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Are you interested in space exploration? Do you speak Italian?
The Italian Space and Astronautics Association (ISAA), a no profit for space outreach I'm on the board of, now runs its own Mastodon instance social.isaa.it (accounts only for board members & collaborators). Follow:
@astronauticast Human-curated news, info, resources.
@astronautibot Bot that posts events, data, images, links.
At @amoroso@social.isaa.it I post in Italian about space & astronomy.
ISAA Mastodon
Istanza Mastodon ufficiale dell'Associazione ISAA APS (Associazione Italiana per l'Astronautica e lo Spazio).Mastodon hosted on social.isaa.it
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@Luca Sironi @lorenzo :misskey: :xmpp: faccio un quote toot per non intasare il thread di là
il problema del self-hosting individualista è che richiede soldi, conoscenze e/o tempo, ed esclude tutti quelli che non li hanno.
Non sono quantità di soldi enormi, non sono conoscenze che richiedono studio di una vita per essere raggiunte, ma se non le si ha si deve avere più tempo da dedicare (e non avere altro, magari di altrettanto importante, che si vorrebbe fare in quel tempo).
Il community hosting non risolve tutti i problemi, probabilmente qualcuno non viene raggiunto comunque, ma almeno allarga il range dei potenziali avvantaggiati da “i soliti nerd” a “i soliti nerd e tutti quelli che conoscono un nerd o che conoscono qualcuno che conosce un nerd”, ed è un aumento significativo¹
¹ anche considerata la propensione alla socialità tipica del nerd medio, grazie al secondo passaggio :D
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Filed under: stop procrastinating (on one specific task) challenge 2024.
yesterday I've drafted a suitable womanswear trousers block. I've printed it out, so that I can start making a quick mockup before converting it into a jeans pattern¹ with all of the fiddly bits.
this morning I'm supposed to start doing that mockup.
and here I am, writing stuff on the fediverse.
I'm not starting very well, right?
¹ something like sewing-patterns.trueelena.org/… , except for people with more *bustle* than belly :D
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Kermode reshared this.
@StatusSquatter :squat: 🍫 @LaVi 🕊️📚🐈 no, la tasca dei jeans è fatta di una stoffa diversa dal resto dei jeans, perché deve essere di stoffa leggera (per non ingombrare), ma densa (per resistere a tutto quello che si può voler mettere in tasca, tipo i cacciavite). Nella foto è la stoffa più chiara.
La parte più scura è quella che si vede dall'esterno dei jeans, e deve essere fatta della stessa stoffa del resto dei pantaloni (soprattutto per estetica, ma anche per funzionalità, a seconda della stoffa che si sta usando per i pantaloni). Nella foto è la parte nera
Nella parte che rimarrà libera viene cucita alla base di materiale per tasche, gli altri lati vengono imbastiti, ma poi verranno tenuti assieme dalle cuciture del fianco e della cintura, che sono anche ciò che tiene stabilmente attaccata la tasca ai pantaloni.
sewing-patterns.trueelena.org/… <- qui ci sono le istruzioni con le foto passo passo di quel che sto facendo, e magari si capisce meglio come verrà assemblato tutto quanto.
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StatusSquatter :squat: 🍫 reshared this.
A Corset or Two
Posted on January 7, 2024
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:sewing, period:victorian, FreeSoftWear
CW for body size change mentions
I needed a corset, badly.
Years ago I had a chance to have my measurements taken by a former professional corset maker and then a lesson in how to draft an underbust corset, and that lead to me learning how nice wearing a well-fitted corset feels.
Later I tried to extend that pattern up for a midbust corset, with success.
And then my body changed suddenly, and I was no longer able to wear either of those, and after a while I started missing them.
Since my body was still changing (if no longer drastically so), and I didn’t want to use expensive materials for something that had a risk of not fitting after too little time, I decided to start by making myself a summer lightweight corset in aida cloth and plastic boning (for which I had already bought materials). It fitted, but not as well as the first two ones, and I’ve worn it quite a bit.
I still wanted back the feeling of wearing a comfy, heavy contraption of coutil and steel, however.
After a lot of procrastination I redrafted a new pattern, scrapped everything, tried again, had my measurements taken by a dressmaker [#dressmaker], put them in the draft, cut a first mock-up in cheap cotton, fixed the position of a seam, did a second mock-up in denim [#jeans] from an old pair of jeans, and then cut into the cheap herringbone coutil I was planning to use.
And that’s when I went to see which one of the busks in my stash would work, and realized that I had used a wrong vertical measurement and the front of the corset was way too long for a midbust corset.
Luckily I also had a few longer busks, I basted one to the denim mock up and tried to wear it for a few hours, to see if it was too long to be comfortable. It was just a bit, on the bottom, which could be easily fixed with the Power Tools1.
