today our car has reached BOOBS km! (ok, it was 80085)
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Uhhh, I have a strange request. If you own a bread knife with a flat-sided handle in your kitchen, and calipers or something else that will measure to the nearest millimetre or so, and want something to do for 30 seconds, could you tell me how thick the handle is?
Yes, I'd like to collect some random samples of bread knife handle widths. Doesn't matter what brand, what it looks like, how long the blade is or where in the world you are.
I will explain later. Boosts appreciated.
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Yesterday afternoon as I was brewing some tea my mind suddenly was reminded of the word “eidolon”.
I still have no idea what it was about.
The first and seventh of four? A metal band I've never really listened? Some other kind of ghost or idol?
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Oblomov reshared this.
@David de Groot ecco, devo ammettere che non la percepivo come parola inglese
ma ho visto su wikipedia e wiktionary che esiste anche in inglese (presa direttamente dal greco), lol
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L'inizio di un nuovo anno mi pare momento propizio per un #MolloTuttoECambioVita , perciò:
- Se amate la cucina tipica lombarda
- Se la ristorazione non vi terrorizza ma anzi vi attrae
- Se amate la relativa calma della vita in provincia
allora questo locale di Como potrebbe fare al caso vostro!
È appena fuori le mura, a un passo dal centro storico, vicino al mercato e in zona di grande passaggio. Bonus: il vicino ortolano è gentile e sorridente.
#lavoro #UfficioDiScollocamento
Panormus likes this.
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In che senso è l'account "Ufficiale" di Peertube in Italia?
Quanto è problematico, in ottica di decentralizzazione, che un'istanza si presenti con il nome Peertube e la dicitura "ufficiale", con tanto di logo?
Decentralizzazione significa che non esistono istanze ufficiali. Il resto è accentramento.
Le parole sono importanti e questi atteggiamenti sono un grande ostacolo per la divulgazione del Fediverso.
Mi sembra scorretto anche nei confronti di @Framasoft
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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The era of ChatGPT is kind of horrifying for me as an instructor of mathematics... Not because I am worried students will use it to cheat (I don't care! All the worse for them!), but rather because many students may try to use it to *learn*.
For example, imagine that I give a proof in lecture and it is just a bit too breezy for a student (or, similarly, they find such a proof in a textbook). They don't understand it, so they ask ChatGPT to reproduce it for them, and they ask followup questions to the LLM as they go.
I experimented with this today, on a basic result in elementary number theory, and the results were disastrous... ChatGPT sent me on five different wild goose-chases with subtle and plausible-sounding intermediate claims that were just false. Every time I responded with "Hmm, but I don't think it is true that [XXX]", the LLM responded with something like "You are right to point out this error, thank you. It is indeed not true that [XXX], but nonetheless the overall proof strategy remains valid, because we can [...further gish-gallop containing subtle and plausible-sounding claims that happen to be false]."
I know enough to be able to pinpoint these false claims relatively quickly, but my students will probably not. They'll instead see them as valid steps that they can perform in their own proofs.
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I see so many adults and professionals talking about how they are using LLMs to deepen their understanding of things, but I think this ultimately dives headlong into the “Gell-Mann amnesia” effect — these people think they are learning, but it only feels that way because there are ignorant enough about the topic they're interested in to not detect that they are being fed utter bullshit.
How shall we answer this? I think it speaks most urgently for people who actually know things, those with "intellectual power", to democratise our knowledge, throw aside the totems that make our fields inaccessible and obscure, and open the gates to the multitudes who wish to learn.
At first it seems like it would be easy to compete with LLMs (because they say only bullshit), but to actually compete with LLMs we need to produce educational materials that actually explain things properly. Any 'proof by intimidation' will immediately send our student to the LLM. The moment you rely on something that you haven't explained, same deal. So it may be that this era has a silver lining: we must finally teach mathematics properly.
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How shall we answer this? I think it speaks most urgently for people who actually know things, those with "intellectual power", to democratise our knowledge, throw aside the totems that make our fields inaccessible and obscure, and open the gates to the multitudes who wish to learn.
The hardest part of learning a new topic is 'learning the lingo'. I've audited university courses online and watched Nebula creators. The information is out there. Perhaps students need to be pointed to content that restates the topic in a range of ways that keep connecting the dots until the words/units used have meaning.
