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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.


Prossimamente, zona Imperia, potrebbero essere disponibili quattro vecchi cabinati per videopoker, ovviamente ILLEGALI in un esercizio pubblico.

Se ci fosse qualche persona che volesse metterseli in casa da usare come salvadanaio (o come console per altri videogiochi) sono in omaggio, anche uno alla volta.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

@Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua cercando conversion pocker cabinet mame ho trovato… che ha delle info interessanti su come collegare i monitor.

Per i tasti invece temo che quelli da videopocker vadano cambiati (e a quel punto so che ci sono dei kit con un joystick da arcade, una manciata di tasti e una scheda usb per collegare il tutto al pc: noi li abbiamo usati per fare il controller da arcade portatile, e son decisamente comodi.

così, tanto per dare qualche idea :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''



Se senti qualche persona che li vuole posso dare una mano a caricarli su un furgone… e basta 😉

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Oggi è il secondo sabato del mese, quindi serata craftaggio!

Ritrovo alle 20:30 all'indirizzo portando il proprio lavoro creativo per farlo mentre si chiacchera del più e del meno con altri fediversari.

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in reply to craftaggio

@craftaggio qualcosa mi dice che tra le altre cose io stasera attaccherò un po' di bottoni a delle gonne, così, nessuna particolare ragione :D

Il piano iniziale era o di attaccare ganci e occhielli ad una giacca, o di fare un po' di imparaticcio di sashiko (che poi verrà usato per fare un huswif, o rotolo porta attrezzi da cucito).

LaVi ha ricondiviso questo.

Oggi è il 13 maggio, secondo sabato del mese: questo significa serata craftaggio, con ritrovo dalle 20:30 in poi all'indirizzo

Il piano è sempre lo stesso, portate il vostro lavoro creativo, qualunque esso sia, per passare la serata facendolo mentre si chiacchera con gli altri; siete tutti¹ benvenuti!

¹ con le ovvie eccezioni, paradosso della tolleranza ecc. ecc.

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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

I hate proprietary software

Posted on May 12, 2023
Even when it’s \m/.

Years ago I watched my SO play Brütal Legend and of course loved it, but I’ve been only using used computers for a long time, and none of them was really able to run modern games.

Admittedly, he told me that I could use his computer to play the game while he wasn’t home (and I do have an account on that computer, that I’ve sporadically used to do computationally intensive stuff, but always remotely), but it was a hassle, and I never did.

This year, however, he gifted me a shiny new CPU and motherboard, and among other things that meant games from this century!

The first thing I’ve spent time on was 0ad (which admittedly already worked on one of the old computers, as long as the map wasn’t too big), but now it was time to play basically the one recent proprietary game I had been wanting to play.

So, this afternoon I started by trying to copy the installer (it was bought from an humble bundle, I don’t have steam) from the home server to my PC, and the home server froze. Ok, I could copy it through something else than git annex (or from the offline hard disk backup, as I did).

Then I tried to run the installer, which resulted in the really helpful error message:

bash: ./BrutalLegend-Linux-2013-05-07-setup.bin: cannot execute: required file not found

ok, then surely ldd can help:
not a dynamic executable

maybe it doesn’t like being a symlink (remember, git annex), but no, that wasn’t the problem. ah! maybe file can help, and indeed:
BrutalLegend-Linux-2013-05-07-setup.bin: ELF 32-bit LSB executable

argh. Why does proprietary software hate us?

Oh, well,… , dpkg --add-architecture i386 followed by apt update and apt install libc6-i386 and the installer started.

Of course this didn’t mean that the game could run, but at least it was spitting out the right error messages, and I could quickly see what the other missing packages were:

apt install lib32z1 libbz2-1.0:i386 libgl1:i386 libglu1-mesa:i386

and the game started!


no. audio.

I often play games with no audio, because I can’t wear headphones, but here the soundtrack is basically 50% of the reason one would play this game.

Back when my SO had played the game audio was still through pulseaudio, while now I’m using pipewire (and I wasn’t sure that the game wasn’t old enough to be wanting to use alsa), so I started to worry a bit.

