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I don't think that seeing grandma's boobs in the sauna is going to solve all problems in our society, but it looks like a really good solution to at least one pressing set of issues.

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Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Fabio I think you're supposed to see granma's boobs when you're a child, and chop wood when you're an adult
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

this is so good, thank you for sharing! Another side benefit on top of all the others is, this also makes you kinder to yourself? Life happened and you didn’t get that beach bod by summer, lol so?, I’ll enjoy the waves no matter what.

A long post about censorship and why “a little censorship” does not exist, from an AO3 related context

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No, I haven't been putting an ice block in the bed these nights, why would I do such a silly thing?

(Yes, I have)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

No, non sto mettendo un ghiaccino nel letto in queste notti, perché mai dovrei fare qualcosa del genere?

(sì, lo sto facendo)

Periodic reminder that if you're working with woven, non-elastic fabric, there aren't many reasons¹ not to use cotton thread to sew it: it will work, it won't break and it won't rot² unless it's really bad quality thread. The time between everybody using linen thread (for linen and cotton) and when plastic thread was available wasn't that long, compared to the history of clothing, but it was still many decades, and at a time when clothing was still an expensive thing that needed to last.

¹ and other than variations “I have a TON of plastic thread and don't want to buy more” I can't think any that doesn't involve another natural fiber such as linen or silk thread.
² in your wardrobe, things may be different if you bury it in soil :)

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@kamikat uops, right, I had forgotten about the existence of sergers :D (they had not been invented yet at the time of most of the techniques I use :D )

When I had a serger I used both the light weight and regular cotton, but I never had a great experience with sergers, so I think it's better to hear from somebody who has.

Unknown parent

Mre. Dartigen [maker mode]
@kamikat You should be able to, though you may need to find some heavy washers or a way to adapt your spool pins to hold them down. Try online sellers for the big cones.

Went to the kitchen, found my SO's milk on the stove, but the stove was still turned off.
Asked, turned the stove on.
Put water in the kettle for my #tea.
Put frozen bread in the sandwich maker to defrost it, turned the sandwich maker on.
Left the kitchen.

Can you spot the missing steps?

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@kamikat I forgot to press the button to turn it on, we keep the kettle permanently plugged in, but basically, yeah :D

It is nice wearing a garment that you made from fabric bought when visiting a friend.


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

È bello indossare un vestito che hai fatto con stoffa comprata andando a trovare un'amica.


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I purchased a LOT of "souvenir fabric" when I lived overseas. At the time, I didn't sew much so I thought 1-2 metres of fabric would be sufficient. I have a pattern I can use to adapt some of this into tops but I mainly need to use what I got for contrasting pockets and yokes, bags, or cushion covers. It's all fun to use!

(too lazy to add English, sorry, it's shitposting)

Questa cosa era in un paio di jeans da uomo (non comprati da me :D )

è un segno che la profondità delle #tasche è un surrogato della lunghezza del pene, vero?

non ho (ancora) controllato se i cm del righello sono corretti, o se son stati accorciati un pochettino

Rapita dagli alieni reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

"la filiera integrata tracciata blockchain" un po' più di buzzword no?
in reply to Ashnee HS

Sarebbe da mettere nelle tasche dei bigliettini "Help me! I'm prisoner into a Chinese factory!", con un IBAN sul quale farsi mandare dei soldi per scappare.

This video has an interesting technique to make an historically inspired skirt with an extension so that it can be worn at almost floor length or at a more modern length.…

She used button loop trim, but it reminded me a bit of the way period manuals suggested to use lace and a ribbon to join together the top and skirt / legs parts of underwear, to avoid having multiple waistbands.

(the actual method is at 11:37, if you don't care about the whole skirt story)

sexual name for non-sexual things, non consensual

looking at the sky this evening we saw a line made of small dots, moving at some speed; we assumed it was skylink-related.

a short conversation that involved big penis surrogates resulted in the name “space bukkake”

I'm not going to call them in any other way, from now on.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

nomi da pornografia per cose non sessuali, non consensuale

guardando il cielo stasera abbiamo visto una riga composta da piccoli punti che si muoveva a velocità discreta; abbiamo supposto che fosse qualcosa che aveva a che fare con skylink.

c'è stata una breve conversazione a proposito di grossi surrogati del pene, e ne è uscito il nome “space bukkake”.