Except, the more I looked at it the more doing this felt wrong: what I needed most was a midbust corset, not an overbust one, which is what this was starting to be.
I could have trimmed it down, but I knew that I also wanted this corset to be a wearable mockup for the pattern, to refine it and have it available for more corsets. And I still had more than half of the cheap coutil I was using, so I decided to redo the pattern and cut new panels.
And this is where the “or two” comes in: I’m not going to waste the overbust panels: I had been wanting to learn some techniques to make corsets with a fashion fabric layer, rather than just a single layer of coutil, and this looks like an excellent opportunity for that, together with a piece of purple silk that I know I have in the stash. This will happen later, however, first I’m giving priority to the underbust.
Anyway, a second set of panels was cut, all the seam lines marked with tailor tacks, and I started sewing by inserting the busk.
And then realized that the pre-made boning channel tape I had was too narrow for the 10 mm spiral steel I had plenty of. And that the 25 mm twill tape was also too narrow for a double boning channel. On the other hand, the 18 mm twill tape I had used for the waist tape was good for a single channel, so I decided to put a single bone on each seam, and then add another piece of boning in the middle of each panel.
Since I’m making external channels, making them in self fabric would have probably looked better, but I no longer had enough fabric, because of the cutting mishap, and anyway this is going to be a strictly underwear only corset, so it’s not a big deal.
Once the boning channel situation was taken care of, everything else proceeded quite smoothly and I was able to finish the corset during the Christmas break, enlisting again my SO to take care of the flat steel boning while I cut the spiral steels myself with wire cutters.
I could have been a bit more precise with the binding, as it doesn’t align precisely at the front edge, but then again, it’s underwear, nobody other than me and everybody who reads this post is going to see it and I was in a hurry to see it finished. I will be more careful with the next one.
I also think that I haven’t been careful enough when pressing the seams and applying the tape, and I’ve lost about a cm of width per part, so I’m using a lacing gap that is a bit wider than I planned for, but that may change as the corset gets worn, and is still within tolerance.
Also, on the morning after I had finished the corset I woke up and realized that I had forgotten to add garter tabs at the bottom edge. I don’t know whether I will ever use them, but I wanted the option, so maybe I’ll try to add them later on, especially if I can do it without undoing the binding.
The next step would have been flossing, which I proceeded to postpone until I’ve worn the corset for a while: not because there is any reason for it, but because I still don’t know how I want to do it :)
What was left was finishing and uploading the pattern and instructions, that are now on my sewing pattern websiteas #FreeSoftWear, and finally I could post this on the blog.
- i.e. by asking my SO to cut and sand it, because I’m lazy and I hate doing that part :D↩︎
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Random Sashiko + Crazy Quilt Pocket
Posted on January 5, 2024
Lately I’ve seen people on the internet talking about victorian crazy quilting. Years ago I had watched a Numberphile video about Hitomezashi Stitch Patterns based on numbers, words or randomness. Few weeks ago I had cut some fabric piece out of an old pair of jeans and I had a lot of scraps that were too small to do anything useful on their own. It easy to see where this can go, right?
I cut a pocket shape out of old garment mockups (this required some piecing), drew a square grid, arranged scraps of jeans to cover the other side, kept everything together with a lot of pins, carefully avoided basting anything, and started covering everything in sashiko / hitomezashi stitches, starting each line with a stitch on the front or the back of the work based on the result of:
import random
random.choice(["front", "back"])
For the second piece I tried to use a piece of paper with the square grid instead of drawing it on the fabric: it worked, mostly, I would not do it again as removing the paper was more of a hassle than drawing the lines in the first place. I suspected it, but had to try it anyway.
Then I added a lining from some plain black cotton from the stash; for the slit I put the lining on the front right sides together, sewn at 2 mm from the marked slit, cut it, turned the lining to the back side, pressed and then topstitched as close as possible to the slit from the front.
I bound everything with bias tape, adding herringbone tape loops at the top to hang it from a belt (such as one made from the waistband of one of the donor pair of jeans) and that was it.
I like the way the result feels; maybe it’s a bit too stiff for a pocket, but I can see it work very well for a bigger bag, and maybe even a jacket or some other outer garment.
Mre. Dartigen [maker mode] likes this.
@Kermode if you follow the link to the post on friendica (not that to the blog) you can see how people on friendica sees it, with inline images :)
mastodon afaik doesn't support them at all
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Non è già finito tutto l'hype?
Di meta e metastasi non ne ho visto l'ombra...
Ma poi siamo veramente sicuri che qualcuno lo stia usando?
Delle poche persone che conosco che usano Minkiagram nessuno ha la minima idea di cosa sia Freds
@❄️ freezr ❄️ più che finito l'hype non è mai iniziato: che io sappia la federazione ancora non c'è se non per tre account sperimentali (e solo monodirezionale).
