HAHA...SUB at Work..!
But is SUB or a FOOTREST?
Maybe a STOOL or a futuristic CHAIR?
You decide.... for me it is a fine piece of furniture. π
Ideal are 32v/5a switching one or alternatively a transformer (sec 5 A min.) with a rectifier bridge and a high capacity electrolytic (4.700 uF)/50V) placed in parallel at the output . Better use a 0.1 uF in parallel with electrolitic one.
Yes, I have one item of IKEA Part number 301.093.10 .
Intersting shape! hu.ikea-club.org/item/30109310β¦
Uhm...I'ts old, and I found it in garage. What I cando for recycle?
Referring to suptronics.com/miniPCkits/x500
In particular, I removed the old DAC hat replacing it with a raspberrypi hat consisting of DAC and 35 + 35w power amplifier nor 5 amp switching power supply. Soon I will post Photo and links.... Stay tuned!
I wish to add an Amperometer and a voltmeter to visually check output parameter.
Today I've had an idea for a simple top, low waste, with an elastic drawstring neck that can be adjusted at different widths, including off-the-shoulders.
I've almost finished cutting a piece of fabric that I've had in my stash for a while, waiting for a suitable project (it has a non-uniform print that made it hard to decide a good pattern to make use of it).
It's most definitely a modern project.
So now the obvious thing to do is to sew everything by hand, right?
(I'm not sure whether this is to procrastinate cleaning the table with the sewing machine, or to be able to use tiny sewing allowances, since the fabric is very lightweight.)
Problem: I only have one set and a half of vintage linen bedsheet.
Fact: I have about 7 m of vintage bedsheet-linen (~100 cm wide)
Obvious consequence: I now have to sew almost 3 m of a seam that should be extremely flat, plus two hems, on a deadline of βnext sheet changeβ, during a heatwave.
@LaVi ποΈππ @Elikorokoros in realtΓ la foto (e la spiegazzatura) aiuta a nascondere un po', ma sΓ¬, posso essere soddisfatta del risultato.
I love it when I wake up with a pretty low blood pressure, it's already starting to get hot, I haveΒΉ to walk to the pharmacy, stuff happens and I don't manage to have breakfast before doing so.
at least it's a short walk, and there is also a convenient post box very close, so I also sent a postcard :)
ΒΉ technically I could have asked my SO to go, instead we went together, but that meant that we had to go earlier
Adoro alzarmi con la pressione bassa, sta giΓ iniziando a fare caldo, devoΒΉ andare in farmacia, succedono casini e non riesco neanche a fare colazione prima di andarci.
di buono c'Γ¨ che Γ¨ qui vicino, e c'Γ¨ anche una comoda cassetta della posta quasi sul percorso, quindi ho anche spedito una cartolina :)
ΒΉ tecnicamente avrei potuto chiedere al mio compagno di andarci, invece siamo andati assieme, ma la cosa dava piΓΉ vincoli di tempo
Stop Trying to Make Social Networks Succeed
Stop Trying to Make Social Networks Succeed Γ©crit par Ploum, Lionel Dricot, ingΓ©nieur, Γ©crivain de science-fiction, dΓ©veloppeur de logiciels libres.ploum.net
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My mother's washing machine is breaking down, and she lives close enough that I'm washing all of her laundry.
Now, I like being able to fill more loads and wash things more often, rather than have them accumulate until the laundry basket is overflowing, so I'm not encouraging her to buy a new machine (an attempt at repairing hers has already been done, and failed).
My real question is: should I do the proper #victorian thing and embroider my husband's initials on all of our household items? should I do a radical feminist thing and embroider my own initialsΒΉ? And what should I do with the bedsheet that already has my great-grandfather initials on it?
ΒΉ or rather design. which has the advantage of having a form that is extremely easy and quick to embroider, and I already use on my conference t-shirts that are identical to @Diego Roversi 's ones :D
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@Fabio no, you were right at the margin of my field of vision, I wasn't looking at you!
but text only lesana can work with something like zbarcam through the shell, Collector would need some QR-code reading of its own :D
New #inkplate 6 arrived and got git.sr.ht/~fabrixxm/inktoday running on it.
next: get the weather forecast data again (the service I was using vanished from the web some time ago)
Finally, the twitter shitstorm reached a point where I was personally affected and I had to do something. I just added a key combination to my keyboard map to easily get πΏ.
E alla fine, il casino di twitter mi ha coinvolta personalmente, dandomi cose da fare. Ho appena aggiunto una combinazione di tasti alla mia mappa tastiera per poter digitare rapidamente πΏ.
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And I've just managed to refactor a long file with tons of #ifdef into a hierarchy of classes, in C++, a language I have vague notions about, through the establish industry practice of copying stuff from stackoverflow.
No, the code isn't anywhere where it can be seen.
Yes, if this fails somewhere the worst that can happen is that I have to get up from my chair to know whether the temperature is higher outside or inside.
And I really needed a project where I could give myself permission to do things that only work for me, rather than having to consider other possible usecases, and possibly even to do bad things, like this one.
filed under: palazzinari
β(passeggiando per Roma) scorgiamo in fiamme un isolatoΒΉ di notevole altezza, a molti piani; giΓ tutta la zona vicina bruciava in un incendio spaventoso. Allora uno degli accompagnatori di Giuliano disse Β«La proprietΓ urbana offre grandi proventi, ma i rischi sono enormi, senza confronto. Se si potesse trovare un rimedio contro gl'incendi di case tanto frequenti in Roma, giuro che avrei giΓ venduto le mie campagne e comprato in cittΓ Β».β
(Aulo Gellio, trad. Giorgio Bernardi-Perini)
per caritΓ , apprezziamo l'onestΓ e la mancanza di ipocrisia, but stillβ¦
ΒΉ io avrei tradotto condominio o palazzina
E per la gioia di @LaVi ποΈππ e @Fabio il 2156 da Como a Cadorna ha investito una persona a Cesate, circolazione bloccata tra Milano e Saronno.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Anyway, tonight I've dreamed that a *soccer player* from Torino FC (serie A italian league) had joined the fediverse.
Himself, not his PR staff or something.
And I received a boost of one of his posts, about his struggles with impostor syndrome.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
E stanotte mi son sognata che un *calciatore* del Torino si era iscritto sul fediverso.
Non il suo staff, proprio lui.
E mi era arrivato un boost di un suo post in cui parlava del fatto di soffrire sindrome dell'impostore.
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@Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua pseudorisotto dietetico allo zafferano, uno yogurt, frutta :D
Direi che anche per i miei standard era una cena leggera :D
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •Oggi ho avuto un'idea per un top semplice, low waste, con un collo a coulisse con elastico che puΓ² essere regolato su larghezze diverse, anche sceso sulle spalle.
Ho quasi finito di tagliare della stoffa che avevo nello stash in attesa di un progetto adatto (ha una stampa particolare che non era facile usare al meglio).
Γ decisamente un progetto moderno.
Quindi adesso la cosa ovvia da fare Γ¨ cucirlo a mano, giusto?
(Non so se io l'abbia deciso per procrastinare il riordino del tavolo con la macchina da cucire, o se sia per poter usare dei margini piΓΉ sottili, dato che la stoffa Γ¨ molto leggera.)
#cucito #ProblemiAutoindotti
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Sarah E Bourne
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Sarah E Bourne • •