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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

This sounds basically like my understanding of modern physics.

Now who wants to talk about quantum mechanics?!

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Really really love this: The Millennial Captcha (make sure you try it out)

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Microsoft just open source MS-DOS
Do not send pull requests please 🤣

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

"Listen," one guard said, "I know we have only just met-"

"No," the other guard said, "we've worked together for years!"

"-but you can trust me when I say-"

"I can't, you have the curse that's opposite from mine!"

"I don't care for you at all."

"Well, I... oh... I love you too."
#TootFic #SmallStories #Microfiction

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Dear lazyverse, I've just read and and I don't understand one thing: can this be used to generate an invite for an user that already exists and has been using the account for a while, but needs to reconfigure an xmpp client on a new phone?

of course they don't know their password, but I would have to reset it from prosodyctl anyway.



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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Adding a new device via invitation is not currently a thing. Password resets links (which work almost the same as invitations) are.

Generate a password reset link with this command:

'prosodyctl mod_invites --reset username'

I haven't extensively tested it with clients or invite UIs beyond Snikket, though. Feedback welcome 🙂

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I add to the excellent @mattj explanation that both invitation things are very familiar to @snikket_im admins ...
in reply to Roberto Resoli


@shuro Snikket is XMPP for people who don't know what #XMPP is 🙂

If you're happy with Conversations, continue using it! Snikket is more limited because it focuses on a specific use case.

If you want an easy-to-use messaging solution for a group of people (e.g. family, friends, clubs), plus companion apps and easy onboarding without forcing people to learn what a "XEP" is, then Snikket is here for you:

We just want XMPP to reach beyond the tech crowd.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

No, but there is also a module where the admin can generate a password reset link for that user. Don't have the name in my mind ATM and can't comfortably research as I'm AFK.

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Diego Roversi reshared this.

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

“Last year, I had a life-changing experience at 90 years old. I went to space, after decades of playing an iconic science-fiction character who was exploring the universe. I thought I would experience a deep connection with the immensity around us, a deep call for endless exploration.
"I was absolutely wrong. The strongest feeling, that dominated everything else by far, was the deepest grief that I had ever experienced.
"I understood, in the clearest possible way, that we were living on a tiny oasis of life, surrounded by an immensity of death. I didn’t see infinite possibilities of worlds to explore, adventures to have, or living creatures to connect with. I saw the deepest darkness I could have ever imagined, contrasting so starkly with the welcoming warmth of our nurturing home planet.
"This was an immensely powerful awakening for me. It filled me with sadness. I realized that we had spent decades, if not centuries, being obsessed with looking away, with looking outside. I did my share in popularizing the idea that space was the final frontier. But I had to get to space to understand that Earth is and will stay our only home. And that we have been ravaging it, relentlessly, making it uninhabitable."
-- William Shatner, actor
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in reply to Brian Campbell

@unlambda @mral @trechnex "Shatner clearly taking in the moment"

They can't even correctly identify someone who's clearly feeling uncomfortable with Bezos not giving a single fuck. This is fucking dystopian in every dimension, I have no words.

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Here's a fun AI story: a security researcher noticed that large companies' AI-authored source-code repeatedly referenced a nonexistent library (an AI "hallucination"), so he created a (defanged) malicious library with that name and uploaded it, and thousands of developers automatically downloaded and incorporated it as they compiled the code:


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in reply to AndresFreundTec

thank you, I see the paragraph that begins:

"To reproduce outside of systemd, …"

I have someone claiming:

"The exploit requires systemd. …"

Can both be true?

Postscript: thanks to @vi for helping me to realise my misunderstanding.

Apologies for the noise.

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Ricevo, e credo che sia utile per un po' di vittime di #trenord qui sul fediverso

“La norma nel prevedere la necessità di richiesta dell’abbonato reindirizza la misura compensativa del disagio a chi effettivamente lo ha subito, diversamente da quanto accadeva con il vecchio bonus.”

che credo voglia dire, più o meno “speriamo che la maggior parte dei pendolari si dimentichino di chiederlo e/o non vengano a sapere di doverlo chiedere”

se ho ben capito le istruzioni su come fare la richiesta sono già su

@LaVi 🕊️📚🐈 @Fabio #trenò

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Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@LaVi 🕊️📚🐈 @Fabio mi pareva tempo fa di aver trovato su uno dei siti istituzionali (trenord o regione) che i treni soppressi contino uguali ai treni con più di 30 minuti di ritardo, ma adesso non ho il link sottomano (e non so se le nuove regole siano cambiate).

Comunque c'è il fatto che quei dati non dicono che i treni in ritardo sono ovviamente soprattutto in ora di punta (anche per ragioni ragionevoli, tutto sommato), e che quindi impattano molte più persone rispetto ai treni in orario alle 10 di mattina o alle 8 di sera.

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

1/ It’s a big day for the Radicle community :space_invader: We're excited to announce the rollout of our first release candidate for Radicle 1.0 — our most significant update to date :tada:

Start collaborating today

Here’s an overview of what’s new 🧵

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in reply to Lars Wirzenius

It's a really cool project but now I wish they would make a presence on the fediverse too (and not just twitter). Can't be bothered to create yet another account on their zulip instance or whatever it's called
in reply to Alex

@lmas Apparently for read-only access, Zulip doesn't require an account. The #annoucement stream is where releases are announced, but we intend to broaden from there.