I agree with @Meredith the important warning to students is they are getting wrong information that will be difficult to distinguish.
There was a pile of IKEA instructions, the one of top read SKADIS, but while passing nearby my mind read TARDIS.
And @Diego Roversi worried about it, and apparently doesn't trust me with assembling a TARDIS because he's afraid of the extent of what can possibly go wrong in case of a small error assembling it.
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
meanwhile, in #bakingPeopleProblems, it has been too long since I last made my favourite #bread, and I can't remember whether the measurements on the recipe printouts, which are already higher than the original ones, are for two or four pieces.
And I have enough sourdough for double that amount. And I'm not sure whether my machine can deal with 2.4 kg of flour. But that's a problem for tomorrow me.
Also a problem for tomorrow me: I am sure I don't have enough pieces of white fabric to wrap the dough while it's rising, in case I end up accidentally making 8 pieces. (and my stock of fabric is elsewhere).
Sini Tuulia likes this.
Intanto, nella categoria #ProblemiDiChiPanifica, è passato troppo tempo dall'ultima volta che ho fatto il mio #pane preferito, e non mi ricordo se le dosi appuntate sulla stampa della ricetta (che sono già più alte delle originali) sono per due o quattro pezzi.
E ho abbastanza lievito madre per raddoppiarle. E non sono sicura che l'impastatrice regga 2.4 kg di farina. Ma quello è un problema per domani.
Un altro problema per domani: sono sicura di non avere abbastanza pezzi di stoffa bianca in cui avvolgere 8 pezzi a lievitare, nel caso io abbia per sbaglio quadruplicato la dose. (e le mie scorte di stoffa sono altrove)
Loppone likes this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
and it's confirmed, the corrected recipe was already for 4 loaves, and I doubled it.
the machine managed it without too much effort (but I had to take some out of the bowl to rise, or it would have expanded everywhere in the kitchen)
I found enough pieces of canvas to wrap the 7 loaves I made, 4 plain and 3 with fruit (fresh apples, dried apricots, raisins)
This afternoon the oven will work overtime :D
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confermato che la ricetta corretta era già per 4 ciabatte, e l'ho raddoppiata.
l'impastatrice ce l'ha fatta senza grossi problemi (ma ho dovuto poi toglierne metà dalla ciotola per lievitare, o si sarebbe allargato per tutta la cucina)
Ho trovato abbastanza teli per avvolgere le 7 ciabatte che ho fatto, 4 liscie e 4 con la frutta (mele fresche, albicocche essicate, uvetta)
Oggi pomeriggio il forno farà gli straordinari :D
@Sini Tuulia there will be :D
and it's not even a type that is great for freezing
still problems for later me!
(I may beg for help from the new neighbours)
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Yesterday our culturally-significant-movies watching group met to watch…
And we all agreed that it's a shame that it's not more widely known, and if anybody has an operating system project that needs a name, an homage to this movie may be worth considering.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
Ieri il nostro gruppo cineforum per film di rilevanza culturale si è incontrato per guardare…
E siamo stati tutti d'accordo che sia un peccato che quel film non sia maggiormente conosciuto, e se qualcuno sta scrivendo un sistema operativo e gli manca il nome, pensare ad un omaggio a quel film potrebbe non essere una cattiva idea.
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Phylopic - over 10,000 free silhouette images of animals, plants, and other life forms
PhyloPic is an open database of free silhouette images of animals, plants, and other life forms, available for reuse under Creative Commons licenses. Download silhouettes for use in educational materials, research articles, and other projects.Mike Keesey (PhyloPic)
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Parco campo dei fiori, Varese.
* Santa Maria Al Monte at sunset
* Monti Chiusarella e Martica
* Chiusarella and than 🤷🏻♂️
* A well deserved rest ☺️
* Under the dismissed funicular
Do you know any tool to help me to identify peaks? Something that giving a position and an azimuth calculate what is visible? ☺️
#photography #mountains #walking #hiking #sonyalpha
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#clay #ceramics #craft #diy
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*ticket created*
Dear GitHub support,
I have just been notified of access to GitHub Copilot having been added to my account, and I cannot find a way to disable that.
I build my reputation on original software that I write, and I do not want risking accidental copyright infringement or worse by having github surreptitiously push "smart" features I do not need on my account.
