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Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️ ha ricondiviso questo.

Vendo ad offerta libera alcuni quadri, di vario tipo.

In zona Varese / Como

C'è un thread con un quadro per commento, per individuare di quale si tratta, se non vedete tutte le foto potete controllare sul server originale.

Nei prossimi giorni ne aggiungerò altri, ma ancora non ho le foto.

Numero 1 33.5 cm × 26 cm:

Non saprei come descriverli in un alt text, per cui #Alt4Me , sorry

#mastoMercatino @Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Been really enjoying learning #Inkscape over the last few days as a replacement to what I used to do in Adobe Illustrator.

Definitely a powerful program for text and vector graphics. Now that I've got my way around it with shortcuts and the like, I won't ever open or pay for Adobe Illustrator again.

It's also ticking the boxes for the type of work I used to do in Adobe Photoshop in regards to graphic design and text layout work for posters and such.

#FOSS for the win!

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in reply to Denman Rooke

Don't think #Inkscape is just for small illustrations: with it last month I made the poster below, 4.5×3 meters!

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Two Linen Hoods

Posted on September 11, 2024
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:sewing, FreeSoftWear
A woman wearing a white hood with a deep shoulder covering that ends in a point at about waist height. The hood is not fitted, has a slight point because of the rectangular construction, and on the torso part one can see the big square gusset that gives it fullness.

I’ve been influenced again into feeling the need for a garment.

It was again a case of multiple sources conspiring in the same direction for unrelated reasons, but I decided I absolutely needed a linen hood, made from the heavy white linen I knew I had in my stash.

Why? I don’t know. I do like the feeling of wearing a hood, and the white linen should give a decent protection from the sun, but I don’t know how often I’m going to wear these instead of just a hat. On the other hand the linen was already there and I needed something small to sew.

A woman wearing a hood in the same shape, but made in tartan-print flannel. It looks slightly smaller than the linen one.

My first idea was to make a square hood: some time ago I had already made one out of some leftovers of duvet cover, vaguely inspired by theS , because I have a long-term plan of making one a bit more from scratch1.

I like the fact that this pattern is completely made out of squares and rectangles, and while the flannel one is quite fitting, as suitable for a warm garment, I felt that by making it just a cm or two wider it would have worked nicely for a warm weather one, and indeed it did.

A woman wearing some sort of white veil that covers the head and has two scarf-like appendages, one wrapped around the shoulders and falling on the back, and one falling on the front side, kept in place with one arm.

Except, before I even started on the square hood, I started to think that the same square top would also be good for a hood-scarf, one of those long flowy garments that sit on the head, wrap around the neck and fall down, moving with the wind and the movements of the person.

Because, let’s be honest. worn in a way that look like a veil they feel nice, it’s true. But with the help of a couple of pins then you can do this.

A woman wearing what looks like a deep hood over some sort of fabric face mask, showing only the eyes, in a way that resembles characters in a video game. There are again two scarf-like edges that fall on the front and back.

And no, I’ve never played that game2, and I’m not even 100% sure what it is about, other than killing people, climbing buildings and petting cats3, but that’s not really an issue when making a bit of casual cosplay of something, right?

Anyway, should anybody feel the need to make themselves a hood or ten, the patterns have been released as usual as #FreeSoftWear: square hoodand hood scarf.

  1. I’m not going to raise the sheep :D I’m actually not even going to wash and comb the wool, I’ll start from the step just after those :D↩︎
  2. because proprietary software, because somewhat underpowered computers and other related reasons that are somewhat incidental to the game itself.↩︎
  3. at least two out of three things that make it look like a perfectly enjoyable activity.↩︎

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Chiedo aiuto ai mastonauti, che sono sempre così gentili.

Mio nipote è iscritto alla magistrale di matematica alla Technische Universität München, a Monaco di Baviera. Comincia in ottobre ma non riesce a trovare un posto letto. Qualcuno ha un contatto di riferimento?

My nephew enrolled for a Master Degree at Technische Universität München, in Munich, but he can't find a place to stay. If any one has a suggestion it would be much appreciated.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.








James gently took his hand and led him into the desert.

