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Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

Since a lot of new people have come on I've noticed a rise in people trying to start arguments. It's as if they carried the toxicity from wherever they came from along with them.

So this is your reminder that you DO NOT HAVE TO ENGAGE with people who are here just to start fights.

Mute them. Block them. Do whatever you have to do to take care of your mental health.

They aren't worthy of your time.

Let's keep Mastodon and the rest of the Fedi a "social" network and not a "toxic" network.

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in reply to Mr. Funk E. Dude

Thanks for the reminder. I totally agree with "block early, block often, block for any reason at all".

But I also find that my feeds (and my own posts) are suddenly much more political and much more angry/sad/all the feels for a very obvious reason. I'm trying to keep that in perspective.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

Vorrei dire una cosa sull'alt-text.

Ci vedo poco da vicino (#GenteDiUnaCertaEtà ) quindi praticamente il 100% delle immagini da articoli/social che postate sono per me illeggibili senza occhiali o senza zoommare e scorrere (cosa che non tutte le app permettono agilmente).

Mentre l'alt-text è sempre leggibile perché segue i caratteri di sistema e sono impaginati in modo da poter essere letti agilmente.

Se fate lo screenshot potete fare anche copia/incolla del testo da cui l'avete preso.

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in reply to Dún Piteog

Per esempio Tusky mostra l'alt-text se non si carica l'immagine, quindi non credo sia oltremodo complcato.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

As someone who is totally blind, the Fediverse is the only place where I have ever been able to follow people such as photographers, artists, or even those who post pictures of their cats or the food they ate. The reason is that most of them use alt text. They take the time to describe the images that my screen reader can't recognise. Some write the descriptions themselves, and others use tools such as altbot. Some worry that their descriptions aren't good enough, especially when they are new at this. Let me assure you, not only are they good enough, they are extremely appreciated! If the rest of the world thought as you did, it would be a much better place. Don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure of something, but never think that we don't notice your effort.

#appreciation #accessibility #altbot #alttext #blind #blindness #fediverse #gratitude #images #inclusivity #peoplewhocare #pictures #technology

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

I'm so glad it's helpful! It's such an important skill for us to practice, too. It is so heartening to see not just the accessibility itself, but the solidarity—many people won't share a post that lacks alt text. That helps keep it front & center as an expectation rather than a bonus.
in reply to Nat Oleander

@Nat Oleander When I first saw that, it warmed my heart. When I saw how many people refused to boost images without alt text, it utterly amazed me.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

us-pol; CW-meta; rant; swearing

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itpol, treni

intanto, grazie a il post scopro dell'esistenza di

statistiche sulla puntualità dei #treni italiani (almeno quelli tracciati da viaggiatreno)

edit: ho visto che prendono dati anche sui treni su rete FerrovieNord

This entry was edited (3 days ago)

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.

on unrelated news: I've unpacked the sewing machine and sewed something!

it's just a draft stopper, but I've sewed something!

(next #sewing “project”: changing the elastic to some pajama pants. If I can find where the box with the elastics is. fancy, right?)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

today's let's try to resume #sewing resulted in:

* one hair towel wrap inspired by… but a bit bigger, made from two towels I'm not using.
* one broken needle at about 2 cm from the end of the very last seam
* while looking for the tip of the needle, discovering that I had not cleaned the sewing machine before packing it (uooops)
* realizing that I still don't have unpacked the sewing machine oil (and won't be able to get to it until the weekend), so gave a quick clean to the machine instead of proper quality time
* couldn't find the needle tip
* it was stuck in the towel layers, of course, ready to hurt myself if I had used the wrap
* finished the last 2 cm of seam, success!

And I also took pictures, but I have no idea when I'll have time to prepare a blog post and instructions.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.

risultati del “cerchiamo di ricominciare a #cucire” di oggi:

* un asciugamano per capelli ispirato a… ma un po' più grande, fatto con due salviette che non stavo usando.
* un ago rotto a circa 2 cm dalla fine dell'ultima cucitura
* mentre cercavo la punta dell'ago, accorgermi di non aver pulito la macchina da cucire prima di impacchettarla (uoooops)
* rendermi conto di non aver ancora spacchettato l'olio per la macchina (e non riuscire a raggiungerlo prima del weekend), quindi ho dato solo una pulita veloce anziché dedicarle del quality time per bene
* non riuscire a trovare la punta dell'ago
* era incastrato tra gli strati di salvietta, ovviamente, pronto a farmi male se avessi usato l'asciugamano
* finire gli ultimi due cm di cucitura, successo!

Ho anche fatto foto, ma non ho idea di quando avrò tempo per preparare un post per il blog e le istruzioni.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

Post a damn cat pic or something in between all of your "doom and gloom" posts would you?

We know shits getting worse. It doesn't mean that's all we are. There are still good things worthy of our attention out there.

Try not to forget that.

