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TIL: if you press the “on” button on the kettle you get hotter water than if you didn't.


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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Wait, what? I did not know that. This makes the rig I built that concentrates sunlight on the water in my kettle through its spout using an intricate system of mirrors and lenses entirely unnecessary. Damn, I need to learn to read so that I can learn these things from manuals.
in reply to Lars Wirzenius

@Lars Wirzenius I mean, water heated by concentrated sunlight is still better than cold water at making (hot brew) tea, so I don't see where the problem in your contraption is :D

today here it wouldn't be working, however (it's raining a bit :) )

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

It's a little finicky and keeps frying passing aircraft, but, yes, it's not inherently bad
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

TIL: premendo il pulsante di accensione del bollitore si ottiene dell'acqua più calda che non a non premerlo


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