Però un po' di post sull'argomento li vedo ancora passare
❄️ freezr ❄️ likes this.
❄️ freezr ❄️ likes this.
I accidentally read my Mastodon instance's front page without logging in, and oh my, it looked a lot like Twitter, sans ads. Here in the fediverse, your experience probably depends even more on who you follow, because there is no algorithm and no paid ads.
My personal advice: If you're optimizing for mental health and happiness, find people who are illuminators and builders. Boost their words and work. You are the best algorithm for sharing goodness in the world.
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Crescent Shawl
Posted on January 2, 2024
One of the knitting projects I’m working on is a big bottom-up triangular shawl in less-than-fingering weight yarn (NM 1/15): it feels like a cloud should by all rights feel, and I have good expectations out of it, but it’s taking forever and a day.
And then one day last spring I started thinking in the general direction of top-down shawls, and decided I couldn’t wait until I had finished the first one to see if I could design one.
For my first attempt I used an odd ball of 50% wool 50% plastic I had in my stash and worked it on 12 mm tree trunks, and I quickly made something between a scarf and a shawl that got some use during the summer thunderstorms when temperatures got a bit lower, but not really cold. I was happy with the shape, not with the exact position of the increases, but I had ideas for improvements, so I just had to try another time.
Digging through the stash I found four balls of Drops Alpaca in two shades of grey: I had bought it with the intent to test its durability in somewhat more demanding situations (such as gloves or even socks), but then the LYS1 no longer carries it, so I might as well use it for something a bit more one-off (and when I received the yarn it felt so soft that doing something for the upper body looked like a better idea anyway).
I decided to start working in garter stitch with the darker colour, then some garter stitch in the lighter shade and to finish with yo / k2t lace, to make the shawl sort of fade out.
The first half was worked relatively slowly through the summer, and then when I reached the colour change I suddenly picked up working on it and it was finished in a couple of weeks.
looks denser in a nice way, but the the lace border is scrunched up.
Then I had doubts on whether I wanted to block it, since I liked the soft feel, but I decided to try it anyway: it didn’t lose the feel, and the look is definitely better, even if it was my first attempt at blocking a shawl and I wasn’t that good at it.
I’m glad that I did it, however, as it’s still soft and warm, but now also looks nicer.
The pattern is of course online as #FreeSoftWear on my fiber craft patterns website.
- at least local to somebody: I can’t get to a proper yarn shop by foot, so I’ve bought this yarn online from one that I could in theory reach on a day trip, but it has not happened yet.↩︎
The Y2K bug is a great illustration that a well-handled potential disaster looks like “nothing happened” in retrospect. The fact that Y2K seemed to be a non-event is a testament to how seriously people took this emergency, and how everyone buckled down and averted a worldwide infrastructure disaster.
I started working at Honeywell Aerospace (AlliedSignal back then) in 1998, and by that time people were already working on Y2K issues. We were in the GPS navigation business, and there were real issues that would have caused aircraft navigation to go awry unless they were fixed.
People buckled down, found the bugs, ran simulations, got FAA sign-offs, and deployed the fixes to all affected aircraft well before Y2K. Thanks to the effort, “nothing happened”. But I assure you (bad) things would have happened if we did nothing. infosec.exchange/@tychotithonu…
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
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I had a similar experience. I started work at Cardiff University in 1999. Everyone wasooking at systems there and fixing two-digit year problems. We got it done and, of course, 'nothing happened'.
It was called a 'millennium bug' but really it's a century problem. So I'm wondering if we will have the same problem in 2099/2100.
@'ö-Dzin Tridral 🏴 I would sure hope they were updated to either four-digit years or epoch timestamps, so either they'd have no problem with 2100 or they might fail already in y2k38.
I highly recommend supporting the Standard Ebooks project. 📚
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@bookandswordblog my understanding is that this is not really the time when anything Disney has really become free to use, that there are still so many limitations on the use of Mickey Mouse as a character (thanks to trademarks, subsequent restyling, etc.) that they could afford letting the copyright expire (instead of lobbying for another extension) because nothing is really going to change anyway.
I'd love to be proved wrong.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
TIL: one of the presidential cars of Italy (not the main one, of course) is an Ape Piaggio.
thanks @Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua for the wikipedia trip that lead me to that page :D
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TIL: una delle auto presidenziali italiane (ovviamente non la principale) è un Ape Piaggio
Grazie a @Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua per avermi spedito in un wikipedia trip che mi ha portato a quella pagina :D
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I've been influenced
Posted on December 30, 2023
By the influencers on the famous proprietary video platform1.
When I’m crafting with no powertools I tend to watch videos, and this autumn I’ve seen a few in a row that were making red wool dresses, at least one or two medieval kirtles. I don’t remember which channels they were, and I’ve decided not to go back and look for them, at least for a time.
