambi si trovano facilmente individuali (e le ricariche! gli evidenziatori stabilo boss non dovrebbero essere ricaricabili? credo di non aver mai trovato in giro le ricariche! non che io usi abbastanza evidenziatori da essere andata a cercarle con attenzione, ma di cazzeggio guardando prodotti di cartoleria ne faccio :D )
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Sensitive content

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Fabio devo avvisarti la prossima volta che faccio un ordine? :D

(non ne ho intenzione a breve)

cooking appliances

Last weekend I've bought my first (convection) microwave oven, ever!

And. it. has. buttons. (and a knob)

And I didn't take much effort finding it, it was bought with supermarket points.

One meal has been successfully reheated, one piece of bread has been unsuccessfully grilled (I didn't allow enough time because the tea was already ready :D ) and actual cooking attempts will follow in the next months

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Unknown parent

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua
elettrodomestici da cucina

Sensitive content

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
cooking appliances
@Kermode yeah, if I'm going to take the counter space for a microwave oven I decided I might as well have a spare / small convection oven as well, since that's something I use a lot :)

Il mondo deve sapere che la traduzione italiana della parola “grue” (il colore) è blerde.

(ok, ho controllato, effettivamente non sono solo io a dirlo, anche wikipedia dice che è così… )


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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

The world must know that the Italian translation of the word “grue” (the colour) is “blerde”

(and I've checked, and it's not just me, it's actually the accepted translation)

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

This toot comes courtesy of a conversation while making the bed about the colour of a duvet set that ikea sold while claiming they were light blue
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I had never heard that word before. After I looked it up, I realized that your post appeared to me with this amusing juxtaposition:
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I had to look up Grue, as I was only familiar with the old Nethack monster of the same name.

Apple Dictionary came to the rescue:

Grue and bleen, portmanteau words formed from green and blue, coined by Nelson Goodman to illustrate his new riddle of induction.

Grue, a linguistic and translation concept (see Blue–green distinction in language)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Questo post gentilmente offerto da una conversazione mentre si rifaceva il letto a proposito del colore di lenzuola e copripiumone che l'ikea vendeva come azzurri.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

the explanation is useful also for people from Italy: I didn't know existed another Valdarno!
in reply to Daniele Verducci 🧉

@Daniele Verducci 🧉 I have to admit that I knew about the Arno stream, but not (or if I did, I had forgotten) about the Valdarno village, even if it's not far from where I live :D

Yesterday while sewing I was watching a second-channel video of somebody talking about the current status of the main-channel project while cleaning the house and doing laundry and washing the dishes.

This morning, while doing laundry, I thought that I really hope at least some of this kind of things survives in the future, because *how cool* would it be to have a video of somebody in the past just doing their daily chores while chatting about unrelated things? even if we no longer care about the unrelated things, just to be able to see a glimpse in the almost¹ regular life of people.

Honesty, it's already nice to see the difference with the way those things are done in this corner of the world.

¹ I mean, it's still somebody who is recording a video that will get posted on the internet for everybody to see, some things are probably a bit different from the way the would be done in private.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Domestic history! It didn't often get written down.
I love those housekeeping pages in Victorian ladies' journals where they offer tips to do things I'd barely ever heard about.
in reply to Sini Tuulia

@Sini Tuulia this

and when it started to get written down a bit, often they skimp on the details that are obvious to everybody at the time (and baffle us).

a video on its own would probably have parts that leave us baffled too¹, but having both written sources and unrelated videos I hope would solve a number of mysteries!

¹ why is she saying that she's washing the clothes, when she's just putting them in an oddly shaped box and going away?

And with this project I think I'm doing both a mantua makers seam and a prickstitch for the first time. or maybe I have already done them, but under a different name?

I am enjoying them, anyway

#sewing #historicalSewing #AmaliaJacket

(I haven't stopped sewing, I just haven't had a lot of energy to post about it)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

E con questo progetto credo di aver usato per la prima volta sia il mantua makers seam che il prickstitch (e no, non ho idea dei nomi in italiano). o magari li avevo già usati, ma con un nome diverso?

Comunque, li sto apprezzando

#cucito #cucitoStorico #cucitoAMano

(non ho smesso di cucire, ho solo avuto meno energie a disposizione per postare a riguardo)

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Per chi deve prendere #trenord segnalo “La circolazione è sospesa tra le stazioni di MILANO BOVISA e SARONNO per un guasto alla linea elettrica nella stazione di GARBAGNATE MILANESE.”

immagino che sulle linee LeNord ci siano ritardi generalizzati


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