oh yes our new decentralized network protocol is actually just a bunch of dialup modems connected together
join the fidoverse everyone
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What you get out of your experience at depends on what you put into it.
We don't do brands here - we do people. You may have become used to presenting yourself as a public figure, pushing content to the algorithm, but we're free from that machine here.
Peek at the local timeline and engage with posts.
Engage with the people who fave, boost, and comment on your work.
Make an effort to learn and use the established community practices like hashtags and alt text.
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Yes, all instances are entirely separate and need their own account creations :)
But no - you don't have to quit Mathstodon. If you want to post to the .art local feed you'll need to be logged in to mastodon.art, and if you want to post to the Mathstodon local feed you'll need to be logged in there -and apps like Tusky allow you to switch easily between different accounts - but a lot of people use Mastodon like that ^.^
Can anyone help me identify what cursive script this is (since apparently there are multiple). This is what I was taught in first grade, and I'm probably the only person in our class who still uses this system (most people seem to use print letters).
I never actually learned to write any other way, and to this day I can't write in anything but this script without a lot of effort.
Boosts appreciated!
(Also, sorry for the weird Qs, I don't write in English often, and Hungarian doesn't use it.)
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@Delib @gröna mannen the capitals look a bit different en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pal…
Maybe this page can help? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regional…
Puns are like BDSM
You inflict them on others
For your own pleasure
And theirs
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
We have a lot of really big, professional artists signing up on .art over the last few days, and it can be daunting posting your art here in the face of their work.
I want you to know that I'll still emphasise boosting art from small artists. This is a space for us to learn and grow and support each other, to motivate each other and to squash our impostor syndrome because it's a stinky lying liarpants.
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Oh wow, ok. There are things to say about Twitter's external actions, but I've been assuming the insides were running like a normal decade-and-a-half-old resource-rich company.
Thanks for the correction, @jay 🌺 and @silverwizard .
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
Fairly famous hacker, former twitter head of security
Basically released data about Twitter's security including "everyone has root everywhere"
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
@Martijn Vos @Aus.Social Admin @dexiheart is anti-cop it could in theory be done with a client, as that could store your keys on your own device (and you could in theory check that the client isn't doing anything harmful with those keys), but then only people who use mastodon through a compatible client could read those.
Or more easily one can use the DM/PMs on mastodon to exchange contact IDs for some system that is designed for private communications rather than mostly public ones and already provides cryptography (and a client/app to do in on the user's side).
Correct me if I'm wrong in my layperson's understanding, but isn't the issue with the privacy of ActivityPub messages fairly analogous to the privacy of unencrypted email? That is, in the process of routing a message to its intended destination, every server along its path will download a copy?
I'm not asking to imply "and therefore we shouldn't strive for more," I'm just wondering if the issues are analogous.
@Spencer @Aus.Social Admin It's slightly better than the privacy of unencrypted email, because unencrypted email is sent over the internet unencrypted, whereas ActivityPub messages at least use https.
Personally I think email should be upgraded to a system where every message is encrypted by default. Of course that would require knowing the recipient's public key, which would require a system to distribute those to everybody who has you as a contact, and before you know it, it has turned into a social network. But I think this is the way email has to go.
seeing this thing spread again
yes, server admins with database access, the technical knowledge, and inclination to do so can look at DMs sent to and from people on the instances they host. they don't appear in an interface anywhere unless reported.
the server admin is not always the same person as your instance admin. here on plural.cafe we self host the instance on a virtual server from linode, but there are plenty of instances out there hosted by masto.host, fedi.monster, or other hosting providers.
the cops can subpoena your server admin for access to your DMs as well, don't send anything that could be used as evidence against you in a court of law.
this is a stronger guarantee than you get from corporate social media, which readily and regularly talk to the cops and as far as i'm aware all expose DMs to moderators in their admin interface.
this is a weaker guarantee than end-to-end encrypted messaging (or at least, most of them).
know your threat model.
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Tutta la discussione su Halloween mi ha fatto venire in mente che non c'è nulla di male a ibridare le tradizioni, quello che cambia però è il modo.
Gli egizi ibridarono le loro con o greci, i romani con i galli, i cristiani coi pagani, i giapponesi coi cinesi. Il problema è quando il processo è esclusivamente innescato dal mercato e dal capitalismo, per espandere ulteriormente un brand e di conseguenza il bacino di potenziali consumatori. Ecco perché non amo halloween
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I'm seeing a lot of proclamations that there should be no exceptions to describing your images or that there's no reason to interact with any that aren't described.