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Avviso contenuto: food, sweet

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Avviso contenuto: cibo, dolce

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Avviso contenuto: itpol, spam/scam

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Avviso contenuto: itpol, spam/scam

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Avviso contenuto: re: itpol, spam/scam

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Avviso contenuto: itpol, spam/scam

in reply to ⍼ Cassandra Seldon :verified:

Avviso contenuto: itpol, spam/scam

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Avviso contenuto: itpol, spam/scam

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Avviso contenuto: itpol, spam/scam

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

I saw this screenshot posted on a Star Trek Discord server today and really liked it. A little digging turned up the original post and reply on Tumblr:

#StarTrek #art #leisure #utopia

in reply to Michael Hanscom juliette 🌻 ha ricondiviso questo.

Once I realized that I shouldn't choose my hobbies for performance or skill, but rather inner joy, I'm much happier. I don't care if other people cycle faster, harder or longer. I enjoyed the nature. Other people draw better than I do, but I had a nice time while drawing. Other people lift more weight, but my body feels good to me.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Io segnalo…

«Matilde, splendida gattina di un anno cerca casa urgentemente

Abbandonata, è stata accolta momentaneamente dalla signora Eva nella sua casa in Valle Roya. In caso di adozione si dice disposta a portarla di persona anche a Cuneo e dintorni»

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Dear #sewing hive mind,

I am looking for an experienced pattern drafter to assist me with adapting Elfkin customers' blocks into production patterns. Your skills should be at a level where you're able to create patterns based on technical sketches. So that the work may be done from anywhere, I’m specifically looking for someone(s) who uses computer-based methods.

If you have these skills, live on planet earth, and would like to earn some extra money, I very much want to hear from you!

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Intanto per cambiare una storia di successo sulle linee dove gira #trenord

pulman guasto trainato che si è incastrato ed è stato sbloccato “senza ripercussioni sul traffico veicolare e ferroviario.”

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Regalo pannello decorativo con soggetti a tema #Londra.

Con appendaglia, tela double face, lievemente danneggiato nei bordi ma facilmente riparabile.

Misure: 40 x 180cm

Ritiro gratuito a Pisa o spedizioni a carico dell'acquirente.


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Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️ ha ricondiviso questo.

Vendo a offerta libera / regalo posate da tavola

Set da 6 di posate con manico giallo e supporto per appenderle (cucchiai, cucchiaini, forchette, coltelli) e set da 6 coltelli da bistecca con manico di legno e ceppo di legno.

(attenzione, al post sono allegate due immagini)

Zona varese / como per la consegna

@Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️ #MastoMercatino #MastoRegalo

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

For Canadian Labour Day, the first recorded strike in history #histodons #egyptology #labourDay #ancMedToot #bronzeAge

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Poliverso - notizie dal fediverso ha ricondiviso questo.

Ma la vera domanda è: il fediverso italiano è hostato tutto su contabo (Norimberga)?

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Unknown parent

@Kermode missing that email would have been quite bad!

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

I wish folks would stop equating size of userbase with "success" of platform, it's never been an interesting metric to look at unless you're talking about megaplatforms that need millions and millions of people so they can just about break even by selling data and eyeballs.

Back in the forum days nobody worth taking seriously was anxious about getting millions of people onto a forum, were they? And those forums weren't "failures" because of that, cuz they still connected people with similar interests together.

Stuff like user safety, fun, sustainability, and sense of community seem more interesting to talk about, to me, when evaluating whether a space is worthwhile to engage with. Raw numbers are boring.

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Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️ ha ricondiviso questo.

Vendo a offerta libera / regalo piatti ovali

Immagino che siano fatti per servire aragoste intere, sono leggermente più larghi di un piatto normale, ma meno di un piatto da pizza tondo

Come nell'altro annuncio, se c'è interesse posso fare ulteriori foto e/o fornire dettagli

zona Varese / Como

@Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️ #mastoMercatino #mastoRegalo

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Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️ ha ricondiviso questo.

Vendo a offerta libera / regalo piatti con decorazioni floreali

Mi pare che siano un servizio completo da 18 e pochi piatti in più con l'altro disegno (attenzione: nel post dovrebbero esserci due foto, se non le vedete entrambe controllate il link al post originale), se c'è interesse posso controllare meglio, fare ulteriori foto, ecc. ecc.

