on unrelated news: I've unpacked the sewing machine and sewed something!
it's just a draft stopper, but I've sewed something!
(next #sewing “project”: changing the elastic to some pajama pants. If I can find where the box with the elastics is. fancy, right?)
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
our weekend started Saturday morning with a nice, relaxing 2+ hours walk (uphill, of course) in the woods, to take a break.
then it was followed by an afternoon of packing things up, carrying them down the stairs, loading them in the car (not the *boot* of the car, the car. anywhere there was a free cubic centimeter that was safe to load), driving, unloading the car, carrying the boxes up the stairs.
the same thing happened Sunday morning
And then today I waited for a person who didn't come, and while doing so I did another round of carrying boxes (that had already been packed) and loading them in the car, etc., this time alone.
And for some reason this evening as I changed the sheets on the bed my back started to complain about the workload or something :D
Oblomov reshared this.
And yesterday I've ordered by very first PCB!
a trivial one that I could have easily done with wires on perfboard (actually, a variation of one I've done a few times on perfboard), if I had not been out of the right size of perfboard and not wanting to bother with cutting a bigger one down to size :D
but I have wanted to try my hand at that for some time, but was somewhat intimidated by the whole thing, and as usual doing it in anger is good at overcoming intimidation :D
anyway, the point of this post is to say thank you to #librePCB for making the whole process quite smooth and to @federico :debian: for maintaining it in debian :D
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Dear #train-verse,
do you know if there is a website with real time position data on swiss trains? I'm interested in local trains, not long distance ones
For trains in Lombardy (Italy) I would use either viaggiatreno.it/ or trenord.it/linee-e-orari/circo… , but trying to track e.g. the 25410 or 25458 (Varese - Como line) there is a swiss shaped hole¹ in the data.
I've found tilo.ch/servizi/informazioni-t… and sbb.ch/it/informazioni-viaggio… but unless I'm mistaken none of these have real time data.
¹ I'm sure there is a swiss cheese related pun in there :D
Informazioni traffico ferroviario | TILO
Dove trovare informazioni su perturbazioni del traffico ferroviario, ritardi e scioperitilo
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
vediamo, sto seguendo un S50 (25568) che per ora è in italia, con 10 minuti di ritardo, e su quel sito risulta coi dati da orario anziché quelli in tempo reale (che afaik rsi non molla. o se lo fa usa formati non compatibili. inserire imprecazioni qui.)
Today's dinner is avocado toast on slices of artisanal bread with¹ wholewheat stone ground flour².
We're never getting rich, right?
¹ not 100%, just a bit because I had leftovers and wanted to get rid of them
² i.e. whatever stale bread I had from last week
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update: it was followed by bits of fresh cheese with fine herbs¹ covered with locally produced chestnut honey³, on durum wheat bread rolls².
¹ leftovers from stuff bought for the holiday feasts
² the other stale bread I had from yesterday
³ the honey is just a staple in this house, not a leftover :)
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Posted on January 10, 2025
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:painting, medium:acrylic
A few days ago1 I wanted to paint, but I didn’t know what to paint, so I did a few more colour tests to find out which green combinations I can get out of the available yellows and blues (and greens) acrylic I have (from a cheap student grade line).
I liked the cool grey tones in the second to last line, from 200 “Naples yellow” (PY3 PY83 PW6) and 410 Ultramarine blue (PB29), so I went up a step on the scale of “things to do when having a desire to paint, but the utter inability to actually paint something ” and did a bit of a study with those two colours plus titanium white.
And btw, painting with acrylics on watercolour paper taped to a sheet of scrap paper works just fine for stuff like this that is not supposed to last, but the work will get glued to the paper below when (not if) the paint overflows :D
- i.e. almost three months, and then I wrote 95% of this post and forgot to finish and publish it.↩︎
Oblomov reshared this.
Poor Man Media Server
Posted on January 9, 2025
Tags: madeof:atoms
Some time ago I installed minidlna on our media server: it was pretty easy to do, but quite limited in its support for the formats I use most, so I ended up using other solutions such as mounting the directory with sshfs.