I know these mean well, but they are themselves ableist.
Disabled people know that access needs can clash. I benefit from described images, but I know some people struggle to write them because of their own disabilities.
And that's okay! The culture of image descriptions is great here but it should never be absolutist.
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Seeing people unabashedly sharing the chaos of their workspaces (which is awesome!!) in the 'show us your workspace' thread, reminds me that on other networks it's kind of established that people only share finished products and present the polished side of themselves.
We don't do that here. There's no focus on brand - our community is more interested in people. We share our mistakes and our works in progress and our failures as well as our wins, because they're part of who we are.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
I've done the first two pages of the #calligraphy (sort of) project I've started yesterday: the estimate is around 10 pages, a bit more than I expected, but still doable, so I will go on until the end, rather than stopping at the first page and calling it done.
Peek preview of the first page:
If you recognise what this is and want to comment please use the spoiler CW, so that other people can hazard a guess.
I expect bigger hints to appear on page 3 (should I say folio 2 r? :D ), but that hasn't been copied yet. (and this was also one reason why I decided not to stop at the first page: I wanted that hint and another later one to be there :) ).
I will post a link to the text I'm copying when the project is done (don't hold your breath, I'm slow, maybe a page per day?).
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And the people who guessed guessed mostly right: it's this #fanfic : archiveofourown.org/works/4243… (chapter 2 is the translation + notes).
I can't find the post here on the fediverse where I found about this pic, but thanks to whoever posted it!
The following 7 images are pictures of the pages of a manuscript booklet with the text of archiveofourown.org/works/4243… written in insular script. While the pictures in the previous posts of this thread were of the flat sheets, here they have been folded in half and assembled in the right order (but aren't sewed together or anything).
David de Groot 𓆉 likes this.
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Dear #TwitterMigration folks, an important tip on #privacy on the fediverse:
There is none.
This is a public medium; please treat it as such. Just as you have no privacy on Twitter (Elon Musk can read all your DMs), you have no privacy on the instance you’re on (your administrators can read all your posts).
You can set the visibility of a post but that’s a viewing suggestion, not a privacy guarantee.
Think of your posts as postcards, not sealed letters, and you should be fine.
Sabrina Web likes this.
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clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
Filed under: I've read a paleography book once, so I can read a manuscript, right?
Oh, great, en.wikisource.org/wiki/Beowulf… has folio numbers, so I can look for the folio with the word I want to read on bl.uk/manuscripts/Viewer.aspx?… and it's going to be easy, right?
* is not able to find anything remotely resembling that text on the page.
Wait, what's that number in pencil on the upper right corner? and why there are two, one of which has been struck?
spoiler: the right page was bl.uk/manuscripts/Viewer.aspx?…
@informapirata :privacypride: beh, perché no? è un argomento interessante ed è carino averne un'infarinatura generale.
Un giorno sull'internet qualcuno consigliava un manuale universitario sull'argomento dicendo che era leggibile anche per profani, l'ho preso e me lo sono letto.
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.

@❄️ freezr ❄️ @informapirata :privacypride: ma NOOOOOOOOOO, crudeli!
(cioé, l'unica obiezione valida poteva essere “lo si trova online”, ma non è la stessa cosa. a meno che gli anta fossero qualche anno fa, quando era magari più difficile).
informapirata ⁂ :privacypride: likes this.

❄️ freezr ❄️ likes this.
And of course, the links to the manuscript were supposed to be bl.uk/manuscripts/Viewer.aspx?… and bl.uk/manuscripts/Viewer.aspx?…
(in case I ever have to go back and look for them :D )
If you’re just joining mastodon I beg you please add a proper bio before you start following a bunch of people so we get who you are and maybe also write a post to #introductions ?
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Filed under: #CraftingPersonProblems: my mother needed a #pompon (just one!) to finish one of her #knitting projects and I just made it.
And now I want to make ALL THE POMPONS, but I don't have any use for them (and I already have a box full of pompons from the last time :D )
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Nella categoria sopproblemi: mia madre aveva bisogno di un #pompon (solo uno!) per finire un progetto a maglia, gliel'ho fatto.
E adesso sento il bisogno di FARE POMPON! FARE POMPON! ma non me ne farei niente (e ho già una scatola piena di pompon dall'ultima volta :D ).
