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#pizza post
got something wrong with quantities and ended up with two small pizze...
in reply to albertuxone

@albertuxone @Fabio I'm afraid that there is no more pizza

actually, I really hope that there is no more pizza, because it would be one month old, and quite moldy

in reply to Fabio

@Fabio @albertuxone e io ho invitato questo pisano qui per una pizza a casa mia questa primavera. ma non se lo merita!

(explanation for people who don't speak italian: I invited albertuxone for homemade pizza this spring, but I'm having second thoughts on whether he deserves it)

in reply to Fabio

guarda che a Bruxelles vogliono vietarla! Troppo sale, e poi è cotta in un forno a legna! Aborro! Troppa CO2! 😜
Unknown parent

Yeah.. it was a clandestine pizza shop up in the north... can't tell you the exact location, sorry...

It's been a while from my last #pizza photo. So here it is.

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