I am writing to ask for a complete removal of Copilot features from my account. Failing that, I would like a written confirmation that Copilot is not touching anything related to my account, and possibly a procedure I can use at any time to verify and prove that to my customers.
Best regards,
Enrico Zini
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Do you feel like vigilante killings are the way to solve the “CEO problem” in the U.S.? Read up on the Reign of Terror period of the French Revolution and get back to me.
For those with cooler heads, consider reading up on how CEO compensation is controlled and limited in the EU and Japan. While imperfect, they serve as templates for an effective way forward.
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Last night a car landed on the rails near Ieper. The car driver immediately called 1711, resulting in Infrabel doing an emergency GSM-R broadcast and the train could break in time! The crossroad sensors got triggered so the call for sure saved the day.
When in Belgium: 1711 plz remember that number
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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aaaargh, my clit has broken!
I touch it, and rather than getting the proper feedback and movement, I see the pointer jumping a bit around the screen and then it gets stuck on the left side of the screen
(I don't need suggestions, right now I'm just using an USB mouse, and then I'll try to repair the clit when I'll have time for it)
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Oblomov reshared this.
Your friendly 'net denizen likes this.
I want to buy the material hi-viz vests are made from. NSI/ISEA 107 rated mesh fabric. I have exhausted my internet search skills. And yet the vests are everywhere. Where do I find the fabric?
#BikeTooter #HiViz #AskFedi #sewing
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Boosting to @sewing
If it's the fluro part (not the reflective part) I've seen it occasionally at deadstock retailers like The Remnant Warehouse, but it's usually not a regularly stocked fabric. I'm not sure if wholesalers would have remnants available, but it's worth a try.
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Fun anecdote: A friend of mine once tried to get a certain piece of open hardware RYF-certified. At the time Linux would run on the hardware, without free GPU acceleration. The shipping software/firmware did not include any nonfree components.
They rejected it because users could hypothetically install nonfree GPU drivers. They said if he could get the GPU permanently fused off, they'd certify it.
It was never certified. A few years later, free GPU drivers were available. Had he followed the FSF's ridiculous demand, users would have owned an intentionally crippled piece of hardware and lost the ability to have free GPU acceleration in the future, once it existed.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
Intanto per chi dovesse prendere dei mezzi pubblici domani (venerdì 13), Salvini ha precettato, ma il TAR ha sospeso, quindi lo sciopero è della durata originale…
C’è un po’ di confusione sullo sciopero dei trasporti di venerdì 13 dicembre
Il ministro dei Trasporti Matteo Salvini è intervenuto con un'ordinanza per ridurre lo sciopero, ma il provvedimento è stato sospeso oggi dal Tar. Le aziende di trasporto stanno rivedendo "in corsa" le comunicazioniRoberto Morandi (Vareseweb Srl)
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Welcome to my twisted ass
starseedjenny: “ advanced-procrastination: “This is simultaneously comforting and uncomfortable ” A clear river flowing with leaves Runs through a red forest of trees Such a vision of maple Is a boon...morphimus (Tumblr)
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Dear european¹ craftingverse,
I'd like to put a #pegboard in my sewing room.
The local hardware stores sell the metal ones, and they have holes at an odd distance that I suspect is some absurd amount like one and a half inch or something, sometimes with two additional smaller holes in between.
Then there is the SKÅDIS line from IKEA, where the holes are at a decent and proper distance of 4 cm, but
a) they are made of particleboard instead of metal
b) I'd be afraid of getting stuck into an ikea-only standard
Are there other places that sell metric-based pegboards?
Is there something else I should consider?
Am I overthinking the whole thing?
¹ I'd prefer² any product recommendation to be available from a shop in the eurozone
² as in, I will just ignore anything else :D
#crafting (boosts welcome)
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drill: check.
sheet of metal: I guess I could find one
ruler: check (multiple)
centre punch: I don't think I have one, but I guess it's not hard to find
enough time: (tumbleweeds rolling)
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@rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua do you also have a good source for “enough time”? :D
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
@rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua @David de Groot
(and no, I can't use the time I use to handsew garments: that's usually the kind of time when it would be pretty unsafe for me to be around any kind of power tools, be it a drill or a sewing machine)
(and that's one of the reasons why handsewing is great: it fills that kind of time when want to do stuff, but aren't able to do anything that requires more than a modicum of concentration)
Vi 💙 likes this.