@Pandora ho un problema: non ho i buchi :D
però ho una confezione di monachelle omaggio da un ordine di componenti per bigiotteria, potrei farne due o tre coppie e offrirle in mastoregalo…
(quanto piccoli devono essere? che piccoli piccoli non è facile)
so. wē spacemen in geārdagum - Chapter 1 - indigostohelit - Star Trek: The Original Series [Archive of Our Own]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Worksarchiveofourown.org
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
“if your primary reaction to a fanfiction in Old English is "why the sweet hell would you do this" a) you are right but”
why would one ever react like that? this is awesome!
Thank you all for this thread, it's very interesting!
A good metaphor, to me, is that nets, social or otherwise, can work to hold up and cushion, and they can be used to trap and entangle. And that being two people caught in the same net can require forceful separation or conscious collaboration to untangle.
Today's crazy project: homemade non-washi non-tape.
Because the washi tape I have easy access to right now has meh designs, and I don't really need to buy MOAR things, right?
Anyway, one A6 (landscape) sheet of tracing paper has been lined horizontally at every 15 mm, and I've added designs in cheap watercolour (if this thing works I may use the good or semi-good ones, but for the first attempt cheap will do) and waterproof ink .
In the fridge there is a jar with 0.5 g sugar, 1 g gum arabic, 15 ml water and 1 drop of lavender oil (as preservative); it will rest until tomorrow and then will go to the back of the sheet. (this is, or at least should be, water-activated glue, not washi tape glue)
And then I'll find out whether this thing can work or not.
There will be pictures, if it works.
varve likes this.
Il progetto assurdo di oggi: non-nastro non-washi fatto in casa.
Perché il nastro washi che riesco a trovare facilmente ha dei disegno un po' meh, e non ho veramente bisogno di comprare MOAR cose, vero?
Un foglio A6 di carta da lucido è stato diviso in sette striscie da 15 mm, colorato e disegnato con acquarelli economici (se questa cosa funziona posso usare anche quelli belli, ma per le prime prove va bene così) e inchiostri indelebili.
Nel frigo c'è un barattolo con dentro 0.5 g zucchero, 1 g gomma arabica, 15 g acqua e una goccia di olio essenziale di lavanda (conservante) che deve riposare fino a domani per poi essere spalmato sul retro della carta da lucido. (non è la colla tipica della washi tape, ma colla da attivare con l'acqua, tipo quelle delle buste da leccare).
E poi scoprirò se questa cosa funziona.
Ci saranno foto. Se funziona.
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
* finished Diego's cotton/wool jeans-like trousers (yes! I've even attached the belt loops that I almost forgot);
* cleaned the sewing machine when she refused to keep sewing the belt loops (uops, sorry dear, I knew it was time for our quality time together and kept postponing it);
* finished handsewing the binding on my new bathrobe;
* watched an hour long Irving Finkel lecture ( ❤ ) with @Diego Roversi and a lot of other mostly costuming related videos while diego ignored me; :D
and then
* completely failed to take finished pictures of anything because it has been raining the whole day;
* forgot to heat cure the SHINY BLUE paint on the pre-mockup for the Augusta Stays I made from an old pair of jeans (and then decided that rather than putting it into the cabbage box I might as well make something fun out of it);
* postponed editing the step-by-step pictures to be ready to publish the instructions for the jeans and bathrobe as soon as I'll be able to take finished object pictures.
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the paint has been cured.
fixes to the jeans pattern have been saved in the file.
looks outside of the window -> lol, no pictures today either, I guess (and it isn't easy to take them after work in this season)
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@Diego Roversi and there was some sun!
This would have been a perfectly suitable outdoor outfit for 25 May, right?
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So, for lunch we had polenta, and for me it was just. perfect.
Which means that @Diego Roversi , who is from the south (i.e. Milan :D ) claimed it was the right consistency to build walls of.
But that has led to the idea of building a house of freselle kept together with val d'Intelvi (or Valtellina, or just any mountain area in the north-west of Lombardy, really)-style polenta, which I have to admit could actually work :D
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Sabrina Web likes this.
@Paolo Redaelli @Diego Roversi yeah, more like 50 km than 100 km, and on a very clear day from the mountains that border val d'Intelvi from the south you can sort of see the reflection of the sun on the statue of the Virgin Mary on top of the Duomo of Milan (or at least that's what old people from the area claim) :D
But a) their polenta is soft and yellow, made of cornmeal, OUR polenta is firm and has grey specks as it's made from cornmeal *and* buckwheat b) as somebody born in Como I still hold a grudge with them because they destroyed our city walls in the middle ages (multiple times), and that's a pretty reasonable reason and time to hold a grudge, right?