Now, doing that from a phone, even a pinephone running debian, may not be as convenient as doing it from the laptop where I already have my ssh key :D and I needed to listed to music from the pinephone.
So, in anger, I decided to configure a web server to serve the files.
I installed lighttpd because I already had a role for this kind of configuration in my ansible directory, and configured it to serve the relevant directory in /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/20-music.conf
$HTTP["host"] =~ "music.example.org" {
server.name = "music.example.org"
server.document-root = "/path/to/music"
the domain was already configured in my local dns (since everything is only available to the local network), and I enabled both
and 10-dir-listing.conf
.And. That’s it. It works. I can play my CD rips on a single flac exactly in the same way as I was used to (by ssh-ing to the media server and using alsaplayer).
Then this evening I was talking to normal people1, and they mentioned that they wouldn’t mind being able to skip tracks and fancy things like those :D and I’ve found one possible improvement.
For the directories with the generated single-track ogg files I’ve added some playlists with the command ls *.ogg > playlist.m3u
, then in the directory above I’ve run ls */*.m3u > playlist.m3u
and that also works.
With vlc I can now open music.example.org/band/album/p…to listen to an album that I have in ogg, being able to move between tracks, or I can open music.example.org/band/playlis… and in the playlist view I can browse between the different albums.
Left as an exercise to the reader2 are writing a bash script to generate all of the playlist.m3u files (and running it via some git hook when the files change) or writing a php script to generate them on the fly.
- as much as the members of our LUG can be considered normal.↩︎
- i.e. the person in the LUG who wanted me to share what I had done.↩︎
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
I'm not sure whether this post will be updated, but I've updated the blog post with the php script provided by a reader.
Don't you all love it when reader do their exercises? :D
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Tutta Trenord è da intitolare. E stamattina l'ho intitolata diverse volte.
Confy 0.8.0
Hey! Confy 0.8.0 has been released!
In this release :
- Updated UI to latest Adwaita widgets and style
- An handy list of latest opened conferences at start (and in application menu)
- Talks list grouping can be set by user. Is there a multi-room track and you want to group the list of talks by room? Now you can!
- Fixed and enhanced XML parsing for past events (I know... better later than never!), eg: try to not panic on not expected date formats, try to handle completely different xml structures, extract and show speakers avatar if available. Man, I love the ever changing world of unstandardized XML schedule format!
Updated screenshots on official home page:
and in your nearest appstream-enabled appstore!
I would like to thank everyone who helped with code, tickets, distro packaging and general moral support :)
If you want to contribute, jump in the dev mailing list at lists.sr.ht/~fabrixxm/confy-de… or open a ticket at todo.sr.ht/~fabrixxm/confy
(and you don't even need to create an account on sourcehut, just send an email to ~fabrixxm/confy-dev (a) lists.sr.ht or ~fabrixxm/confy (a) todo.sr.ht )
Confy - Conferences schedule viewer
Navigate conference schedules, mark favourite talks, get reminded when talks are coming up. Works offline, ready for mobilekirgroup.net
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today our car has reached BOOBS km! (ok, it was 80085)
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Yesterday afternoon as I was brewing some tea my mind suddenly was reminded of the word “eidolon”.
I still have no idea what it was about.
The first and seventh of four? A metal band I've never really listened? Some other kind of ghost or idol?
Oblomov reshared this.
@David de Groot ecco, devo ammettere che non la percepivo come parola inglese
ma ho visto su wikipedia e wiktionary che esiste anche in inglese (presa direttamente dal greco), lol
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
There was a pile of IKEA instructions, the one of top read SKADIS, but while passing nearby my mind read TARDIS.
And @Diego Roversi worried about it, and apparently doesn't trust me with assembling a TARDIS because he's afraid of the extent of what can possibly go wrong in case of a small error assembling it.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
meanwhile, in #bakingPeopleProblems, it has been too long since I last made my favourite #bread, and I can't remember whether the measurements on the recipe printouts, which are already higher than the original ones, are for two or four pieces.
And I have enough sourdough for double that amount. And I'm not sure whether my machine can deal with 2.4 kg of flour. But that's a problem for tomorrow me.
