Salta al contenuto principale

I was shocked and offended by the fact that neither units nor qalc (the command line programs) know about the talent unit of weight.

except I was wrong, units *does* know about the talent, but only the Attic and the Aeginetan ones.

It's still missing the Babylonian one, which is the one I was looking for, but nevermind.

(also: 90 kg for an axe? 60 kg for the blade of a dagger? 300 kg carried by one person? I can see how one needs to be two thirds god to use this kind of equipment :D )

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@bookandswordblog thanks, I didn't know (woooops, there goes my weekend :D )

I found something pretty similar on wikipedia, which is how I got the round numbers above.

Serata del 17 ottobre: self-hosting git

Come ogni giovedì di recente, anche il 17 novembre ci troveremo online
per la consueta chiaccherata serale: questa volta però abbiamo un tema:
il self-hosting git, ovvero come non dipendere da github, gitlab e altri
big per pubblicare il proprio codice.

Il piano della serata è ritrovo alle 20:30 su , convenevoli e breve cazzeggio e alle
21:00 precise precise si entra nel vivo e ci si scambiano esperienze e
consigli riguardo all'argomento della serata.

Non è detto che se ne faccia niente, ma partecipando si autorizza la
registrazione della call e la sua eventuale pubblicazione nel caso in
cui esca qualcosa di potenzialmente interessante anche per altri.
(ovviamente la parte cazzeggio prima delle 21 è esclusa dalla

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rant on elastane

elastane. aka the Bane of Humanity.

Mind you, I admit that elastane in knits is pretty useful, and it helps them do what it's in the nature of knits to do.

But wovens. wovens are supposed to be dimensionally stable, not elastic!

And who in their right mind has *ever* thought “this silk satin would be better if it had a bit of elastane in it”???

(I only had to cut a square, and I had to measure it something like 12 times)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

rant on elastane
In foundries they have rulers oversized to measure patterns and take in account the cast iron shrinkage.
Maybe you can make the same for elastane.
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

rant on elastane

@Gustavino Bevilacqua

the problem isn't that it shrinks or expands in a consistent way. the problem is that, being silk satin, it shifted and moved as if possessed. and when I tried to pull on it gently to try and get a straigth line, the elastane would stretch, and then shift even more when I released it.

And it's not like it's doing anything useful.

cibo, contiene carne e crimini contro la toscanità, ma niente foto perché non è sopravvissuto abbastanza a lungo per essere fotografato :D

Prendete il pane raffermo di una settimana, fatto avanzare apposta. è misto, contiene pane bianco, semintegrale, ma anche pane con farina di mais, perché THIS IS INSUBRIA.

tagliatelo a pezzi, e seguite la vostra ricetta preferita della pappa al pomodoro, in quantità superiori al fabbisogno. Col pane con farina di mais dentro, perché THIS IS INSUBRIA.

Poi a cena prendete la pappa al pomodoro avanzata dal pranzo, metteteci dentro della trita di pollo, fatene delle polpette e cuocetele in padella, riciclando il piatto che è stato inventato per riciclare :D

E poi al pranzo dopo ci son le polpette avanzate dalla cena da scaldare al volo in forno :D

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

cibo, contiene carne e crimini contro la toscanità, ma niente foto perché non è sopravvissuto abbastanza a lungo per essere fotografato :D
me ne vergogno molto ma dovevo
in reply to las_lallero

cibo, contiene crimini contro la toscanità
@las_lallero eccomunque, a mettercene troppo poi sa di polenta (abbiam provato — non che sia un dramma, eh), ma un pochettino di pane con farina di mais nella pappa al pomodoro ci sta bene, ecco.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

cibo, contiene carne e crimini contro la toscanità, ma niente foto perché non è sopravvissuto abbastanza a lungo per essere fotografato :D
pan giald is life

Heated mouse | mouse riscaldato

Components: 2 33Ohm resistors in serie, 1 thick washer, some silicone sealant, some wire.