Purtroppo la diretta streaming del #LinuxDay2022 è saltata per motivi tecnici ma tutti gli speech sono però disponibili nella piattaforma peertube di Linux.it.
Vi pubblico qui il mio intervento al Linux Day, quest'anno ho presentato Pixelfed:
Qua invece l'intervento di @oirasor che presenta Peertube e la sua esperienza come admin dell'istanza video.linux.it:
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And I've just discovered that I already have 20 m of german boning, not just less than 10 as I remembered, and thus have no need to buy more, and I won't get tempted into buying anything else from the shop.
Thanks past me!
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Felted slippers!
I still need to add a protective sole, but these are the reason why my feet were wet a few days ago :D
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Pantofole infeltrite!
Devo ancora aggiungere delle suole aggiuntive per proteggere la lana dal pavimento, ma questo è il motivo per cui l'altro giorno avevo i piedi umidi :D
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This morning I finally started cutting the paper pattern pieces for my Augusta Stays, and have ideas for the fabric to use (most of which I already have).
And then the Dreamstress published this thedreamstress.com/2022/10/cal…
Do I need a nice 18th century red cape? NO
Do I need a full 18th century outfit? NO
Can you guess who's going to buy the pattern for a 18th century cape in the near future?
Can you guess who's going to make herself a full 18th century outfit in the next couple of years, including a red cape?
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that requires somewhat different skills than the ones involved in making most dresses :D
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
I now have a bathrobe with THICK huge french seams, and no finishing on the edges, whose improvised, zero waste, pattern has however been confirmed to WORK.
Tomorrow I'll find a way to bind the neck (probably from the bit of leftover fabric, because of course I didn't have the exact amount required for it to actually be zero waste :) ), hem the bottom and make a belt.
I should have really used flat felled seams, next time I'll try not to be lazy and do them :)
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Ho un accappatoio con delle enormi, CICCIOTTE cuciture all'inglese e gli orli ancora non rifiniti, ma sufficiente per confermare che il modello zero waste che ho improvvisato FUNZIONA!
Domani devo decidere come rifinire il collo (probabilmente con un pezzo della stoffa avanzata, perché ovviamente non ne avevo solo la quantità precisa per risultare zero-waste), orlare il fondo e fare una cintura.
E sì, avrei dovuto usare delle cuciture ribattute anziché alla francese. La prossima volta vedo di resistere alla pigrizia e farle.
Somebody(TM) should really write a tower defense game in fortran, called Fort Run.
Qualcuno(TM) dovrebbe scrivere un gioco del genere tower defense in fortran e chiamarlo Fort Run.
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So it's "only" a matter of will power. And knowing what's a tower defence game is, of course😅
GitHub - vmagnin/gtk-fortran: A GTK / Fortran binding
A GTK / Fortran binding. Contribute to vmagnin/gtk-fortran development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
“Tower defense (TD) is a subgenre of strategy games where the goal is to defend a player's territories or possessions by obstructing the enemy attackers or by stopping enemies from reaching the exits, usually achieved by placing defensive structures on or along their path of attack.”
#MastoConsiglio conoscete qualcuno che faccia manutenzione dei ferri da stiro a caldaia vaporella polti in zona insubrica (como / varese / dintorni / ecco, magari che non siano insubri extracomunitari che costano troppo :D )
il posto dove mia madre portava il suo fino all'ultima volta ha chiuso :(
e ovviamente oggi il ferro ha smesso di funzionare
(boost apprezzati)
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triplo no comment. ha confessato. da qualche parte in quella casa c'è un manuale di istruzioni con scritto come fare la pulizia periodicamente per evitare che si blocchi.
e non vuole che io le cerchi perché non vuole che facendolo io rompa il ferro.
bastone. agitare. panchina.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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uops. I may have used the wrong image format. that may explain the failure :D
I'll try again tomorrow.
informapirata ⁂ :privacypride: likes this.
> Ho provato a rimuovere lo sfondo nero e raddrizzare l'immagine in automatico
Ma la chimica aiuta, oggigiorno!
I feel like I, upon discovering Mastodon, found the total, like, 5–6 people I wanted to follow and've just stuck with them for the last 3 years so I don't know how effective asking the greater Fediverse will be but
Does anyone know of any artists on here who either can do ASCII art or, while not the medium they usually inhabit, are willing to give creating it a try? 'Working on an all-text video game and could use someone who's open for commissions, right now.