And this time, there was no error message to help, but some googling (on searx) and trial and error gave me this list of packages:

apt install pipewire-audio libpipewire-0.3-0:i386 libpulse0:i386 pipewire-alsa:i386

and that was it! the game started AND I could hear music!

And then it was time for dinner, and I couldn’t play.

(You may notice that this post has been posted quite some time after dinner. Most of this time wasn’t spent writing the post.)

Anyway, as soon as I’ve defeated and crushed Doviculus I’m going back to 0ad. or maybe wesnoth. or some other Free Software and frustration-free game.…

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Paolo Redaelli I agree that there are more valid reasons to hate proprietary software than the frustration it causes when trying to play a game.

The thing is, I've been lucky to be able to make lifestyle choices that allow me to avoid using proprietary software everywhere that it counts, so the only exception happens to be games and other narrative media, where you can't really get a free software / free culture equivalent (you can often get free works that are in same general category / genre, but if I want to follow the story of the world where Ormagöden, The Eternal Firebeast, Cremator of the Sky, and Destroyer of the Ancient World is real I can't really play a free software RPG or RTS instead.)

And this means that most of the proprietary software I deal with are games from the Humble Bundle, and they are all full of frustrating issues and bugs that a Free Software game would have fixed (such as being built for 64 bit).

And when your desire to play a game that you have wanted to play for years is frustrated, is easy to rant, even when you're otherwise writing notes to remind yourself how you've fixed the problem in the future :)

Also, this morning I wanted to keep playing, and guess what: another gamebreaking bug.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I missed your lamentation was against a game. If I recall correctly games were one of the few situations where RMS somehow relaxed his free-sw-only ethos. Games are also my soft spot, I would make some concession about licensing

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

This morning's #tea failure mode:

* put the bread in the bread heating appliance¹
* heated water in the kettle (100°C)
* put the filter in the mug
* put the leaves in the filter
* poured water in the mug
* set the timer
* heard the timer
* turned the bread heating appliance off

notice the lack of “removed the filter with the tea leaves from the mug”

luckily I came back to get the mug only half a minute later or so, the tea is a bit strong, but not horribly so.

¹ it's a sandwich maker, if you're curious, but I tend to abuse it a bit


“ Strong-minded women who have never worn a pair of stays, and gentlemen blinded by hastily-formed prejudice,alike anathematise an article of dress of the good qualities of which they are utterly ignorant, and which consequently they cannot appreciate.On a subject of so much importance as regards comfort (to say nothing of the question of elegance, scarcely less important on a point of feminine costume), no amount of theory will ever weigh very heavily when opposed to practical experience.”

From The corset and the crinoline : a book of modes and costumes from remote periods to the present time by Lord, William Barry, 1868

(Disclaimer: the historical accuracy of the book is, let's say, peculiar :D )

edit: I forgot the link to the book:…

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

I'm sure many of us can relate to this..

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Since more than a year, a lot of space in my work bag has been taken by a skirt in aida cloth where I've started to embroider a line of #crossStitch swirls around the hem (it should be about 20 swirls).

The problem is, I can't do cross stitch and other counted thread embroidery while I'm doing something else, not even on easy fabric such as this, so I never pick it up to work on it, and it never gets done.

Today I've forced myself to do so and managed to do about 3 swirls. Will I be able to keep working on it at least a bit every day, and finish the skirt by the end of this month?

Also, I really hope that the haberdasher will have more floss in the same colour when I'll go there later this week, because I definitely do not have enough to finish this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

For me, the "doing something else" can be listening to something. When I have reading on my todo list, I find a way to listen with TTS.
in reply to Delib

@Delib For some reason my brain has a really hard time concentrating on audiobooks, but it can listen to people talking on video while only glancing at the video now and then, so that's what I usually do while handsewing or knitting.

If I have to count things, however, it all breaks down and I can't listen to anything (but then I get bored after a while, because I miss having something else going on at the same time. Brains are weird.)

dream set in the harry potter fandom (not canon. at all.)