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

Musk: mo faccio il saluto per il mio amico Trump e tutti gli amici fasci presenti alla festa

liberali, democratici e intellettuali, storici: ma era un saluto nazista? No, era romano... No, ma forse voleva proiettare con la mano il suo cuore verso la bandiera... A proposito ma che differenza c'è tra saluto romano e saluto nazista? [Passano le successive 24 ore a studiarsi l'argomento]


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in reply to Rolery

nerd che nerdeggiano

@Rolery c'è da dire che a perdersi via sulla storia del saluto fascista si trovano cose interessanti, nel periodo che va dalla francia rivoluzionaria fino al…

dopodiché sono arrivati i fascisti¹ a rovinare tutto

(oddio, di tutte le cose culturali che han rovinato, tipo la svastica, questa è meno grave, ecco)

¹ usando il termine in senso internazionale, non solo quelli italiani

ْ reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

nerd che nerdeggiano

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This entry was edited (3 days ago)
in reply to Rolery

nerd che nerdeggiano

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in reply to oɔiƚɘᴎ

nerd che nerdeggiano

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in reply to Rolery

nerd che nerdeggiano

@Rolery sì, hai ragione e concordo pienamente

meglio se cancello il post? quando l'ho scritto non mi era ancora entrato in circolo il té della colazione

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

nerd che nerdeggiano

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

Do not open!!!

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

Should you be wondering why @LWN #LWN is occasionally sluggish... since the new year, the DDOS onslaughts from AI-scraper bots has picked up considerably. Only a small fraction of our traffic is serving actual human readers at this point. At times, some bot decides to hit us from hundreds of IP addresses at once, clogging the works. They don't identify themselves as bots, and robots.txt is the only thing they *don't* read off the site.

This is beyond unsustainable. We are going to have to put time into deploying some sort of active defenses just to keep the site online. I think I'd even rather be writing about accounting systems than dealing with this crap. And it's not just us, of course; this behavior is going to wreck the net even more than it's already wrecked.

Happy new year :)

in reply to Jonathan Corbet

I'm wondering if a link that a human wouldn't click on but an AI wouldn't know any better than to follow could be used in nginx configuration to serve AI robots differently from humans, in a configuration that excluded search crawlers from that configuration. What such a link would look like would be different on different sites. That would require thought from every site, but also that would create diversity which would make it harder to guard against on the scraper side, so possibly could be more effective.

I might be an outlier here for my feelings on whether training genai such as LLMs from publicly-posted information is OK. It felt weird decades ago when I was asked for permission to put content I posted to usenet onto a CD (why would I care whether the bits were carried to the final reader on a phone line someone paid for or a CD someone paid for?) so it's not inconsistent in my view that I would personally feel that it's OK to use what I post publicly to train genai. (I respect that others feel differently here.)

That said, I'm beyond livid at being the target of a DDoS, and other AI engines might end up being collateral damage as I try to protect my site for use by real people.

in reply to Michael K Johnson

@mcdanlj What a lot of people are suggesting (nepethenes and such) will work great against a single abusive robot. None of it will help much when tens of thousands of sites are grabbing a few URLs each. Most of them will never step into the honeypot, and the ones that do will not be seen again regardless.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

Ciao raga, giusto come piccolo promemoria: teniamo almeno questo spazio di internet un po' più "sicuro" (nel senso più largo possibile) rispetto al resto e usiamo il CW per determinate notizie e rant.

Sono incazzato quanto voi, ma il rispetto per l3 altr3 conterrane3 del Fediverso viene prima di tutto.

in reply to Ed

a mio parere il problema non è il buon senso ma l'impossibilità di trovare un argomento che non infastidisca nessuno...
Sei entusiasta della tua grigliata? Trovi qualche vegano che si incazza
Sei entusiasta della tua dieta vegana? Trovi qualche carnivoro che si incazza
Sei entusiasta del tuo gatto? Trovi l'amante dei cani che si incazza
Sei entusiasta del tuo cane?
Sei entusiasta dei tuoi figli?
Sei entusiasta di non avere figli?
in reply to Edo ⁂

@edo78 esempio pratico, da noi su Livello Segreto chiediamo di usare i CW per: NSFW, SPOILER, GUERRA, POLITICA
in reply to Ed

Filtered word: nsfw

in reply to Edo ⁂

@edo78 guarda, non sono minimamente d'accordo sul fatto che il CW sia "nascondere sotto il tappeto", ma ho pubblicato giusto poco fa un toot dove spiego meglio la mia sensazione a riguardo:…

Secondo me l'unico risultato di affrontare sui social argomenti politici è il finire per cullarsi in un sentimento di "tanto moriremo tutti" misto a "uso le mie energie qui".

In entrambi i casi irl non sarà cambiato nulla (anzi, le persone coinvolte nella discussione saranno ancora più nervose).

Fate cose concrete: cercate iniziative locali, supportate movimenti dal basso, coinvolgete altr3.

Lamentarsi è parte dall'apatia che ci ha portato qui.

in reply to Ed


In questi giorni riuscirei a beccare tutte e 4 le categorie in un solo post !
Comunque immagino che nessuno si offenda per un messaggio che arriva dalla timeline federata

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

If you can't be bothered to use a CW (Content Warning) for #USpol, or for #Trump, #MAGA, #fascists, then please take the briefest second and use a hashtag. I mean, it is literally just one extra character.