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Intanto, quando c'è LEI i treni viaggiano in anticipo!
e no, non mi risulta che sia *partito*, è solo l'orario in cui il treno prima (RE 2516) da Milano a Porto Ceresio è arrivato a Gallarate. e lì si è fermato in attesa di ripartire, causa guasto ad uno scambio
(e adesso posso riaprire il tracking dei treni che volevo veramente tracciare, dopo averli chiusi tutti per fare lo screenshot buffo senza perdita di privacy :D )
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
dimenticavo nell'alt text, è il treno 2525, per chi vuole seguirlo su
(ommamma. http. e redirigono https su http, mi pare)
Io chiedo, magari qualcuno sa: devo buttare via un paio di scarpe e dei guanti, scarpe in pelle con suola di gomma e guanti di lana con palmo in pelle vera.
Vorrei trovare qualcuno che sia in grado di riciclarli, vanno bene sia punti di raccolta specifici (possibilmente zona #Torino) o persone, artigiani, etc che magari riutilizzano gli scarti per ricavarne portafogli o altri oggetti.
Non mi va di buttarli nell'indifferenziata, so che esistono progetti di riutilizzo, io stesso ho acquistato accessori realizzati con pelle riciclata, camere d'aria e copertoni di biciclette, etc...
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Nel caso qualcuno non avesse più niente da fare da qui a stanotte:…
e apprezziamo il fatto che #trenord non si debba più preoccupare di dimezzare i treni “Quando la corsa di un treno in una galleria divenga lenta e stentata, e la respirazione si faccia penosa per deficiente ventilazione”
(in compenso missà che ho dei ricordi della lavagna dell'art. 6 comma 14, significa che sono vecchia?)
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e poi c'è la soluzione ai problemi di @LaVi e @Fabio : tornare ai cavalli!
(tecnicamente sta parlando della linea dello stato¹, non di quella delle nord¹ da saronno, ma il problema è sempre quello)
“Superata poi appena che si abbia la suddetta spartizion d’acqua a fianco della Camerlata, il terreno discende rapidamente verso il lago di Como, e qui è dove le difficoltà per la costruzione dell’ideata rotaja non sono veramente nè poche, nè piccole qualora si volesse continuare a servirsi delle macchine locomotive per il trasporto delle merci e dei passeggieri nel ritorno dal lago di Como alla Camerlata; ma postochè si offre per quest’ultima tratta di strada di ferro l’ovvio ripiego di servirsi dei cavalli in vece del vapore, mentre l’uso dei cavalli per l’attiraglio dei carri e delle carrozze sulle rotaje di ferro comporta pendenza e curve assai maggiori, almeno nello stato attuale di perfezionamento delle macchine locomotive inglesi, e così permettono di non allungarne di troppo la linea con molti giri per andare a spianarsi colla strada di ferro sotto il livello del pelo basso del lago di Como.”…
¹ ai miei tempi si chiamava così, ok? :D lo so, sono vecchia :D
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e per chi si chiedesse cosa volesse dire “correntale”:…
“ogni guardiano va al casello vicino trasmettendo al compagno la notizia dell'accidente e l'ordine di disporre i segnali di fermata”
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By popular request, I'm releasing a Christmas short story to get you all in the festive holiday mood.
Okay, not popular request. It was @ParadeGrotesque .
And it's not exactly festive.
But I'm assured that it's a Christmas story. It doesn't take place at Christmas. But it's a Christmas story! Seriously.
Previously published in WMG's 2020 Holiday Spectacular, and the lead story in the "Fantastic Christmas" anthology. DRM-free, exclusive to my store, only $1.99.
#ebook #christmas…
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yesterday evening I had to stop playing wesnoth (Son of the Black Eye) in the middle of a scenario because it was bedtime.
“The problem here is that there is some *scum* that is not worth living! And that their skulls are still inside their heads, attached to their bodies, instead of being made into cups!
“And if I want to use those cups to drink mint cordial, that's my own business!