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

I've been asked if I can identify these audio cassettes that are in a university archive and I'm stumped.

They have two playback cutouts, and in one of the spools I can see 'Japan'. It would appear to be 30 minutes of tape.

Anyone got any ideas what machine they might have been used in?

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in reply to Charlie Stross

@cstross The combination of a TV show and the sprocket holes made me think video tape. It's hard to gauge though without knowing the dimensions of the cassette. It might be a micro audio tape for all I know.

Just because the tape has a show from 1969 on the tape doesn't mean it's 1969 tech—that could be a newer format that someone recorded an old show on.

in reply to Coles Street Pothole

@ColesStreetPothole So you're telling me you never recorded the audio off the TV through a microphone onto a compact cassette because no real human beings could afford a video cassette recorder back in 1974?

Young folks these days, I swear!

in reply to Charlie Stross

Oh, I recorded the audio of many movies in the 1970s, on one of these. Flipping the tape during a commercial break was a skill.
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in reply to Coles Street Pothole

@ColesStreetPothole yup. I just remember that circa 1977 a VCR (here in the UK) cost about £700 new, and £300 for a colour TV, which was about 3-6 months' average wages (maybe £5000-6000 today).
in reply to Charlie Stross

@cstross @ColesStreetPothole We don’t know who owned these, may not have been consumer. The first commercially available cartridge video recorders for professional use are from the late 60s.
in reply to Charlie Stross

@cstross @ColesStreetPothole I also recorded some TV audio on CC but I always used the headphone jack of the TV. Direct TV sound was pretty decent like FM radio although it was mono.

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

first milk goes bad then it turns evil

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.

— Brian W. Kernighan


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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

RIP to a real one. Practically everything he wrote was decades ahead of its time, not to mention superbly entertaining and deeply humanist.

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in reply to Adrian Hon Space Catitude 🚀 ha ricondiviso questo.

Lots of people sharing their love of A Fire Upon the Deep and A Deepness in the Sky, but don't miss Rainbows End.

It's perhaps a less successful story but remains, after almost two decades, the best description of what augmented reality games and ARGs might do to the world.

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in reply to Adrian Hon

That's the book that "Halting State" lost to in the 2007 Hugo awards. (Which was *also* about AR and ARGs, and also espionage and crime.)
in reply to Adrian Hon

@cstross Rainbows End is the one that lives in my head more than the rest of his books (though they all have their places in there).

Every time autocorrect fucks up again, I find myself wishing for the kind of interfaces described in Rainbows End.

in reply to Charlie Stross

@cstross NOOO. That's fucking *horrifying*.

I do like the idea of searchable marginalia, but not at that cost.

in reply to Charlie Stross

@cstross @pdcawley the first time I read that, I kept asking myself if that was *actually* the easiest way to scan a library, given enough computing power. I still think the answer the probably yes.

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Mastodon Just Let Me Save The Original GIF And Not The h.264 encoded MP4 You Made From It Challenge 2024 - Impossible Difficulty

:( big sadge

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Shel Silverstein doesn’t get nearly enough credit for predicting ChatGPT.

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in reply to Diego Roversi

the animated gif was too big for friendika. Let's try with a scaled down version:



Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

A thing I have periodically been pointing out for like 20 years now that nobody else seems to know is that you can write CSS that controls how your web page will look when it is printed out. You can even set up completely separate stylesheets for printing, and the browser will be smart enough to automatically use them when the user hits "print"

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in reply to Jason Lefkowitz

Yep. I've used this before.

I really should add print CSS to my project release pages, though.

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

- Book five spoiler incoming -
"Who Killed Asmodean?" was by far the most commonly asked question Robert Jordan received. He said the answer should be "intuitively obvious to the casual observer." So, who did you think it was at first?
#AesSedai #BrandonSanderson #Community #Fandom #Fansite #Fantasy #FantasyBooks #RobertJordan #TarValon #TarValonNet #TheWheelOfTime #TheWhiteTower #TootersOfTime #WheelOfTime #WheelOfTimeSeries #WoT #WoTBookSpoilers #WoTOnPrime
in reply to TarValon.Net

I had no clue, but I still think he meant this remark in the way that such a phrase would be understood by students of mathematics or physics hearing it from their professors: that is, if you think really hard about it for some weeks then you ought to be able to reconstruct the chain of reasoning using only information you currently have. (And in fact since got it exactly right in 2000 or so, he was right!)

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

#scaleway offers #riscv metal instances now. And they support @alpinelinux !

It appears to be relatively vanilla alpine edge with a custom kernel.

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

“Scale melds incredibly creative and thought-through hard science fiction with the kind of social-political angle Egan’s increasingly been foregrounding in his work, and you’d do well to pick it up.”

Diego Roversi reshared this.

