I'm writting this on firefox in pinephone with a big screen and a keyboard :)
The magic spell seems to be: with wlr-randr turn off internal screen, turn off external htmi, turn back on external htmi. This way I got a signal on my external monitor.
(I ran that commands on a ssh session from the laptop)
The phone screen remains off. If I turn on the internal screen, I lose the hdmi.
When I unplug hdmi, internal screen turns on but wrong, and phosh is missing. I have to restart phosh from ssh (sudo systemctl restart phosh).
I have managed to have both displays turned on while trying to get phosh back after a crash with HDMI on. So probably there is a more powerful spell which is a level too high for me...
like this
(saved in dng by "Megapixels" application, retouched and scaled in Darktable)
>sfb< SigmundFreud'sBartender likes this.
A few days ago I was looking at some scraps of bark from what will become a new distaff and parts of my new backstrap loom. Then I was looking at the white wool on my other new distaff.
And well, this happened:
currently sitting on the balcony, wrapped in black fabric for at least one week, and I'll see what happens.
From what I've read, I suspect that the worst (but quite likely) thing that can happen is some shade of pink.
like this
Il comune ha acquistato un sistema di riconoscimento facciale e tracciamento dietro spinta di Huawei, e ha messo in piedi un test nel parco di fronte alla stazione. Il garante ha dichiarato illegale il sistema. Spreco di soldi, procedure fumose, amori e colpi di scena: non manca niente.
Da leggere anche l'articolo di Wired Italia di giugno.
magari se mettevo il link era meglio
Da leggere anche l'articolo di Wired Italia di giugno.
Piccola aggiunta: in entrambe le prove ho configurato il mio account nextcloud in "Account online" e senza dire ne "a" ne "bah" mi son trovato i contatti e il calendario sincronizzati. L'app Calendario non è propriamente pronta per il piccolo schermo. Per Contatti nessun problema.
Ancora non ho messo la SIM per vedere se telefona :D
no. the first decade started on 1 and ended on 10.
The 0s only had nine years, it happens.
Ciao a tutti.
segnalo l'esistenza del neonato gruppo @softwarelibero group ai gruppi dei due LUG che frequento, che immagino possano esserci degli interessati.
Ci sono già delle linee guida su cosa si vuole che venga postato? Immagino solo post in italiano.
Reply Guy reshared this.
So, looks like #archlinux enabled pam_faillock
by default, with default options so if you fail to input password 3 times in 15 minutes (in login, screen unlock or sudo), you are locked out for ten (10) minutes !!
Quite extreme, for people like me that have multiple devices with different password that can be connected to same keyboard, which leads to input wrong password at first (even second) try from time to time; add to this that I lock the screen quite often and you get a quite annoying picture..
If you are like me and you don't want to disable this because can be useful, but mostly because you don't want to fiddle with pam config file, you can edit /etc/security/faillock.conf
and set more sane settings. (thanks to this forum thread)
If you get locked out, but you have root access, you can reset the lock with
# faillock --user yourusername --reset
Questo? peertube.debian.social/videos/…
(credo che highvoltage abbia postato tutti gli shoutout sul suo canale peertube)
in reply to Fabio • •Hypolite Petovan likes this.