“You know what? I'm going to order those skulls made into a *tea*set*! A fancy tea set, with its own wicker basket, lined with checked fabric, to carry on campaign!”
and @Diego Roversi didn't even bother deigning me with a “yes dear”
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Ieri sera ho dovuto interrompere uno scenario di wesnoth (Son of the Black Eye) a metà, perché era ora di andare a dormire.
“Il problema è che c'è della *feccia* che non è degna di vivere! E che i loro teschi sono ancora dentro alle loro teste, attaccate al loro corpo, anziché in lavorazione per diventare delle tazze!
“E se in quelle tazze voglio bere un cordiale alla menta sono fatti miei!
“Anzi, sai cosa? Darò l'ordine con quei teschi di fare delle *tazze da té*! Un bel servizio da té elegante, con il suo cestino di vimini foderato di stoffa a quadretti, da portarmi durante le campagne!”
e @Diego Roversi non si è neanche degnato di concedermi un “sì cara”
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Hey @penfount & maybe also #MedicalLab, #Chemistry fedi?
I’m looking for non-plastic alternatives to the typical 5mL medical sample vials—that have the same aspect ratio including ledge/brim!
I use the ledges in storing and with a test tube holder as a customizable dip pen palette. Most of the glass ones I see have lids the same width as the body, not wider. Don’t have to be glass. Any leads would be greatly appreciated.
Images for reference of the plastic ones
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Coloring a Sheepskin With Hair Dyes
Coloring a Sheepskin With Hair Dyes: When you need some color in your life! This is how I made my galaxy sheepskin with hair dyes. I was a bit bored and needed colors.Instructables
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
In a while we're probably going to live in a house with AC (as well as radiator-based heating)
This morning as I was watching @Diego Roversi get dressed at a record-setting speed I asked “so, what are we going to do? turn the bedroom AC on for 10 minutes in the morning to get dressed? It's probably not going to be worth the effort, is it?”
his answer: “yes.”
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Oblomov reshared this.
Però il cappello, fateci caso, la testa è sempre calda, quindi perde molto calore.
@Rinaldo Giorgetti @Spazio ☮️🌈📖 @Diego Roversi @Luca Sironi già, però sulla mia testa ci sono anche i capelli lunghi, che un po' aiutano a trattenere il calore
fuori casa rigorosamente cappello e/o cappuccio e/o varie ed eventuali, quello sì
(di cachemere credo che facciano più che altro maglioni, la lana merino viene usata per le magliette termiche perché è molto morbida a contatto con la pelle)
Rinaldo Giorgetti likes this.
Ciao a tuttə!
Eccoci a un nuovo appuntamento della #PostaDegliAberi !
Dopo l'anno scorso passato a promuovere un albero resistente al secco come il carrubo, questa volta andiamo a rimpolpare le nostre zone umide: è l'ora della #frassinoWave!
Anche quest'anno potrete ricevere direttamente a casa i semi per coltivare i vostri alberelli domestici, che potrete (o potremo!) piantare nel vostro quartiere!
Più info qui ⬇️…
Boost apprezzatissimo! 🔁
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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The candles at the points of the pentagram flickered. A demon appeared.
"Do you do Black Friday deals?" the conjuror said.
"Like, unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures, for less than my soul?"
"Actually, it was five souls, but today it's only one."
"Oh? That's cheap!"
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"You mean Santa, right?"
"I'm sure it's a typo."
And thanks to an anonymous worker who was changing some gas pipes and broke down half of the electronic payments of Italy, today we used a *check*.
(to pay for services, not for black-friday goods)
(and for services that we had booked at the beginning of the month, way before the strike for today had been announced, and they had legal deadlines (one tomorrow and one two weeks ago - uoooops), so we couldn't just rebook them out of solidarity)
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Worldline (WLOP) Status
Welcome to Worldline (WLOP)'s home for real-time and historical data on system
@zarel stavo per scrivere “più che altro a qualche commerciante, io per oggi non esco più di casa” e mi è venuto in mente che dovevo ancora passare in farmacia.
ma vabbé, lì era poca roba e avevo ancora abbastanza contanti
mi sono accorta di essermi dimenticata di assaggiare il campione di Gold Blend McEntee: quando ho aperto la busta le foglie avevano quasi profumo di caffé
poi avevo bisogno urgente di un té e quindi ho sbagliato a puntare il timer e non so quanto tempo sia rimasto in infusione, per cui non posso ancora fare confronti con gli altri (uooops, fortuna che il campione non è monodose), ma in generale sembra approvato anche questo, nella categoria amari e risveglianti.