Componenti: 2 resistenze da 33Ohm in serie, 1 rondella un po' spessa, un po' di silicone sigillante e qualche cavo.

A bit less of 0.5W, enough for reaching 35 C - 38 C.

Poco meno di mezzo Watt di potenza, abbastanza per raggiungere tra i 35 e i 38 gradi.

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Problems, problems, self-induced #sewingPersonProblems.

I've done the last machine seam on the flannel shirt¹, but I want to use the same blue thread to sew a pair of linen trousers for my SO. He's not going to wear them for a few months, of course, but I want to see if the pattern is correct, so they are high priority.

However, my mother has just finished a filet crochet yoke for a nightgown that I'm going to make in linen for myself. Again, not something that is going to be worn any time soon², but it's a quick sew and it will allow me to know how much leftover linen I have for another project. But it needs a different colour of thread in the machine.

The sensible thing would be to sew the trousers during the next week, and then sew the nightgown. Luckily it's also the lazy thing, so that's probably what I'm going to do.

Can you guess how much I'd want to change plans and start with the nightgown? :D

(there will be pictures of everything mentioned. one day. :D )

@sewing group #sewing

¹ lots of handsewing remains, but that takes a different time slot.
² unless I decide to wear it as a chemise, but even then in winter I don't really need a linen one.

sewing group reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

The trousers have been finished, they fit! I have a pattern for jeans-like trousers for Diego, and I won't be afraid to use it! BUAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAH

sewing group reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

On a more serious note: I still have to edit a few step-by-step pictures and write an introduction, and then the pattern for those jeans will be ready for publishing.

And I've also started to cut the fabric for the nightgown, AND wrote the instructions I plan to follow while sewing it, so that I can take pictures and then publish also that pattern.

The yoke part will have a lot of “and then magic happens” however, as I have no idea how to write a crochet pattern.

@FreeSoftWear group #sewing #FreeSoftWear

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

And most of today's sewing time was spent on the phone with family :(

I hope I'll be able to finish the nightgown tomorrow.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

This morning I managed to do what I wanted to do yesterday morning (sewing the body and sleeve) *and* to do one hem.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

aaand it's done!

The nightgown is also finished, except for taking pictures of the last step and finished object, as the light had gone as I was sewing.

Which means that there will be no publishing of the pattern today, either.

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Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@wynke my problem here is also that the one who did the magic is my mother, not me :D

Luckily it's filet crochet, which should be pretty easy to reverse engineer.

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Now that the corset top is done, I've resumed working on the flannel shirt, as I'm probably going to need it quite soon, weatherwise.

Yesterday evening I had planned to flat fell the sleeve seams, instead I've finished hemstitching the collar to the wrong side, and attached the back to the yoke.

Today I want to do the side seams by machine, as that's the last machine seam, and everything else will be done by hand.

The pattern is… , with a flat front instead of the pleats.

@sewing group @FreeSoftWear group #sewing #HistoricalSewing

sewing group reshared this.

eye contact, clothing/sewing finished object pictures

The stays-inspired corset top is done!

It's made from an old pair of jeans, spray painted with sparkling blue fabric paint and bound with black bias tape.

I've used some paracord for lacing, but I think it isn't sparkly enough, and will probably look for something else in the stash.

Worn over a skirt and petticoat the tabs do something funny, but that was just to be decent while taking the pictures, if worn *below* the skirt they should do their jobs.

Of course it is quite wrinkly, since it's unboned (there are just zip ties on both sides of the eyelets), but I'd say it works quite well a) as a costumey fun thing done with things I already had home b) as a general idea that I've cut the right size of the pattern and can proceed with cutting the real thing (and then properly fit them according to the instructions).

@sewing group #sewing #costuming #stays

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Now I have a question for people who wears stays: how do you put them on? For these I've made them fully front lacing, and it's easy to just lace them after they are on the body, but the real thing is supposed to lace only on the back: should I train myself to pass a cord through the eyelets in my back?