Anyway, my brain suddenly decided that I needed a red wool dress, fitted enough to give some bust support. I had already made a dress that satisfied the latter requirementand I still had more than half of the red wool faille I’ve used for the Garibaldi blouse (still not blogged, but I will get to it), and this time I wanted it to be ready for this winter.
While the pattern I was going to use is Victorian, it was designed for underwear, and this was designed to be outerwear, so from the very start I decided not to bother too much with any kind of historical details or techniques.
I knew that I didn’t have enough fabric to add a flounce to the hem, as in the cotton dress, but then I remembered that some time ago I fell for a piece of fringed trim in black, white and red. I did a quick check that the red wasn’t clashing (it wasn’t) and I knew I had a plan for the hem decoration.
Then I spent a week finishing other projects, and the more I thought about this dress, the more I was tempted to have spiral lacing at the front rather than buttons, as a nod to the kirtle inspiration. It may end up be a bit of a hassle, but if it is too much I can always add a hidden zipper on a side seam, and only have to undo a bit of the lacing around the neckhole to wear the dress.
Finally, I could start working on the dress: I cut all of the main pieces, and since the seam lines were quite curved I marked them with tailor’s tacks, which I don’t exactly enjoy doing or removing, but are the only method that was guaranteed to survive while manipulating this fabric (and not leave traces afterwards).
While cutting the front pieces I accidentally cut the high neck line instead of the one I had used on the cotton dress: I decided to go for it also on the back pieces and decide later whether I wanted to lower it.
Since this is a modern dress, with no historical accuracy at all, and I have access to a serger, I decided to use some dark blue cotton voile I’ve had in my stash for quite some time, cut into bias strip, to bind the raw edges before sewing. This works significantly better than bought bias tape, which is a bit too stiff for this.
For the front opening, I’ve decided to reinforce the areas where the lacing holes will be with cotton: I’ve used some other navy blue cotton, also from the stash, and added two lines of cording to stiffen the front edge.
So I’ve cut the front in two pieces rather than on the fold, sewn the reinforcements to the sewing allowances in such a way that the corded edge was aligned with the center front and then sewn the bottom of the front seam from just before the end of the reinforcements to the hem.
The allowances are then folded back, and then they are kept in place by the worked lacing holes. The cotton was pinked, while for the wool I used the selvedge of the fabric and there was no need for any finishing.
Behind the opening I’ve added a modesty placket: I’ve cut a strip of red wool, a strip of cotton, folded the edge of the strip of cotton to the center, added cording to the long sides, pressed the allowances of the wool towards the wrong side, and then handstitched the cotton to the wool, wrong sides facing. This was finally handstitched to one side of the sewing allowance of the center front.
I’ve also decided to add real pockets, rather than just slits, and for some reason I decided to add them by hand after I had sewn the dress, so I’ve left opening in the side back seams, where the slits were in the cotton dress. I’ve also already worn the dress, but haven’t added the pockets yet, as I’m still debating about their shape. This will be fixed in the near future.
Another thing that will have to be fixed is the trim situation: I like the fringe at the bottom, and I had enough to also make a belt, but this makes the top of the dress a bit empty. I can’t use the same fringe tape, as it is too wide, but it would be nice to have something smaller that matches the patterned part. And I think I can make something suitable with tablet weaving, but I’m not sure on which materials to use, so it will have to be on hold for a while, until I decide on the supplies and have the time for making it.
Another improvement I’d like to add are detached sleeves, both matching (I should still have just enough fabric) and contrasting, but first I want to learn more about real kirtle construction, and maybe start making sleeves that would be suitable also for a real kirtle.
Meanwhile, I’ve worn it on Christmas (over my 1700s menswear shirt with big sleeves) and may wear it again tomorrow (if I bother to dress up to spend New Year’s Eve at home :D )
- yep, that’s YouTube, of course.↩︎
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“Uh oh, I know that meow. That’s the COME LOOK WHAT I CAUGHT FOR YOU HOOMAM meow”
“I’ll get the paper towels, you go see what it is”
“Honey, hurry up, it’s a fairy and I think it’s still alive”
“Pity. Good kitty, mama’s full up you can eat it sweetie”
“What? But this is incredible, an actual fairy, who knew they were real”
“Women knew. And cats of course. Little bastards”
“I thought you liked cats?”
“I mean the fairies. Go look at a nineteenth century cemetery and count the gravestones of babies. That’s what happens when you don’t have enough fairy predators”
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TIL, la campagna sbb.ch/it/campagna/piedi-per-t… con il Berna come testimonial d'ecceziun.
navigando con firefox col preservativo non son riuscita a far partire i video, ma qui ci sono i link diretti su youtube che si possono passare agli strumenti appositi:
per chi non sa, cercare Frontaliers (sempre su youtube)
I drew this 12 months ago, as LLM code assistants were just becoming available.