Also a problem for tomorrow me: I am sure I don't have enough pieces of white fabric to wrap the dough while it's rising, in case I end up accidentally making 8 pieces. (and my stock of fabric is elsewhere).
Intanto, nella categoria #ProblemiDiChiPanifica, è passato troppo tempo dall'ultima volta che ho fatto il mio #pane preferito, e non mi ricordo se le dosi appuntate sulla stampa della ricetta (che sono già più alte delle originali) sono per due o quattro pezzi.
E ho abbastanza lievito madre per raddoppiarle. E non sono sicura che l'impastatrice regga 2.4 kg di farina. Ma quello è un problema per domani.
Un altro problema per domani: sono sicura di non avere abbastanza pezzi di stoffa bianca in cui avvolgere 8 pezzi a lievitare, nel caso io abbia per sbaglio quadruplicato la dose. (e le mie scorte di stoffa sono altrove)
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
and it's confirmed, the corrected recipe was already for 4 loaves, and I doubled it.
the machine managed it without too much effort (but I had to take some out of the bowl to rise, or it would have expanded everywhere in the kitchen)
I found enough pieces of canvas to wrap the 7 loaves I made, 4 plain and 3 with fruit (fresh apples, dried apricots, raisins)
This afternoon the oven will work overtime :D
confermato che la ricetta corretta era già per 4 ciabatte, e l'ho raddoppiata.
l'impastatrice ce l'ha fatta senza grossi problemi (ma ho dovuto poi toglierne metà dalla ciotola per lievitare, o si sarebbe allargato per tutta la cucina)
Ho trovato abbastanza teli per avvolgere le 7 ciabatte che ho fatto, 4 liscie e 4 con la frutta (mele fresche, albicocche essicate, uvetta)
Oggi pomeriggio il forno farà gli straordinari :D
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
@Sini Tuulia there will be :D
and it's not even a type that is great for freezing
still problems for later me!
(I may beg for help from the new neighbours)
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Niente audio.
𝔻𝕚𝕖𝕘𝕠 🦝🧑🏻💻🍕 likes this.
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Yesterday our culturally-significant-movies watching group met to watch en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chri…
And we all agreed that it's a shame that it's not more widely known, and if anybody has an operating system project that needs a name, an homage to this movie may be worth considering.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Ieri il nostro gruppo cineforum per film di rilevanza culturale si è incontrato per guardare en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chri…
E siamo stati tutti d'accordo che sia un peccato che quel film non sia maggiormente conosciuto, e se qualcuno sta scrivendo un sistema operativo e gli manca il nome, pensare ad un omaggio a quel film potrebbe non essere una cattiva idea.
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aaaargh, my clit has broken!
I touch it, and rather than getting the proper feedback and movement, I see the pointer jumping a bit around the screen and then it gets stuck on the left side of the screen
(I don't need suggestions, right now I'm just using an USB mouse, and then I'll try to repair the clit when I'll have time for it)
Oblomov reshared this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Intanto per chi dovesse prendere dei mezzi pubblici domani (venerdì 13), Salvini ha precettato, ma il TAR ha sospeso, quindi lo sciopero è della durata originale
C’è un po’ di confusione sullo sciopero dei trasporti di venerdì 13 dicembre
Il ministro dei Trasporti Matteo Salvini è intervenuto con un'ordinanza per ridurre lo sciopero, ma il provvedimento è stato sospeso oggi dal Tar. Le aziende di trasporto stanno rivedendo "in corsa" le comunicazioniRoberto Morandi (Vareseweb Srl)
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Dear european¹ craftingverse,
I'd like to put a #pegboard in my sewing room.
The local hardware stores sell the metal ones, and they have holes at an odd distance that I suspect is some absurd amount like one and a half inch or something, sometimes with two additional smaller holes in between.
Then there is the SKÅDIS line from IKEA, where the holes are at a decent and proper distance of 4 cm, but
a) they are made of particleboard instead of metal
b) I'd be afraid of getting stuck into an ikea-only standard
Are there other places that sell metric-based pegboards?
Is there something else I should consider?
