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#TourDeFleece update: day 5 went as planned, with the Rhoen Sheep sample:

and then, instead of killing zombies I got distracted by a sack of unknown sheep fleece, received the evening before:

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Then yesterday, day 5 of #TdF19 I manage to do both the Brown German Merino:

and the smaller (about 5g) sample of Valais Blacknose:

And then in the evening my friendica instance was down, so I couldn't post this.

Today I started on a sample of Gotland, but was busy most of the day visiting a museum and didn't finish it (I will probably do it tomorrow).

#TeamFediSpinners #FediSpinners

Day 3 and 4 of #TourDeFleece: yesterday I spun the Romney sample, as usual half as worsted and half as woolen.

Then I had… issues… as I discovered that the floss game flare now has a shiny new campaign and… let us just say that a) I didn't post any update and b) I'm very surprised that today I still managed to spin all of the mixed brown top I planned to spin :D

Tomorrow I have a carded band of Rhoen shep waiting for me (and/or zombies and skeletons to kill, choices, choices…)

#TeamFediSpinners #FediSpinners

Days 1 and 2 of #TourDeFleece: yesterday I managed to spin half a sample of white Eider sheep (worsted):

And then today I did the rest of that sample (woolen):

for a total of about 10g, followed by the brown Eider sheep, about 12g again spun half worsted and half woolen:

I seem to be on a good start to go through the samples before the end of #TdF19… unless I get distracted by some other wool that may happen to appear around here for some reason O:-) but in that case I'll also be happy :)

#TeamFediSpinners #FediSpinners

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Mich, die älteste, zum Spinnen
Hat man diesmal eingeladen;
Viel zu denken, viel zu sinnen
Gibt's beim zarten Lebensfaden.
Dass er euch gelenk und weich sei,
Wusst' ich feinsten Flachs zu sichten;
Dass er glatt und schlank und gleich sei,
Wird der kluge Finger schlichten.
Wolltet ihr bei Lust und Tänzen
Allzu üppig euch erweisen,
Denkt an dieses Fadens Grenzen,
Hütet euch! Er möchte reißen.

#Goethe, #Faust II, Vers 5305 ff.
I, the eldest, I, the spinning
Am lumbered with this time: I’ve
Need of lots of pondering, thinking,
To yield the tender threads of life.
So you may be soft and supple,
I sift through the finest flax:
Drawn through clever fingers, double
Fine, and even, smooth as wax.
If you wish all joy and dancing,
Excessive now, in what you take,
Think about those threads: their ending.
Then, take care! The threads might break.

Translation: A. S. Kline ©2003
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Ondiz thanks! or maybe I'm just somebody who's digging too deep into old garment making technology and will awaken some balrog :D

getting ready for the #Debian release party this afternoon

reshared this

I have everything ready for the #TourDeFleece: I have to take it extremely easy, so my plan is to go through a bag of samples and #spin all of them so that by the end of #TDF19 I can decide what I want do buy next. Many of them are from rare sheep breeds, and up to now I've mostly spun random-probably-merino.

For the challenge days I have some samples that also require carding, such as this one:

The easy target I'm aiming for is one top sample every two days, and one that requires carding on the two challenge days, bonus target is being able to do more than one of the samples that require carding (they are six in total).

Starting with an easy one:

(but tomorrow is also the release day for Debian, so it's extremely likely that I'll start on Sunday).

#TeamFediSpinners #Fedispinners

TFW you have finally repaired the battery compartment door on your camera, using a hair pin, and you can't take a picture of the repair to share on the fediverse…

I did manage to take a picture of the broken bit and of the sacrificial hairpin, however.

(also, I should have used a tripod instead of going with high iso, but the tripod was in the other room, and...)

SKS Keyserver Network Under Attack…

"High-risk users should stop using the keyserver network immediately."
1. Open gpg.conf in a text editor. Ensure there is no line starting with keyserver. If there is, remove it.
2. Open dirmngr.conf in a text editor. Add the line keyserver hkps:// to the end of it.

#OpenPGP #SKS #keyserver #vulnerability #certificate #spamming #attack #GnuPG

@Gruppo Linux Como

Today I went to CastelSeprium for this

(wool and fiber tools)

and for the guided tour of the unesco site.