The lace is supposed to be only as long as needed when the stays are fully closed, right? there is no additional length that can be used to put the stays on and then only need to tighten them, right?

Or am I doing it completely wrong?

#sewing #spiralLacing #historicalClothing @sewing group

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I don't have a back lacing set (yet) but my cord is much longer than the required length when closed. I always lace them up loose and then tighten.

The extra length just gets tucked inside anyway.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

eye contact, clothing/sewing finished object pictures
that is really cool!

sewing group reshared this.

If I suspect that there is a bug (that involves randomness) in an important package in Debian, the right thing to do is to keep testing and investigating until I can be sure that the bug exists, right?

Even if the investigation involves playing a number of widelands games until I'm really sure, right? :D

#debian #widelands

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

sadly, I did the sensible thing, started a few games in a row with no fog without playing them and found that no, there is no such bug.

I need another excuse, such as “I need to enlarge the borders of the Empire“ :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

A kernel hacker I used to share an office with liked to play Quake a lot at work "to test memory management".

sogno, incendio, cronaca locale senza danni

Ok, stanotte mi son sognata di essere su una collina vicino al maggiore, veder cadere un meteorite in un paese di fronte, che ha causato un grosso incendio.

E stamattina leggo…

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

uhm.... Questa facoltà di predire va sfruttata.... Quale è l"ordine di arrivo della terza corsa al galoppo a San Siro sabato prossimo?
in reply to albertux

@albertux le visioni mica arrivano così a comando, van prese quando gli dei decidono di mandartele!

mug. check.
filter. check
tea leaves. check (these are very important!)
water, hot. check
timer. check.

what can go wrong now?

#tea #INeedATeaToBeAbleToBrewTea

Because *reasons*¹, I've been going through my contact list and revoking follow permissions to accounts that haven't posted in a while, or were even no longer existing, and will continue doing so and doing a bit of general pruning in the hope to lighten the server load a bit by avoiding traffic that no human is ever going to see.

If you receive such a notification, but are still using the account (maybe you're only posting for followers only, or you're reading more than you write) and still want to follow me, feel free to follow me again: it wasn't a personal thing.

¹ there may have been a couple of server crashes :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

asking for a friend. How many resources do a mastedon instance use?
in reply to cate

@cate I don't know, I'm on friendica :D

(and I don't really admin it, so I don't even know the answer for friendica; you'd need captain @Fabio for it)

covid, cose stupide

il messaggio di benvenuto accogliente del comune di Beregazzo con Figliaro

e la seconda e quarta riga erano pure lampeggianti!

architettura opinabile

E comunque, ditemi che non penso a voi, dal pomeriggio di oggi lungo la Lomazzo-Bizzarrone, chiesa dei santi Pietro e Paolo a Beregazzo (comune di Beregazzo con Figliaro).

Con anche il bonus dei paesi coi nomi lombardi intrinsecamente divertenti!

Ammirate le rampe per permettere agli angeli di fare cosi con gli skateboard!

Immagino che questa vada per le #chieseBrutte2023 ? comunque #chieseBrutte

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

architettura opinabile
Ma pensa a quanto hanno risparmiato di grondaie col tetto fatto a quel modo!

sfogo da traffico, riferimento obliquo ad earworm

Comunque, al prossimo che si lamenta del depopolamento delle città del sud troviamo casa a Usmate Carate¹, lavoro a Lugano² senza flessibilità di orario e una panda blu :D

¹ paese di fantasia da opera di cultura popolare televisiva
² città reale :D

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Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
post accidentalmente serio sul pendolarismo frontaliere

@CICCILLO eh, ma da Usmate Carate (e dalla zona dell'Olgiatese, che è in generale da dove arriva chi fa Bizzarrone) il treno non passa.

Se veramente trovi lavoro a Lugano a) assicurati che ci si possa arrivare con il treno b) cercati casa (suppongo in Italia?) vicino a una delle stazioni servite dai TiLo.

