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Vorrei fare un ringraziamento all'inventore del Casera stagionato.

#wip icon for a (not really) new #wip project: Collector, an app to organize collections of various kinds, built on top of lesana

(symbolic icon is still to do...)

Uh, happy birthday #ReText!

I have to confess that I use it mostly to preview reST files that I've written with vim, but it's one of those nice bits of software that I like to have installed.

Also, I've installed it on my #pinePhone and it works! :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I haven't heard ReText. I'll have to give it a try. It might be useful for some coworkers.

Testing of De Atramentis #inks continue.

I've finally finished the Pelikan 4001 in my preppy #fountainpen, and filled it¹ with the De Atramentis Document Black

On good paper the lines are slightly wider than the Pelikan 4001, but still reasonable, and it writes nicely (a bit scratchy when reverse writing, but I don't think I can expect anything else when reverse writing on a japanese EF :D )

Then I tried on a bit of the worst printer paper I had around, and I can say “it works”. I could see the line getting wider as I writed, but the result isn't bad.

I also needed a test of the red, so I used a dip pen (with a flexible nib)

and these are the backs of the samples above, with some ghosting, but bleedthrough is really happening only when I flexed the nib.

And now, I need to find the strength of mind to wait until I have finished at least a bottle or two of other inks before buying the whole De Atramentis Document series :D (also, nope, that's way too expensive to buy at one time :D )

¹ not a full converter load, because I don't use it enough


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I've not tried the De Atramentis Document inks ... I have their Salix which is an IG ink. Because they were easier to obtain here I've been using Platinum Carbon Black and Sailor Kiwa-Guro. For waterproof colours I like the Platinum Classic Ink IG series.
in reply to Stephen Gunnell

Isn't the salix from Rohrer and Klingner? I have their scabiosa (their purple-ish IG ink), but all IG inks aren't really waterproof as much as water resistant (i.e. what has been written will survive contact with water, but some dye can leak, and thus they can't be used e.g. with watercolours)

also, IG inks aren't completely lightfast, again a potential drawback when mixing them with watercolours — or when writing labels that are exposed to the light :D

Neither is a problem when writing letters or inside a notebook, of couse.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

"Isn’t the salix from Rohrer and Klingner?" D'oh! of course it is. So I don't actually have any De Atramentis inks.

I've had a fix!

I've found the right incantation to enable the right agps on the #pinephone to get a fix in a reasonable amount of time (it was almost instantaneous, but the phone had been outside with gps but not agps-msb enabled for quite some time)

The script I've used to enable everything is:


mmcli -m any --location-enable-3gpp
mmcli -m any --location-enable-gps-nmea
mmcli -m any --location-enable-agps-msb
mmcli -m any --location-status
mmcli -m any --location-get

(of course the last two are just to see that everything is setup correctly).

Now, I need to find out why Maps believes that the location services are disabled, and Settings is telling me that they are enabled…

A coworker¹ just pointed me to…

🎵 The PEP 8 Song 🎵

¹ who is currently suffering through a (non blocking! I'm not evil) flake8 check I added to the CI of a project.

Grazie ai grandi avanzamenti tecnologici, da oggi la linkopedia del GL-Como è comodamente ordinata in ordine di inserimento decrescente, ovvero i link inseriti più di recenti sono i primi della lista.

Ok, I just found that one of my favorite band from Jamendo not only has released a new album last year, after 13 years (!), but they are also on the fediverse @pornophonique
in reply to Fabio

We’re glad that you found us even in this little corner of the internet. It’s cozy here. But hope to see you live on tour someday – stay strong!

@Elena ``of Valhalla''

Showcases are not only people painting environments with Krita, sometimes it's tailors designing garments with free/libre Valentina software :)…

Unknown parent

Ciao. Non in maniera approfondita. L'ho fatto partire con l'immagine multiboot
Per ora uso Mobian sul pinofono.
Unknown parent

Confermo: la compatibilità android su sfos è un componente proprietario che tra l'altro richiede un kernel patchato apposito.
Nessun telefono su cui giri una versione di sfos "community" ha il supporto android, solo le immagini ufficiali di Jolla.

Confy WiP

New upcoming feature in Confy:
talk progress indicator

every "talk row" widget will show talk progress as a vertical bar on left side

On room page the result is a nice continuous bar that gives the idea of the progress of the whole room :)

On talk detail page, the bar span the top border:

get it from git or aur

#confy #FOSDEM2021

Unknown parent

Would be an honor :D
I'm waiting for the app to be on flathub
in reply to Fabio

Oh nice: Confy showed up on "New & Updated Apps" on flathub, but the app page return an error...
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong...

(mordor meme: one does not simply walk into an haberdasher)

to buy matching ribbon during a lockdown, no, one must make it from self fabric. finicky, slippery, self fabric.