Has it held up?
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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NoBeret :verified: Fun Killer reshared this.
mah, ora di quel punto eravamo più indirizzati verso i dolci, per la verità :D
i ditalini in brodo son troppo leggeri :)
(in realtà l'aspettativa vera è che ci saranno abbastanza avanzi per non dover cucinare per una settimana, a meno che parte degli avanzi non venga portata via, nel qual caso tre famiglie non dovranno cucinare per un paio di giorni)
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È il mio programma per il 26: molto brodo e molte cipolle, però con un poco di formaggio e crostini.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
- No matter how good your uplink is, localhost is faster
- Sometimes connectivity is poor or absent (on planes, country-side etc)
- Grep is faster that any search engine
- You can save on battery and metered SIM data
- Debian removes privacy-breaching images, javascript, cookies, ads
- Installed documentation is always at the same version as the language/tool/library
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Oblomov reshared this.
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on the plus side, this means that the good ones fit in the container(s) I have, and it wouldn't have fit otherwise.
also thanks to the fact that a few pieces have disappeared between the time when it was baked and the time when I've put them away
I thought that there was a 80-ish kg cat in this house, but there must also be a 80-ish kg mouse :D
Dr Ms Kat likes this.
Right then. The #CrossBorderRail Board Game prototype is ready!
All the info here:
You can download the files for the board, cards, rules, and there are printing instructions too.
Try it out and tell me what you think!
EDIT: PDF, ODT and DOCX files now available for all the game docs
#CrossBorderRail The Board Game - #CrossBorderRail
In mid December 2023 I was working on a documentary with a Dutch film crew and the producer asked me “Jon, did you ever think of making a board game to explain the problems with international rail in Europe?” I had not ever thought of that, but then …#CrossBorderRail
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
@Jon Worth There is a bug in the pdf for the incident cards: one of the cards is not aligned with the rest but truncated between two columns on page 5.
I haven't looked at the odt / docx files yet because I'd need to install libreoffice first (my problem, not something that normal people would have :D ), so I don't know if those are already ok
Thanks for publishing the PDFs for odd nerds like me, however :D
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
L'altro giorno @Vi 💙 postava livellosegreto.it/@Vi/11155540… con degli #origami cuciti su stoffa
e oggi un blog che seguo annuncia di aver pubblicato un cartamodello zero waste per un top con degli origami lizhaywood.com.au/finished-a-y…
lo devo prendere come un segno? :D
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@Vi 💙
aggiunto alla lista dei progetti da fare.
assieme ad un cappello come quello in youtube.com/watch?v=6mp_99vLc4…
e il corsetto a cui stavo lavorando stanno molto probabilmente per diventare due corsetti
non finirò più :D
(il lato positivo è: non avrò mai carenza di cose da fare e non mi annoierò)
(l'altro lato positivo è che per ora ho già tutto il materiale che mi serve, non devo / voglio comprare altro)
Vi 💙 likes this.
Come sta andando con il corsetto? È una di quelle cose che ho sempre voluto provare, ma non ho ancora avuto il coraggio e il tempo di cimentarmi
L'unica cosa negativa di quel tipo di lavoro è che si mangia davvero tanta stoffa
@Vi 💙 effettivamente al libro stavo facendo un mezzo pensiero, non tanto come cosa da prendere ora, quanto come cosa da mettere in lista per “prima o poi”.
Sul mangiare tanta stoffa, credo che usato come in quel modello possa funzionare bene, per raccogliere tanta stoffa nella parte alta del modello, e poi averla per fare volume sotto.
ho qualche perplessità che sia veramente un metodo più efficiente che non tagliare la stoffa in modo più sagomato, anche perché con una cosa così strutturata ho il sospetto che sia difficile disfarla senza lasciare segni per poter riaggiustare il capo ad una taglia diversa, che dovrebbe essere il vantaggio di molte tecniche storiche in cui si sagoma con pieghe anziché tagli (e immagino che non sia neanche elastico come alcune forme di smocking).
però è bella, e se volessi veramente risparmiare stoffa non mi vestirei con i vestiti ispirati storicamente per cui per fare un capo, beh, minimo minimo un tre metri di stoffa meglio prenderli, e magari son pochi :D
Vi 💙 likes this.
@Vi 💙
fare un corsetto è un lavoro che chiede pazienza e precisione, ma non è così difficile, tutto sommato.
mettere a misura un corsetto o disegnarsi da zero il cartamodello è un po' più complicato, o quantomeno se non si è capaci richiede un po' più di tentativi.
tutto questo per dire... ho appurato che i pezzi che avevo tagliato originariamente per il corsetto (midbust) sono decisamente sbagliati e non so come ho fatto a non accorgermene con il mockup, ma per fortuna sono quasi giusti per un corsetto overbust (ci sarà da rifilare un po' il bordo sotto, poco male). però un corsetto overbust in coutil spigato economico con le canaline esterne fatte con la fettuccia spigata non ha molto senso, è troppo biancheria.
quindi in questo momento ho appena finito di tagliare una nuova versione del cartamodello che è quasi sistemata (forse ne dovrò fare un'altra, ma credo di essere vicina alla fine) e taglierò di nuovo i pezzi nella stoffa avanzata, e ripartirò da capo.