D'ora in poi, quello è il loro nome.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

sexual name for non-sexual things, non consensual
e avanti con la Via Lattea, etc

The hooks and eyes on the linen jacket I did last year aren't working. I think I know why, and the next time I'll do something similar I'll add some boning where the hooks and eyes are supposed to be, but doing it on this jacket would be too much pain.

So, buttons and buttonholes it is.

And in the last couple weeks I've made 32 fabric covered buttons (with a metal washer, not with a kit), marked with thread the position of 31 buttonholes, made 16 buttonholes (15 remaining, plus attaching all of the buttons).

And the time of the year when a linen jacket is useful is approaching fast (or at least, I hope it is. #teamWinter).

Will I finish the jacket before the weather cools down a bit? Will we have a week of cool weather while the jacket is still not done, followed by a month-long return of summer?

#sewing #historicalSewing

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

and removing the hooks and eyes from the buttons side. which I hand't done yet. and has taken most of my crafting time this morning, and I'm still only barely halfway through.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

e rimuovere ganci e occhielli dal lato dove andranno i bottoni. che non avevo ancora fatto. e sta prendendo quasi tutto il mio crafting time stamattina, e forse sono a metà.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

update: only four buttonholes remaining!

And I've even taken a picture, but it's still in the camera.

Most buttons haven't been attached, however, but I guess there will be more time for those after I've finished the buttonholes.

Or maybe I could stop working on it, and hope that the weather will cool down out of spite.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

aggiornamento: mancano solo quattro occhielli!

E ho persino scattato una foto, ma è ancora nella macchina fotografica.

La maggior parte dei bottoni è ancora da attaccare, ma immagino che avrò più tempo per farlo una volta finiti gli occhielli.

O magari potrei smettere di lavorarci, e sperare che il meteo rinfreschi per cattiveria.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

La foto

E quello spazio vicino alla tasca? è più grande degli altri, ma troppo piccolo perché ci stia un'altro occhiello, e non ho segnato un'occhiello lì in mezzo.

E quindi ci sono 30 occhielli, non 31.

E chissene. Funziona ugualmente. E di sicuro non sentirò la mancanza di un bottone da allacciare tutte le volte che indosso la giacca.

Comunque, al momento tutti gli occhielli sono fatti, mancano da attaccare buona parte dei bottoni.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

The picture

And you see that space close to the pocket? it's a bit bigger than the regular spacing, but smaller than a space that would fit another buttonhole, and I didn't actually mark a buttonhole in it.

And now the front only has 30 buttons, not 31.

Whatever. It will work anyway. And it's not like I'm going to miss closing another button when I wear this jacket :D

Anyway, all of the buttonholes are done, now I have to attach the buttons.

@LaVi 🕊️📚🐈 @Fabio @Diego Roversi

ma se l'ultima settimana di agosto ci facessimo un #fedincontro a tema TreNord e abbigliamento buffo (quest'ultimo solo per chi vuole)?

tipo un giro a Como, o magari addiritura un giro sulla Como - Lecco (non per andare a Lecco, per andare sulla Como - Lecco, che credo che ora che si arriva a destinazione con quel treno sia già ora di tornare indietro :D )

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

uops, e i comaschi in settimana praticamente non ci sono mai, soprattutto così vicino alle ferie.

Allora propongo piano B: un giorno tra il 28 e il 31 agosto io e @Diego Roversi possiamo trovarci con @LaVi 🕊️📚🐈 , e il sabato facciamo con @Fabio e i comaschi.

Per il giorno infrasettimanale, per noi è abbastanza uguale, hai preferenze?

Ovviamente se qualcun'altro che non ho citato vuole unirsi ai #fedIncontro faccia un cenno :)

wooops, yesterday I forgot to celebrate…

I've had this #fediverse account for 10 years! :D

vim hello.txt

Hello Worl⎋bdwaFriendica!⎋:wq

Unknown parent


Also Zoom:

#privacy #ai #zoom

old time fediverse user going “told you so”. Only for other old time fediverse users.

So, now that twitter has removed the “tweet” button and changed it to “post” like mastodon did, how long will it take for people to patch their instance to bring “tweet” back?