Zona varese/como

@Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️ #MastoMercatino #MastoRegalo

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

ecco, ma tu dimmi perché non mi era arrivata la tua risposta!
No, ti ringrazio ma tutti non saprei proprio dove metterli.
in reply to LaVi

@LaVi forse era partita nel giorno in cui c'erano stati problemi ai datacenter di mezza europa?

comunque, domani ti scrivo in pvt per mettersi d'accordo sulla consegna


Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Regalo cintura di velluto nero basata sul cartamodello della cintura edoardiana di Black Snails Patterns, taglia 34 europea.

Zona Varese / Como, eventualmente ci si può accordare per Milano.

È realizzata in velluto nero a coste sottili, foderata di cotone, con teletta di cotone non adesiva e steccata con fascette fermacavi larghe. Chiusura con tre ganci e occhielli sul retro. La lunghezza della cintura, allacciata, sono 66 cm.

Vorrei che qualcuno me la togliesse da davanti, perché si sta prendendo gioco di me e del fatto che io non abbia fatto un mockup — o almeno controllato le misure del cartamodello — prima di realizzarla.

Quando dicono che la taglia 34 è per una vita da 66 cm, con un pollice e mezzo di riduzione, intendono che la misura finale della cintura è di 63 cm.
Senza lasciare spazio per il corsetto stesso e i vari vestiti che si stanno indossando sotto la cintura.

Quando me ne sono accorta ho spostato ganci e occhielli il più possibile, ma non è bastato, sopra ai vestiti con cui la volevo portare arriva *quasi* ad allacciarsi, ma non ce la fa. Probabilmente ridendo di me e dei miei sforzi.

Ovviamente si possono rispostare gli occhielli nella loro posizione corretta per riportarla alla misura finale di 63 cm, ma allargarla ulteriormente è più complicato.

Abbiate pietà di me e fatemi dimenticare questo episodio increscioso senza dover scavare una buca per sepellire la cintura, che le stecche non sono biodegradabili :D

!Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️ #mastoMercatino

Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️ ha ricondiviso questo.

Vendo a offerta libera / regalo tre salvadanai decorativi di cercamica

Esternamente in ottimo stato, il tappo di gomma sul fondo funziona, ma potrebbe essere reso un po' delicato dall'età.

Zona varese / como

@Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️ #mastoMercatino #mastoRegalo

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Calling all white hat #hackers who have music knowledge. #Finale announced it was shutting down. Their files are proprietary and nothing else reads them. Composers are really screwed. This particular Mastodon (@Lichtenbergian ) composer could really use help saving his life’s work.

This is way out of my wheelhouse, but surely someone I know can help?

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in reply to MissConstrue

Well this sucks! I’m literally helping a composer friend with a new computer today… I guess I’ll have to drop this news on them.

I understand the company is offering a big discount on another product (Dorico Pro) that will read Finale files. I’ll see what I can figure out.

in reply to Scott Wilson rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

@scottwilson I had started using the open source Lilypond. I'm not sure of the functionality crossover, but at least it won't suddenly disappear and the files are in text notation. #Lilypond #finale

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Intanto, nel #varesotto, qualcuno ha ritrovato una testa

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

As a bassist, can't not endorse this

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

twelve years ago, a painter by the name of anders ramsell painted 12,597 aquarelle paintings of blade runner, shot by shot, of the entire film edited down to ~35 minutes. it took two years of painstaking work, all done in his spare time after work each night.

the video circled around the web for a few years, and quietly disappeared from every single site it was hosted at.

a few months ago i spent a few hours digging for it, and finally found a copy of the original file.

i'm not sure how long it will last over at IA, so enjoy it while you can. it is a true achievement. 🙏

#filmPreservation #art #painting

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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

A thread commenting on what happened with the microsoft update that prevented linux / grub from booting, worth reading

Trying to do this all from first principles, so:

* A freedom-respecting computer should never prevent a user from running software they want to run

But also:

* A safety-respecting computer should never allow someone other than the user to run software that acts against the user

There's no inherent conflict here - the user should be allowed to run whatever they want, someone who isn't the user shouldn't. But how do we tell the difference?