Dopodiché, ieri sera ho ripescato un pezzo di seta dallo stash, e beh, non che io abbia *bisogno* di un corsetto overbust, ma già che ho il coutil tagliato, volevo giusto un'occasione per provare la tecnica del roll pinning, e perché non questa? :D
Intanto, sono tentata di andare a re-indossare il mockup del corsetto sbagliato con il busk (attaccato in malo modo, ho una foto ma è ancora sulla macchina fotografica) troppo lungo che preme sulle gambe quando mi siedo, ma per tutto il resto è così comfy e abbraccioso :D
A proposito di shadowfold invece ho scoperto di avere anche la versione pdf, se ti interessa te lo giro!
@Vi 💙 io ho avuto l'opportunità di farmi insegnare uno di quei metodi da una ex-sarta specializzata, e il primo corsetto che ho fatto con il modello disegnato assieme a lei è venuto subito su misura perfetta.
la parte difficile però in tutto ciò è prendere le misure (cosa che quel giorno ha fatto lei); adesso che le mie misure sono cambiate drasticamente ho dovuto ripartire da zero, e si vede :D
Se tutto va bene poi ho intenzione di pubblicare anche io il file per generare il modello a partire dalle misure (sto provando a modificare leggermente la tecnica che mi avevano insegnato), ma il mio richiederà l'uso di un programma apposta (valentina, libero, ma bisogna imparare ad usarlo), non è comodo online, purtroppo.
Vi 💙 likes this.
@Vi 💙
quello che sto facendo adesso comunque è partire dalle misure prese, fare un mockup, e poi in base ai problemi del mockup aggiustare le misure, in modo che io possa poi riusarle per generare eventualmente altri modelli di forma diversa.
Vi 💙 likes this.
Contrary to popular belief, the fediverse actually isn’t powered by activitypub. It’s powered by cats. Each time a cat picture is posted it powers the network like a generator extracting cuteness from the photos to power federation. That is why caturday is so important.
Remember, do your part and post your kitty cats
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last weekend I ordered the flour I need to bake bread for the holidays (and the rest of the month or two), it was supposed to be here on tuesday.
on tuesday they delivered one of the three boxes (with mostly cookies) and told me that the two other boxes would have been here on wednesday
on wednesday no news until the evening, when the tracking page announced it would have been here on thursday
on thursday it was scheduled for delivery in the morning, and after the “probably before” time it was rescheduled for today
this morning it was scheduled for the late afternoon, so in the morning I left the house for a medical visit, then Diego also left the house, and as soon as he had left the house the flour arrived. left on the ground, outdoors.
My mother asked a neighbor for help bringing the package to an indoor location, he answered that there was no problem in bringing it even to my flat, picked up the package and decided to leave it at the bottom of the stairs, panting. And asked my mother how do I manage to carry those things.
Then I came back home, picked up the box and brought it up the stairs (slowly. and arrived at the top panting, as usual. I'm not especially fit or anything). And I'm here thinking about all of the “picking up weights is men's work” I've been hearing in my life :D
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Lo scorso weekend ho comprato la farina per il pane per le feste (e il mese o due successivi); arrivo previsto martedì.
martedì han consegnato una scatola su tre (con dei biscotti) e mi han detto che le altre sarebbero arrivate mercoledì.
mercoledì nessuna notizia fino alla sera, quando la consegna è stata prevista per giovedì.
giovedì consegna pianificata alla mattina, e poco dopo l'ora massima prevista è stata ripianificata per il venerdì
stamattina la consegna era stata pianificata per il tardo pomeriggio, quindi sono uscita per andare a fare una visita medica. poi è uscito anche Diego. e appena era uscito anche lui hanno consegnato la farina. lasciata per terra all'aperto.
Mia madre ha chiesto aiuto ad un vicino per portarla nell'atrio al coperto, il vicino ha risposto che non c'erano problemi anche a portarmela in casa, ha sollevato la scatola e ha deciso di lasciarla nell'atrio, col fiatone. E ha chiesto a mia madre com'è che faccio io a trasportare quei pacchi.
