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TIL that if you take a pair of old-ish¹ sneakers, put them in a box and forget about them for more than 10 years², and then take them out of the box and try to wear them, their plastic soles will have degraded to the point of unwearability.

OTOH, after the soles detached from the rest of the shoe I was left with relatively comfortable footwear for walking on floor protection felt, so they are still working at their job of protecting my feet from wall paint and it's a win, I guess?

¹ maybe 2-4 years?
² they were stained with wall paint, which I don't think influenced too much the degradation, but is the reason why I kept them and tried to use them now.

in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua those would require me to learn how to carve a wooden sole (and to get the tools for it).

Which is in the list of things I want to do, but probably after I've learned how to carve a wooden last and to make a leather soled 19th century shoe :D

(as I write this I'm sewing a rope sole, for a pair of slippers, but that's easy mode as far as shoemaking is involved :D )

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Actually I found wooden soles at the farmers' market in Cuneo, so check around you: maybe you can find them.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

TIL che a prendere un paio di scarpe da ginnastica vecchiotte¹, infilarle in una scatola e dimenticarsene per più di 10 anni², poi riprenderle e cercare di usarle, le suole di plastica si sono degradate al punto da non poter più essere usate.

D'altra parte, dopo che lo suole si sono staccate dal resto della scarpa mi è rimasta una calzatura tutto sommato comoda per camminare sui feltri proteggi pavimento, che quindi funziona per il suo lavoro di proteggere i miei piedi dalla vernice per pareti e quindi, boh, tutto è bene quel che finisce bene?

¹ forse avevano 2-4 anni?
² erano sporche di vernice, che non credo sia stata la causa della degradazione, ma è la ragione per cui le ho tenute e stavo cercando di usarle.

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