Oh, right, they can't.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Fediversista di vecchia data che si mette a dire “ve l'avevo detto”. Solo per altri vecchi fediversisti.

Quindi, adesso che twitter ha tolto il bottone “tweet” e ha messo “pubblica”, più o meno come aveva fatto mastodon, quanto tempo ci vuole prima che la gente inizi a patchare le istanze per far tornare “tweet”?

Ah, già, non possono.

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major spoilers for Wheel of Time, from the first few books

I've had a chance to see the first episode of the Wheel of Time, and I have many questions about their choices, but the biggest one is this.

Clicca per aprire/chiudereThe casting of Padan Fain. He's (going to be) basically the most evil thing born this side of the Breaking of the World, and they consider it fine to cast the actor with the darkest skin for the role?

Did they even bother reading even to the end of the first book (if I remember it correctly, or maybe it's the beginning of the second) before doing the casting?

Or are they going to skip a major episode, drastically change the character and the series should basically be considered a completely different thing from the books? (this would be the least bad option, I guess. The books *do* have a number of problems.)

@LaVi 🕊️📚🐈 mi segnalano che una tizia in Germania che pendola con Deutsche Bahn ha fatto una sciarpa ai ferri, ogni giorno una riga, del colore del ritardo del treno.

Mi han detto che si trovano articoli cercando ``deutsche bahn verspätung schal farben`` e questo è il primo risultato che ho trovato con foto (ma non l'ho letto)…

e che il rosso è un bus sostituitivo che impiegava 2 ore anziché 40 minuti (UGH)


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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

ma che figata! L'idea, non i ritardi.
Sicuramente non ha avuto problemi a trovare il tempo di farla

food preparation complaints, tools, non-veg

me, cooking while not really in a mood to do anything.

the ring on the can of tuna I was trying to open: breaks.

and of course I don't have a can opener! I haven't seen a can without a ring to open it in a supermarket since way before I ever started buying cooking utensils!

except for the one on the swiss army knife, which, well, works. better than nothing, anyway.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

lamentela sulla preparazione di cibo, strumenti, non-veg

me, cucina in un momento in cui non ha voglia di fare niente.

la linguetta sulla lattina del tonno che sta cercando di aprire: si rompe.

e ovviamente non ho un apriscatole! non ho visto una lattina senza linguetta in un supermercato da ben prima di iniziare a comprare cose per la casa!

tranne quello del coltellino svizzero. che. vabbé, dai, funziona. meglio di niente.

in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

lamentela sulla preparazione di cibo, strumenti, non-veg

@Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua uhm, missà che quelle mi mancano.

pinze con la punta dritta ovviamente sì, le ho.

ma come si fa con quelle ad infilarsi a prendere il coperchio della lattina per sollevarlo?

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

lamentela sulla preparazione di cibo, strumenti, non-veg

Con un tronchesino o una tenaglia tiri su il pirulino che tiene l'anello sul coperchio.

Se salta ci rimane il forellino in cui infilare la punta delle pinze a becco.

in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

lamentela sulla preparazione di cibo, strumenti, non-veg
@Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ah, capito! quindi sfruttando comunque il fatto che sia lattina autoaprente!
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

lamentela sulla preparazione di cibo, strumenti, non-veg
Certo, la lamiera è già fustellata e ha un punto più debole.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

re: lamentela sulla preparazione di cibo, strumenti, non-veg
“ah, come si vede che non hai fatto il militare”…
in reply to :manjaro: Anon

re: lamentela sulla preparazione di cibo, strumenti, non-veg

@:manjaro: Anon perché, con cosa vi facevano aprire le lattine?

Al massimo ho provato ad aprire una lattina di piselli supponendo per assurdo che fosse aperta (l'altra persona che stava cercando di cucinare con me ha provato a farli uscire per effetto tunnel).

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

re: lamentela sulla preparazione di cibo, strumenti, non-veg
perché, con cosa vi facevano aprire le lattine?

boh, non lo so, a me non mi c’hanno voluto, gli facevo senso

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

re: lamentela sulla preparazione di cibo, strumenti, non-veg


perché, con cosa vi facevano aprire le lattine?

tu non vuoi saperlo. Credi di volerlo sapere, perche’ non lo sai ancora.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

lamentela sulla preparazione di cibo, strumenti, non-veg

btw, ora di quando ho scritto la lattina era stata aperta, e il tonno era stato cotto.

quando è successo avevo già il fornello acceso e la pentola quasi in temperatura, non avevo tempo di stare a cazzeggiare qui sui social :D

Somebody(TM) should make a bot that posts daily snippets of Babbage's rants from his works. And what he wrote as fun stories (complete with tables of data as the punchline!).