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Wrote an article about turning a ThinkPad X1 Carbon 6th Gen laptop into a programmable USB device by enabling the xDCI controller 😯

Now I can emulate USB devices from the laptop without any external hardware, including via Raw Gadget or even Facedancer 😁

The overall process included fiddling with Linux kernel drivers, xHCI, DWC3, ACPI, BIOS/UEFI, Boot Guard, TPM, NVRAM, PCH, PMC, PSF, IOSF, and P2SB, and making a custom USB cable 😱

in reply to Andrey Konovalov

the lock bits being reset during S3 sleep and not re-locked seems like an evergreen design failure. Thunderstrike 2 used a similar mistake (PRR lock bits not re-locked soon enough coming out of S3 sleep) and Prince Harming was a regression (PRR bits not re-locked at all on a new platform).

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Come chiunque aveva previsto, a meno di un mese dall'attivazione la piattaforma #antipezzotto di #AGCOM oggi ha illecitamente censurato l'IP di Cloudflare che ospita centinaia di migliaia di siti che non c'entrano niente con lo streaming dello sport. Bravi tutti. #piracyshield
in reply to Marco d'Itri :debian:

Dopo diverse ore è stato sbloccato, anche se non ho capito su quale base legale visto che i blocchi dovrebbero essere permanenti.
in reply to Marco d'Itri :debian:

Purtroppo a rimetterci è anche la reputazione dell'Agcom.

in reply to Marco d'Itri :debian:

ma non ci sono gli estremi per una class action per una cosa del genere?

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

A podficcer posted this link about voice acting that is pretty hilarious.
#voices #voiceActing

in reply to Rozzychan

Thing is, this isn't even a joke. It's just a demo reel... 😅

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Isaac Asimov:

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Diego Roversi reshared this.

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

On my blog: Why pandas feels clunky when coming from R

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

"One price of free speech is eternal humility, recognizing that none of us is immune to becoming a tool of censorship if we fail to recognize its manipulative tactics."

“Tools for Thinking About Censorship”

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in reply to Ada Palmer

I would like to say that your article is amaizing! And you are a great writer. Thx for sharing.
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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Since Reddit has now sold out to AI, a reminder if you're into #Linux / #LinuxGaming that Lemmy exists and it's open source.

I'm a mod here too:

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Stop turning your Linux apps into Docker containers and removing the normal install methods.

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

a tower of blocks captioned "all modern video infrastructure". one tiny block on the bottom is stopping all of it from falling over, and it's labelled "ffmpeg"

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Mi preoccupa molto il Piracy Shield introdotto, anche se non vedo partite piratate o sia possessore di "pezzotto", ma per le implicazioni a corto/lungo termine che porta.
È notizia di un paio di giorni fa che insieme agli ip di alcuni siti di streaming video siano stati indiscriminatamente bloccati in toto gli ip di 2 CDN ( e parte di zenlayer), rendendo impossibile anche a chi avesse servizi leciti li sopra di essere raggiunti dall'Italia, l'organo che si occupa della faccenda (agcom) è un organo privato che si erge a "controllore", "multatore" e "bloccatore". Con il mer(d)aviglioso governo fascista che abbiamo ci vorrà poco affinché da un utilizzo anti pirateria si passi ai blocchi per fini politici adducendo motivazioni fantasiose (tipo il decreto antisemitismo di Salvini per gli artisti e le tv).

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in reply to Diego Roversi

@diegor si si è stata una mia inesattezza, ho travisato il privato con indipendente

Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Happy caturday 🐈! Here’s a cat selfie I found somewhere on the www! 😂 i hope you all have a great weekend ☀️🥳🙌

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

This youtube video does something I literally had no idea was possible with the subtitle system. Watch it without subtitles to get an idea for what the base video looks like, then watch it with the subtitles on.

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Very proud that the IEEE has published my article “Why Bloat Is Still Software’s Biggest Vulnerability - A 2024 plea for lean software”:

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Diego Roversi ha ricondiviso questo.

Ok che (come al solito dato che idee tue non ne hai mai avute), hai "copiato" l'impegno profuso da me e @kenobit sul progetto bookwyrm, ok che ti sei preso il dominio bookwyrm .it perché senza atteggiamenti predatori non ci sai stare, ok che hai mantenuto il logo ufficiale così puoi fare il paraculo e attirare gente spacciandoti per "istanza italiana" (tanto la descrizione non la legge nessuno), ma cazzo, copiare lettera per lettera (solo che non sai formattare il testo) il codice di condotta di Dai su un po di fantasia, ce la puoi fare anche da solo no?
Nelle immagini in scuro gattininja in chiaro filippone.
#bookwyrm #gattininja

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in reply to Zand :arch: :terminal:

Forse ora risponderà che tanto i codici di condotta sono tutti uguali ma soprattutto che siete invidiosi.
in reply to Fata turchina


Non dirò neppure che è una faccia da culo perché stimo troppo i culi.

È strano che non si sia già inventato un suo partito.

in reply to Fata turchina

@guardaminfaccia Daje FilippONE facci sognare, accusa gattinija di aver copiato da te! :blobcatpopcornnom:
in reply to Yaku 🐗

È strano che non abbia ancora registrato puntarella it.

[EDIT]Ah, capito… è GIÀ registrato.

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