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

What the fuck is SBAT, why did it break your dual-boot setup, it's not strictly my fault but if you need a scapegoat whatever:

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in reply to Matthew Garrett

does this work the other way round - I.e. if there is a vulnerable old version of the windows boot loader can a Linux distro(s) ship an SBAT update that increments the security generation to stop that boot loader being used to attack a Linux install?

Do I need a linen hood? Do I need a slightly post-apocalyptic hood? Do I have a post-apocalyptic costume to wear it with?


Have I been influenced again by influencers I follow on youtube? Maybe.

Have I cut the fabric for *two* hoods this morning, and handsewn half of the first? Maaaaaaaybe.

#sewing #costuming

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

and the first hood is done, and I've worked a bit on the second

there will be pictures and a blog post. some time

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

il primo cappuccio è finito, e ho iniziato il secondo

ci saranno foto e un blog. prima o poi.

Lars Wirzenius ha ricondiviso questo.

Dear linuxverse,

I'm trying to use the debian images from to setup a new virtual machine with libvirt, but it's not working and I don't understand what's wrong.

I have downloaded debian-12-genericcloud-amd64.qcow2 and then I try to run:

virt-install --name testvm --import --os-variant debian12 --disk debian-12-genericcloud-amd64.qcow2 --network network=glcomobr --cloud-init

(where the glcomobr is a network that I have defined locally and is currently up)

I get something like

Starting install...
Password for first root login is: TctupICHoRI9GIAL
Installation will continue in 10 seconds (press Enter to skip)...

the system boots, I see some messages from cloud-init starting with

Cloud-init v. 22.4.2 running 'init' at Wed, 21 A
ug 2024 15:11:56 +0000. Up 14.12 seconds
, and including ci-info: no authorized SSH keys fingerprints found for user debian.but at the end I can't login with the generated password.

Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong and can point me in the direction of the right documentation to follow?


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

login via ssh or console? Ssh might have password login disabled. Better add ssh pubkey to cloud init. If you didn't, try logging in via console.
in reply to Ilkka Tengvall

@Ilkka Tengvall I've tried both, in different configurations, also trying to add an ssh pubkey in multiple ways.

Nothing worked, but I've found it was because of

This morning I made a quick attempt using a different image and it's better

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Probably relevant life and body positivity tip from a sewist, pattern drafter and seamstress:
The clothes are the problem. Please try to remember that you are not the wrong shape, size or dimensions. If the shirt doesn't button closed the shirt is too narrow, you're not too wide. If the dress sags at the back it's the dress pattern, not your ass. Absolutely nobody makes clothes that are Actually Your Size unless you custom order or make them yourself. Even then fitting is a skill and an art!

You're not the problem, the clothes are.

in reply to Sini Tuulia

I'm 6ft 4in tall (193 cm).

I say that about most every glider cockpit I climb into - the cockpit is the problem.

Waitasecond, I thought I was living in a country with a more or less working healtcare system, not one where people need to save a significant amount of money for health emergencies
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Spettaunattimo, pensavo di vivere in una nazione con un sistema sanitario tutto sommato funzionante, non una in cui bisogna mettere da parte cifre sinignificative in caso di emergenze mediche

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

@sewing has anyone ever made the 1720s wrapping gown from Janet Arnold's Patterns of Fashion 1? I've been working on a muslin today and I ~think~ I'm figuring it out, but I'd love to see a real life iteration. Or a blog post :blobaww:

#sewing #HistoricalCostuming #historicalcostume #janetarnold #patternsoffashion

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in reply to Alecto sewing group ha ricondiviso questo.

one thing to remember is that 18C didn't use patterns like we do - they drafted to a person on a live body.

You fit the lining to the body in a rather simplistic way, then just added bits to deal with the body in front of you. There wasn't a plan for narrow or broad shoulders, it was, eh, this should work. It is why the angles at the shoulder don't always alighn.

Very different mindset. Then we go and try and make patterns for something that was literally thrown together.

in reply to SewBlue sewing group ha ricondiviso questo.

Yes, I'm aware of that fact :blobovo:
I've been working this out on my dress form mostly, but I'm not ready to give up on the comfort of a pattern :BlobCat_Giggle:

and I've finished the #AugustaStays! Except for the fact that I had misplaced 3 out of the 4 laces I had luceted, and could not try it.