I don't think it would work on mastodon, however, he didn't exactly work with a 500 characters limit :D

(this is a sort of subtoot of… , because my instance doesn't seem to be able to reply to it)

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eating with family

I'm planning to visit my father for lunch; for dietary reasons everybody is bringing their own meal (and ours will be in a fancy bento box¹), but we were talking about common things that we could avoid bringing.

I've found out that he only has a microwave oven and disposable plates / cutlery / cups.

Suddenly, I feel an unexpected need for a wickerwork basket with two china #tea cups, a spirit stove and a teapot. And I'm the kind of person who drinks tea in a mug.

¹ ikea 365+ :D but it's the one with food divider and everything.

in reply to SonjaSelena

eating with family

@SonjaSelena the only problem here would be that I don't have a wicker basket, I don't have access to china cups that aren't also the Irreplaceable Set Inherited From Grandmother¹ and thus aren't suitable for a trip that involves unpaved roads (yes, this detail was missing), I only have teapots that are too big and access to a vintage travel stove that is a bit too small.

I may try to get ready for this for the next time :D

(this time the boring practical solution that involves reusable, sturdy plastic glasses and an immersion heater will have to do)

¹ technically inherited from mother? since they still are at my mother's house, and she inherited from her mother. whatever :)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

eating with family
I find myself oddly ready for this kind of scenario, and still I drink my tea in a mug. 😂 Only, I just this spring gave the tea set back to my mother-in-law, so it wasn't my grandmother's and I don't have it anymore.. But basket, teapots, travel stoves, I even have different kinds.. You know, I almost want to go and ask the tea set back again so I can go and have sivilized tea with my husband in some nice flower field. 😂

Origami Document Folder

Posted on August 1, 2023
A pink origami holder for business cards, open, with two triangular pockets. The cards in it are pope cards and a Debian “consensually” name card.

A long time ago, around the turn of the century, I was looking at some Useful Origami website and found a pattern for a document folder with a lot of pockets.

The same holder, seen from the top: it also has rectangular pockets on the covers, and there is even room in the middle for moar contents.

And by a lot of pockets I really mean a lot! I immediately had to fold one, and then another one, and then a few others, both in a size suitable for business cards and as a folder for A4 sheets of paper.

A document folder in the same shape, but it's white, bigger, and it has an envelope in one pocket and some stationery sheets in the other pocket.

And then, a few years ago I needed a new document folder, and looked for these instructions, and couldn’t find them anywhere. Luckily I still had some of the folders I had made, and the model was simple enough that I could unfold those and reconstruct the instructions.

I tried to show them around to see if anybody knew where it came from, but had no results.

An origami schematic; see the link below for text instructions.

Now that I’ve prepared a new website for patterns for non-fiber crafts (and that I needed a new folder :D ) I’ve decided to post those instructions on it, so that they will have a stable place to live on.

And now that the #origami crowd on the fediverse has grown, maybe somebody will stumble on them and will remember where they come from: if you do, please let me know, with a comment if you’re reading this on the fediverse, or through one of my contacts if you’re reading the blog directly.…

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Dear #fountainPen people: I will probably try it myself as soon as I finish the cartridge, but does anybody have experience with using other fountain pen inks in the #preppy highlighter? Can it be washed to change the ink, or is it something that should be devoted to just one type?
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

yes, you can. You might want to use the same “range” of colors though as the felt tip doesn’t completely wash out.
in reply to (mapcar #'emacsomancer objs)

@(mapcar #'emacsomancer objs) the cartridge looks the exact same format as the preppy fountain pen, so I'd assume that the platinum converter would fit.

I'm not sure whether refilling the converter from the tip would work (and I'd be afraid to risk contaminating the ink in the bottle, anyway), so I think that in this case refilling the cartridge with a syringe is probably more practical.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

refilling via ink bottle works fine for the highlighter Preppy, the feed is exactly the same as the fountain pen Preppy.

