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Serata Lesana - un gestore di collezioni
È online la presentazione del progetto Lesana e derivati tenuta durante la serata di giovedì 16 scorso.
I video sono pubblicati sul canale GL-Como su, che è possibile seguire con un account sul fediverso (Friendica, Mastodon, etc)
Lesana - un gestore di collezioni - parte 1
Lesana - un gestore di collezioni - parte 2
I link:
- Lesana -
- Lesana Web : interfaccia web a una collezione Lesana -
- Collector : applicazione Python/Gtk3 per getire una collezione Lesana -…
Gruppo Linux Como - Italia - Video Sharing Free & Open: Etico, Libero, Decentralizzato
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CodeFest è il Festival della cultura del codice sorgente, della sua storia, del suo futuro. Organizzato da e da UniTo
Oltre 30 eventi sul codice sorgente, online, completamente gratuiti.
Il Festival è aperto a tutti: al mondo della formazione e della ricerca (studenti, docenti, studiosi), a quello della programmazione (sviluppatori e imprenditori) e dell’arte (hackers, musicisti, dj, artisti visuali).
Ma soprattutto è rivolto al pubblico generale, ad appassionati e curiosi, a tutti quelli che hanno sentito parlare di codice sorgente ma non sanno bene cosa sia.
Registrazione e partecipazione tramite la piattaforma
Open Source Italia :gnu: reshared this.
Never let reinvention of the wheel get in the way of a good programming exercise.
Serata su lesana, software di gestione di inventari
Giovedì 16 settembre il GL-Como torna a fare serate a tema: stavolta l'argomento è lesana
, un programma per gestire inventari di collezioni, come libri, musica, componenti di elettronica, abbastanza versatile da poter essere usato ad esempio per un issue tracker personale.
è un programma da riga di comando ed una libreria python, e ne esistono già un'interfaccia grafica scritta in GTK e un visualizzatore web.
Saranno presenti gli autori di lesana e delle interfacce grafiche.
L'appuntamento è per giovedì 16 settembre 2021 alle 21:00 all'indirizzo…
dove saranno disponibili lo streaming e una chat per interagire con i relatori.
Maggiori informazioni su lesana si trovano sul sito del progetto:
Giovedì 16 settembre il GL-Como torna a fare serate a tema: stavolta
l'argomento è lesana, un programma per gestire inventari di collezioni,
come libri, musica, componenti di elettronica, abbastanza versatile da
poter essere usato ad esempio per un issue tracker personale.
lesana è un programma da riga di comando ed una libreria python, e ne
esistono già un'interfaccia grafica scritta in GTK e un visualizzatore
Saranno presenti gli autori di lesana e delle interfacce grafiche.
L'appuntamento è per giovedì 16 settembre 2021 alle 21:00 all'indirizzo…
dove saranno disponibili lo streaming e una chat per interagire con i
Maggiori informazioni su lesana si trovano sul sito del progetto
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Foto di una locandina incorniciata coi seguenti contenuti
Sento che alcuni malintenzionati traggono partito da misure militari e mosse strategiche delle truppe, per diffondere voci allarmanti ed indurre la popolazione ad atti inconsiderati, come per esempio a convegni in massa in singoli luoghi.
Mentre rammento, che gli autori e i propagatori di voci allarmanti incorrono nel rigore delle Leggi militari, esorto la popolazione a non lasciarsi fuorviare da simili rumori né indurre a siffatti passi inconsiderati, essendoché si sono già prese le più efficaci misure per mantenere l'ordine legale, e ristabilirlo, ovunque venisse turbato, per cui i trasgressori delle Leggi non potrebbero che imputare a sé stessi le gravi conseguenze della loro contravvenzione.
Milano, 29 maggio 1859
L'I. R. Tenente-Maresciallo e Governatore militare della Lombardia,
Dall'Imperiale Regia Stamperia
no, no, ma guarda meglio, c'è scritto 1859 :D
(almeno, su friendica, non son sicura che le correzioni si propaghino su mastodon)
Informa Pirata likes this.