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aaaand my new bathrobe¹ has finally arrived!
two of them, even!
and a new linen t-shirt for the next summer, and a few viscose-ramie camisoles.
yeah, that whole “only buy what you need thing”, I think I may have heard of it :D
¹ some assembly required
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From the notes of a fanfiction¹:
“yes, i know i've got other things i could and should be working on. however, i had an idea.”
I… sort… of… know that feeling :D
¹ this one, for the record: archiveofourown.org/works/4231…
Lenaxam likes this.
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cleaning personel. system administrators. people raising kids. people raising themselves.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Jeans (and jeans-like trousers) with buttons are so much more stylish than ones with zippers, right?
Yes I do hate sewing zippers, why do you ask? :D
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@zephyr on garments and other complex objects I find them difficult to do right and precisely. sewing them by hand helps with the precision, but sewing through the zipper tape is often hard.
Buttons and buttonholes, OTOH, are just a bit tedious.
Also, adding a zipper in the nice way usually means that it's embedded in the garment in a way that requires unmaking a significant amount of it when (not if) the zipper breaks, while buttons tend to either last more, or be easier to fix.
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That makes a lot of sense. I recently replaced the zipper on a bag that was holding makeup. It was hard to get it neat, but it still went ok.
I've been trying different approaches with hand knitted pouches too. Still figuring out how much I feel like adding linings.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
now wearing: one pair of WET wool slippers and a pair of hiking sandals to protect the slippers from the floor
Sto indossando un paio di pantofole di lana BAGNATE e un paio di sandali da trekking per proteggere le pantofole dal pavimento
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@Siem :brynn_ghost_asexual: felted slippers: they have been in the washing machine, and I was keeping them on the feet to block them to shape.
I've decided that they need a bit more felting however, so I'll have to do this again the next time I wash a load of the right colour, next week, and then I'll take pictures of the finished thing :)
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Athena L.M.
in reply to Now at cwebber@social.coop ! • • •Athena L.M.
in reply to Athena L.M. • • •Mike [SEC=OFFICIAL]
in reply to Athena L.M. • • •Athena L.M.
in reply to Mike [SEC=OFFICIAL] • • •Mike [SEC=OFFICIAL]
in reply to Athena L.M. • • •Cefiar
in reply to Mike [SEC=OFFICIAL] • • •Zalasur 🇺🇦
in reply to Mike [SEC=OFFICIAL] • • •Athena L.M.
in reply to Zalasur 🇺🇦 • • •Mike [SEC=OFFICIAL]
in reply to Athena L.M. • • •Jon ☎️
in reply to Mike [SEC=OFFICIAL] • • •Mike [SEC=OFFICIAL]
in reply to Jon ☎️ • • •I got it from skinwraps.com.au - they have a nice selection!
Had to do something though, because if I take my personal laptop into work there's a real danger of losing it in a stack of identical black slabs!
KC Lemson
in reply to Mike [SEC=OFFICIAL] • • •Kclemson (@Kclemson@mastodon.cloud)
mastodon.cloudMrs Mouse at work
in reply to Now at cwebber@social.coop ! • • •Commodore Sixty Bore
in reply to Now at cwebber@social.coop ! • • •llewelly
in reply to Now at cwebber@social.coop ! • • •Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Vertigo #$FF
in reply to Now at cwebber@social.coop ! • • •eli holderness :queercat_nb:
in reply to Now at cwebber@social.coop ! • • •💻 okflo 🤸
in reply to Now at cwebber@social.coop ! • • •Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
in reply to Now at cwebber@social.coop ! • • •We're already there
amicale.net/@cquest/1092741023… Mastodon on a Minitel
pleroma.social/blog/2019/04/01… Pleroma BBS!
Christian Quest 🌍 (@cquest@amicale.net)
in reply to Now at cwebber@social.coop ! • • •Coty Rosenblath
in reply to Now at cwebber@social.coop ! • • •allison
in reply to Now at cwebber@social.coop ! • • •ozoned
in reply to Now at cwebber@social.coop ! • • •Shadow Mountain
in reply to Now at cwebber@social.coop ! • • •Tom Jennings Interview (1993) - Plutopia News Network
Plutopia News NetworkLenko
in reply to Now at cwebber@social.coop ! • • •