No, ma è un complotto. Mai avuto a che fare con cose del genere fino all'altro giorno, oggi stavo facendo window shopping di materiali artistici, e guarda un po' cosa mi salta fuori
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
I was searxing for the various kinds of hat stiffeners and how to use them.
I've found… “ok, this is a solvent based one if it has shipping restrictions, let's read on” (it was, it is shellac solution in alcohol, ok, that's one of the options I've found about, fine) and then. this.
Our Hat Stiffener that comes in the gallon jugs, is 190 proof alcohol! This means that if you spray it on your straw or felt hats it will sanitize them giving you and your customers extra protection!!!
on a scale of 10 to 11, how 2020 is this?
Shellac (Italian "gommalacca") is a XXI century plastic!
XXI century A.C., I mean 😄
And it's not strictly vegan.
TIL it's probably vegetarian, however (I knew it came from an insect, and I had little hopes for the survival of the insect itself :D )
also, it would be interesting to know how they used it before the availability of distilled alcohol... oh, right, heat (first result on searx, and I've only read half of the first section :)… )
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Ste (ėarrivatol'arrotino) reshared this.
TIL: unpaper expects documents to be scanned / photographed on a back background.
of course, TIL *after* I had already taken the pictures.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
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Confy 0.6.2
Nothing really new, some visual adjustment to look more "gnomey"
Confy - Conferences schedule viewer
Navigate conference schedules, mark favourite talks, get reminded when talks are coming up. Works offline, ready for
Filed under: catastropheeeeeee
Friday I was finally able to go to the closest #LYS (the last time had been in autumn 2019, because it's not that close), and I've discovered that they no longer make my favourite #yarn suitable for felting.
Obviously, I may have had to buy just a bit of what they still had.
(picture of eight 100g / 85 m balls of yarn in mauve (4 balls), light desaturated blue (2 balls) and red (2 balls), in a weight suitable for knitting with 5-5.5 mm needle)
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
I've started to play with the DeAtramentis Document CMYK #inks (or maybe CMYW?).
My aim is to get an ink shade that coordinates with the fabric in one of my dresses (everybody needs that, right?), so I took a couple of pictures of that fabric (in different lights), checked the CMYK values of the pixels with gimp and found results that were always something somewhat close to 50% 30% 0% <various K values>, so my first attempt was 3 parts of Cyan, 2 parts of Fuchsia and 7 parts of white, and this is the result, on various papers (Favini schizza e strappa, printer paper from the coop supermarket, Clairefontaine Dessin Croquis Blanc 55 g/m², Fabriano Layout, Fabriano EcoQua, Fabriano Traccia — most of them are white, the EcoQua has a slight yellow tone).
I've also tried to add one part of Cyan to two parts of White, and then one part of Blue (regular blue, not the one that can be used to make CMYK mixes) to two parts of white to see whether it would control their tendency to feather and generally work horribly, and it does. I also like the shade I got from the Blue, and it's somewhat similar to the one I'm looking for (and easier to make), but I like the CMYK a bit more.
I think that the next time I'll add 8 parts of white instead of 7, to desaturate it just a bit more.
And now¹ I need full bottles of those 3 inks (instead of just samples) to make a decent sized batch, and a new preppy #FountainPen to try and use this somewhere that is easy to clean (I'm not completely sure that the white isn't going to clog pens, even in a mix).
¹ as in: I NEED them RIGHT NOW, so maybe I'll consider buying them next year or so? As soon as I can manage to finish maybe at least one bottle of ink I already have?
It's November, and I've finally managed to do something I've always wanted to do, but always postponed because by the time I remembered about it it was too late.
I've generated my own #weeklyPlanner for the year 2022!
Right now the script hardcodes pretty much everything, and the template is pretty simple, but hopefully next year I will improve on it.
The script is from… (it can simply be run as e.g. LANG=it_IT-UTF-8 ./
, and then can be used to get a pdf that can be printed on A4 paper for binding.