Tonight it was the 70s and I apparated with a group of Death Eater adjacent wizards in an empty muggle house to listen to their music (it was a Black Sabbath album, btw).

And the thing that bothered me about the dream when I had just half-woken up? That when I plugged in the stereo it was a shucko socket rather than an English one.

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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

reference to UK monarchy, silly

Speaking of coronation souvenirs, I've just realized that today I'm wearing a necklace pendant that depicts a royal.

Not a mere king of an irrelevant island, however, this one is His Imperial Majesty Krosp I, Emperor of All Cats.

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in reply to Oblomov

@Oblomov from the backerkit of one of the girl genius kickstarter campaigns (I see that on the shop they have the other charms sets, but not the cats one, with Krosp and that other cat modified by Martellus)

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Jonathan Harker apparently (probably, definitely) had a nice & uneventful May 6th & so instead of reading his diary or whatever, I spent the evening charting out a cross stitch sampler that celebrates Count Dracula’s very normal way of answering his door (from yesterday’s entry).

I'm posting it for any interested parties; feel free to use it for whatever.
#DraculaDaily #crossStitch #sampler

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in reply to ivlia sē animadvertit

@ivlia girardi I mean, the nights are pretty long when you haven't invited any unsuspecting Englishman and the locals are rightfully afraid and won't get near your castle, I can totally see a vampire picking up cross-stitch to pass the time!

ivlia sē animadvertit reshared this.

It's now officially too warm, and I still haven't changed the hooks and eyes on the linen jacket I finished last autumn, so that's the sewing thing I'll have to do in the next few days.

3 hooks and eyes attached. 28 remaining.

(I'm removing the old ones in batches, so I can probably still wear the jacket while I work on this.)


Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

My main selling point to try and bring my blind friends to Mastodon from Twitter is people using alt text. I know I never claimed everyone did it all the time, but still, please don't make me look like a liar! #AltText

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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Hiking Slippers

Posted on May 5, 2023

When I travel for a few days I don’t usually1 bring any other shoe than the ones I’m wearing, plus some kind of slippers for use inside hotel / B&B rooms.

It’s good for not carrying useless weight, but it always leave me with a vague feeling of “what if my only shoes break”, followed by “on a Sunday, when the shops are closed”.

So I started to think in the general direction of hiking sandals, shoes that are designed to be worn when resting, and lightweight to carry, but are a passable substitute for regular shoes in case of an accident to the main ones, maybe with the help of an extra pair of socks2 (or when crossing fords, but that’s not really a usecase I have).

My requirements are easier than the ones for real hiking sandals, since I’m only going to be walking on paved streets (or at most easy unpaved ones), and the weight considerations are a thing, but not as strict as if I had to carry these on my back while hiking many hours in a day.

My first attempt was a pair of hiking sandals from things I already had in my stash, with vibram soles, neoprene padding and polyester webbing. After a couple fixes they sort of worked, but they had a few big issues.

  • While comfortable when worn, the neoprene made the sandals hard to make, as it tended to deform while being assembled.
  • Polyester webbing is slippery. Some strips of hot glue in strategical places helped, but they weren’t perfect and in time they are peeling off.
  • Most importantly, to make the sandals stable enough to wear while walking I had to add a strap around the ankle that needs closing: this makes it a bit of a hassle to use the sandals, say, when waking up in the middle of the night for metabolic reasons.

And then, one day I made my linen slippers, and that lead me to think again about the problem: what if I made a pair of slippers with a rubber sole, technical materials and maybe uppers made of net, so that they would be lightweight, breathable and possibly even still suitable in case I ever need to cross a ford.

This was also readily attainable from the stash: some polycotton for the sole lining, elastic mesh for the uppers, EVA foam for padding and vibram soles.

I decided to assemble most of them by machine, and it was quick and painless (possibly also thanks to the elasticity of the mesh)


For the soles I may have gone a bit overboard with the vibram claw, but:

  • I already had it in the stash;
  • if I need to wear them on an unpaved road, they are going to be suitable;
  • why not?