This morning I've found two of the laces, and there is still a bit of string in the place of the last lace that has been misplaced, so I will probably be able to try it on?

I won't be able to take pictures for a while, it's still quite a busy time.

#sewing #HistoricalSewing

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Ho finito le AugustaStays! Tranne per il fatto che ho perso 3 delle 4 stringhe che avevo fatto con il lucet, e non ho ancora potuto provarlo.

Stamattina ne ho trovate due, e al posto dell'ultima che non so dove sia c'è ancora un pezzo di spago, per cui probabilmente riuscirò a provarlo prossimamente?

Di sicuro non riuscirò a fare foto ancora per un po', continua il periodo discretamente impegnato.

#cucito #cucitoStorico

Avviso contenuto: consumerism (the excuse is that it's repair tools)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Avviso contenuto: consumismo (la scusa è che sono strumenti per riparare cose)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Avviso contenuto: consumerism (the excuse is that it's repair tools)

Lysander il breve ha ricondiviso questo.

TFW you wake up in the early morning wondering what is the total mass the buildings of a typical Tuscany walled town (say, Lucca), and whether 5 and a half million kg is a small but measurable percent of it or a rounding error.
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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

TFW ti svegli alla mattina presto chiedendoti quale sia la massa totale degli edifici del centro storico di una tipica città toscana, chessò, Lucca, e se 5 milioni e mezzo di kg a confronto siano una percentuale piccola ma misurabile o un errore di arrotondamento.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Lucca ha circa 90.000 abitanti, a occhio ciascuno ha per se qualcosa come 10 metri cubi di muri, densità diciamo 2 ton/mc (il calcestruzzo è 2,4). Farebbe 1,8 milioni di tonnellate. Il tuo numero sarebbe dalle parti dello 0,3%, secondo questo conto a spanne.
in reply to Walter Tross

@Walter Tross già, ma dei 90000 credo che una parte significativa abiti fuori dalle mura, nel resto del comune, e che dentro alle mura ci siano più edifici non residenziali.

però magari una cosa compensa l'altra, e quindi la risposta è che è una percentuale misurabile, direi

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Why everybody is excited by a robot shaking arms like Toscanini but nobody thinks of a robot able to paint a ceiling?
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

@rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua to be fair if somebody wants to be efficient at painting they don't use rollers and brushes like we are doing, they use paint sprayers.

OTOH, those require more work in covering the surfaces that don't have to be painting.

Actually, I wouldn't mind a robot able to cover all of the bits that need to be covered with cloth, tarps and masking paint.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Pre-chopped fruits and veggies make it possible for so many people with various disabilities to prepare healthy meals and maintain their energy.

#disabled #spoonie #chronicillness #mecfs #longcovid @disabled @spoonies @chronicillness @mecfs @longcovid

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

When it occurred to me that “yolo” is basically a James Bond title, I suddenly realized that most of our online acronyms would also make great Bond titles.

James Bond will return in...

Be Right Back
Not Safe For Work
In Case You Missed It
As Far As I Know
For What It’s Worth
To Be Honest
I Am Not A Lawyer
In [Her Majesty’s] Humble Opinion

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Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️ ha ricondiviso questo.

Regalo lucidatrice marca hoover

Non ho molti dettagli, il cavo elettrico sembra risalire se non a questo secolo almeno alla fine del secolo scorso, quindi credo abbia discrete probabilità di funzionare ancora (e non prendere fuoco appena la si attacca alla corrente :) ).

Ci sono anche un po' di spazzole.

Le mie ambizioni piccoloborghesi non sono al livello da voler lucidare regolarmente i pavimenti :D

Se nessuno esprime interesse, al prossimo giro finisce in discarica.

#mastoMercatino #mastoRegalo @Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

For those of you roaming a lot and using your #LinuxMobile phone as hotspot to access the internet: @arunmani has added an (optional) Wi-Fi hotspot quick toggle to #phosh
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in reply to hello_fellow_humans

@hello_fellow_humans Glad you like it! It's already part of 0.41.0~rc1 which some distros made available already (e.g. Debian unstable).

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