At a minimum, please use #uspol as a hashtag for US stuff.

Please use real names for the people you have issues with- Dolt45, 45/47, Orange Julius, Tangerine Toddler, etc... nobody is going to be able to filter those out. Some people are either going to be materially harmed by this person, their administration, and/or their followers- or they have been. Or they don't live in the US and really don't want to see this right now.

So, use names people can filter against, and please consider that some people have had enough USian trauma for today.

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minor body complaints

our weekend started Saturday morning with a nice, relaxing 2+ hours walk (uphill, of course) in the woods, to take a break.

then it was followed by an afternoon of packing things up, carrying them down the stairs, loading them in the car (not the *boot* of the car, the car. anywhere there was a free cubic centimeter that was safe to load), driving, unloading the car, carrying the boxes up the stairs.

the same thing happened Sunday morning

And then today I waited for a person who didn't come, and while doing so I did another round of carrying boxes (that had already been packed) and loading them in the car, etc., this time alone.

And for some reason this evening as I changed the sheets on the bed my back started to complain about the workload or something :D

Oblomov reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

riferimento a kink

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in reply to Oblomov

riferimento a kink, delirante?
@Oblomov secondo le ricerche che ho fatto, il feticismo per la carta è estremamente più diffuso del feticismo per i tagli da carta, per quanto il secondo assomigli di più ad una pratica BDSM.

Oblomov reshared this.

And yesterday I've ordered by very first PCB!

a trivial one that I could have easily done with wires on perfboard (actually, a variation of one I've done a few times on perfboard), if I had not been out of the right size of perfboard and not wanting to bother with cutting a bigger one down to size :D

but I have wanted to try my hand at that for some time, but was somewhat intimidated by the whole thing, and as usual doing it in anger is good at overcoming intimidation :D

anyway, the point of this post is to say thank you to #librePCB for making the whole process quite smooth and to @federico :debian: for maintaining it in debian :D

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.


I'm Pauline, I'm a costume maker for stopmotion animation films. I work for films, series, shorts and adverts. I live in France.
I also like to collect and customise dolls and to draw.

#introduction #stopmotion #puppet #dolls #pullip #illustration

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

in reply to Lars Wirzenius

Have you tried the guestfs tools for manipulating VM images?

I’ve had fairly good luck with creating a base image then using guestfs to modify it for new VMs. This has sped up my VM deployments quite a bit.

in reply to jollyrogue

@jollyrogue I know of guestfs, but for reasons I've forgotten, I didn't like it, and don't use it. I don't argue against using guestfs, and if you're happy with it, good.

I've written my own tools that I'm happy with.

They have arrived!

Thanks to the person on the fediverse who recommended pretty good stickers: I don't remember who you are, but it was a good recommendation :D

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Sono arrivati

Grazie alla persona sul fediverso che ha consigliato pretty good stickers: non ricordo chi tu sia, ma è stato un buon consiglio. :D

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.

Dear #train-verse,

do you know if there is a website with real time position data on swiss trains? I'm interested in local trains, not long distance ones

For trains in Lombardy (Italy) I would use either or… , but trying to track e.g. the 25410 or 25458 (Varese - Como line) there is a swiss shaped hole¹ in the data.

I've found… and… but unless I'm mistaken none of these have real time data.

¹ I'm sure there is a swiss cheese related pun in there :D

in reply to cate

@cate ok, thanks

I sort of see some data. honestly, the italian ones are much cleaner, and that's after I've always complained about the way they work :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

BTW, one Swiss conductor told me to look at the Italian site for better information about trains coming from Italy.

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.

Today's dinner is avocado toast on slices of artisanal bread with¹ wholewheat stone ground flour².

We're never getting rich, right?

¹ not 100%, just a bit because I had leftovers and wanted to get rid of them
² i.e. whatever stale bread I had from last week

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Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode it's not exactly no money, buying ingredients more or less directly from the producers seems to cost a bit more than buying from the supermarket (but it's also not the same quality), but we're still talking maybe 5 EUR for the avocado toast *for 3 people*, and that's because I don't know how much electricity I use to cook the bread and I overestimated it :D

still a far cry from the 22 AUD quoted in *that* article :D

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode sounds like a win win: you pay less and you don't even have to wait for them to be ready :D

Just the avocado here costs 2.98 EUR for 300 g for those that have traveled from another continent and 5.99 for 500 g (yes, that *more* per g) for those that only have to cross the country lenghtwise

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

It’s been about four months since I started hosting my own email again.

I have absolutely zero regrets. As large providers prove, now more than ever, that they are not on our side, it feels great to have that aspect of my online life under control.

I used the wonderful Run Your Own Mail Server book by the fedi’s own @mwl to guide my install.

It has been absolutely stable, I have perfect deliverability to the email empire, I’m on zero blocklists, and spam control is great.

If you’re a sysadmin, self-hoster, homelabber, ignore the nay-sayers. You can do it too.

#RYOMS #HomeLab #SelfHosted