The soles were glued to the slippers rather than being sewn, as I don’t think there is a reasonable way to sew these soles; I hope it won’t cause durability issues later on (if it does, there will be an update)

the slippers on a kitchen scale

As for the finished weight, at 235 g for the pair I thought I could do better, but apparently shoes are considered ultralight if they are around 500 g? Using just one layer of mesh rather than two would probably help, but it would have required a few changes to the pattern, and anyway I don’t really to carry them around all day.


I’ve also added a loop of fabric (polycotton) to the centre back to be able to hang the slippers to the backpack when wet or dirty; a bit of narrow webbing may have been better, but I didn’t have any in my stash.

The pattern is the same as that used for the linen slippers, and of course it’s released as #FreeSoftWear.

I’ve worn these for a few days around the home and they worked just fine, except for the fact that I had to re-glue the sole in a few places (but I suspect it was glued badly in the first place, since the other sole had no issues).

Right now I have no plans to travel, so I don’t know how much I will be able to test these in the next few months, but sooner or later I will (or I’ll keep wearing them at home after I’ve thoroughly tested the linen ones), and if there are issues I will post them here on the blog (and add a link to this post).

  • the exception would be when I’m also bringing some kind of costume, and even there it’s not always true.↩︎
  • and one should always carry an extra pair of clean socks, as they are useful for so many things, as Pratchett reminds us.↩︎…

@Diego Roversi had just finished a confcall

me> black or green?
diego> (thinks for a few seconds) black
me> mug or IV?
diego> (no answers)

I should serve the tea in an IV drip, right?

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Linen Slippers

Posted on May 4, 2023
A pair of espadrille-like slippers in white fabric.

I hate going out to buy shoes. Even more so I hate buying home shoes, which is what I spend most of my life in, also because no matter what I buy they seem to disintegrate after a season or so. So, obviously, I’ve been on a quest to make my own.

As a side note, going barefoot (with socks) would only move the wear issue to the socks, so it’s not really a solution, and going bare barefoot on ceramic floors is not going to happen, kaythanksbye.

For the winter I’m trying to make knit and felted slippers; I’ve had partial success, and they should be pretty easy to mend (I’ve just had to do the first mend, with darning and needle felting, and it seems to have worked nicely).

For the summer, I’ve been thinking of something sewn, and with the warm season approaching (and the winter slippers needing urgent repairs) I decided it was time to work on them.

I already had a shaped (left/right) pattern for a sole from my hiking sandals attempts (a topic for another post), so I started by drafting a front upper, and then I started to have espadrille feeling and decided that a heel guard was needed.

As for fabric, looking around in the most easily accessible part of the Stash I’ve found the nice heavyweight linen I’m using for my Augusta Stays, of which I still have a lot and which looked almost perfect except for one small detail: it’s very white.

I briefly thought about dyeing, but I wanted to start sewing NOW to test the pattern, so, yeah, maybe it will happen one day, or maybe I’ll have patchy dust-grey slippers. If I’ll ever have a place where I can do woad dyeing a blue pair will happen, however.

Contrary to the typical espadrillas I decided to have a full lining, and some padding between the lining and the sole, using cotton padding leftovers from my ironing board.

To add some structure I also decided to add a few rows of cording (and thus make the uppers in two layers of fabric), to help prevent everything from collapsing flat.

As for the sole, that’s something that is still causing me woes: I do have some rubber sole sheets (see “hiking sandals” above), but I suspect that they require glueing, which I’m not sure would work well with the natural fabric uppers and will probably make repairs harder to do.

In the past I tried to make some crocheted rope soles and they were a big failure: they felt really nice on the foot, but they also self-destroyed in a matter of weeks, which is not really the kind of sole I’m looking for.

the slippers with the braided soles on top.

Now I have some ~ 3 mm twine that feels much harsher on the hands while working it (and would probably feel harsher on the feet, but that’s what the lining and padding are for), so I hope it may be a bit more resistant, and I tried to make a braided rope sole.

Of course, I have published the pattern and instructions for the slippers as well as those for the braided rope sole as #FreeSoftWear.