Some examples of the results are on… (this link will self-destroy in one year, but by that time one will need a planner for 2023, not 2022, right? :D )
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Yesterday evening I was playing briscola with my SO: on my first hand I got the trump queen¹. And then I spent most of the rest of the game being distracted by her dress, trying to think how to make it.
For some strange reason, I lost :D
¹ we were using lombard cards, which have french suits
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ah, hai praticato zero waste pattern drafting, non è per niente facile :D
(perché mai dovrei interpretare correttamente quanto scrivi, quando far finta di non aver capito è più divertente? :D )
zero waste si riferisce al fatto di disegnare cartamodelli che si incastrano alla perfezione per usare ogni pezzetto di stoffa (o al più lasciare ritagli rettangolari, se la stoffa non è della dimensione giusta). È ancora più difficile che non disegnare cartamodelli normali, soprattutto se si vogliono fare vestiti che non siano sacchi informi.
E ovviamente è più difficile che non farsi vestiti usando dei cartamodelli esistenti.
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Cucire a mano non è difficile, lo può fare una bambina di 6 anni!
Purché alla suddetta bambina sia stato messo in mano un ago quando di anni ne aveva 4, e sia stata costretta a fare esercizio tutti i giorni nel frattempo :D
(seriamente: sì, richiede pratica. poi dopo un po' scatta la cosa e diventa facile e rilassante)
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Per la categoria #mastoSogni, stanotte un'amica di famiglia mi ha rivelato quale fosse il cheat code per far apparire i gradini/sgabelli/scalette/quei cosi insomma per raggiungere il ripiano più alto dei supermercati.
Purtroppo non mi ricordo più quale fosse il codice, né come si faceva ad inserirlo IRL :(
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posso chiamare almeno almeno il direttore del supermercato?
meglio ancora sarebbe il proprietario della catena, ma ora che arriva quello si è fatta notte e vorrei aver finito la spesa.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Mi narrò un compagno, magazziniere in un piccolo supermarket locale, che un collega legaiolo, per farsi bello in presenza del capo e di alcuni clienti, redarguì le cassiere dicendo che erano lente.
Il padrone (uno che sa che i dipendenti trattati bene rendono di più) gli lesse la vita, ricordandogli quali erano i suoi compiti (scaricar bancali, riempire scaffali… e basta!) e invitando le cassiere a telefonargli personalmente se ci fossero stati "problemi".
Figura di merda 1-0!
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Il video del mio talk sul #fediverso al #LinuxDay2021 è stato pubblicato sul fediverso :D (PeerTube).
Il Fediverso: social network senza secondi fini
La maggior parte dei social network è controllata da aziende il cui scopo principale è la raccolta indiscriminata di dati degli utenti e la loro rivendita tramite pubblicità, ma esiste un'
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Ah, dimenticavo.
Non so bene come/se/dove/quando pubblicarlo, ma per preparare il talk ho scritto un testo che non corrisponde esattamente a quanto detto, ma ci assomiglia abbastanza…
Dato che le probabilità che io produca dei sottotitoli fatti bene per un mio talk sono estremamente basse, per varie ragioni, magari può essere utile a qualcuno.
(Se poi qualcuno ha voglia di sottotitolare il video originale come si deve, ha tutta la mia gratitudine.)
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Ho provato a mettere del nastro adesivo di carta sul monitor, ma credo non funzioni così.
Ci sono dei programmi apposta (iirc quello che avevo usato anni fa è aegisub) con cui si può trascrivere quello che viene detto nel video e salvarlo associandolo al momento preciso in cui viene detto.
Poi il file che viene generato è un file di testo in un formato apposta, che si può caricare in vlc o simili (anzi, se ha lo stesso nome del file, salvo l'estensione, vlc lo carica automaticamente.
Non so se peertube permetta di caricare file di sottotitoli, devo ancora guardarci.
So che esiste anche una piattaforma online per farlo in modo collaborativo, ma credo che ci voglia del setup, avevo visto che avevano provato a farlo per i video di una debconf, qualche anno fa.