Am I overthinking the whole thing?
¹ I'd prefer² any product recommendation to be available from a shop in the eurozone
² as in, I will just ignore anything else :D
#crafting (boosts welcome)
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drill: check.
sheet of metal: I guess I could find one
ruler: check (multiple)
centre punch: I don't think I have one, but I guess it's not hard to find
enough time: (tumbleweeds rolling)
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@rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua do you also have a good source for “enough time”? :D
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
@rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua @David de Groot
(and no, I can't use the time I use to handsew garments: that's usually the kind of time when it would be pretty unsafe for me to be around any kind of power tools, be it a drill or a sewing machine)
(and that's one of the reasons why handsewing is great: it fills that kind of time when want to do stuff, but aren't able to do anything that requires more than a modicum of concentration)
Intanto, quando c'è LEI i treni viaggiano in anticipo!
e no, non mi risulta che sia *partito*, è solo l'orario in cui il treno prima (RE 2516) da Milano a Porto Ceresio è arrivato a Gallarate. e lì si è fermato in attesa di ripartire, causa guasto ad uno scambio
(e adesso posso riaprire il tracking dei treni che volevo veramente tracciare, dopo averli chiusi tutti per fare lo screenshot buffo senza perdita di privacy :D )
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
dimenticavo nell'alt text, è il treno 2525, per chi vuole seguirlo su viaggiatreno.it/
(ommamma. http. e redirigono https su http, mi pare)
Oblomov reshared this.
Nel caso qualcuno non avesse più niente da fare da qui a stanotte:
e apprezziamo il fatto che #trenord non si debba più preoccupare di dimezzare i treni “Quando la corsa di un treno in una galleria divenga lenta e stentata, e la respirazione si faccia penosa per deficiente ventilazione”
(in compenso missà che ho dei ricordi della lavagna dell'art. 6 comma 14, significa che sono vecchia?)
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
e poi c'è la soluzione ai problemi di @LaVi e @Fabio : tornare ai cavalli!
(tecnicamente sta parlando della linea dello stato¹, non di quella delle nord¹ da saronno, ma il problema è sempre quello)
“Superata poi appena che si abbia la suddetta spartizion d’acqua a fianco della Camerlata, il terreno discende rapidamente verso il lago di Como, e qui è dove le difficoltà per la costruzione dell’ideata rotaja non sono veramente nè poche, nè piccole qualora si volesse continuare a servirsi delle macchine locomotive per il trasporto delle merci e dei passeggieri nel ritorno dal lago di Como alla Camerlata; ma postochè si offre per quest’ultima tratta di strada di ferro l’ovvio ripiego di servirsi dei cavalli in vece del vapore, mentre l’uso dei cavalli per l’attiraglio dei carri e delle carrozze sulle rotaje di ferro comporta pendenza e curve assai maggiori, almeno nello stato attuale di perfezionamento delle macchine locomotive inglesi, e così permettono di non allungarne di troppo la linea con molti giri per andare a spianarsi colla strada di ferro sotto il livello del pelo basso del lago di Como.”
¹ ai miei tempi si chiamava così, ok? :D lo so, sono vecchia :D
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e per chi si chiedesse cosa volesse dire “correntale”:
“ogni guardiano va al casello vicino trasmettendo al compagno la notizia dell'accidente e l'ordine di disporre i segnali di fermata”
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yesterday evening I had to stop playing wesnoth (Son of the Black Eye) in the middle of a scenario because it was bedtime.
“The problem here is that there is some *scum* that is not worth living! And that their skulls are still inside their heads, attached to their bodies, instead of being made into cups!
“And if I want to use those cups to drink mint cordial, that's my own business!
“You know what? I'm going to order those skulls made into a *tea*set*! A fancy tea set, with its own wicker basket, lined with checked fabric, to carry on campaign!”
and @Diego Roversi didn't even bother deigning me with a “yes dear”
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Ieri sera ho dovuto interrompere uno scenario di wesnoth (Son of the Black Eye) a metà, perché era ora di andare a dormire.