Dopo un po' sin rientrata, preso il pacco e portato su dalle scale (lentamente. e sono arrivata in cima col fiatone come sempre, non è che io sia particolarmente allenata o che). E sono qui che continuo a pensare a tutte le volte che mi han detto che portar pesi è un lavoro da uomo :D
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Si concludono inesorabilmente con me che completo il compito e l'inetto che resta a guardare. Alcuni a caso che mi vengono in mente: montare un mobile, accendere un fuoco, montare una tenda da campeggio, parcheggiare la macchina, organizzare un trasloco, tirare fuori una jeep dal pantano, riparare computer, guidare una macchina su un brutto sterrato...
Tutti ovviamente compiti ritenuti stupidamente "maschili" che di maschile hanno assolutamente nulla. Però tanti cisuomini pensano che queste skills siano in dotazione con l'uccello, e si lanciano a fare figure di merda.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
@:ancomheart: Manu poi per carità, quello che gli era stato chiesto di fare il vicino l'ha fatto, eh (mettere in salvo il pacco fino all'arrivo di una persona in grado di trasportarlo su per le scale).
lui non è il problema, sono tutti gli altri
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
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Fun fact:
There is basically no evidence for a pre Christian origin for the Christmas tree. In fact, the evidence we do have shows Christmas trees emerging as a custom in the 15th century beginning in Alsace and spreading out from there.
Bonus fact:
The first Christmas tree in the UK was not set up by prince Albert but rather queen Charlotte (the one from Bridgerton), queen Victoria's grandmother.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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it's a good thing that the coutil I'm currently marking with tailor's tacks for a corset is black, because both the paper pattern and the basting thread currently have a red stain.
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Menomale che il coutil su cui sto mettendo le marche per fare un corsetto è nero, perché al momento sia il cartamodello che il filo per imbastire hanno una macchia rossa.
Rapita dagli alieni likes this.
And I've just realized that while I do have plenty of spiral boning and a length of shiny rayon boning casing in my stash, they are not in the size needed for each other.
I do have enough coutil to make self-fabric boning channels, I was just hoping to not have to, and enough twill tape to make boning channels out of that (but I'm not sure I'd like them as external channels).
And the front of the pattern is significantly longer than the busk I planned to use, and I don't understand how I didn't realize it from the mockup.
(Luckily I do have a couple of busks that I expected to be too long for me, but “you can always cut them down to size”, so I still have multiple options (either trim down the corset fabric or use the longer busk).
E mi sono appena resa conto che ho effettivamente abbondanti stecche di metallo e della canalina per stecche di rayon luccicose nello stash, ma non sono della misura giusta l'uno per l'altra.
Ho abbastanza coutil per fare le canaline, ma speravo di non doverlo fare, e ho abbastanza nastro spigato per farle di nastro (ma non son sicura che stiano bene messe all'esterno).
E il pezzo davanti è significativamente più lungo del busk (stecca coi ganci? non so come si chiami in italiano) che pensavo di usare, e non ho capito come ho fatto a non accorgermene dal provino.
(Per fortuna ho un paio di busk che pensavo fossero troppo lunghi per la mia misura, ma “si possono sempre tagliare su misura”, quindi ho anche qui un paio di possibilità (accorciare la stoffa, oppure usare il busk più lungo))
Watcher In The Dark likes this.
Updated: Please, Expose your RSS rknight.me/please-expose-your-…
Added @james's suggestion (which I've done on my site) of making the RSS icon/button orange.
Please, Expose your RSS
I noticed a lot of people don't have a link to their RSS feeds on their sites or have the correct metadata for auto-discoveryrknight.me
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Wow, new lore just dropped!
Copying tumblr post text verbatim for posterity:
In this unpublished tablet, held by the British Museum, we find the copper merchant Ea-Naṣir and his associate Ilushu-illassu writing to a couple of men to reassure them. Although the situation is missing some context, there are some real gems in the context of the famous letter to Ea-Naṣir.
One of the men intimidating the recipients is named Mr. Shorty (kurûm).
Ea-Naṣir complains that people don't believe him.
Ea-Naṣir mentions giving "the ingots that we talked about" to someone.
The repeated encouragements — "don't be scared!" "don't be critical!" "don't worry!" — sound a lot like Ea-Naṣir is trying to reassure someone that a situation hasn't gone sideways (but it has).
Say to Shumun-libshi and the Zabardabbû:
[1]Ea-Naṣir and Ilushu-illassu say:
As for the situation with Mr. "Shorty" and Erissum-matim, who came here, don't be scared.
I made them enter the temple of the Sun-God and take an oath. They said, "We didn't come about these matters; we came for our businesses."
I said, "I will write to them" — but they didn't believe me!
He said, "I had a quarrel with Mr. Shumun-libshi." He said, "[...] to his partner. I took, and you did not [...] You didn't give to me."
Within 3 days, I'll come to the city of Larsa.
Also, I spoke with Erissum-matim and said, "What is your sign?"
[2]I said to the kettle-maker (?), "Go with Ilum-gamil the Zabardabbû, and take the shortfall for me, and put it in the city of Enimma."