The normal Platinum converters are probably not worth it, you could get the CR-50 slide converter from AliExpress or eBay for about 2€.

Questa voce è stata modificata (1 anno fa)
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

consumerism, ink

And 7 ml of De Atramentis Document Valhalla ink was made :D

(it's a mix of 7 parts white, 3 parts cyan, 2 parts magenta that matches the colour of some outfits I wear a lot)

And I'm somewhat regretting not buying another preppy for myself, to use with that shade, but right now I'm mostly using dip pens anyway.

me, 10 minutes ago: I've put a drop of water on this packing chips and it now has a big hole on it, so it's the biodegradable kind, and now I will put it into a suitable bag and it will go into the biodegradable waste collection right now.
my SO: right
me: I can do it

me, right now: is building a wall out of packing chips glued together with water.

I knew that my mother wasn't home, but I needed two carrots from her fridge.

So, as a #python programmer, I did the only reasonable thing: went there, got the carrots, and afterwards told her on xmpp.

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode yes, that's a custom translation with things like “Engage” on the “post” button.

Sadly friendica doesn't allow to set the language of a post to a different language than the one used in the interface (which is wrong, but I've never been bothered enough to find the time to open an issue over it O:-) )

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Kermode a geeky daughter who used the carrot (here is an account on my instance) and stick (if you want to speak to me, I'm there, not elsewhere) method :D


In the last few days I've finished the boning channels on the *first* panel of my #AugustaStays and started those on the second one.

And then I've started making fabric covered buttons¹ and then buttonholes (handsewn, obviously) for the linen jacket I finished last summer, so that I will be able to wear it this autumn.

I will never finish the stays, right?

¹ the kind sewn around a washer, not the ones done with a kit


Elastic Neck Top

Posted on July 26, 2023
A woman wearing a top in white fabric with thin blue lines and two groups of blue lozenges near the hems. It has a square neck gathered by a yellow elastic, the blue lines are horizontal on the wide sleeves and vertical, and more spaced, on the body.

Since some time I’ve been thinking about making myself a top or a dress with a wide gathered neckline that can be work at different widths, including off-the-shoulders.

A few years ago I’ve been gifted a cut of nice, thin white fabric with a print of lines and lozenges that isn’t uniform along the fabric, but looks like it was designed for some specific garment, and it was waiting in my stash for a suitable pattern.

And a few days ago, during a Sunday lunch, there was an off-hand mention of a dress from the late 1970s which had an elastic in the neckline, so that it could be optionally worn off-the-shoulders.

And something snapped in place.

I had plans for that afternoon, but they were scrapped, and I started to draw, measure, cut rectangles of fabric, pin and measure again, cut more fabric.

The main pieces of the top laid flat: a big rectangle for the body,

two rectangular tubes for the sleeves laid so that they meet the body just at the corners, and a triangle (a square gusset folded on the diagonal) joins them to the body.

I decided on a pattern made of rectangles to be able to use as much fabric as possible, with the size of each rectangle based mostly on the various sections on the print of the fabric.

I’ve made the typical sleeves from a rectangle and a square gusset, and then attached them to the body just from the gusset to keep the neckline wide and low.

The worn top shown from the side back: there is a strip of vertical lines spaced closer together like on the sleeves, and it continues to the bottom rather than ending with a strip of lozenges.

The part of the fabric with large vertical stripes had two different widths: I could have made the back narrower, but I decided to just keep a strip with narrower lines to one side.

The fabric also didn’t have a full second strip of lozenges, so I had to hem it halfway through it.

Closeup of the center front and center back of the neckline casing, showing the matched lines.

The casing for the elastic was pieced from various scraps, but at least I was able to match the lines on the center front and back, even if they are different. Not that it matters a lot, since it’s all hidden in the gathering, but I would have known.

And since I was working on something definitely modern, even if made out of squares and rectangles, of course I decided to hand-sew everything, mostly to be able to use quite small sewing allowances, since the fabric was pretty thin.

In my stash I had a piece of swimsuit elastic that feels nice, looks nice and makes a knot that doesn’t slip, so I used it. It’s a perfect match, except for the neon yellow colour, which I do like, but maybe is a bit too high visibility? I will see if the haberdasher has the same elastic in dark blue, but right now this will do.

