Confy 0.5.0
Confy 0.4.1
Version 0.4.1 of Confy, the conferences schedule viewer for GNOME, has been tagged.
This release comes with support to libhandy 1.
A confy-git
package on AUR has been created, for those of you using #archlinux
I've removed links to flatpak on project page because it never worked as it should. I'm planning to add Confi to flathub in a future.
I should start to write a propert changelog :)
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Thib reshared this.
[share author='Claes Wallin 🇸🇪🇭🇰' profile='' avatar='' link='' posted='2020-11-14 14:16:59' guid='0b6b25a8-145f-afe6-dbcb-8fa487080753']
I'm writting this on firefox in pinephone with a big screen and a keyboard :)
The magic spell seems to be: with wlr-randr turn off internal screen, turn off external htmi, turn back on external htmi. This way I got a signal on my external monitor.
(I ran that commands on a ssh session from the laptop)
The phone screen remains off. If I turn on the internal screen, I lose the hdmi.
When I unplug hdmi, internal screen turns on but wrong, and phosh is missing. I have to restart phosh from ssh (sudo systemctl restart phosh).
I have managed to have both displays turned on while trying to get phosh back after a crash with HDMI on. So probably there is a more powerful spell which is a level too high for me...
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(saved in dng by "Megapixels" application, retouched and scaled in Darktable)
>sfb< SigmundFreud'sBartender likes this.
A few days ago I was looking at some scraps of bark from what will become a new distaff and parts of my new backstrap loom. Then I was looking at the white wool on my other new distaff.
And well, this happened:
currently sitting on the balcony, wrapped in black fabric for at least one week, and I'll see what happens.
From what I've read, I suspect that the worst (but quite likely) thing that can happen is some shade of pink.
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Il comune ha acquistato un sistema di riconoscimento facciale e tracciamento dietro spinta di Huawei, e ha messo in piedi un test nel parco di fronte alla stazione. Il garante ha dichiarato illegale il sistema. Spreco di soldi, procedure fumose, amori e colpi di scena: non manca niente.
Da leggere anche l'articolo di Wired Italia di giugno.
magari se mettevo il link era meglio
Da leggere anche l'articolo di Wired Italia di giugno.
Piccola aggiunta: in entrambe le prove ho configurato il mio account nextcloud in "Account online" e senza dire ne "a" ne "bah" mi son trovato i contatti e il calendario sincronizzati. L'app Calendario non è propriamente pronta per il piccolo schermo. Per Contatti nessun problema.
Ancora non ho messo la SIM per vedere se telefona :D
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