Now what is left is trying everything under daily use, and I hope I will have updates on this at the end of the season, rather than soon :D…

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Guess what new OSHW board is cooking at Olimex? CologneMateA1 is 20K CPE and 5Gbps SerDes and Spartan7 like performance, but comes with completely open source toolchain #fpga #colognematea1 #oshw

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

in reply to Olimex

It doesn't appear to be completely open source "yet". They appear to be working on P&R open source but it hasn't been released yet as far as I can tell 🤔
in reply to iPostHuman

@william_cleveland according to Cologne Chip they work now on completely open source p&r
in reply to Olimex

Curious, what kind of FPGA board style are you thinking of? Is it something like an #ULX4M module arrangement or maybe like #Machdyne 's…
🤔 😀
in reply to iPostHuman

@william_cleveland SODIMM core module with pmic fpga clock boot flash and EVB with USB-C HDMI VGA PS2 SATA JTAG PMODs this pretty much fill the low cost entry budged

Playing openttd I've just sent a full passenger train to the depot, sold the engine, bought a new one, attached it to the old carriages and then allowed it to continue on the route. Which, in the game is afaik the standard way to do so.

However, while doing so my mind was thinking of what the passengers were experiencing.

And well, not even our local commuter train company has ever done something like this :D

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Kermode I'm not committing to any kind of consistency, but when I post something (i.e. I'm not replying to somebody else) I try to do it (unless it's a repost from the blog, which is too long and too automatic to translate without a lot of effort :) )
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode ora che ci penso... :D

Non mi prendo impegni, ma quando posto qualcosa (ovvero quando non sto rispondendo ad altri) cerco di farlo sempre (a meno che sia un repost dal blog, perché quelli sono troppo lunghi e automatizzati per tradurli senza troppo sforzo :) ).

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Programming the ESP32-C3-DevKit-Lipo with Arduino

Posted on April 30, 2023
A few months ago we may have bought a few ESP32-C3-DevKit-Lipo boards from Olimex.

Since every time I go back to working with them I’ve forgotten how to do so, and my old notes on the fediverse are hard to find, this is the full procedure.


I start by sort-of-following…

  • Install arduino from the distribution packages (version 1.8 is ok).
  • Under File → Preferences, add the development URL to the Additional Boards Manager URLs field. (on 2023-04-30 that’s
  • Under Tools → Board → Boards Manager make sure that you install a version of esp32 by Espressif Systems that is above 2.0 (on 2023-04-30 there is a 2.0.8 that works).


  • Under Tools → Board → ESP32 Arduino select ESP32C3 Dev Module.
  • Under Tools → USB CDC On Boot select Enabled.

You can now compile and upload your sketches.

If something goes wrong, to force the board to bootloader mode bring GPIO9 to GND.

Note that the serial port device /dev/ttyACM0 only appears when in bootloader mode, but uploading sketches and the serial monitor will still work even if the port is not set in the arduino IDE.…

I've decided I need to do something vaguely useful with a few microcontroller boards I have, use some of the simple ESP8266 ones to collect temperature and humidity data from various rooms of the house to a MQTT server, collect that data in a RRD and show the current values on an epaper panel together with the current time and weather forecast.

Current status is:

* the MQTT server at home is no longer working (uops, that's why I wasn't receiving other unrelated notifications. I believe I know what the reason is, and how to solve it, but not today. I have mosquitto installed also on the laptop and that one is working)
* the python library I wanted to use to read data from MQTT is broken in debian testing (bug opened at the end of november)
* I can't find the ESP8266 boards. I know that they are around here somewhere, but WHERE???

#microcontrollers #arduino

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Hey, I just finished a MASSIVE project.

What a wonderful time to run some backups!

*kicks off backups*

Creative friends, if you needed a periodic reminder to make copies of your work, you just got a periodic reminder to make copies of your work.

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Count Dracula was 412 when he moved to England in search of new blood.
Sauron was 54,000 years old when he forged the One Ring.
Cthulhu had seen galaxies flare into life and fade into darkness before he put madness in the minds of men.
See, it’s never too late to follow your dreams!