Ho dato alla causa “passare da Bizzarrone” per un po' di mesi (prima di avere modo di semitrasferirmi in un posto da cui potessi prendere dei mezzi) e nonostante avessi un lavoro da informatico con gli orari sfasati rispetto alla gente normale è stata una sofferenza. la coda è in salita. in entrambe le direzioni!

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
riferimenti sempre meno obliqui ad earworm


tecnicamente i controlli di dogana ci sono¹ anche sui treni, e perfino sugli autobus urbani di Como :D

E se sul treno a fare i controlli sale il Verunell col Rex, sei spacciato! :D

¹ ok, diciamo “ci possono essere”. “mi è capitato saltuariamente di vederne”. ma pure in auto se non si è il Bussenghi mica si viene fermati regolarmente :D

fediverso italiano, ricerca istanze

#mastoAiuto: che voi sappiate esiste un'istanza italiana dedicata alla scuola o temi correlati? idealmente una che abbia le iscrizioni aperte :)

se non ci fosse, Qualcuno(TM) dovrebbe crearla :)

boost benvenuti, ovviamente

Unknown parent

LucaM :raspberrypi: :linux:
fediverso italiano, ricerca istanze
@gecco mi aggrego anch'io!
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

fediverso italiano, ricerca istanze
con a tema la scuola non ne sono a conoscenza. Ci sono però due modi per seguire il tema: scrivere a oppure a

After a bit of a hiatus spent on calligraphy I'm back to the corset top based on the shape of 18th century #stays and I'm at the stage when I have to set in 14 metal eyelets per side on the back, plus a still indefinite amount on the front.

I'm really happy I bought the big box of 500 grommets a few years ago :D

(I'm trying not to think about the similar amount of hand sewed eyelets I will have to make for the real thing :D )

#sewing #costuming

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

ooh congrats on all those eyelets! I would love to see it when it’s done!
in reply to Emily

@Emily I will take pictures! I just need enough light (and mostly I've been working on this in the evening)

lewd/nsfw instances

Parola filtrata: nsfw

in reply to Fabio

Ancora con 'ste fotocopie identiche, mamma mia che roba vecchia. Noi aggiungiamo decorazioni, ghirigori, grechine, fiorellini ai vostri documenti :awesome:

I've done the first two pages of the #calligraphy (sort of) project I've started yesterday: the estimate is around 10 pages, a bit more than I expected, but still doable, so I will go on until the end, rather than stopping at the first page and calling it done.

Peek preview of the first page:

If you recognise what this is and want to comment please use the spoiler CW, so that other people can hazard a guess.

I expect bigger hints to appear on page 3 (should I say folio 2 r? :D ), but that hasn't been copied yet. (and this was also one reason why I decided not to stop at the first page: I wanted that hint and another later one to be there :) ).

I will post a link to the text I'm copying when the project is done (don't hold your breath, I'm slow, maybe a page per day?).

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

And the people who guessed guessed mostly right: it's this #fanfic :… (chapter 2 is the translation + notes).

I can't find the post here on the fediverse where I found about this pic, but thanks to whoever posted it!

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''


The following 7 images are pictures of the pages of a manuscript booklet with the text of… written in insular script. While the pictures in the previous posts of this thread were of the flat sheets, here they have been folded in half and assembled in the right order (but aren't sewed together or anything).

Filed under: I've read a paleography book once, so I can read a manuscript, right?

Oh, great,… has folio numbers, so I can look for the folio with the word I want to read on… and it's going to be easy, right?

* is not able to find anything remotely resembling that text on the page.

Wait, what's that number in pencil on the upper right corner? and why there are two, one of which has been struck?

spoiler: the right page was…

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

no, scusa... Mi spieghi perché mai avresti dovuto leggere un libro di paleografia? 🤔😂
in reply to informapirata ⁂ :privacypride:

@informapirata :privacypride: beh, perché no? è un argomento interessante ed è carino averne un'infarinatura generale.