It was a quick project anyway: by the end of the working week the top was finished; I think that on a sewing machine it would be easy to make it in a day.

the top worn with the neckline pulled down to leave the shoulders bare.

And it can be worn off the shoulders! Which is something I will probably never do in public (and definitely not outdoors), but now if I wanted I could! :D

As usual, the pattern (for what pattern there is) and instructions are on my pattern website under a #FreeSoftWear license, and I’ve also added to the site a tip on how I use electrician fish tape to thread things through long casings…

Filed under #thingsIProbablyShouldNotDo

Yanking the power cable out of the #soldering iron, because they ringed the doorbell, I'm waiting for a delivery, I don't trust the stability of the iron stand, and I can never remember whether I should use a short or a long press on the button to turn it off.

(it was a long press, the short press lowers the temperature)

E niente, ieri sera stavo facendo bollire delle patate e mi son detto: "mah, la temperatura è quella giusta, quello che serve ce l'ho..."

Confy 0.7.0

Confy 0.7.0 has been released

This is the first release with a brand new UI written in Gtk4/libadwaita, using Blueprint for UI definition!

User interaction has been revisited, while being mostly similar to the previous version: gone is the tab switcher in headbar, now starred talks can be found in navbar. Gone is also the map view (for now, at least).
Adding new conferences from URL is now done via a nice dialog, and editing of user-added conferences is done directly in the conference list view. Which is now a window by it's own, used as an "open" dialog.
There are some new shortcuts, like the "<primay>-c" shortcuts to copy the current talk details as plain text in clipboard.
The talk search can now be filtered to match only starred talks and there are two search "mode": the global search, activated by the button over in the navigation header and by the '<primary>-f' shortcut, and the "current list" search, which search in current talk list for

I'm sure I'm missing something and I'm sure I've missed more than something testing this, so please open tickets on the tracker (tickets can be opened also via email just sending a text/plain mail to ~fabrixxm/ or

There is also a fix from ~edwardbetts for events that are after UTC midnight. Thanks!

#confy #gtk4 #libadwaita #newrelease

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I don't remember where I've found this, but to thread an elastic or ribbon through a long casing (1 – 2 m), a (clean) electrician fish tape is much easier and quick than the old method with a bodkin or safety pin.

There are pictures at the link (no alt text, sorry, but the text around them describe what is happening in them)…

#sewing #sewingTips

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Non ricordo dove ho trovato il suggerimento, ma per infilare dell'elastico in una coulisse lunga (1 – 2 metri) è molto più comodo e veloce usare un tiracavi da elettricista (pulito) piuttosto che l'ago apposta o la classica spilla da balia.

Nel link ci sono foto (senza alt-text, sorry, ma il testo attorno (in inglese) descrive cosa sto facendo nelle foto)…

#cucito #cucitoSegreto

contiene consumismo e subtoot

Ma voi dite che è un cattivo giorno per essere qui felice a leggere i messaggini che mi arrivano dal negozietto di #stilografiche sotto casa altrui in cui mi dicono che hanno impacchettato e spedito l'ordine che ho fatto ieri sera?

(tecnicamente non contiene stilografiche per me (ce ne sono un paio per mia madre), ma inchiostri, inchiostri, tanti colori di inchiostri!)

The test was successful as you can see and I adjusted the charging current to 2A like the original wall charger.

This is a DC power converter module. with high power (4 Amp) and stable output, it converts 10-32V DC input to 12-60V DC output continuously with a trimmer. The conversion efficiency is up to 95%. you can improve the heat dissipation when the current is more than 4A with a small fan.

There are "step-ups" on the market that could be used to solve my problem. At the input they accept variable voltages and at the output they maintain a constant voltage even with a fluctuating input voltage. The model I chose is this:

I'm thinking of making a battery charger for my e-bike that can use my car's battery. The end-charge voltage of the e-bike battery is 42v, so you need a step-up that brings the 12 volts of the car battery to 42v with a current of 2-3 like that of the battery charger of the original e-bike.

I often run out of battery midday and not having the ability to recharge the battery with a 220V outlet is frustrating.

The fatigue is also over... never again the old methods...😁

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