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
@Rixty Dixet eh... Altro che modifiche... Ogni tanto a quelli di mastodon non riesco a fare arrivare neanche il messaggio 😅
@Rixty Dixet non ho tanti account... ho solo personalità multiple e conflittuali: pensa che quella mia di pixefeld, a quella mia di friendica, non la può neanche vedere. Letteralmente! 😂😂
Sabrina Web likes this.
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
whooops, that one DOS fighting game I've played a lot when I was young has been released as freeware (nonFree, just downloadable). Let us download it, what can possibly go wrong?
(download link:… from… , linked in the wikipedia page)
(it's also on the internet archive, playable online… )
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Vedere Twitter che traduce "thread" as in "discussion thread" con "Rocchetto di filo" mi indispone assai. Se avessi un account l'avrei già chiuso.
Fortunatamente non ce l'ho.
Sabrina Web :privacypride: 📎 likes this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
D'ora in poi però parlerò di rocchetti di discussione. sorry, non posso evitare.
(wtf, non è che sia un termine che salta fuori di rado nel contesto twitter...)
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
My quite big patch to #friendica has been merged into develop
. Thanks to @Hypolite Petovan for his patience rewieving the thing.
Now let the new bugs it creates come to me...
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Work in progress on "Collector"
Collector is a #GNOME collection manager based on lesana, still #wip. Lately I found the time (and the will) to get back to hack on it.
Collection entries now can be added and edited, using specific widget per field type, with input validation.
Field types are been updated to be in sync to latest lesana release.
( This collection can be browse online at )
A GtkSourceView allow edit yaml fields (with validation)
Still many thing doesn't works as it should: textviews expand instead of wrap text, settings dialog don't fit on phone, fields can't be removed nor ordered, git integration is to do and entry list view needs speed up...
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
my preciooouuuuuuuuuus has arrived!
Thanks to a combination of coincidences, last week I ordered 50 garment labels in woven cotton (pictured above as they arrived from the german language shop, as a continuous strip, with the writing in white over a black background) with the hashtag #FreeSoftWear to sew on the garments I make for which a Free as in Freedom pattern is available .
Now I need to be better at actually writing compilationsewing instructions for the valentina patterns I put on my git repo, because right now they tend to be... obvious to a quite experienced sewist who already did something similar?
David Bremner likes this.
I've made myself a new pair of Rosalia Stockings.
It's my second pair (a few years after the first, because I got distracted), and this time I've solved the fitting issues with my first pair, so now I can make ALL THE STOCKINGS!
Mostly the pattern is symmetrical for the right and left leg, but my feet are very much not symmetrical, so I changed the stocking to be more pointy rather than square-toed.
It's made from the leftovers of a cut of black cotton jersey that I was using for something that was supposed to be a nightgown, but is looking more like a little black dress (yay for drafting my own patterns and always having predictable results :D )
Also, I've finally found a use for at least two repeats of a piece of plastic lace that I got for free from a shop more than a decade ago because it had been discolored by the sun (at strategically placed positions that made it harder to use in any kind of length). Also, have I mentioned “plastic”? I wanted to use it for something, but it's scratchy enough that I didn't want it anywhere where it could touch my skin. Here it's safely on the outside, it helps distinguish this pair from future pairs I'm going to make, and it looks nice.
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I was puzzled on why #syncthing on my laptop was showing "2021-06-02" as last synchronization date with my #raspberrypi.
So I logged in my raspi via ssh, and magically the two devices started to sync.
A quick look at the raspberrpi's journal (# journalctl --since=today
) showed:
ago 02 17:22:20 raspberrypi systemd[32888]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user pi(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
ago 02 17:22:21 raspberrypi syncthing[32908]: [start] INFO: syncthing v1.12.1-ds1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.15.9 linux-arm64) debian@debian 2021-04-08 21:52:00 UTC
I had setuped Syncthing to start with a user #systemd service unit, so the service was running only when user had log in and was stopped when the user logs out!
I want the synced files to be own by the user, so I have to run Synchthing from a system unit, but as my user. Now.. I could copy the user service file and set up a system service file from there but.... the kind developers of Syncthing have done that for us already!