Un giorno sull'internet qualcuno consigliava un manuale universitario sull'argomento dicendo che era leggibile anche per profani, l'ho preso e me lo sono letto.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

A me servirebbe per riuscire a decifrare la lista della spesa scritta da mia moglie…
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

argomento interessantissimo. Si tratta di una disciplina tutt'altro che facile: non tanto la teoria, Ma la lettura delle tavole è veramente faticosa, soprattutto durante le prime fasi di studio
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

eh eh... per i miei anta ho chiesto a tutti che mi regalassero il Dizionario Etimologico e nessuno me lo ha regalato perché secondo loro "a che mi serviva"... :flan_piteous:
in reply to ❄️ freezr ❄️

@❄️ freezr ❄️ @informapirata :privacypride: ma NOOOOOOOOOO, crudeli!

(cioé, l'unica obiezione valida poteva essere “lo si trova online”, ma non è la stessa cosa. a meno che gli anta fossero qualche anno fa, quando era magari più difficile).

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

erano i miei "anta" bassi, li ho fatti già da qualche annetto (non molti) ma io volevo quello cartaceo brossurato, anche perché la versione online è un striminzita... Niente! Nessuno mi ha voluto accontentare, anzi io l'avevo proposto come regalo collettivo... :flan_heckk:

Filed under: #CraftingPersonProblems: my mother needed a #pompon (just one!) to finish one of her #knitting projects and I just made it.

And now I want to make ALL THE POMPONS, but I don't have any use for them (and I already have a box full of pompons from the last time :D )

@FiberArts group

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Nella categoria sopproblemi: mia madre aveva bisogno di un #pompon (solo uno!) per finire un progetto a maglia, gliel'ho fatto.

E adesso sento il bisogno di FARE POMPON! FARE POMPON! ma non me ne farei niente (e ho già una scatola piena di pompon dall'ultima volta :D ).

FiberArts group reshared this.

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Pandora ho un problema: non ho i buchi :D

però ho una confezione di monachelle omaggio da un ordine di componenti per bigiotteria, potrei farne due o tre coppie e offrirle in mastoregalo…

(quanto piccoli devono essere? che piccoli piccoli non è facile)

FiberArts group reshared this.

Today's crazy project: homemade non-washi non-tape.

Because the washi tape I have easy access to right now has meh designs, and I don't really need to buy MOAR things, right?

Anyway, one A6 (landscape) sheet of tracing paper has been lined horizontally at every 15 mm, and I've added designs in cheap watercolour (if this thing works I may use the good or semi-good ones, but for the first attempt cheap will do) and waterproof ink .

In the fridge there is a jar with 0.5 g sugar, 1 g gum arabic, 15 ml water and 1 drop of lavender oil (as preservative); it will rest until tomorrow and then will go to the back of the sheet. (this is, or at least should be, water-activated glue, not washi tape glue)

And then I'll find out whether this thing can work or not.

There will be pictures, if it works.

#scrapbooking #mailArt

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Il progetto assurdo di oggi: non-nastro non-washi fatto in casa.

Perché il nastro washi che riesco a trovare facilmente ha dei disegno un po' meh, e non ho veramente bisogno di comprare MOAR cose, vero?

Un foglio A6 di carta da lucido è stato diviso in sette striscie da 15 mm, colorato e disegnato con acquarelli economici (se questa cosa funziona posso usare anche quelli belli, ma per le prime prove va bene così) e inchiostri indelebili.

Nel frigo c'è un barattolo con dentro 0.5 g zucchero, 1 g gomma arabica, 15 g acqua e una goccia di olio essenziale di lavanda (conservante) che deve riposare fino a domani per poi essere spalmato sul retro della carta da lucido. (non è la colla tipica della washi tape, ma colla da attivare con l'acqua, tipo quelle delle buste da leccare).

E poi scoprirò se questa cosa funziona.

Ci saranno foto. Se funziona.