And then they reopen the shops in advance, but meanwhile the hat is almost done

(picture of a witch hat with ear covers, in dark green herringbone fabric and gold lining).

The idea and instructions for the hat are from Bernadette Banner:…

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
I may have a thing for hats :D

For some reason, I had to send a screenshot to a friend, and the context was #pinephone related.

So (after I had sent the serious screenshot done with import from ImageMagick) I took my pinephone, opened the Megapixels app, took a blurry picture of the screen, opened dino-im (which does not really fit in the screen yet, since I'm still using the packaged version in #mobian), tried to send the picture, realized that the 15+MB .tiff file would have been blocked by the server, opened the terminal, installed imagemagick, converted the .tiff in jpg, sent the jpg with dino-im, and of course it was rotated 90° from what I expected it to be.

Definitely ready as a daily driver, right? :D

(btw, this is just me being silly, it's not ready, but things *are* improving)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

That sounds great. I read from an other user too that he tried everything and Mobian was the best. I tried only Sailfish so far and UBports, saw that pine actually opted for Manjaro as default.
in reply to ictus

I've been using only mobian because I'm otherwise involved in Debian, but I have a friend who has been distro-hopping a bit and they also agree that mobian is currently the best.

They also say that manjaro + plasma looks nicer and feels closer to android, however, even if it works slightly worse, which can explain why they chose it as the default image (I guess also hoping that by the time those phones will reach their customers it will have improved too)

And dere vill be anodder #hat

The design is by Bernadette Banner…

This is just an unlined mockup in cotton, but I have some leftovers of dark green wool from my old girl genius costume and they are already on my cutting table :)


A #dark #theme for #sourcehut (to be used with Stylus or whatever you use)
based on ~martijnbraam/sourcehut-dark script for greasemonkey.
Ok, I just copied out the css.

Confy 0.5.0

Confy 0.5.0 has been tagged.

What's new:
- Support schedules in ics format
- Fix touch-based navigation
- Fix talks ordering in talks lists
- Some more small touches

This release adds icalendar library as dependency (python-icalendar on Arch, python3-icalendar on Debian).

Confy is available on AUR

home - source - issues

confy (x)

Thib reshared this.

Kumiko, découpe de bande dessinée et lecture case par case

Lire une bande dessinée, chouette ! Sur un écran de téléphone, un peu moins.

Kumiko est un petit outil qui détecte les cases sur une page de bande dessinée, et fournit ces informations à un lecteur « case par case ». Plus besoin de zoomer à la main pour lire les bulles.

Vous voulez voir, essayer ?

xkcd by Randall Munroe, #208, CC BY-NC 2.5xkcd par Randall Munroe, #208, CC BY‑NC 2.5

Des exemples sont proposés sur le site de démo, essayez de lire xkcd ou Pepper&Carott case par case !

Essayez aussi d’envoyer vos propres images pour voir comment Kumiko s’en sort.

Le projet, sous licence AGPL, est codé en Python et fait bon usage de la bibliothèque de reconnaissance d’images OpenCV, pour l’instant principalement pour la détection de contours. Le lecteur case par case est basé sur du JavaScript dans le navigateur.

Au fur et à mesure, des modèles de pages existants sont ajoutés pour servir de tests de non‑régression. Kumiko pourra ainsi découper proprement toujours plus de cases.

Au plaisir de vos retours sur ce projet !

Télécharger ce contenu au format EPUB

Commentaires : voir le flux Atom ouvrir dans le navigateur

Confy 0.4.1

Version 0.4.1 of Confy, the conferences schedule viewer for GNOME, has been tagged.
This release comes with support to libhandy 1.
A confy-git package on AUR has been created, for those of you using #archlinux

I've removed links to flatpak on project page because it never worked as it should. I'm planning to add Confi to flathub in a future.

I should start to write a propert changelog :)

#confy #gnome

Thib reshared this.

in reply to Fabio

Also, I should proof-read when i write posts in English while I'm tired... 🤦

[share author='Claes Wallin 🇸🇪🇭🇰' profile='' avatar='' link='' posted='2020-11-14 14:16:59' guid='0b6b25a8-145f-afe6-dbcb-8fa487080753']<br>moonwaningcrescent</p><p>If you ask yourself “Would Gomez Addams treat me this way?” And the answer is no, move tf on from that situation.<br>natural--blues</p><p>If you’re a wlw ask if Morticia would ever treat you this way.</p><p>If the answer is no, move on.<br>patchworkheart</p><p>“Is this how an Addams would behave?” Is the best way to make sure you’re being treated fairly and with love<br>sensicalabsurdities</p><p>Except maybe not for sibling relationships because Wednesday likes to try to guillotine her brother.<br>ozzyozmcozman</p><p>no that’s just how siblings are<br>Source: moonwaningcrescent<br>204,155 notes…

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