I'm planning to visit my father for lunch; for dietary reasons everybody is bringing their own meal (and ours will be in a fancy bento box¹), but we were talking about common things that we could avoid bringing.
I've found out that he only has a microwave oven and disposable plates / cutlery / cups.
Suddenly, I feel an unexpected need for a wickerwork basket with two china #tea cups, a spirit stove and a teapot. And I'm the kind of person who drinks tea in a mug.
¹ ikea 365+ :D but it's the one with food divider and everything.
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Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •Sto facendo piani per andare a pranzo da mio padre; per ragioni di diete incrociate ciascuno si porta il suo pranzo (il nostro sarà in un bento box raffinato¹), ma si stava parlando di cose base che possiamo evitare di portare.
Ho scoperto che ha solo un microonde e stoviglie usa e getta.
All'improvviso scopro di aver bisogno di un cestino di vimini con due tazze da #té di porcellana, un fornetto a spirito ed una teiera. E io di solito bevo il té nelle mug.
¹ ikea 365+ :D ma è quello coi separatori e tutto quanto
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to SonjaSelena • •@SonjaSelena the only problem here would be that I don't have a wicker basket, I don't have access to china cups that aren't also the Irreplaceable Set Inherited From Grandmother¹ and thus aren't suitable for a trip that involves unpaved roads (yes, this detail was missing), I only have teapots that are too big and access to a vintage travel stove that is a bit too small.
I may try to get ready for this for the next time :D
(this time the boring practical solution that involves reusable, sturdy plastic glasses and an immersion heater will have to do)
¹ technically inherited from mother? since they still are at my mother's house, and she inherited from her mother. whatever :)
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.