Also, don't neglect your [...].
Also, I have given the ingots that we talked about to the men.
P.S. Don't be critical! Get the [...] from them! Don't worry! We’ll come to you.
[3][1] Zabardabbû is a Sumerian loanword that literally means "bronze-holder" but came to mean some sort of official title in the palace and temple. Given the context, though, it may literally mean "coppersmith" here.
[2] The "sign" could mean an occult omen, a personality type, or even a password.
[3] This "postscript" was written on the sides of the tablet.
#eaNasir #Archaeology #Mesopotamia
Ea-Naṣir Reassures Two Men (UET V 72)
In this unpublished tablet, held by the British Museum, we find the copper merchant Ea-Naṣir and his associate Ilushu-illassu writing to a couple of men to reassure them. Although the situation is m…Tumblr
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Due to an issue in ext4 with data corruption in kernel 6.1.64-1, we are a pausing the 12.3 image release for today while we attend to fixes. Please do not update any systems at this time, we urge caution for users with UnattendeUpgrades configured. Please
Due to an issue in ext4 with data corruption in kernel 6.1.64-1, we are a pausing the 12.3 image release for today while we attend to fixes. Please do not update any systems at this time, we urge caution for users with UnattendeUpgrades configured.micronews.debian.org
highvoltage likes this.
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My take on the Debian servers I administrate (because there's still no updated package): switch to kernel 6.5 from backports. In short (be careful, sometimes Mastodon hides the scheme of the URL, but we need it here):
apt install apt-transport-https
echo "" >>/etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-backports main contrib non-free non-free-firmware" >>/etc/apt/sources.list
apt update
apt install -t bookworm-backports linux-image-amd64
A reminder: When that major security bug shows up in one of your dependencies, and you need to ship a fix right now, that's not the time to discover you're 3 years and 6 API-breaking changes behind the version that has the fix.
Upgrade your dependencies when you don't *have* to. That way, when it is critical, it will be fast and low-risk.
This is *especially* true about that risky upgrade you've been avoiding. Take the hit now when you can schedule it. Don't let others schedule it for you.
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TFW a metà mattinata passi da piazzale Kennedy a Varese e ti casca l'orecchio su un avviso di guasti agli impianti in stazione a Saronno, per cui decidi di passare al volo in stazione a vedere cosa sta succedendo.
E boh, avvisano di potenziali ritardi, ma tutto sommato la situazione è abbastanza tranquilla.
Ci sono linee privilegiate, per quel gestore ferroviario.
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Every time you're making a garment that has double layers, like a double layer back yoke, a standing collar, cuffs, anything... If you're working with a thicker or denser fabric and feel like it doesn't actually need the support or might get too bulky, you can just use a different, thinner fabric for half of it!
If it's a matching colour and texture, nobody will notice. If it's contrasting, it might look fun.
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But you do see silk organza used to face neck openings on silk taffeta dresses, cotton strips to face wool bodice edges, thin cotton batiste to finish pockets on jeans, and so on, both in modern couture, industrial garment manufacturing and historical fashion.
It lets you use less of the actual fabric, too!
I've just received a newsletter from a shop with (text in brackets mine):
“Now is the time to stock up on [fancy] embroidery floss for long winter evenings spent with a needle in hand.”
and doesn't it feel very post easily available artificial lightning?
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Ho appena ricevuto la newsletter di un negozio che diceva (traduzione e testo tra parentesi miei:
“Adesso è il momento di fare scorte di filo da ricamo [fighetto] per le lunghe sere d'inverno passate con l'ago in mano”
e quanto non da una sensazione di vivere in un epoca in cui la luce artificiale è comodamente a disposizione?
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Alfierə del software libero, a me!
Nel 2024 vorrei lanciare una mia newsletter. Per Zona Warpa ci appoggiamo ad Autistici/Inventati, ma questo sarebbe un progetto personale, quindi dovrei trovare un'altra soluzione.
Avete consigli? (Ovviamente rispettosi della privacy di chi si abbonerà, ma possibilmente non respingenti per chi viene da ambito generalista)
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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non ho ancora avuto tempo per provarli, ma per la mia associazione sto valutando Listmonk e Keila. Tienici aggiornati perché mi interessa l'argomento 😉
GitHub - knadh/listmonk: High performance, self-hosted, newsletter and mailing list manager with a modern dashboard. Single binary app.
High performance, self-hosted, newsletter and mailing list manager with a modern dashboard. Single binary app. - GitHub - knadh/listmonk: High performance, self-hosted, newsletter and mailing list ...GitHub
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sbarrax aka Marco Frattola likes this.
Jamey Sharp
in reply to Arne "Ice cold" Brasseur • • •Here in Portland we have a long-running non-profit called Free Geek (freegeek.org/) which:
It's fantastic and I would love to see more places clone the idea.
Home | Free Geek