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My mind:

#guadec2024 today's schedule in #confy , timezone-adjusted 🙂

@Elena ``of Valhalla'' @rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

figura 2

nel caso dobbiate fare una locandina con lo spaccato di un porta-fucile da bicicletta... capita.

@Elena ``of Valhalla'' @rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua @Ju

Pablo de Rojas Sánchez-Franco, un bizzarro religioso ultraconservatore che nel 2005 fondò la Pia Unione di San Paolo Apostolo, un gruppo che la Chiesa cattolica considera una setta.

What's up at the Department of Unnecessary Projects #DepUnPr lately?

Here is Oliver ( #vala / #gtk4 / #libadwaita ) running on #osx (12.4, x86_64)

theme is WhiteSur; decoration layout forced in app (both just to make it blend a little more in osx); bundler script adapted from System76 Keyboard Configurator; #gtk4, #libadwaita via homebrew.

(I know: adwaita is a GNOME thing, custom themes are bad, it should be pure gtk etc etc ... , but I had it around and it was small enough for a test)

On a more useful note, while playing with this I've update Oliver interface and added some features and fixed some bugs. I could publish a new version soon.

I would like to release it as a #flatpak, but I'm not sure how to handle running php as as subprocess...

It's time for a new #pizza post!

Right out of the oven!

I'm making a #thing ...

still very much #WiP


#WiP #AP #thing #AS

when you've been using a #vim -like editor all day and you open #nano

#cli #cliproblems #musclememory

New little toy project in #vala #gtk4 / #libadwaita : Oliver, a simple GUI for PHPStan.

Select a folder, it runs phpstan found in vendor/bin subfolder, shows (searchable) results, monitors reported file for modification to automatically analyze project while coding.

It's called Oliver because, you know... Stan... Oliver...

Code here:

Got an icon. Yes, it looks like Tracker's icon, but look: the magnifying glass looks like a Q, with a text cursor. Because you can edit Queries... got it? Queries!


No, still no repo. But now it uses GtkSourceView! How cool! 😎

I'm doing some experiments with #tracker3 and #gtk4 model/view machinery.

So, for ease the test of #sparql queries against tracker, here it is Traqlr:

Cory Henry #live @ Fabrique, Milan

E niente, ieri sera stavo facendo bollire delle patate e mi son detto: "mah, la temperatura è quella giusta, quello che serve ce l'ho..."

Hei @PHP @PHP Foundation #php , what's up here?

How firefox is doing "unusual traffic from [my] computer network" (requiring a captcha to continue) , while GNOME Web isn't ?

#dEUS @ Magazzini Generali, Milano

#trenord in ritardo mi fa fare tardi anche in bici...

A quick'n'dirty in-browser experiment to incorporate a profile header image in #friendica user profile and status pages

The Kooks, Milano

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