“Il problema è che c'è della *feccia* che non è degna di vivere! E che i loro teschi sono ancora dentro alle loro teste, attaccate al loro corpo, anziché in lavorazione per diventare delle tazze!
“E se in quelle tazze voglio bere un cordiale alla menta sono fatti miei!
“Anzi, sai cosa? Darò l'ordine con quei teschi di fare delle *tazze da té*! Un bel servizio da té elegante, con il suo cestino di vimini foderato di stoffa a quadretti, da portarmi durante le campagne!”
e @Diego Roversi non si è neanche degnato di concedermi un “sì cara”
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In a while we're probably going to live in a house with AC (as well as radiator-based heating)
This morning as I was watching @Diego Roversi get dressed at a record-setting speed I asked “so, what are we going to do? turn the bedroom AC on for 10 minutes in the morning to get dressed? It's probably not going to be worth the effort, is it?”
his answer: “yes.”
Oblomov reshared this.
Però il cappello, fateci caso, la testa è sempre calda, quindi perde molto calore.
@Rinaldo Giorgetti @Spazio ☮️🌈📖 @Diego Roversi @Luca Sironi già, però sulla mia testa ci sono anche i capelli lunghi, che un po' aiutano a trattenere il calore
fuori casa rigorosamente cappello e/o cappuccio e/o varie ed eventuali, quello sì
(di cachemere credo che facciano più che altro maglioni, la lana merino viene usata per le magliette termiche perché è molto morbida a contatto con la pelle)
And thanks to an anonymous worker who was changing some gas pipes and broke down half of the electronic payments of Italy, today we used a *check*.
(to pay for services, not for black-friday goods)
(and for services that we had booked at the beginning of the month, way before the strike for today had been announced, and they had legal deadlines (one tomorrow and one two weeks ago - uoooops), so we couldn't just rebook them out of solidarity)
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Worldline (WLOP) Status
Welcome to Worldline (WLOP)'s home for real-time and historical data on system performance.ingenico-ogone.statuspage.io
@zarel stavo per scrivere “più che altro a qualche commerciante, io per oggi non esco più di casa” e mi è venuto in mente che dovevo ancora passare in farmacia.
ma vabbé, lì era poca roba e avevo ancora abbastanza contanti
mi sono accorta di essermi dimenticata di assaggiare il campione di Gold Blend McEntee: quando ho aperto la busta le foglie avevano quasi profumo di caffé
poi avevo bisogno urgente di un té e quindi ho sbagliato a puntare il timer e non so quanto tempo sia rimasto in infusione, per cui non posso ancora fare confronti con gli altri (uooops, fortuna che il campione non è monodose), ma in generale sembra approvato anche questo, nella categoria amari e risveglianti.
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mamma mia che voglia che mi stai facendo venire di provarli tutti! Io ancora ho tantissimo Yorkshire per cui al momento non ne compro altri, ma mi sto facendo una lunga lista della spesa
(tè che odora di caffè, mamma mia, che libidine. Una cosa simile l'ho provata soltanto con il Lapsang)
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
@Fabio io comunque sono a quel punto della mattina in cui ci si chiede “ma c'è l'IKEA in Azerbaijan?”
(la risposta è no, però se ordini uno o più container di roba forse te la spediscono da ikea.com/global/en/internation… )
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
After four days on and off of building ikea furniture (on the floor, of course), as I was walking up the stairs my legs had an union meeting and started to make demands.
I told them that I can't give them a pay rise, but I suggested a significant reduction in working hours (for the same pay, of course), and they haven't started a strike yet.
We are still negotiating about a warm shower.
Related, those cheap knee pads we bought almost on a whim a few months ago are starting to go quite high in the list of best way to spend 5-ish €
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e quando son cose che uno fa di tanto in tanto non ci si pensa e non sente il bisogno di prenderle, ma cambiano il livello di comfort per queste cose in modo drastico!
@Fabio e cosa ci facevi ancora sveglio a quell'ora tarda (le dieciemmezza, giusto)? noi avevamo già spento la luce :D
@Mike [SEC=OFFICIAL] , I assume, wrote this
and. it's. genius.
I salute you.