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TFW you're finally going through a backlog of clothing repairs (and a bit of finishing of semiabandoned projects) and the button of a shirt that was fine and only had to be put away breaks in your hands, adding to the pile of repairs.

#sewing #mending

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

And then you think you've gone through all of the sort-of-urgent repairs, move to another room to put away things, and discover that there is another hole that needs fixing, and it's on one of the good shirts, even, so you have to mend it *carefully*.


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

The Pile of warm weather things that required some #mending love has been taken care of. And I've finished adding buttons and buttonholes and lace to my new linen combinations (there will be pictures).

Now (for “tomorrow” or “next week” values of “now”) I need to change all of the hooks and eyes on my linen jacket, and then I think I may be sort of ready for the hot season?

(I'm never going to be ready for the hot season.)


Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode Usually up to around 30-ish is pretty common, 35°C would be an exceptional day (of which of course we expect to see more).

Luckily I don't work outdoors.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

So folks, don't forget to check if your Ikea chair is compatible with your screen. I'm not kidding. A thread 🧵.

I've had the problem with my new screen for several weeks now, that every now and then the screen goes black for a few seconds.

Today I had enough and wanted to investigate the problem. So I started changing all the cables, plugging the screen into a different socket, and and and. Nothing helped.

#ikea #chair #hardware #weird

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in reply to clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛

Jupp, e.g. like this:…

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

I've made a poster/flyer for @Minetest 🌸 (click to see it in full)

Download the .svg, .png and .pdf files here, and share the love:…

#minetest #videogames #illustration #mastoart #gaming #art

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in reply to Zughy

It would be nice if the MT website had an "Artworks" page to feature things like this.
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in reply to Y. Wang

Supertuxkart has this page for posters, would love to have something similar:

Could have other stuff like sticker designs, leaflets, and flyers

There's not really enough content yet though

TFW you finish sewing a pair of slippers with rope soles (there will be pictures), take off the slippers with vibram claw soles you have been wearing (there will be pictures also of these) to try the finished ones on, and they feel slipperryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

after a few minutes I realized it was just a feeling caused by the comparison, they aren't *that* slippery, but for a second there I was worried.


rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

#ITPeopleProblem thought of the day: if I had real world yak wool every time I end up metaphorically #yakShaving, I wouldn't have to buy fibre for spinning, ever.

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

The nice thing about #handSewing is that today I wasn't feeling very well, and had very little ability to concentrate on things.

But at least there are 7 more buttonholes that weren't there earlier this afternoon, and the day doesn't feel wasted!

(at least 4 are still missing on this garment)

uh, Dracula Daily (Dracula, rearranged in chronological order and sent daily) is starting again in a bit more than a week!

I think that the website talks mostly about email, but there is also an rss available.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Qualcunə che in questo lato del #fediverso che fa #peluche artigianali? Volevo fare un regalo alla figlia di amici, in quanto sono zio acquisito 😁 :boost_ok:

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

I overheard them at the bus stop.
"Which is best, supplying a regular or getting someone new hooked?"
"Hm. To satisfy the desperate, or create a lifelong addiction? I-"
I turned around. "Have you drug dealers no shame?"
"What? We're booksellers!"
"Oh. Um. Do you have any here?"
#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Hello Fediverse!

Wikipedia :wikipedia: is a multilingual free online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteers, known as Wikipedians, through open collaboration and using a wiki-based editing system called MediaWiki -- at least that's what our Wikipedia article says (

#Introduction #FreeCulture #FreeContent #OpenKnowledge #wiki #CreativeCommons

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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

this afternoon I received a package of assorted googly eyes.

they arrived late and I had urgent stuff to do, so they still haven't been divided by size and counted, yet.

this will not do.

(or maybe I'll wait until tomorrow? it *is* getting a bit late.)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

oggi pomeriggio ho ricevuto un pacchetto di occhietti ballonzosi misti.

sono arrivati tardi e avevo cose urgenti da fare, quindi non sono ancora stati divisi per misura e contati.

non è accettabile.

