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You have a #Gtk4 application, written in python with #PyGObject, which use a template to build a window.
If you define a callback in code but you do not use it in template, an exception is raised.
If you use a callback in template which is not defined in code, no errors are reported.
CSS classes are not applied to widgets. 🤷

With the callback:

Without the callback:

I lost some good hours trying to find why my button was not styled.

#Gtk 4.16.5

What's up at the Department of Unnecessary Projects #DepUnPr lately?

Here is Oliver ( #vala / #gtk4 / #libadwaita ) running on #osx (12.4, x86_64)

theme is WhiteSur; decoration layout forced in app (both just to make it blend a little more in osx); bundler script adapted from System76 Keyboard Configurator; #gtk4, #libadwaita via homebrew.

(I know: adwaita is a GNOME thing, custom themes are bad, it should be pure gtk etc etc ... , but I had it around and it was small enough for a test)

On a more useful note, while playing with this I've update Oliver interface and added some features and fixed some bugs. I could publish a new version soon.

I would like to release it as a #flatpak, but I'm not sure how to handle running php as as subprocess...

in reply to Fabio

Very cool to see #Vala projects on different operating systems!
How did you find the development experience and do you have important things to note, for helping other people developing #Vala apps for #osx ?
#OSX #vala
in reply to Vala

@Vala It was boring in a good way :) all what I need was available via homebrew. Meson, ninja, valac and everything else just worked. I've added blueprint as a meson subproject, no issues.
As editor I've used VSCode which has plugins for vala, blueprint and meson language support, very nice.
As I said, I've adapted the script to bundle everything in a osx app from @System76 :popos: :ubuntu: repo (thank you :D). It supports also signing, but I don't have this need.
It was really a smooth experience. 👍

Diego Roversi reshared this.

Confy 0.7.1

Version 0.7.1 of #Confy, the #gtk4 / #libadwaita conference companion, has been tagged.

This release brings small fixes.
Main highlights are:

  • New German translation.
  • Flatpak now will use GNOME Runtime 45

#Arch #AUR packages are updated, #flatpak on #Flathub should be on its way.

New little toy project in #vala #gtk4 / #libadwaita : Oliver, a simple GUI for PHPStan.

Select a folder, it runs phpstan found in vendor/bin subfolder, shows (searchable) results, monitors reported file for modification to automatically analyze project while coding.

It's called Oliver because, you know... Stan... Oliver...

Code here:

reshared this

I'm doing some experiments with #tracker3 and #gtk4 model/view machinery.

So, for ease the test of #sparql queries against tracker, here it is Traqlr:

in reply to Fabio Diego Roversi reshared this.

Got an icon. Yes, it looks like Tracker's icon, but look: the magnifying glass looks like a Q, with a text cursor. Because you can edit Queries... got it? Queries!


No, still no repo. But now it uses GtkSourceView! How cool! 😎

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

Confy 0.7.0

Confy 0.7.0 has been released

This is the first release with a brand new UI written in Gtk4/libadwaita, using Blueprint for UI definition!

User interaction has been revisited, while being mostly similar to the previous version: gone is the tab switcher in headbar, now starred talks can be found in navbar. Gone is also the map view (for now, at least).
Adding new conferences from URL is now done via a nice dialog, and editing of user-added conferences is done directly in the conference list view. Which is now a window by it's own, used as an "open" dialog.
There are some new shortcuts, like the "<primay>-c" shortcuts to copy the current talk details as plain text in clipboard.
The talk search can now be filtered to match only starred talks and there are two search "mode": the global search, activated by the button over in the navigation header and by the '<primary>-f' shortcut, and the "current list" search, which search in current talk list for

I'm sure I'm missing something and I'm sure I've missed more than something testing this, so please open tickets on the tracker (tickets can be opened also via email just sending a text/plain mail to ~fabrixxm/ or

There is also a fix from ~edwardbetts for events that are after UTC midnight. Thanks!

#confy #gtk4 #libadwaita #newrelease

reshared this

devrtz :debian: reshared this.

#confy #gtk4 / #libadwaita branch wip/gtk4 has been merged into master. It's not 100% at par in features with last gtk3 version, but it's usable.…

reshared this

in reply to Fabio

this post is getting some attention lately.
Confy 0.7.0 has been finally released and it's available on flathub and in various repos

Confy 0.7.0

Confy 0.7.0

Confy 0.7.0 has been released

This is the first release with a brand new UI written in Gtk4/libadwaita, using Blueprint for UI definition!

User interaction has been revisited, while being mostly similar to the previous version: gone is the tab switcher in headbar, now starred talks can be found in navbar. Gone is also the map view (for now, at least).
Adding new conferences from URL is now done via a nice dialog, and editing of user-added conferences is done directly in the conference list view. Which is now a window by it's own, used as an "open" dialog.
There are some new shortcuts, like the "<primay>-c" shortcuts to copy the current talk details as plain text in clipboard.
The talk search can now be filtered to match only starred talks and there are two search "mode": the global search, activated by the button over in the navigation header and by the '<primary>-f' shortcut, and the "current list" search, which search in current talk list for

I'm sure I'm missing something and I'm sure I've missed more than something testing this, so please open tickets on the tracker (tickets can be opened also via email just sending a text/plain mail to ~fabrixxm/ or

There is also a fix from ~edwardbetts for events that are after UTC midnight. Thanks!

#confy #gtk4 #libadwaita #newrelease

Tobias Bernard reshared this.

It's aliiiiveeee! (almost) #WiP #confy #gtk4 #libadwaita

Screenshots on last post where blueprint ui files made in Workbench, this is from the wip branch. 🚧👍

devrtz :debian: reshared this.

Trying some restyling of #confy in #gtk4 #adwaita .

reshared this

in reply to Nico Rikken

@Nico Rikken Thank you. I don't think I'll manage to release the Gtk4 version for #FOSDEM, but the Gtk3 is already usable :D
in reply to Fabio

Yeah, it proved to be essential in the last conference I attended. On Android I use #Giggity but #LinuxPhones are the future. So thanks for working on this!

Managed to spend some time on this.

#gtk4 #libadwaita #vala #pixelfed

grinceur reshared this.

in reply to Fabio

We like this and we’d love if this became a real app 😉

Tobias Bernard reshared this.

New experiment!
First experience with #gtk4, #libadwaita and #vala :

Appaya, to monitor and control Syncthing daemon (very much inspired by Syncthing Indicator Gnome Extension), obviously #WiP

reshared this

in reply to Fabio

Update! Now with 100% more info! and more buttons! (but not everything works so far).. And bigger headers!! (but I'm not sure about that)

Two columns on desktop, single column on mobile! wow!

And this is the "nice" icon: Appaya the Papaya

in reply to Fabio

oh, and this is also using #blueprint from @James Westman , even though I have problems with it, vala and meson. but it's meson fault........

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