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mamma mia che voglia che mi stai facendo venire di provarli tutti! Io ancora ho tantissimo Yorkshire per cui al momento non ne compro altri, ma mi sto facendo una lunga lista della spesa
(tè che odora di caffè, mamma mia, che libidine. Una cosa simile l'ho provata soltanto con il Lapsang)
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
After four days on and off of building ikea furniture (on the floor, of course), as I was walking up the stairs my legs had an union meeting and started to make demands.
I told them that I can't give them a pay rise, but I suggested a significant reduction in working hours (for the same pay, of course), and they haven't started a strike yet.
We are still negotiating about a warm shower.
Related, those cheap knee pads we bought almost on a whim a few months ago are starting to go quite high in the list of best way to spend 5-ish €
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Dopo quattro giorni in cui ogni tot montavo un pezzo di mobile ikea, mentre salivo una rampa di scale le mie gambe hanno fatto un assemblea sindacale e iniziato ad avere richieste.
Ho detto loro che non posso dare un aumento di stipendio, ma ho proposito una riduzione significativa dell'orario di lavoro (a parità di stipendio, ovviamente), e non sono ancora in sciopero.
Sono aperti i negoziati per una doccia calda.
Correlato: le ginocchiere economiche comprate qualche mese fa senza troppo motivo stanno salendo nella graduatoria del modo migliore di spendere un cinque euro o giù di lì.
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Poi ho riletto. Due volte.
Vado a dormire.
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
@Fabio e cosa ci facevi ancora sveglio a quell'ora tarda (le dieciemmezza, giusto)? noi avevamo già spento la luce :D
e quando son cose che uno fa di tanto in tanto non ci si pensa e non sente il bisogno di prenderle, ma cambiano il livello di comfort per queste cose in modo drastico!
Comandante Virgola :snwfn: likes this.
RFC 35140: The Do-Not-Stab flag in the HTTP Header
Date: March 7, 2111 Abstract This document defines the syntax and semantics of the Do-Not-Stab header, a proposed HTTP header that allows users to indicate to a website their preferences about being
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
@Mike [SEC=OFFICIAL] , I assume, wrote this
and. it's. genius.
I salute you.
Only one thing: out of *pure curiosity* I have been wondering what safeguards are in place to prevent you from flagging random accounts for verification at any time when you are out of gin.
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As a reminder for folks here talking about Trump, Musk, or other MAGA folk: Please don't use cute nicknames ("musky", "space karen", "cheeto", Drumpf, T***p, etc). There aren't algorithms to manipulate, and all the use of nicknames does is bypass individual people's filters who are trying to manage their own experience.
And speaking of, amusingly, my own filters are going to make this post invisible to me.
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@cate @Jonobie there is a limit to how the filters can be improved to recognise that e.g. Space Karen refers to Space Dilbert refers to Elon Musk and still allow people to be creative in creating new nicknames.
Mentioning those people by name at least once in the post doesn't prevent one from using creative nicknames elsewhere, and easily solves the problem.
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@valhalla it is a philosophical problem: should we adapt to machines, to make them happier? We are here not to be under control of billionaires, but I’m not here to makes machines happy.
In any case there is not many alternate names, but I recommend to just mute users which go too much “political": im not here for that. Filter will fails: they are not the only one with such name (e.g. insects and plants).
Note: Here i start to get too much “you must do that”
David de Groot
in reply to Tim 🎮 • • •David de Groot
in reply to David de Groot • • •David de Groot
in reply to David de Groot • • •Tim 🎮
in reply to David de Groot • • •The ol' tealeg 🐡
in reply to David de Groot • • •David de Groot
in reply to The ol' tealeg 🐡 • • •The ol' tealeg 🐡
in reply to David de Groot • • •juliette 🌻
in reply to Tim 🎮 • • •Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥋☣️
in reply to Tim 🎮 • • •Only on the Fedi would "Hey, can you go and measure your breadknife handle width with calipers" get hundreds of boosts.
Never change Fedi. Never change.
Patrick Dersjant RCX
in reply to Tim 🎮 • • •