Only one thing: out of *pure curiosity* I have been wondering what safeguards are in place to prevent you from flagging random accounts for verification at any time when you are out of gin.
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- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.www.youtube.com
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Diego Roversi reshared this.
I think I had seen it here on the fediverse when it was announced, but I've missed the date when it was made actually available (last summer, uooops):
a new English translation of the Enuma Elish in open access
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TFW you have to reflash a device on site, and forgot home the mini-breadboard and jumper cables that you use to ground pin 9 on the board, but an electrician has just finished working on the 230V lines and they have left droppings (i.e. small bits of electric cable of unknown size)
it worked, the device is now reflashed and safely in position :D
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I've just declared sock mending bankruptcy.
(I'm talking about thin cotton ones, not thicker wool ones I've knit)
* darning them is basically useless: as soon as they have been darned they break somewhere else
* patching them with bits of other socks works, but takes some effort and I have a years-long backlog. really. it's a huge bag and I'm not going to go through it ever, and there are others in various piles around the house
* I need materials to fill a few draught excluders, and I don't have enough textile waste of other types (that I don't want to reuse in some other way)
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@MaialeCosmico no, no, le lavastoviglie sono fatte apposta per pulire piatti e pentole *sporchi*, lavarli prima è uno spreco (e leggevo in giro che rischia pure di essere controproducente).
ovviamente se ci sono sopra pezzi grossi vengono tirati via con una forchetta o simili a secco.
@MaialeCosmico forchetta o qualunque altro strumento opportuno sia stato usato per cucinare o mangiare in quelle pentole / piatti
e i programmi più lunghi tendono ad essere più risparmiosi, per cui preferisco usare quelli.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •notizia scorrelata: ho spacchettato la macchina da cucire e cucito qualcosa!
un paraspifferi, ma ho cucito qualcosa!
(prossimo progetto di #cucito: cambiare l'elastico a dei pantaloni del pigiama. se riesco a trovare dove è finita la scatola con gli elastici. lusso, eh?)
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Oblomov e rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
The Dress Developer
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to The Dress Developer • •@The Dress Developer indeed!
I have some bigger projects I want to do
I have the fabric and other materials I want to use, some of which I've unpacked today
I'm just very low on free time, but this will change hopefully soon!
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •Sewing doesn't have to be fancy IMHO.
To me, it's first and foremost a magical superpower, making us more independent, knowledgeable and critical.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •today's let's try to resume #sewing resulted in:
* one hair towel wrap inspired by ikea.com/nl/en/p/stjarnbuske-h… but a bit bigger, made from two towels I'm not using.
* one broken needle at about 2 cm from the end of the very last seam
* while looking for the tip of the needle, discovering that I had not cleaned the sewing machine before packing it (uooops)
* realizing that I still don't have unpacked the sewing machine oil (and won't be able to get to it until the weekend), so gave a quick clean to the machine instead of proper quality time
* couldn't find the needle tip
* it was stuck in the towel layers, of course, ready to hurt myself if I had used the wrap
* finished the last 2 cm of seam, success!
And I also took pictures, but I have no idea when I'll have time to prepare a blog post and instructions.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •risultati del “cerchiamo di ricominciare a #cucire” di oggi:
* un asciugamano per capelli ispirato a ikea.com/it/it/p/stjaernbuske-… ma un po' più grande, fatto con due salviette che non stavo usando.
* un ago rotto a circa 2 cm dalla fine dell'ultima cucitura
* mentre cercavo la punta dell'ago, accorgermi di non aver pulito la macchina da cucire prima di impacchettarla (uoooops)
* rendermi conto di non aver ancora spacchettato l'olio per la macchina (e non riuscire a raggiungerlo prima del weekend), quindi ho dato solo una pulita veloce anziché dedicarle del quality time per bene
* non riuscire a trovare la punta dell'ago
* era incastrato tra gli strati di salvietta, ovviamente, pronto a farmi male se avessi usato l'asciugamano
* finire gli ultimi due cm di cucitura, successo!
Ho anche fatto foto, ma non ho idea di quando avrò tempo per preparare un post per il blog e le istruzioni.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.