But then I have to admit that I stayed also for

(short line of longobard warriors getting ready for battle)

(short line of roman warriors getting ready for battle, with a much more disciplined line)


Please STOP, stop, stop using #Google #reCaptcha on your websites!
You are giving away your visitors' #privacy and they cannot even opt-out and avoid it if they want to reach your contents.…
#privacyMatters #webdevelopment

reshared this

Né di Venere né di Marte si deploya né si parte
Questa voce è stata modificata (5 anni fa)

Sort of inspired by the results of a poll @fribbledom did regarding Free Software donations and a comment I made about an easy way to keep yourself on track with that, I started this simple project.

I have to #dogfood the project so including a pic of my own (rapidly filling) #FOSScan

@Gruppo Linux Como

Debian Buster Release Party sabato 2019-07-06

Sabato 6 luglio è previsto il rilascio di #Debian Buster, e come ormai da tradizione, il LIFO, nella sua incarnazione di Debian Local Group, organizza un party per celebrare.

Il programma prevede un pomeriggio con computer e merenda presso il FaberlLab a Tradate, indicativamente tra le 15:30 e le 18:30 e una cena a Varese presso Hambù in via Vetera alle 19:30.

La partecipazione al pomeriggio è libera, per la cena è necessario
aggiungersi al framasondaggio entro sabato 29 giugno per permettere la prenotazione (aggiungere una riga per partecipante, anche per eventuali +1)

Il ristorante per la cena è un hamburgeria, ma hanno anche hamburger vegetariani e pinsa romana ed altri piatti per chi non volesse mangiare hamburger.

Attenzione: in caso di problemi con le sedi e/o aggiustamenti dell'orario verrà aggiornata la pagina del party sulla wiki debian: controllate qualche giorno prima per avere certezza di avere le informazioni aggiornate.

Questa voce è stata modificata (5 anni fa)
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Il link al framasondaggio era rotto, l'ho corretto in entrambi i post, in caso di dubbi il link giusto è

Debian Buster Release Party sabato 2019-07-06

Sabato 6 luglio è previsto il rilascio di #Debian Buster, e come ormai da tradizione, il LIFO, nella sua incarnazione di Debian Local Group, organizza un party per celebrare.

Il programma prevede un pomeriggio con computer e merenda presso il FaberlLab a Tradate, indicativamente tra le 15:30 e le 18:30 e una cena a Varese presso Hambù in via Vetera alle 19:30.

La partecipazione al pomeriggio è libera, per la cena è necessario
aggiungersi al framasondaggio entro sabato 29 giugno per permettere la prenotazione (aggiungere una riga per partecipante, anche per eventuali +1)

Il ristorante per la cena è un hamburgeria, ma hanno anche hamburger vegetariani e pinsa romana ed altri piatti per chi non volesse mangiare hamburger.

Attenzione: in caso di problemi con le sedi e/o aggiustamenti dell'orario verrà aggiornata la pagina del party sulla wiki debian: controllate qualche giorno prima per avere certezza di avere le informazioni aggiornate.

Questa voce è stata modificata (5 anni fa)

Some kernel developers now have their blogs hosted on, which is a WriteFreely instance with ActivityPub syndication. For example, try out @gregkh.

See more here:

@Gruppo Linux Como

Some kernel developers now have their blogs hosted on, which is a WriteFreely instance with ActivityPub syndication. For example, try out @gregkh.

See more here:

@Gruppo Linux Como

in reply to Fabio

If I paste to the "Add Contacts" field in Friendica, I get an error "cannot determine network type" :(
in reply to Sandro

/read isn't a profile that you could add as contact. Try a link to a profile, like for example… or or so.
Questa voce è stata modificata (5 anni fa)

Dowels from the hardware store are nice, straight and regular, conveniently available… and made from wood that has traveled quite a lot :(

Yesterday I had a chance to collect a few hazel sticks and made sure not to miss it: one is going to become a distaff, another has been cut into two #spindle stick size bits

The one that has been already carved into shape look pretty irregular, but I've tried it with one of the salt dough whorls I've made last week and it is surprisingly well balanced. With the other one I'm going to try to let it cure a bit before carving.

Some weeks ago I bought a spindle stick + whorl from to try #spinning with a more european medieval technique (as opposed to the american one that I had learned from “the internet”).

I think I'd prefer to have a notch on the stick, but I didn't want to ruin the one I've bought, so I decided to carve one of the ones I had (made from a dowel) to resemble the shape, and added the notch to this latter one.

And then of course I really want to make my own whorls, but I still don't have a way to fire clay, so I had to limit myself to plastic (polymer clay), which is probably not a good choice for a number of reason, but should work for a whorl or two...