Ma parlando di servizi delle #PosteItaliane, vogliamo citare il fatto che il primo ottobre io ho spedito due cartoline per destinazioni internazionali: una in India, arrivata due giorni fa, e una nei dintorni di Chiasso, in Isvizzera, arrivata oggi.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Sul davanti dei tram c'è ancora la buca della posta? Perché se c'è vuol dire che la cartolina a Chiasso l'hanno portata col 19 (inteso come tram, per i non milanesi)


* finished Diego's cotton/wool jeans-like trousers (yes! I've even attached the belt loops that I almost forgot);
* cleaned the sewing machine when she refused to keep sewing the belt loops (uops, sorry dear, I knew it was time for our quality time together and kept postponing it);
* finished handsewing the binding on my new bathrobe;
* watched an hour long Irving Finkel lecture ( ❤ ) with @Diego Roversi and a lot of other mostly costuming related videos while diego ignored me; :D

and then

* completely failed to take finished pictures of anything because it has been raining the whole day;
* forgot to heat cure the SHINY BLUE paint on the pre-mockup for the Augusta Stays I made from an old pair of jeans (and then decided that rather than putting it into the cabbage box I might as well make something fun out of it);
* postponed editing the step-by-step pictures to be ready to publish the instructions for the jeans and bathrobe as soon as I'll be able to take finished object pictures.

@FreeSoftWear group @sewing group #sewing #costuming

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Diego Roversi

the paint has been cured.

fixes to the jeans pattern have been saved in the file.

looks outside of the window -> lol, no pictures today either, I guess (and it isn't easy to take them after work in this season)

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italians talking about food

So, for lunch we had polenta, and for me it was just. perfect.

Which means that @Diego Roversi , who is from the south (i.e. Milan :D ) claimed it was the right consistency to build walls of.

But that has led to the idea of building a house of freselle kept together with val d'Intelvi (or Valtellina, or just any mountain area in the north-west of Lombardy, really)-style polenta, which I have to admit could actually work :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

italians talking about food
You shall explain that you live at less that 100km from Milan so people from other countries will wonder how much diversity there is here. They nevertheless won't understand … 😜
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

italians talking about food and their close neighbors

@Paolo Redaelli @Diego Roversi yeah, more like 50 km than 100 km, and on a very clear day from the mountains that border val d'Intelvi from the south you can sort of see the reflection of the sun on the statue of the Virgin Mary on top of the Duomo of Milan (or at least that's what old people from the area claim) :D

But a) their polenta is soft and yellow, made of cornmeal, OUR polenta is firm and has grey specks as it's made from cornmeal *and* buckwheat b) as somebody born in Como I still hold a grudge with them because they destroyed our city walls in the middle ages (multiple times), and that's a pretty reasonable reason and time to hold a grudge, right?

And I've just discovered that I already have 20 m of german boning, not just less than 10 as I remembered, and thus have no need to buy more, and I won't get tempted into buying anything else from the shop.

Thanks past me!

#sewingPersonProblems #costuming

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Pantofole infeltrite!

Devo ancora aggiungere delle suole aggiuntive per proteggere la lana dal pavimento, ma questo è il motivo per cui l'altro giorno avevo i piedi umidi :D

#lavoroAiFerri #infeltrire

FiberArts group reshared this.

Unknown parent

consumerism, in a slow sort of way; sewing, 18th century

This morning I finally started cutting the paper pattern pieces for my Augusta Stays, and have ideas for the fabric to use (most of which I already have).

And then the Dreamstress published this…

Do I need a nice 18th century red cape? NO
Do I need a full 18th century outfit? NO
Can you guess who's going to buy the pattern for a 18th century cape in the near future?
Can you guess who's going to make herself a full 18th century outfit in the next couple of years, including a red cape?


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

consumerism, in a slow sort of way; sewing, 18th century
IMHO the best thing of the 18th C. was the guillotine…

Ascoltaci, o madre Sparta! Noi, i tuoi figli, andiamo a morire per la libertà.
"Si, ma non fate tardi".