It's been a matter of
$ systemctl --user disable syncthing.service --now
$ sudo systemctl enable synching@pi.service --now
where pi
is the user Synching will run as... nice!
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yup. is a systemd session started from scratch by pam when the user logs in for the first time.
I haz a #bustle cage!
(picture of a bustle cage in off-white fabric with lace over the boning and box pleats at the bottom)
There is a gaping hole at the top because the top row of boning is a bit too high and I didn't have enough fabric to pleat it correctly to the waistband; I will probably add a few more tapes to keep that bit of fabric taut.
It's based on… (and the instructions on the book by the same author), but I've added tapes on the inside instead of a full inside back piece so that the width can be regulated, but most importantly making it was much easier, as even the second side seam is done on a flat cage instead of a 3D shape.
How to make a Victorian cage bustle
AS promised, another of my articles – this time on making bustles! enjoy! The underwear we are dealing with in this article was created to go with my Victorian wedding gown (more articles …A Damsel in This Dress
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The tapes at the top have been added, and I've finished hemming by hand all 24 tape ends.
Next step, finishing the summer corset before summer ends, now that I have the missing notions :D
Next next step, petticoat.
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
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A reflection on the perception of the relationship between images and reality in the past and today, and what consequences it can have on people and their self-image
Exposing Victorian Influencers Who 'Facetuned' Their Photos. (Photo Manipulation was EVERYWHERE 🤯)
Go to or use code bernadette to get a 2-year plan plus a bonus gift with a huge discount. Thanks to NordVPN for sponsoring thi...YouTube
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I haven't tried any of the patterns, but this looks extremely interesting.
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caffeine reshared this.
That's the fork of valentina, right?
I had been using it before the DRAMA, and now it's even in Debian (and it keeps being developed).
To be honest, I'm glad that somebody else is doing the maintenance and dealing with the drama bits, because the program itself is pretty good.
I've seen that the website uses the same approach to pattern making, and I wonder if there is a way to convert between those formats, but yesterday evening I couldn't find anything about it.
I've made a list of all the #sewing projects I have in various stages of planning / making (and for which I already have fabric and most notions). It's 17 items long. no, wait, make it 18, but it didn't fit in the page. Plus at least four fixes to existing garments (probably more).
I need to stop starting new projects (yeah, right, like that's going to happen).
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No, I don't think you've ever shared it, and I needed something like this for a current project, thanks.
only... I think I've found a bug :D
It is possible to select just one colour in the first screen, but if you do so, you get Uncaught Error: colorCount should be between 2 and 20. To get one color, call getColor() instead of getPalette()
in the javascript console (followed by Uncaught TypeError: getColor is not a function
Using two colours work fine.
tomasino likes this.
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Dear lazyweb,
I remember that some time ago somebody mentioned a good (well maintained with modern extensions) #xmpp server that offered accounts for a small price (as opposed to free) and wasn't, but I can't find which one it was.
I'm writing suggestions for new users, and I'd like to provide more than just one alternative.
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For example, the gateway. Once a person has an account on some server and a client application, then gives xmpp phone numbers with standard telephony network connections for a small fee after a free demo period. They are a gateway for voicemail, texts, SIP and other media through xmpp, and committed to the GPL.
For more technically inclined readers, compares benefits of xmpp with other communication standards protocols.
Thanks everybody!
I've sent what I was writing, it went badly for reasons mostly unrelated to xmpp itself, but this time I'm going to save all those links in a place where I'm going to find them again the next time I need them.
Thanks to the sewing machine, advances in the quality of machine lace etc. shirtwaists in the most delicate & dainty materials can now be had for pretty cheap, but before buying them the prudent office girl should ask herself: can I afford their laundry costs?
(says the one who has just ironed and starched a few shirts, and even cheated a lot (steam iron, spray starch…), but it's HOT)
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua
in reply to Fabio • • •Fabio
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua • •rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua
in reply to Fabio • • •rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua • • •Magari qualcunә qui se lo ricorda.