(ma magari aspetto domani, che si è fatta una certa)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

24 big (19 mm tall)
24 medium big (16 mm tall)
23 medium small (13 mm tall)
28 small (10 mm tall)

Paolo Redaelli ha ricondiviso questo.

A me comunque viene un dubbio: quando si parla di vernice lavabile si intende vernice che si lava via con acqua, oppure vernice sulla cui confezione c'è scritto lavabile (=vernice che aderisce al muro in modo sufficientemente tenace da permettere il lavaggio del muro con acqua senza che la vernice venga via).
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

non penso proprio che i baldi giornalai nostrani comprendano il concetto di vernice lavabile nel secondo significato, poi si vede benissimo dalle foto che è quella vernicetta che si usa per le tracce che vien via se la guardi male
in reply to las_lallero

magari fosse quella che non la tiri via più, avrebbero un senso gli arresti, se no adesso mi arrestate anche tutti gli stronzi che non puliscono la merda/vomito dei cani/bimbi
in reply to las_lallero

@las_lallero il dubbio mi è venuto leggendo il caso di Milano in cui a quanto pare la vernice non è venuta via con l'acqua.

poi ammetto di non aver letto gli articoli di tutte le volte che è successo.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

I wrote a description of the horrifying series of events that go into making a modern Intel CPU boot and how even when a lot of this is hidden from you it'll come back in surprising ways:…

reshared this

in reply to Matthew Garrett

on this note, something I never really understood is why the FIT spec allows multiple microcode update entries to be present for the same processor stepping. the text says it's for "recovery considerations" but doesn't explain any further. any idea?
in reply to Matthew Garrett

I searched around online for ages but couldn't find any information on there being any kind of microcode crash recovery functionality. the only thing I can think of is if Intel need it for microcode development internally, but it's very weird.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

𒎙𒎙 @manishearth suggested that I translate into Akkadian.

Transcription (it should hopefully be somewhat singable, though the long vowels are all over the place):
mû eli illurī ū ziqnū šurānī
šannī ebbūtum ša werîm iḫserū
šunu abnū werâm uḫḫuzūtum
Ea-nāṣir nikiltam unakkil

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

ok, apparently some people aren't allowed in the spray paint aisle without adult supervision, and it seems I'm one of those people.

I got the plastic primer I was there to buy.

@Diego Roversi for some inexplicable reason prevented me from buying the magnetic blackboard paint I didn't exactly have a plan for.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

If you're wondering what the rainbow pentagon thing is that a lot of accounts use, it's the Fediverse logo :fediverse:

It's a public domain / CC0 design, its original designer shared a high quality copy at…

It represents all the different server types that make up the Fediverse.

(Note: There can be no official logo on the Fediverse as there's no central authority to make anything official. However, this logo is by far the most widely used one.)

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

me, handling my latest camisole after it has been washed: “diego hold and feel this, isn't it lightweight enough that it feels like a cloud”
diego: “it's also wet”
me: “like a cloud”
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Fabio @Katy B. :debian:📚 🥛 right, the ones made of cheese are the *sweet* ones, not the wet.

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.


La mia pasta madre si sta dedicando ai grafici di crescita esponenziale manco fossimo a primavera 2020: la sto anche usando, ma credo che nei prossimi giorni ne farò seccare un po' per farne farina (che poi si può conservare nei mesi, e usare come starter quando si vuole della pasta madre).

Qualcuno ne vuole? preparo anche qualche barattolo per la consegna?

Zona Varese – Como (non so se si possano trasportare colture viventi, anche se dormienti, extra UE :D )

reshared this

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Katy B. :debian:📚 🥛 beh, essendo il mio lievito immagino che debba essere in una scatola di legno tenuta ben chiusa con fasce di ferro e ricoperta di rune protettive incise a fuoco.

per il resto l'immagine mi pare estremamente accurata.

e sto bevendo una tazza di té (e non bevo alcolici da svariate settimane, o per un motivo o per l'altro)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Katy B. :debian:📚 🥛 (in realtà quando ho fatto barattoli da distribuire l'ultima volta erano normali barattoli vetro con solo un sigillo di ceralacca :D )

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