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on #mobian unstable.
"danger" is the middle name of a friend of my former neighbour.

Sylke Vicious ha ricondiviso questo.

experiment of the day:

Vala bindings for Zint barcode generator library , with a simple Gtk UI to generate barcodes

in reply to Sebastian "spaetz" Spaeth

and also, can it get a Gtk.Image somehow? I was able to a) either save it to a file or retrieve an in-memory bitmap which could not be easily squeezed into a Gtk.Image.

Going to check it out.

in reply to Sebastian "spaetz" Spaeth

You can load the bitmap into a Gdk.PixBuf, then you can do whatever.…

I wanted to have the bitmap field as uint8[], mostly because looks vala-y and because it's what is in Gdk.PixBuf.from_data()'s signature).
I found that it needs a length to works with Gdk.PixBuf.from_data(), so I added the get_bitmap() method to set the length.. It works but I don't know if it's the correct solution... there so much things I'm not sure about and docs are useful only up to a point...

(as a side node, the zint.h header I have on disk has a bitmap_byte_length field which would be so good to use as length value for bitmap (setting it directly in field's annotation in vapi) but looks like is not used and docs doesn't mention it.....)

Unknown parent

Oh for Vala's sake! I spent a day on this (vala is not a language I really know) and now there are already at least two vapi files ready 😃

Vorrei fare un ringraziamento all'inventore del Casera stagionato.

#wip icon for a (not really) new #wip project: Collector, an app to organize collections of various kinds, built on top of lesana

(symbolic icon is still to do...)

Ok, I just found that one of my favorite band from Jamendo not only has released a new album last year, after 13 years (!), but they are also on the fediverse @pornophonique
in reply to Fabio

We’re glad that you found us even in this little corner of the internet. It’s cozy here. But hope to see you live on tour someday – stay strong!

@Elena ``of Valhalla''

Showcases are not only people painting environments with Krita, sometimes it's tailors designing garments with free/libre Valentina software :)…

Unknown parent

Ciao. Non in maniera approfondita. L'ho fatto partire con l'immagine multiboot
Per ora uso Mobian sul pinofono.
Unknown parent

Confermo: la compatibilità android su sfos è un componente proprietario che tra l'altro richiede un kernel patchato apposito.
Nessun telefono su cui giri una versione di sfos "community" ha il supporto android, solo le immagini ufficiali di Jolla.

Confy WiP

New upcoming feature in Confy:
talk progress indicator

every "talk row" widget will show talk progress as a vertical bar on left side

On room page the result is a nice continuous bar that gives the idea of the progress of the whole room :)

On talk detail page, the bar span the top border:

get it from git or aur

#confy #FOSDEM2021

Unknown parent

Would be an honor :D
I'm waiting for the app to be on flathub
in reply to Fabio

Oh nice: Confy showed up on "New & Updated Apps" on flathub, but the app page return an error...
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong...

A #dark #theme for #sourcehut (to be used with Stylus or whatever you use)
based on ~martijnbraam/sourcehut-dark script for greasemonkey.
Ok, I just copied out the css.

Thib ha ricondiviso questo.

Confy 0.5.0

Confy 0.5.0 has been tagged.

What's new:
- Support schedules in ics format
- Fix touch-based navigation
- Fix talks ordering in talks lists
- Some more small touches

This release adds icalendar library as dependency (python-icalendar on Arch, python3-icalendar on Debian).

Confy is available on AUR

home - source - issues

Kumiko, découpe de bande dessinée et lecture case par case

Lire une bande dessinée, chouette ! Sur un écran de téléphone, un peu moins.

Kumiko est un petit outil qui détecte les cases sur une page de bande dessinée, et fournit ces informations à un lecteur « case par case ». Plus besoin de zoomer à la main pour lire les bulles.

Vous voulez voir, essayer ?

xkcd by Randall Munroe, #208, CC BY-NC 2.5xkcd par Randall Munroe, #208, CC BY‑NC 2.5

Des exemples sont proposés sur le site de démo, essayez de lire xkcd ou Pepper&Carott case par case !

Essayez aussi d’envoyer vos propres images pour voir comment Kumiko s’en sort.

Le projet, sous licence AGPL, est codé en Python et fait bon usage de la bibliothèque de reconnaissance d’images OpenCV, pour l’instant principalement pour la détection de contours. Le lecteur case par case est basé sur du JavaScript dans le navigateur.

Au fur et à mesure, des modèles de pages existants sont ajoutés pour servir de tests de non‑régression. Kumiko pourra ainsi découper proprement toujours plus de cases.

Au plaisir de vos retours sur ce projet !

Télécharger ce contenu au format EPUB

Commentaires : voir le flux Atom ouvrir dans le navigateur

Confy 0.4.1

Version 0.4.1 of Confy, the conferences schedule viewer for GNOME, has been tagged.
This release comes with support to libhandy 1.
A confy-git package on AUR has been created, for those of you using #archlinux

I've removed links to flatpak on project page because it never worked as it should. I'm planning to add Confi to flathub in a future.

I should start to write a propert changelog :)

#confy #gnome

Thib reshared this.

in reply to Fabio

Also, I should proof-read when i write posts in English while I'm tired... 🤦

So I managed to enable external HDMI on #pinephone , fidling with wlr-randr.
I'm writting this on firefox in pinephone with a big screen and a keyboard :)
The magic spell seems to be: with wlr-randr turn off internal screen, turn off external htmi, turn back on external htmi. This way I got a signal on my external monitor.
(I ran that commands on a ssh session from the laptop)
The phone screen remains off. If I turn on the internal screen, I lose the hdmi.
When I unplug hdmi, internal screen turns on but wrong, and phosh is missing. I have to restart phosh from ssh (sudo systemctl restart phosh).
I have managed to have both displays turned on while trying to get phosh back after a crash with HDMI on. So probably there is a more powerful spell which is a level too high for me...

* Video output ok
* Keyboard input ok
* Touchpad input ok
* Scrolling ok
* Charging ok
Christmas time.
#pinephone #mobian #nexdock

Following the #fsf35 event with free softwares while commuting :D

Unknown parent

non seguo notizie in merito e non ho avuto modo di provare.

Autofocus on #pinephone
(saved in dng by "Megapixels" application, retouched and scaled in Darktable)

Sono felice di essere utente @SkyItalia da più di 10 anni perché c'è una linea telefonica dedicata che mi fa aspettare solo 35 minuti e poi mi appende in faccia

E' sempre un piacere trovare la propria città portata ad esempio in articoli sull'internet...
in reply to Fabio

Il comune ha acquistato un sistema di riconoscimento facciale e tracciamento dietro spinta di Huawei, e ha messo in piedi un test nel parco di fronte alla stazione. Il garante ha dichiarato illegale il sistema. Spreco di soldi, procedure fumose, amori e colpi di scena: non manca niente.

Da leggere anche l'articolo di Wired Italia di giugno.

in reply to Fabio

magari se mettevo il link era meglio

Da leggere anche l'articolo di Wired Italia di giugno.…

#wip #GTK / #Python app to manage collections, using lesana as base

in reply to Fabio

Piccola aggiunta: in entrambe le prove ho configurato il mio account nextcloud in "Account online" e senza dire ne "a" ne "bah" mi son trovato i contatti e il calendario sincronizzati. L'app Calendario non è propriamente pronta per il piccolo schermo. Per Contatti nessun problema.

Ancora non ho messo la SIM per vedere se telefona :D

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