Leo Ortolani, "299"

Cose da fare: provare una ricetta generata da una catena di Markov partendo da "La scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene" di Pellegrino Artusi

si batte la fiacca su questo pesce le scaglie e, lavato ed asciugato, infarinatelo tutto e mettetelo al fuoco mezz'ora prima di svenire

I now have a bathrobe with THICK huge french seams, and no finishing on the edges, whose improvised, zero waste, pattern has however been confirmed to WORK.

Tomorrow I'll find a way to bind the neck (probably from the bit of leftover fabric, because of course I didn't have the exact amount required for it to actually be zero waste :) ), hem the bottom and make a belt.

I should have really used flat felled seams, next time I'll try not to be lazy and do them :)

#sewing #ZeroWaste @sewing group

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Ho un accappatoio con delle enormi, CICCIOTTE cuciture all'inglese e gli orli ancora non rifiniti, ma sufficiente per confermare che il modello zero waste che ho improvvisato FUNZIONA!

Domani devo decidere come rifinire il collo (probabilmente con un pezzo della stoffa avanzata, perché ovviamente non ne avevo solo la quantità precisa per risultare zero-waste), orlare il fondo e fare una cintura.

E sì, avrei dovuto usare delle cuciture ribattute anziché alla francese. La prossima volta vedo di resistere alla pigrizia e farle.


sewing group reshared this.

Somebody(TM) should really write a tower defense game in fortran, called Fort Run.

Qualcuno(TM) dovrebbe scrivere un gioco del genere tower defense in fortran e chiamarlo Fort Run.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

While #GTK bindings do exist for Fortran (, astonishingly there are even #SDL bindings which are more useful to build games.
So it's "only" a matter of will power. And knowing what's a tower defence game is, of course😅
#gtk #SDL
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

@Paolo Redaelli…

“Tower defense (TD) is a subgenre of strategy games where the goal is to defend a player's territories or possessions by obstructing the enemy attackers or by stopping enemies from reaching the exits, usually achieved by placing defensive structures on or along their path of attack.”

#MastoConsiglio conoscete qualcuno che faccia manutenzione dei ferri da stiro a caldaia vaporella polti in zona insubrica (como / varese / dintorni / ecco, magari che non siano insubri extracomunitari che costano troppo :D )

il posto dove mia madre portava il suo fino all'ultima volta ha chiuso :(

e ovviamente oggi il ferro ha smesso di funzionare

(boost apprezzati)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

triplo no comment. ha confessato. da qualche parte in quella casa c'è un manuale di istruzioni con scritto come fare la pulizia periodicamente per evitare che si blocchi.

e non vuole che io le cerchi perché non vuole che facendolo io rompa il ferro.

bastone. agitare. panchina.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

faticavo a immaginare non ce ne fossero, considerando che polti e' di Bulgarograsso.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I tried to remove the black border and square up the image using unpaper, but it failed.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

uops. I may have used the wrong image format. that may explain the failure :D

I'll try again tomorrow.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Ho provato a rimuovere lo sfondo nero e raddrizzare l'immagine in automatico usando unpaper, ma per *ovvie* ragioni (che capiscono solo gli italiani :) ) ha fallito.

aaaand my new bathrobe¹ has finally arrived!

two of them, even!

and a new linen t-shirt for the next summer, and a few viscose-ramie camisoles.

yeah, that whole “only buy what you need thing”, I think I may have heard of it :D

¹ some assembly required

#sewing @sewing group

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

this is the one that was sent late because the shop was changing their inventory software. and then was delayed while in transit for unknown reasons.

and this is the state of my current bathrobe, so yes, I really needed it :D (now, the t-shirt and the camisoles... maybe? :D )

sewing group reshared this.

From the notes of a fanfiction¹:

“yes, i know i've got other things i could and should be working on. however, i had an idea.”

I… sort… of… know that feeling :D

¹ this one, for the record:…

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