Il grosso del lavoro però è trascrivere e allineare al minuto giusto, che di solito richiede tanto tempo in più rispetto alla durata del video.
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
E giusto giusto stasera, abbiam parlato di programmi per smaneggiare sottotitoli all'incontro del LUG
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
puoi creare dei file di testo in uno dei formati supportati da VLC, e chiamare il file con lo stesso nome (senza estensione) del video. VLC lo trova da solo.
se invece vuoi conoscere com’e fatto il formato del file, puoi prenderti dei sottotitoli qualunque (magari da e dedurlo.
il problema non è tanto scrivere a manina un file di testo, quanto shiftare i time offset a manina! ci sono dei sw per la creazione dei sottotitoli:…
7 Best Free and Open Source Subtitle Editors - LinuxLinks
A subtitle is a text representation of the dialog, narration, music, or sound effects in a video file. Subtitles are available in multiple formats.Steve Emms (LinuxLinks)
Come dice @Sabrina Web , diventa problematico quando i sottotitoli da distribuire sono in più di una lingua, e tenendo il file a parte si da la possibilità di non avere i sottotitoli a chi li trova una distrazione.
Oltre al fatto che se uno vuole può leggersi il file dei sottotitoli come transcript, evitando di doversi guardare tutto il video.
E che il file separato potrebbe essere indicizzato per delle ricerche, il disegno dei sottotitoli integrato nel video no.
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Forse l'unico problema può essere con i cosiddetti "smart tv" (che proprio smart non sono) che accettano un numero ridotto di formati video via USB e non credo leggano sottotitoli (devo provarci col mio), cosa che ti costringe a portarti dietro anche un laptop.
Sarebbe bello non avere l'uno *O* l'altro metodo, ma l'uno *E* l'altro.
Un po' di sbattimento in più per chi fa il video, ma neppure più di tanto, e si fanno felici molti più utenti.
Per fare una prova con la smart tv, un modo facile per procurarsi un video con sottotitoli è youtube-dl con l'opzione --all-subs
Certo che se è un minimo minimo smart, la possibilità di caricare sottotitoli me la aspetterei come funzionalità base
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
My new row counter for #knitting short rows toes and heels! (yes, it is quite specific)
It's an old toy: a white plastic board with holes at regular spaces and coloured pegs that were used to draw some kind of computer-free pixel art.
Instead, I've added a strip of paper with the number of stitches on each row (and whether it's knits or purls), I use four pegs to mark the beginning and end of the current toe/heel, and I mark every row as I knit it by moving other pegs around, first to one side of the strip of paper and then to the other side.
I still think that something like this would be really nice in wood and brass, but this has the huge advantage of actually existing right now :D
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
aaand done.
for the first sock, and tomorrow I'll start the second one…
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(sono calzini bassi, quindi dritti, non sagomati con aumenti/diminuzioni, e lavorati in tondo)
Il calzino di cui parlavo, finito
e un calzino di un'altro colore e taglia, appena iniziato, di cui si vedono la punta ed un pezzettino del piede, più i ferri da calza con cui lo sto lavorando
Il modello è… (e anche lì ci sono ulteriori foto)
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ilpugliese likes this.
Today I've worked on a little on my toy python-only Gtk UI Light Language (GULL), which is an experiment to write a lighter, more compact, UI definition file for #GTK instead of XML.
My experiment works only with python, as the code which parse and build widgets is all in python/py-gobject . It has also some nice functionality, like import other definition files as widgets and python module to connect functions to events. Oh and probably will ever support only Gtk3, because it's a toy, I'm lazy and I didn't started to look into Gtk4 yet...
I was thinking about writing a "converter" from my format into XML, to be able to use it via standard GtkBuilder.