The cernit whorl weights about the same as the clay one, and is bigger, but not as bigger as I feared.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

and this is the knife I've used to cut the spindle stick (followed by sandpaper, not in the picture).

If you want to use the Fediverse through a Facebook-style interface, you may want to try Friendica.
Some good instances to sign up at:
You can use Friendica through the @[url=]Fedilab[/url] app.
It federates through ActivityPub with Mastodon etc and it also lets you follow RSS feeds as if they were users.
The developers are very active with regular new releases.
#Friendica #Facebook #Alternatives #DeleteFacebook #ReplaceFacebook

federico reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I prefer diaspora* over Friendica. The options that Friendica offers are great, but I’ve found it to be a bit glitchy though. Most people use their social network on their mobile phone, and using Friendica on mobile, you can’t change your profile photo. There are other instances of Friendica responding in unexpected ways. I do like it though. Either one is better than Facebook!
in reply to Mark

I have to admit that the main reason why I use Friendica is that I have a friend who is hosting an instance :)

From what I understand, diaspora* isn't able to federate with ActivityPub, and I believe that almost half of my contacts are on mastodon, so I would need two different accounts on the two networks.

Anyway, as long as a social network federates, and the instance isn't owned by a megacorp, that's very likely to be good.

The #FediWAN #Gaming Party is a group of peeps from the #Fediverse that get together and play some multiplayer games :blobnerd:…

We've got a few FLOSS options, some free but proprietary listings, and a bunch of paid games so there's something for everyone :blobwink:

If you don't see one you want to play, feel free to add it in alphabetical order and list yourself under it! :blobhappy:

Your cranky completely random reminder to back up your important files regardless of where you keep them. 'It's on an external drive, not the computer' doesn't mean it's immune to failure, damage, or loss.

you don't need to back up everything ever but if losing it would be Bad, back it up.



We see more and more project and organisations working on privacy focused apps, services, … great!

But sadly this is more and more just marketing. The most famous line "We value your privacy" is telling almost the exact opposite these days.

So let's do a first step: Everyone who really values privacy, get rid of trackers from your websites. All of them. GA as well as Matomo.

If you want to know how to optimize your websites, analyse your logs or do surveys.

#privacy #tracking

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Getting rid of third-party trackers is nice.

I don't see what is the ethical difference between analyzing logs and using a self-hosted tracker like matomo?

#Framadate is a free open alternative to Doodle:

Like Doodle, Framadate lets you make quick, simple calendars and polls for finding out the opinions of your friends or colleagues without needing to register.

Unlike Doodle, Framadate respects privacy and doesn't show ads or track you.

It's made by @Framasoft and the source code is at…

#Doodle #Alternatives

@Gruppo Linux Como @LIFO

Tonight I've been told in a vision that if you put salt (in the dream it was just a grain of coarse kitchen salt) on the skin of a spellcaster while they are actively casting spells, their skin feels burning. Not enought to actually hurt, and when the casting ends the feeling ceases immediately, but enough to distract a bit.

Should I start carrying salt in my backpack (IRL) in case I meet hostile spellcasters? Or should I start worrying about salt in case I suddenly become able to cast spells?

Should I read less fantasy stuff before going to sleep?

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Should I read less fantasy stuff before going to sleep?

Quite on the contrary, I would say :)

For the rest, I'd advice start carrying a bit of salt in your backpack. You never know when it will become handy, and if you so happen to acquire the fine art of spellcasting, a grain or five of salt may still come in handy if you end up in a spellcasting battle. (Or was that "spelling battle"?)

in reply to Harald Eilertsen

spelling battles are the martial art version of spelling bees? This sounds very Ranma 1/2, I like it :)

(not that I have any experience with spelling bees, not being a native english speaker, they are just something I've read about)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

How about bricks made of salt to just cast at them?

(Sorry, the link is to a Hebrew-only story and probably requires subscription. But basically it is about a group of researchers who developed a process to convert excess salt to bricks, that seem to have useful properties).

What every couple¹ who sleeps in the same bed need is a blanked that is infinitely extensible on both sides and covered with strips that can be made to show a 0 or a 1.

¹ generalizing to groups of more people and/or more degrees of freedom is left as an exercise to the reader

Mobilizon : let’s finance a software to free our events from Facebook !… #Framablog #TootOuRien

We have less than 60 days to finance Mobilizon. Less than 60 days to promote our project of a free and federated alternative to Facebook events ; and to know how much we need to invest ourselves in it.

Change the software of the people who change the world?
From climate walks on …

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