My ugly code is here:
And now I stumbled on this… by @James Westman
I see we both come on that from the same thread on #GNOME discourse 😀…
A Markup Language for GTK
GTK has an XML-based format for declaratively constructing user interface components, but I've wanted to make a dedicated markup language for quite a while. This is my new
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Puoi guardare su osm se sono segnati gli attacchi degli idranti per evitarli!
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filed under: loot :D
My latest #fountainPen #Ink order has arrived: I only needed a couple of blacks (DeAtraments Document, waterproof, and basic staple Pelikan 4001), but I just had to add a few samplers of other DeAtramentis Document shades, plus the KWZ Sheen Machine.
The DeAtramentis Document White (which is sold as fountain pen safe — I wouldn't use it with anything that isn't extremely easy to clean, however) was a surprise because it actually works on black paper! (I bought it to mix it with the other shades, I didn't expect it to be useful on its own)
As for the other shades, this confirms my perception that this line is pretty great, except for the blues, that are horribly feeathering :(
I'll see what happens when I do a few mixes that involve some of those blues.
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
What is the Fuchsia like? I looked at it some time ago as a possible water resistant magenta but there were no good local suppliers so I eventually passed it by in favour of Platinum Cassis Black.
The Fuchsia is one of the well-behaved ones, and it's, well, pretty much magenta. My main aim is to use it for CMKY mixes, but it also looks nice on its own.
From what I see in the online reviews the Platinum Cassis Black looks quite less saturated (I see it is an iron gall one, so that's to be expected, I guess), while this is much more straight pure magenta.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
This link is pretty interesting because they actually tried washing and hurting a bit samples of the various kinds of silk, and they describe what happens, what changes and whether or not it could be considered ruined depending on what the silk is used for.
(also, I'm deeply for CampWashSilkWithWater, btw, and also WhyBotherWithDryCleaningWhenYouCanAvoidIt)
How to wash silk
So there you were, browsing our silk fabric selection and dreaming up a fabulous new dress or pretty top, when all of the sudden your practical side burst in and said: But it’s silk… how will you ever wash it? Well, we’ve been wondering the same thin…Sartor
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"Anziano ce sarai te!"
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.…
no, un momento. a roma il candidato sindaco perdente al ballottaggio viene tipo gettato da una rupe?
non li facevo così drastici :D
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
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I'd decided to go for the boring naming option :)…
and these are the whole 66 lines of scripts, including whitespace :)…
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i.e. it works because other people are doing a lot of not-paid-by-google work to make it work :(
the same link on nitter, for convenience:…
Note to self: the hand that leads armies to victory loses its human warmth.
Or in other words: to spend two hours straight playing 0ad in winter I either need gloves or a heated mouse. :D
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Informa Pirata reshared this.
The stupid project of the week
This time, double the stupidity!
The unnecessary CLI to manage SSH keys
and a library from code used in keys
Create python command line interface from function definitions
(also on pypi)
Tobias likes this.
Dear fediverse,
I'm running #transmission-daemon and I can easily see how much something has been uploaded, but not when that happened.
Does anybody know whether there is a way to get this latter info? ideally as a nice graph, but the raw data would also be fine, if available.
Otherwise, I guess I will just have to poll periodically and build my own data collection?
My usecase is this: for tails I tend to start downloading the new release and stop seeding an old release as soon as the new one is available, as running an old release is not a good idea, but for things like the debian live installer having the latest point release isn't that important, so I only download them when I expect to need them, and knowing that uploading has trickled down to zero lately would be a good hint that I can stop seeding them.
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Now #pinephone with #megapixels take better photos than my everyday android 👍
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •In Valdese, NC, there is the "PIEDMONT and WESTERN RAILROAD CLUB
Maybe they have something useful.
Piedmont and Western Model Railroad Club and Old Rock School Railway Museum
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •said: "I need a photo of the Southern Railway depot in the town of Valdese, NC."
This was a fun challenge to find an historic image. The clue is the Waldensian colony that became 'Valdese'. A history of that Christian settlers' group includes a faded photo of the train depot. :)
"A Waldensian Colony in the United States"…